Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PndLLbarAnaTask Class Reference

#include <PndLLbarAnaTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndLLbarAnaTask:

Public Member Functions

 PndLLbarAnaTask ()
 ~PndLLbarAnaTask ()
virtual InitStatus Init ()
virtual void Exec (Option_t *opt)
virtual void Finish ()

Private Member Functions

int SelectTruePid (PndAnalysis *ana, RhoCandList &l)
virtual void SetParContainers ()
 ClassDef (PndLLbarAnaTask, 1)

Private Attributes

int nevts
TH1F * hprob_4c
TH1F * hchi2_4c
TH1F * hlam0_M_all
TH1F * hlam0_M_4c
TH1F * hlam0bar_M_all
TH1F * hlam0bar_M_4c
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_P
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_Pt
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_Theta
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_P
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_Pt
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_Theta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_P
TH1F * hproton_tm_Pt
TH1F * hproton_tm_Theta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_P
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Pt
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Theta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_M_all
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx
TH1F * hlam0_tm_prob_vtx
TH1F * hlam0_tm_M_vtx
TH1F * hlam0_tm_R_vtx
TH1F * hlam0_tm_Z_vtx
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_M_all
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * htruelam0_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * htruepiplus_cosTheta
TH1F * htruepiminus_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueproton_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueantiproton_cosTheta
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_PvsDP
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_PvsDP
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_PvsDP
TH2F * hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsDP
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndLLbarAnaTask::PndLLbarAnaTask ( )

Definition at line 42 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

42  :
43  FairTask("Panda LLbar Analysis Task") {
44 }
PndLLbarAnaTask::~PndLLbarAnaTask ( )

Definition at line 49 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

49 { }

Member Function Documentation

PndLLbarAnaTask::ClassDef ( PndLLbarAnaTask  ,
void PndLLbarAnaTask::Exec ( Option_t *  opt)

Definition at line 207 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

References Bool_t, RhoCandList::Boost(), RhoCandList::Combine(), PndAnalysis::FillList(), RhoFitterBase::Fit(), Rho4CFitter::FitConserveMasses(), RhoFitterBase::GetChi2(), PndAnalysis::GetEvent(), RhoCandList::GetLength(), RhoFitterBase::GetProb(), hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_P, hantiproton_tm_Pt, hantiproton_tm_PvsDP, hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta, hantiproton_tm_Theta, hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hchi2_4c, hlam0_M_4c, hlam0_M_all, hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_M_all, hlam0_tm_M_vtx, hlam0_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0_tm_R_vtx, hlam0_tm_Z_vtx, hlam0bar_M_4c, hlam0bar_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx, hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_P, hpiminus_tm_Pt, hpiminus_tm_PvsDP, hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiminus_tm_Theta, hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_P, hpiplus_tm_Pt, hpiplus_tm_PvsDP, hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiplus_tm_Theta, hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hprob_4c, hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_P, hproton_tm_Pt, hproton_tm_PvsDP, hproton_tm_PvsTheta, hproton_tm_Theta, hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, htrueantiproton_cosTheta, htruelam0_cm_cosTheta, htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta, htruepiminus_cosTheta, htruepiplus_cosTheta, htrueproton_cosTheta, i, init, RhoCandidate::M(), mclist, nevts, p, RhoCandidate::P4(), Pi, piminus, piplus, RhoCandidate::Pos(), SelectTruePid(), RhoCandList::SetType(), sqrt(), and theAnalysis.

208 {
209  // some variables
210  int i=0,j=0, k=0, l=0;
212  // necessary to read the next event
215  if (!(++nevts%100)) cout << "evt "<<nevts<<endl;
217  // *** ---------------------------- ***
218  // *** Now the analysis stuff comes ***
219  // *** ---------------------------- ***
221  // *** RhoCandLists for the analysis
222  RhoCandList p, pbar, piplus, piminus, lam0, lam0bar, truepiplus, truepiminus, truep, truepbar, lam0_tm, lam0bar_tm, ppbarsystem, mclist;
224  Bool_t pfromlam, pbarfromlam, piplusfromlam, piminusfromlam;
225  double pbarmom=1.64;
226  double m0_p = 0.938272;
227  pfromlam = kFALSE;
228  pbarfromlam = kFALSE;
229  piplusfromlam = kFALSE;
230  piminusfromlam = kFALSE;
232  TLorentzVector targ(0,0,0,m0_p);
233  TLorentzVector beam(0,0,pbarmom,sqrt(m0_p*m0_p + pbarmom*pbarmom));
234  TLorentzVector init=targ+beam;
235  TVector3 cmboost = -init.BoostVector();
237  // Select with no PID info ('All'); type and mass are set
238  theAnalysis->FillList(p,"ProtonAllPlus");
239  theAnalysis->FillList(pbar,"ProtonAllMinus");
240  theAnalysis->FillList(piplus,"PionAllPlus");
241  theAnalysis->FillList(piminus,"PionAllMinus");
242  theAnalysis->FillList(mclist,"McTruth");
244  theAnalysis->FillList(truepiplus,"PionAllPlus");
245  theAnalysis->FillList(truepiminus,"PionAllMinus");
246  theAnalysis->FillList(truep,"ProtonAllPlus");
247  theAnalysis->FillList(truepbar,"ProtonAllMinus");
249  // *** Select RhoCandidates with MC truth match
250  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, truepiplus);
251  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, truepiminus);
252  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, truep);
253  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, truepbar);
255  // *** combinatorics for lam0 -> proton pi-
256  lam0.Combine(p,piminus);
257  lam0bar.Combine(pbar,piplus);
258  lam0.SetType(3122);
259  lam0bar.SetType(-3122);
260  ppbarsystem.Combine(lam0,lam0bar);
262  RhoCandidate *mctrlam0, *mctrlam0bar, *mctrpiplus, *mctrpiminus, *mctrproton, *mctrantiproton;
264  //Save true MC tracks
265  mctrlam0 = mclist[2];
266  mctrlam0bar = mclist[1];
267  mctrproton = mclist[2]->Daughter(0);
268  mctrantiproton = mclist[1]->Daughter(0);
269  mctrpiplus = mclist[1]->Daughter(1);
270  mctrpiminus = mclist[2]->Daughter(1);
272  //Create true MC track 4-momentum
273  TLorentzVector mctrlam04 = mctrlam0->P4();
274  TLorentzVector mctrlam0bar4 = mctrlam0bar->P4();
275  TLorentzVector mctrpiplus4 = mctrpiplus->P4();
276  TLorentzVector mctrpiminus4 = mctrpiminus->P4();
277  TLorentzVector mctrproton4 = mctrproton->P4();
278  TLorentzVector mctrantiproton4 = mctrantiproton->P4();
280  //Boost true mc tracks to cm frame
281  mctrlam04.Boost(cmboost);
282  mctrlam0bar4.Boost(cmboost);
283  //mctrpiplus4.Boost(cmboost);
284  //mctrpiminus4.Boost(cmboost);
285  //mctrproton4.Boost(cmboost);
286  //mctrantiproton4.Boost(cmboost);
288  //Cm frame true mc histos
289  htruelam0_cm_cosTheta->Fill(mctrlam04.CosTheta());
290  htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta->Fill(mctrlam0bar4.CosTheta());
292  //lab frame true mc histos
293  htruepiplus_cosTheta->Fill(mctrpiplus4.CosTheta());
294  htruepiminus_cosTheta->Fill(mctrpiminus4.CosTheta());
295  htrueproton_cosTheta->Fill(mctrproton4.CosTheta());
296  htrueantiproton_cosTheta->Fill(mctrantiproton4.CosTheta());
298  //Loop over all possible Lambda0
299  for (j=0;j<lam0.GetLength();++j)
300  {
301  hlam0_M_all->Fill(lam0[j]->M());
302  }
304  //Loop over all possible Lambda0 bar
305  for (j=0;j<lam0bar.GetLength();++j)
306  {
307  hlam0bar_M_all->Fill(lam0bar[j]->M());
308  }
310  //Loop over all possible ppbar (lam0+lam0bar) systems
311  for (j=0;j<ppbarsystem.GetLength();++j)
312  {
313  Rho4CFitter fitter(ppbarsystem[j],init); // instantiate the 4C fitter
314  bool check = fitter.FitConserveMasses(); // perform the fit
316  double chi2_4c = fitter.GetChi2(); // access the chi2 of the fit
317  double prob_4c = fitter.GetProb(); // access probability of fit
318  hchi2_4c->Fill(chi2_4c);
319  hprob_4c->Fill(prob_4c);
321  RhoCandidate *lam04cfit = ppbarsystem[j]->Daughter(0)->GetFit(); // access the fitted candidate
322  RhoCandidate *lam0bar4cfit = ppbarsystem[j]->Daughter(1)->GetFit(); // access the fitted candidate
324  if (chi2_4c<20 && check) // when good enough, fill some histos
325  {
326  hlam0_M_4c->Fill(lam04cfit->M());
327  hlam0bar_M_4c->Fill(lam0bar4cfit->M());
328  }
329  }
331  // Combinatorics for lam0 -> proton pi- *** tm events only ***
332  lam0_tm.Combine(p, piminus);
333  lam0bar_tm.Combine(pbar, piplus);
334  lam0_tm.SetType(3122);
335  lam0bar_tm.SetType(-3122);
336  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, lam0_tm);
337  SelectTruePid(theAnalysis, lam0bar_tm);
339  //Lambda0 with truthmatch loop
340  for (j=0;j<lam0_tm.GetLength();++j)
341  {
342  TLorentzVector lam04 = lam0_tm[j]->P4();
343  TLorentzVector lam04_cm = lam04;
344  lam04_cm.Boost(cmboost);
345  hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all->Fill(lam04_cm.CosTheta());
346  hlam0_tm_M_all->Fill(lam0_tm[j]->M());
347  hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all->Fill(lam04.CosTheta());
349  RhoKinVtxFitter vtxfitter(lam0_tm[j]); //Instantiate a vertex fitter
350  vtxfitter.Fit();
351  RhoCandidate *jfit = lam0_tm[j]->GetFit();
352  double chi2_vtx = vtxfitter.GetChi2(); // access chi2 of fit
353  double prob_vtx = vtxfitter.GetProb(); // access probability of fit
354  hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx->Fill(chi2_vtx);
355  hlam0_tm_prob_vtx->Fill(prob_vtx);
356  TVector3 lam0_tm_XYZ = jfit->Pos();
358  if ( prob_vtx > 0.01 ) // when good enough, fill some histos
359  {
360  hlam0_tm_M_vtx->Fill(jfit->M());
361  hlam0_tm_R_vtx->Fill(lam0_tm_XYZ.Perp());
362  hlam0_tm_Z_vtx->Fill(lam0_tm_XYZ.Z());
363  }
364  }
366  //Lambda0 bar with truthmatch loop
367  for (j=0;j<lam0bar_tm.GetLength();++j)
368  {
369  TLorentzVector lam0bar4 = lam0bar_tm[j]->P4();
370  TLorentzVector lam0bar4_cm = lam0bar4;
371  lam0bar4_cm.Boost(cmboost);
372  hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all->Fill(lam0bar4_cm.CosTheta());
373  hlam0bar_tm_M_all->Fill(lam0bar_tm[j]->M());
374  hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all->Fill(lam0bar4.CosTheta());
376  RhoKinVtxFitter vtxfitter(lam0bar_tm[j]); //Instantiate a vertex fitter
377  vtxfitter.Fit();
378  RhoCandidate *jfit = lam0bar_tm[j]->GetFit();
379  double chi2_vtx = vtxfitter.GetChi2(); // access chi2 of fit
380  double prob_vtx = vtxfitter.GetProb(); // access probability of fit
381  hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx->Fill(chi2_vtx);
382  hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx->Fill(prob_vtx);
383  TVector3 lam0bar_tm_XYZ = jfit->Pos();
385  if ( prob_vtx > 0.01 ) // when good enough, fill some histos
386  {
387  hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx->Fill(jfit->M());
388  hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx->Fill(lam0bar_tm_XYZ.Perp());
389  hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx->Fill(lam0bar_tm_XYZ.Z());
390  }
391  }
393  //Pi+ with truthmatch loop
394  for (j=0;j<truepiplus.GetLength();++j)
395  {
396  if((truepiplus[j]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother()->PdgCode())!=-3122) continue; //Only Pi+ from Lambdabar
397  piplusfromlam = kTRUE;
398  PndPidCandidate* recopiplus; //Get Reco- and PID info
399  PndPidCandidate* pidpiplus;
400  TLorentzVector piplus4=truepiplus[j]->P4(); //Construct ROOT TLorentzVectors
401  TLorentzVector mctruthpiplus4=truepiplus[j]->GetMcTruth()->P4();
402  TLorentzVector piplus4cm = piplus4;
403  piplus4cm.Boost(cmboost); //Boost to initial p pbar CM system
404  recopiplus=truepiplus[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
405  pidpiplus=(PndPidCandidate*)truepiplus[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
407  hpiplus_tm_P->Fill(piplus4.P());
408  hpiplus_tm_Pt->Fill(piplus4.Pt());
409  hpiplus_tm_Theta->Fill((piplus4.Theta())*180./TMath::Pi());
410  hpiplus_tm_cosTheta->Fill(piplus4.CosTheta());
411  hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta->Fill(piplus4cm.CosTheta());
413  //2D histos
414  hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta->Fill(piplus4.P(),piplus4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
415  hpiplus_tm_PvsDP->Fill(piplus4.P(),(piplus4.P()-mctruthpiplus4.P())/mctruthpiplus4.P());
416  hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Fill(piplus4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi(),(piplus4.Theta()-mctruthpiplus4.Theta())/mctruthpiplus4.Theta());
417  }
419  //Pi- with truthmatch loop
420  for (j=0;j<truepiminus.GetLength();++j)
421  {
422  if((truepiminus[j]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother()->PdgCode())!=3122) continue; //Only Pi- from Lambda
423  piminusfromlam = kTRUE;
424  PndPidCandidate* recopiminus;
425  PndPidCandidate* pidpiminus;
426  TLorentzVector piminus4=truepiminus[j]->P4();
427  TLorentzVector mctruthpiminus4=truepiminus[j]->GetMcTruth()->P4();
428  TLorentzVector piminus4cm = piminus4;
429  piminus4cm.Boost(cmboost);
430  recopiminus=truepiminus[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
431  pidpiminus=(PndPidCandidate*)truepiminus[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
433  //1D histos
434  hpiminus_tm_P->Fill(piminus4.P());
435  hpiminus_tm_Pt->Fill(piminus4.Pt());
436  hpiminus_tm_Theta->Fill((piminus4.Theta())*180./TMath::Pi());
437  hpiminus_tm_cosTheta->Fill(piminus4.CosTheta());
438  hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta->Fill(piminus4cm.CosTheta());
440  //2D histos
441  hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta->Fill(piminus4.P(),piminus4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
442  hpiminus_tm_PvsDP->Fill(piminus4.P(),(piminus4.P()-mctruthpiminus4.P())/mctruthpiminus4.P());
443  hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Fill(piminus4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi(),(piminus4.Theta()-mctruthpiminus4.Theta())/mctruthpiminus4.Theta());
444  }
446  //Proton with truthmatch loop
447  for (j=0;j<truep.GetLength();++j)
448  {
449  if((truep[j]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother()->PdgCode())!=3122) continue; //Only select P from Lambda
450  pfromlam = kTRUE;
451  PndPidCandidate* recop;
452  PndPidCandidate* pidp;
453  TLorentzVector p4=truep[j]->P4();
454  TLorentzVector mctruthp4=truep[j]->GetMcTruth()->P4();
455  TLorentzVector p4cm = p4;
456  p4cm.Boost(cmboost);
457  recop=truep[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
458  pidp=(PndPidCandidate*)truep[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
460  //1D histos
461  hproton_tm_P->Fill(p4.P());
462  hproton_tm_Pt->Fill(p4.Pt());
463  hproton_tm_Theta->Fill((p4.Theta())*180./TMath::Pi());
464  hproton_tm_cosTheta->Fill(p4.CosTheta());
465  hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta->Fill(p4cm.CosTheta());
467  //2D histos
468  hproton_tm_PvsTheta->Fill(p4.P(),p4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
469  hproton_tm_PvsDP->Fill(p4.P(),(p4.P()-mctruthp4.P())/mctruthp4.P());
470  hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Fill(p4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi(),(p4.Theta()-mctruthp4.Theta())/mctruthp4.Theta());
471  }
473  //AntiProton with tm loop
474  for (j=0;j<truepbar.GetLength();++j)
475  {
476  if((truepbar[j]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother()->PdgCode())!=-3122) continue; //Only Pbar from Lambdabar
477  pbarfromlam = kTRUE;
478  PndPidCandidate* recopbar;
479  PndPidCandidate* pidpbar;
480  TLorentzVector pbar4=truepbar[j]->P4();
481  TLorentzVector mctruthpbar4=truepbar[j]->GetMcTruth()->P4();
482  TLorentzVector pbar4cm = pbar4;
483  pbar4cm.Boost(cmboost);
484  recopbar=truepbar[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
485  pidpbar=(PndPidCandidate*)truepbar[j]->GetRecoCandidate();
487  //1D histos
488  hantiproton_tm_P->Fill(pbar4.P());
489  hantiproton_tm_Pt->Fill(pbar4.Pt());
490  hantiproton_tm_Theta->Fill((pbar4.Theta())*180./TMath::Pi());
491  hantiproton_tm_cosTheta->Fill(pbar4.CosTheta());
492  hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta->Fill(pbar4cm.CosTheta());
494  //2D histos
495  hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta->Fill(pbar4.P(),pbar4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
496  hantiproton_tm_PvsDP->Fill(pbar4.P(),(pbar4.P()-mctruthpbar4.P())/mctruthpbar4.P());
497  hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Fill(pbar4.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi(),(pbar4.Theta()-mctruthpbar4.Theta())/mctruthpbar4.Theta());
498  }
500 } //End PndLLbarAnaTask::Exec()
CandList mclist
Double_t p
Definition: anasim.C:58
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsDP
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cosTheta
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
int SelectTruePid(PndAnalysis *ana, RhoCandList &l)
TH1F * htrueantiproton_cosTheta
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
TH1F * htruelam0_cm_cosTheta
TVector3 Pos() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:186
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
void Boost(const TVector3 &)
Bool_t FillList(RhoCandList &l, TString listkey="All", TString pidTcaNames="", int trackHypothesis=-1)
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
CandList piplus
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta
static int init
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cosTheta
void Combine(RhoCandList &l1, RhoCandList &l2)
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Theta
TH1F * htruepiplus_cosTheta
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TLorentzVector P4() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:195
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx
void SetType(const TParticlePDG *pdt, int start=0)
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta
PndAnalysis * theAnalysis
Double_t M() const
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_PvsTheta
CandList piminus
Int_t GetEvent(Int_t n=-1)
TH1F * htruepiminus_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cosTheta
Double_t Pi
TH1F * htrueproton_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_Theta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Pt
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
void PndLLbarAnaTask::Finish ( )

Definition at line 515 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

References hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_P, hantiproton_tm_Pt, hantiproton_tm_PvsDP, hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta, hantiproton_tm_Theta, hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hchi2_4c, hlam0_M_4c, hlam0_M_all, hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_M_all, hlam0_tm_M_vtx, hlam0_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0_tm_R_vtx, hlam0_tm_Z_vtx, hlam0bar_M_4c, hlam0bar_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx, hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_P, hpiminus_tm_Pt, hpiminus_tm_PvsDP, hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiminus_tm_Theta, hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_P, hpiplus_tm_Pt, hpiplus_tm_PvsDP, hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiplus_tm_Theta, hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hprob_4c, hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_P, hproton_tm_Pt, hproton_tm_PvsDP, hproton_tm_PvsTheta, hproton_tm_Theta, hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, htrueantiproton_cosTheta, htruelam0_cm_cosTheta, htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta, htruepiminus_cosTheta, htruepiplus_cosTheta, and htrueproton_cosTheta.

516 {
518  hprob_4c->Write();
519  hchi2_4c->Write();
521  hlam0_M_all->Write();
522  hlam0_M_4c->Write();
524  hlam0bar_M_all->Write();
525  hlam0bar_M_4c->Write();
527  hpiplus_tm_P->Write();
528  hpiplus_tm_Pt->Write();
529  hpiplus_tm_Theta->Write();
530  hpiplus_tm_cosTheta->Write();
531  hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta->Write();
533  //2D histos
534  hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta->Write();
535  hpiplus_tm_PvsDP->Write();
536  hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Write();
538  hpiminus_tm_P->Write();
539  hpiminus_tm_Pt->Write();
540  hpiminus_tm_Theta->Write();
541  hpiminus_tm_cosTheta->Write();
542  hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta->Write();
543  //2D histos
544  hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta->Write();
545  hpiminus_tm_PvsDP->Write();
546  hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Write();
548  hproton_tm_P->Write();
549  hproton_tm_Pt->Write();
550  hproton_tm_Theta->Write();
551  hproton_tm_cosTheta->Write();
552  hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta->Write();
553  //2D histos
554  hproton_tm_PvsTheta->Write();
555  hproton_tm_PvsDP->Write();
556  hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta->Write();
558  hantiproton_tm_P->Write();
559  hantiproton_tm_Pt->Write();
560  hantiproton_tm_Theta->Write();
561  hantiproton_tm_cosTheta->Write();
564  //2D histos
565  hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta->Write();
566  hantiproton_tm_PvsDP->Write();
569  hlam0_tm_M_all->Write();
570  hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all->Write();
571  hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx->Write();
572  hlam0_tm_prob_vtx->Write();
573  hlam0_tm_M_vtx->Write();
574  hlam0_tm_R_vtx->Write();
575  hlam0_tm_Z_vtx->Write();
576  hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all->Write();
577  //2D histos
579  hlam0bar_tm_M_all->Write();
580  hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all->Write();
581  hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx->Write();
582  hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx->Write();
583  hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx->Write();
584  hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx->Write();
585  hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx->Write();
587  //2D histos
589  //True MC histos
591  //Lambda
592  htruelam0_cm_cosTheta->Write();
593  //Lambdabar
594  htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta->Write();
595  //Piminus
596  htruepiminus_cosTheta->Write();
597  //Piplus
598  htruepiplus_cosTheta->Write();
599  //Proton
600  htrueproton_cosTheta->Write();
601  //Antiproton
602  htrueantiproton_cosTheta->Write();
604 } //End PndLLbarAnaTask::Finish()
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsDP
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueantiproton_cosTheta
TH1F * htruelam0_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Theta
TH1F * htruepiplus_cosTheta
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * htruepiminus_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueproton_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_Theta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Pt
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
InitStatus PndLLbarAnaTask::Init ( )

Definition at line 73 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

References hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_cosTheta, hantiproton_tm_P, hantiproton_tm_Pt, hantiproton_tm_PvsDP, hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta, hantiproton_tm_Theta, hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hchi2_4c, hlam0_M_4c, hlam0_M_all, hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0_tm_M_all, hlam0_tm_M_vtx, hlam0_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0_tm_R_vtx, hlam0_tm_Z_vtx, hlam0bar_M_4c, hlam0bar_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_all, hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx, hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx, hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_cosTheta, hpiminus_tm_P, hpiminus_tm_Pt, hpiminus_tm_PvsDP, hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiminus_tm_Theta, hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_cosTheta, hpiplus_tm_P, hpiplus_tm_Pt, hpiplus_tm_PvsDP, hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta, hpiplus_tm_Theta, hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta, hprob_4c, hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_cosTheta, hproton_tm_P, hproton_tm_Pt, hproton_tm_PvsDP, hproton_tm_PvsTheta, hproton_tm_Theta, hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta, htrueantiproton_cosTheta, htruelam0_cm_cosTheta, htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta, htruepiminus_cosTheta, htruepiplus_cosTheta, htrueproton_cosTheta, nevts, and theAnalysis.

74 {
75  // initialize analysis object
76  theAnalysis = new PndAnalysis();
78  // reset the event counter
79  nevts = 0;
81  // *** ------------------------- ***
82  // *** Create some 1D histograms ***
83  // *** ------------------------- ***
85  //4C chi2 and prob histo
86  hprob_4c = new TH1F("hprob_4c","#Lambda_{0}#Lambda_{0}bar Prob 4C fit",100,0,1);
87  hchi2_4c = new TH1F("hchi2_4c","#Lambda_{0}#Lambda_{0}bar #chi^{2} 4C fit",100,0,250);
89  //Lambda
90  hlam0_M_all = new TH1F("hlam0_M_all","#Lambda_{0} mass",100,0,5);
91  hlam0_M_4c = new TH1F("hlam0_M_4c","#Lambda_{0} mass, with 4c fit",100,0,5);
93  //Lambdabar
94  hlam0bar_M_all = new TH1F("hlam0bar_M_all","#Lambda_{0} bar mass",100,0,5);
95  hlam0bar_M_4c = new TH1F("hlam0bar_M_4c","#Lambda_{0} bar mass, with 4c fit",100,0,5);
97  //Piplus truthmatch histos
98  hpiplus_tm_P = new TH1F("hpiplus_tm_P","tm #pi^{+} P",150,0.,3.);
99  hpiplus_tm_Pt = new TH1F("hpiplus_tm_Pt","tm #pi^{+} Pt",150,0.,3.);
100  hpiplus_tm_Theta = new TH1F("hpiplus_tm_Theta","tm #pi^{+} #theta",90,0.,180.);
101  hpiplus_tm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hpiplus_tm_cosTheta","tm #pi^{+} cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
102  hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm #pi^{+} cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
104  //Piminus truthmatch histos
105  hpiminus_tm_P = new TH1F("hpiminus_tm_P","tm #pi^{-} P",150,0.,3.);
106  hpiminus_tm_Pt = new TH1F("hpiminus_tm_Pt","tm #pi^{-} Pt",150,0.,3.);
107  hpiminus_tm_Theta = new TH1F("hpiminus_tm_Theta","tm #pi^{-} #theta",90,0.,180.);
108  hpiminus_tm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hpiminus_tm_cosTheta","tm #pi^{-} cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
109  hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm #pi^{-} cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
111  //Proton truthmatch histos
112  hproton_tm_P = new TH1F("hproton_tm_P","tm p P",150,0.,3.);
113  hproton_tm_Pt = new TH1F("hproton_tm_Pt","tm p Pt",150,0.,3.);
114  hproton_tm_Theta = new TH1F("hproton_tm_Theta","tm p #theta",90,0.,180.);
115  hproton_tm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hproton_tm_cosTheta","tm p cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
116  hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm p cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
118  //AntiProton truthmatch histos
119  hantiproton_tm_P = new TH1F("hantiproton_tm_P","tm p Pbar",250,0.,5.);
120  hantiproton_tm_Pt = new TH1F("hantiproton_tm_Pt","tm pbar Pt",150,0.,3.);
121  hantiproton_tm_Theta = new TH1F("hantiproton_tm_Theta","tm pbar #theta",90,0.,180.);
122  hantiproton_tm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hantiproton_tm_cosTheta","tm pbar cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
123  hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm pbar cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
125  //Lambda truthmatch histos
126  hlam0_tm_M_all = new TH1F("hlam0_tm_M_all","tm #Lambda_{0} mass",100,0,5);
127  hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all = new TH1F("hlam0_tm_cosTheta","tm #Lambda_{0} cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
128  hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0_chi2_vtx", "#tm Lambda_{0} #chi^{2} vertex fit",100,0,10);
129  hlam0_tm_prob_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0_prob_vtx", "#tm Lambda_{0} Prob vertex fit",100,0,1);
130  hlam0_tm_M_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0_M_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} mass, with vertex fit",100,0,5);
131  hlam0_tm_R_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0_R_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} R, with vertex fit",75,0,15);
132  hlam0_tm_Z_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0_Z_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} Z, with vertex fit",90,-5,25);
133  hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all = new TH1F("hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm #Lambda_{0} cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
135  //Lambdabar truthmatch histos
136  hlam0bar_tm_M_all = new TH1F("hlam0bar_tm_M_all","tm #Lambda_{0} bar mass",100,0,5);
137  hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all = new TH1F("hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta","tm #Lambda_{0} bar cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
138  hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0bar_chi2_vtx", "#tm Lambda_{0} bar #chi^{2} vertex fit",100,0,10);
139  hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0bar_prob_vtx", "#tm Lambda_{0} bar Prob vertex fit",100,0,1);
140  hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0bar_M_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} bar mass, with vertex fit",100,0,5);
141  hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0bar_R_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} bar R, with vertex fit",75,0,15);
142  hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx = new TH1F("hlam0bar_Z_vtx","#tm Lambda_{0} bar Z, with vertex fit",180,-5,55);
143  hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all = new TH1F("hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta","tm #Lambda_{0} bar cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
145  // *** --------------------- ***
146  // *** True MC 1D histograms ***
147  // *** --------------------- ***
149  //Lambda
150  htruelam0_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("htruelam0_cm_cosTheta","McTruth #Lambda_{0} cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
152  //Lambdabar
153  htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta = new TH1F("htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta","McTruth #Lambda_{0}bar cos#theta in CM frame",100,-1.,1.);
155  //Piplus
156  htruepiplus_cosTheta = new TH1F("htruepiplus_cosTheta","McTruth #pi^{+} cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
158  //Piminus
159  htruepiminus_cosTheta = new TH1F("htruepiminus_cosTheta","McTruth #pi^{-} cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
161  //Proton
162  htrueproton_cosTheta = new TH1F("htrueproton_cosTheta","McTruth p cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
164  //Antiproton
165  htrueantiproton_cosTheta = new TH1F("htrueantiproton_cosTheta","McTruth pbar cos#theta",100,-1.,1.);
167  // *** ------------------------- ***
168  // *** Create some 2D histograms ***
169  // *** ------------------------- ***
171  //Piplus truthmatch histos
172  hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta = new TH2F("hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta","tm #pi^{+} P vs #theta",150,0.,3.,180,0.,180.);
173  hpiplus_tm_PvsDP = new TH2F("hpiplus_tm_PvsDP","tm #pi^{+} P vs #Delta P", 150, 0.,3.,100,-1.,1.);
174  hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta = new TH2F("hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta","tm #pi^{+} #theta vs #Delta#theta",180,0.,180.,100,-1.,1.);
176  //Piminus truthmatch histos
177  hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta = new TH2F("hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta","tm #pi^{-} P vs #theta",150,0.,3.,180,0.,180.);
178  hpiminus_tm_PvsDP = new TH2F("hpiminus_tm_PvsDP","tm #pi^{-} P vs #Delta P", 150, 0.,3.,100,-1.,1.);
179  hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta = new TH2F("hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta","tm #pi^{-} #theta vs #Delta#theta",180,0.,180.,100,-1.,1.);
181  //Proton truthmatch histos
182  hproton_tm_PvsTheta = new TH2F("hproton_tm_PvsTheta","tm p P vs #theta",150,0.,3.,180,0.,180.);
183  hproton_tm_PvsDP = new TH2F("hproton_tm_PvsDP","tm p P vs #Delta P", 150, 0.,3.,100,-1.,1.);
184  hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta = new TH2F("hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta","tm p #theta vs #Delta#theta",180,0.,180.,100,-1.,1.);
186  //AntiProton truthmatch histos
187  hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta = new TH2F("hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta","tm pbar P vs #theta",250,0.,5.,180,0.,180.);
188  hantiproton_tm_PvsDP = new TH2F("hantiproton_tm_PvsDP","tm pbar P vs #Delta P", 250, 0.,5.,100,-1.,1.);
189  hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta = new TH2F("hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta","tm pbar #theta vs #Delta#theta",180,0.,180.,100,-1.,1.);
191  return kSUCCESS;
192 }//End PndLLbarAnaTask::Init()
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsDP
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueantiproton_cosTheta
TH1F * htruelam0_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Theta
TH1F * htruepiplus_cosTheta
TH2F * hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta
PndAnalysis * theAnalysis
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_PvsTheta
TH1F * htruepiminus_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cosTheta
TH1F * htrueproton_cosTheta
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_Theta
TH1F * hantiproton_tm_Pt
TH2F * hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta
TH1F * hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all
TH1F * hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta
TH2F * hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta
int PndLLbarAnaTask::SelectTruePid ( PndAnalysis ana,
RhoCandList l 

Definition at line 54 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::GetLength(), PndAnalysis::McTruthMatch(), and RhoCandList::Remove().

Referenced by Exec().

55 {
56  int removed = 0;
58  for (int ii=l.GetLength()-1;ii>=0;--ii)
59  {
60  if ( !(ana->McTruthMatch(l[ii])) )
61  {
62  l.Remove(l[ii]);
63  removed++;
64  }
65  }
67  return removed;
68 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Int_t Remove(RhoCandidate *)
Bool_t McTruthMatch(RhoCandidate *cand, Int_t level=2, bool verbose=false)
void PndLLbarAnaTask::SetParContainers ( )

Definition at line 196 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.cxx.

References run.

197 {
198  // Get run and runtime database
199  FairRun* run = FairRun::Instance();
200  if ( ! run ) Fatal("SetParContainers", "No analysis run");
201 }
Int_t run
Definition: autocutx.C:47

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 95 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_cosTheta

Definition at line 94 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_P

Definition at line 91 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_Pt

Definition at line 92 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_PvsDP

Definition at line 157 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_PvsTheta

Definition at line 156 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_Theta

Definition at line 93 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hantiproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta

Definition at line 158 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hchi2_4c

Definition at line 61 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_M_4c

Definition at line 64 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_M_all

Definition at line 63 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_chi2_vtx

Definition at line 100 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_cm_cosTheta_all

Definition at line 105 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_cosTheta_all

Definition at line 99 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_M_all

Definition at line 98 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_M_vtx

Definition at line 102 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_prob_vtx

Definition at line 101 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_R_vtx

Definition at line 103 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0_tm_Z_vtx

Definition at line 104 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_M_4c

Definition at line 67 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_M_all

Definition at line 66 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_chi2_vtx

Definition at line 110 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_cm_cosTheta_all

Definition at line 115 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_cosTheta_all

Definition at line 109 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_M_all

Definition at line 108 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_M_vtx

Definition at line 112 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_prob_vtx

Definition at line 111 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_R_vtx

Definition at line 113 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hlam0bar_tm_Z_vtx

Definition at line 114 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 81 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_cosTheta

Definition at line 80 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_P

Definition at line 77 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_Pt

Definition at line 78 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_PvsDP

Definition at line 147 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_PvsTheta

Definition at line 146 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_Theta

Definition at line 79 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiminus_tm_ThetavsDTheta

Definition at line 148 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 74 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_cosTheta

Definition at line 73 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_P

Definition at line 70 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_Pt

Definition at line 71 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_PvsDP

Definition at line 142 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_PvsTheta

Definition at line 141 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_Theta

Definition at line 72 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hpiplus_tm_ThetavsDTheta

Definition at line 143 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hprob_4c

Definition at line 60 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 88 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_cosTheta

Definition at line 87 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_P

Definition at line 84 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_Pt

Definition at line 85 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_PvsDP

Definition at line 152 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_PvsTheta

Definition at line 151 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_Theta

Definition at line 86 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH2F* PndLLbarAnaTask::hproton_tm_ThetavsDTheta

Definition at line 153 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htrueantiproton_cosTheta

Definition at line 133 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htruelam0_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 122 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htruelam0bar_cm_cosTheta

Definition at line 124 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htruepiminus_cosTheta

Definition at line 129 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htruepiplus_cosTheta

Definition at line 127 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

TH1F* PndLLbarAnaTask::htrueproton_cosTheta

Definition at line 131 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

int PndLLbarAnaTask::nevts

Definition at line 48 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

PndAnalysis* PndLLbarAnaTask::theAnalysis

Definition at line 161 of file PndLLbarAnaTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: