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PndMasterRecoTask Class Reference

The default reconstruction tasks. More...

#include <PndMasterRecoTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndMasterRecoTask:
PndMasterTask PndBlackBoxTask PndPersistencyTask


struct  recoTaskList
 struct of the task list This struct avoids to retrieve tasks using the integer value (misleading), but uses an easier scheme. The enum is "k" + the class name, i.e. "kPndTrkTracking2" for the class PndTracking2. The function PrintTaskList() can be used to check the list of the tasks and the corresponding number. More...

Public Member Functions

 PndMasterRecoTask (TString fOptions="")
 Default constructor with options This string can be: "" -> default settings full setup "day1" -> Setup for day1 experiment: no GEM, FTS1234, NO DISC, NO RICH "gem" (added to "day1") -> Setup for day1 experiment with 3 GEM planes "fts1256" (added to "day1") -> Setup for day1 experiment with FTS1256 insted of FTS1234 "mulitkalman" -> Run kalman tasks with all 5 hypothesis for a TrackCand Example: "day1+gem+fts1256" means day1 setup + GEM planes + fst1256. More...
virtual ~PndMasterRecoTask ()
 Destructor. More...
void PrintTaskList ()
 It prints the list of tasks. More...
virtual void SetPersistency (Bool_t pers=kTRUE)
 Set the persistency of all the tasks This function has to be implemented for each master task, since different tasks use different functions to change the persistency of the output TClonesArrays. More...
void SetVerbose (Int_t iVerbose=1)
 Set the Verbosity to all the tasks. More...
void SetVerbose (Int_t nTask, Int_t iVerbose)
 Set the Verbosity to a single task. More...
FairTask * GetTask (Int_t nTask)
 Return the pointer to a single task. More...
virtual void SetParContainers ()
virtual InitStatus Init ()
virtual InitStatus ReInit ()
virtual void Exec (Option_t *opt)
Bool_t GetPersistency ()

Protected Attributes

std::vector< PndPersistencyTask * > fBranchTasks
std::vector< FairTask * > fStandardTasks
std::map< PndPersistencyTask
*, bool > 

Private Attributes

TString fOptions
 Options parsed to the reconstruction. More...

Detailed Description

The default reconstruction tasks.

Master Reconstruction Task Class

This class includes all the reconstruction tasks which need to be used in the default reconstruction macros.

If you find some obsolete task which needs to be changed, contact the computing coordinator.
Stefano Spataro spata.nosp@m.ro@t.nosp@m.o.inf.nosp@m.n.it, Torino University
Feb 1, 2016

Definition at line 20 of file PndMasterRecoTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndMasterRecoTask::PndMasterRecoTask ( TString  options = "")

Default constructor with options This string can be: "" -> default settings full setup "day1" -> Setup for day1 experiment: no GEM, FTS1234, NO DISC, NO RICH "gem" (added to "day1") -> Setup for day1 experiment with 3 GEM planes "fts1256" (added to "day1") -> Setup for day1 experiment with FTS1256 insted of FTS1234 "mulitkalman" -> Run kalman tasks with all 5 hypothesis for a TrackCand Example: "day1+gem+fts1256" means day1 setup + GEM planes + fst1256.

Default Constructor.

Reconstruction task list

Here all the reconstruction tasks are added to the task, with the standard settings. A check is done after each task if the tasklist enum is broken or not. At the end the event counter is added (each 100 events), and the verbosity is set to 0 to all the tasks (it can be changed afterwards with SetVerbosity() functions.

Definition at line 31 of file PndMasterRecoTask.cxx.

References Add(), PndIdealTrackFinder::AddBranchName(), PndTrackSmearTask::AddInputTrackBranch(), PndMasterTask::fBranchTasks, PndMasterTask::fFixedPersistency, fOptions, PndTrkTracking2::NoMvdAloneTracking(), recoKalman, PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::SetBusyCut(), PndRecoKalmanTask::SetBusyCut(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::SetFitHypotheses(), PndTrkTracking2::SetInputBranchName(), PndMissingPzCleanerTask::SetInputTrackBranch(), PndIdealTrackFinder::SetOutputBranchName(), PndIdealTrackFinder::SetRelativeMomentumSmearing(), PndMissingPzCleanerTask::SetRemoveTrack(), PndRecoKalmanTask::SetTrackInBranchName(), PndRecoKalmanTask2::SetTrackInBranchName(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask2::SetTrackInBranchName(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::SetTrackInBranchName(), PndIdealTrackFinder::SetTrackingEfficiency(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask2::SetTrackOutBranchName(), PndRecoKalmanTask2::SetTrackOutBranchName(), PndRecoKalmanTask::SetTrackOutBranchName(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::SetTrackOutBranchName(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::SetTrackRep(), PndRecoKalmanTask::SetTrackRep(), PndIdealTrackFinder::SetTrackSelector(), PndMasterTask::SetVerbose(), PndIdealTrackFinder::SetVertexSmearing(), SttMvdGemTracking, trackFts, tracking, and TString.

31  :
32  PndMasterTask("Master Reconstruction Task"), fOptions(options)
33 {
35  std::array<TString,5> hypoName= {"Electron","Muon","Pion","Kaon","Proton"};
36  // ----- MVD + STT Pattern Recognition -----------------------------------
37  // use the constructor with input :
38  // printout flag (int) , plotting flag (bool), MC comparison flag (bool), SciTil.
39  PndTrkTracking2* tracking = NULL;
40  fBranchTasks.push_back(tracking = new PndTrkTracking2(0, false, false, true));
41  tracking->SetInputBranchName("STTHit", "MVDHitsPixel", "MVDHitsStrip");
42  // tracking->SetInputBranchName("STTHitMix","MVDHitsPixelMix","MVDHitsStripMix");
43  // don't do the Pattern Recognition second part, starting from the Mvd;
44  tracking->NoMvdAloneTracking();
45  // do Cleanup only when there is Mixing;
46  // tracking->Cleanup();
47  fFixedPersistency[tracking] = kFALSE;
49  // ----- MVD + STT + GEM Pattern Recognition --------------
50  if ((!fOptions.Contains("nogem")) && (!fOptions.Contains("gem0"))) {
52  fBranchTasks.push_back(SttMvdGemTracking = new PndSttMvdGemTracking(0));
54  }
56  // ----- Barrel Kalman Task ----------------------------
57  if (!fOptions.Contains("multikalman"))
58  { //no multikalman
60  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoKalmanTask());
61  if ((!fOptions.Contains("nogem")) && (!fOptions.Contains("gem0"))) {
62  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName("SttMvdGemTrack");
63  // recoKalman->SetTrackInIDBranchName("SttMvdGemTrackID");
64  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName("SttMvdGemGenTrack"); // PID appendix follows;
65  } else {
66  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName("SttMvdTrack");
67  // recoKalman->SetTrackInIDBranchName("SttMvdTrackID");
68  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName("SttMvdGenTrack"); // PID appendix follows
69  }
70  recoKalman->SetBusyCut(50); // CHECK to be tuned
71  //recoKalman->SetIdealHyp(kTRUE);
72  //recoKalman->SetNumIterations(3);
73  recoKalman->SetTrackRep(0); // 0 Geane (default), 1 RK
74  //recoKalman->SetPropagateToIP(kFALSE);
75  }
76  else //yes, multikalman
77  {
78  PndRecoMultiKalmanTask* recoKalman = NULL;
79  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoMultiKalmanTask());
80  recoKalman->SetFitHypotheses(fOptions); //Walter added
81  if ((!fOptions.Contains("nogem")) && (!fOptions.Contains("gem0"))) {
82  //if ((!fOptions.Contains("day1")) || (fOptions.Contains("gem"))) {
83  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName("SttMvdGemTrack");
84  // recoKalman->SetTrackInIDBranchName("SttMvdGemTrackID");
85  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName("SttMvdGemGenTrack"); // PID appendix follows
86  } else {
87  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName("SttMvdTrack");
88  // recoKalman->SetTrackInIDBranchName("SttMvdTrackID");
89  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName("SttMvdGenTrack"); // PID appendix follows
90  }
91  recoKalman->SetBusyCut(50); // CHECK to be tuned
92  //recoKalman->SetIdealHyp(kTRUE);
93  //recoKalman->SetNumIterations(3);
94  recoKalman->SetTrackRep(0); // 0 Geane (default), 1 RK
95  //recoKalman->SetPropagateToIP(kFALSE);
96  }
98  if (fOptions.Contains("filtered")) {
99  PndMissingPzCleanerTask* cleaner = NULL;
100  fBranchTasks.push_back(cleaner = new PndMissingPzCleanerTask());
101  if ((!fOptions.Contains("nogem")) && (!fOptions.Contains("gem0"))) {
102  cleaner->SetInputTrackBranch("SttMvdGemGenTrack"); // _filtered appendix follows
103  } else {
104  cleaner->SetInputTrackBranch("SttMvdGenTrack");// _filtered appendix follows
105  }
106  cleaner->SetRemoveTrack(kTRUE);
107  }
110  // ----- FTS Ideal Tracking ----------------------------
111  TString ftstrkname="FtsIdealTrack", ftstrkgenname="FtsIdealGenTrack";
112  if(fOptions.Contains("ftsca")) {
113  ftstrkname="FtsCaTrack";
114  ftstrkgenname="FtsCaGenTrack";
115  }
117  fBranchTasks.push_back(trackFts = new PndIdealTrackFinder());
118  trackFts->SetTrackSelector("FtsTrackFunctor");
119  trackFts->AddBranchName("FTSHit");
120  trackFts->AddBranchName("MVDHitsPixel");
121  trackFts->AddBranchName("MVDHitsStrip");
122  trackFts->SetRelativeMomentumSmearing(0.05);
123  trackFts->SetVertexSmearing(0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
124  trackFts->SetTrackingEfficiency(1.);
125  trackFts->SetOutputBranchName("FtsIdealTrack");
126  fFixedPersistency[trackFts] = kFALSE;
128  // ----- Forward Kalman Task ---------------------------
129  if (!fOptions.Contains("multikalman")) { // no multikalman
130  if(fOptions.Contains("genfit2")) {
131  PndRecoKalmanTask2* recoKalman = NULL;
132  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoKalmanTask2());
133  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName(ftstrkname);
134  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName(ftstrkgenname);
135  } else {
136  PndRecoKalmanTask* recoKalman = NULL;
137  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoKalmanTask());
139  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName(ftstrkname);
140  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName(ftstrkgenname);
141  }
142  } else { //yes, multikalman!
143  if(fOptions.Contains("genfit2")) {
144  PndRecoMultiKalmanTask2* recoKalman = NULL;
145  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoMultiKalmanTask2());
146  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName(ftstrkname);
147  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName(ftstrkgenname);
148  } else {
149  PndRecoMultiKalmanTask* recoKalman = NULL;
150  fBranchTasks.push_back(recoKalman = new PndRecoMultiKalmanTask());
151  recoKalman->SetTrackInBranchName(ftstrkname);
152  recoKalman->SetTrackOutBranchName(ftstrkgenname);
153  }
154  }
156  // --- Online Emulator smearing
157  if(fOptions.Contains("fakeonline"))
158  {
159  PndTrackSmearTask* smearer=NULL;
160  fBranchTasks.push_back(smearer=new PndTrackSmearTask());
161  TString barrelbranchname="SttMvdGemGenTrack";
162  TString ftsbranchname="FtsIdealGenTrack";
163  if (fOptions.Contains("nogem")||fOptions.Contains("gem0")) {
164  barrelbranchname="SttMvdGenTrack";
165  }
167  if(fOptions.Contains("filtered")) barrelbranchname+="_filtered";
169  if(fOptions.Contains("multikalman")) { //yes, multikalman
170  for(int k=0; k<5; ++k) {
171  smearer->AddInputTrackBranch(Form("%s%s",barrelbranchname.Data(),hypoName[k].Data()));
172  smearer->AddInputTrackBranch(Form("%s%s",ftsbranchname.Data(),hypoName[k].Data()));
173  }
174  } else { // no multikalman
175  smearer->AddInputTrackBranch(barrelbranchname);
176  smearer->AddInputTrackBranch(ftsbranchname);
177  }
178  }
180  std::for_each(fBranchTasks.begin(), fBranchTasks.end(),
181  [this](const FairTask* task) {
182  Add((TTask*)task);
183  });
185  SetVerbose(0);
186 }
mychain Add("run.root")
void SetVerbose(Int_t iVerbose=1)
Set the Verbosity to all the tasks.
void SetTrackingEfficiency(Double_t eff=1.)
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
Ideal track finder for all types of tracking detectors The PndIdealTrackFinder combines all hits in ...
virtual void SetOutputBranchName(TString name)
TString fOptions
Options parsed to the reconstruction.
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
std::vector< PndPersistencyTask * > fBranchTasks
Definition: PndMasterTask.h:80
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetTrackSelector(TString selector)
void AddInputTrackBranch(const TString &name)
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
PndTrkTracking * tracking
PndFtsTrackerIdeal * trackFts
void SetInputBranchName(const char *string1, const char *string2, const char *string3)
void SetTrackRep(Short_t num)
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetVertexSmearing(Double_t sigmax=-1., Double_t sigmay=-1., Double_t sigmaz=-1.)
std::map< PndPersistencyTask *, bool > fFixedPersistency
Definition: PndMasterTask.h:82
void NoMvdAloneTracking()
void SetBusyCut(Int_t b)
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
PndSttMvdGemTracking * SttMvdGemTracking
void SetInputTrackBranch(const TString &name)
void SetRemoveTrack(const Bool_t &remove)
void SetFitHypotheses(const TString &name)
PndRecoKalmanTask * recoKalman
Default constructor.
virtual void AddBranchName(TString name)
Search for tracks only in given branches. If no BranchName is given all tracking detectors are taken...
void SetRelativeMomentumSmearing(Double_t dpop=-1.)
PndMasterRecoTask::~PndMasterRecoTask ( )


Definition at line 190 of file PndMasterRecoTask.cxx.

190  {
191 }

Member Function Documentation

void PndBlackBoxTask::Exec ( Option_t *  opt)

Reimplemented in PndBufferTestTask.

Definition at line 50 of file PndBlackBoxTask.cxx.

51 {
52  return;
53 }
Bool_t PndPersistencyTask::GetPersistency ( )

Definition at line 32 of file PndPersistencyTask.h.

References PndPersistencyTask::fPersistency.

Referenced by PndLmdPixelHitProducerFast::GetPersistance(), PndMdtDigitization::Init(), PndMdtHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndMdtClusterTask::Init(), PndFtsHitProducerRealFast::Init(), PndDiscTaskReconstruction::Init(), PndRichHitProducer::Init(), PndSttHitProducerRealFast::Init(), PndSttHelixHitProducer::Init(), PndDiscTaskPID::Init(), PndIdealTrackFinder::Init(), PndSttMvdGemTracking::Init(), PndMdtTrkProducer::Init(), PndFtsHitProducerRealFull::Init(), PndLmdPixelClusterTask::Init(), PndSttHitProducerRealFull::Init(), PndLmdStripClusterTask::Init(), PndEmcApdHitProducer::Init(), PndMissingPzCleanerTask::Init(), PndEmcMakeRecoHit::Init(), PndEmcMakeClusterOnline::Init(), PndTrackSmearTask::Init(), PndEmcFWEndcapTimebasedWaveforms::Init(), PndSttHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndEmcFWEndcapDigi::Init(), PndFtsHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndEmcMakeCluster::Init(), PndMdtPointsToWaveform::Init(), PndDiscTaskDigitization::Init(), PndEmcMakeDigi::Init(), PndSdsTimeWalkCorrTask::Init(), PndLmdPixelHitProducerFast::Init(), PndDrcHitFinder::Init(), PndRichHitFinder::Init(), PndEmcMakeCorr::Init(), PndFtofHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndEmcHitsToWaveform::Init(), PndSciTDigiTask::Init(), PndDrcHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndSdsHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndSciTHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask2::Init(), PndEmcHitProducer::Init(), PndDrcHitProducerReal::Init(), PndDskFLGHitProducerIdeal::Init(), PndEmcTmpWaveformToDigi::Init(), PndDrcDigiTask::Init(), PndEmcWaveformToDigi::Init(), PndSttMatchTracks::Init(), PndEmcWaveformToCalibratedDigi::Init(), PndTrkTracking2::Init(), PndSttFindTracks::Init(), PndEmcMultiWaveformToCalibratedDigi::Init(), PndRecoKalmanTask2::Init(), PndDrcTimeDigiTask::Init(), PndEmcExpClusterSplitter::Init(), PndFtsHoughTrackerTask::Init(), PndSdsNoiseProducer::Init(), PndEmcPhiBumpSplitter::Init(), PndSdsIdealRecoTask::Init(), PndSdsHybridHitProducer::Init(), PndRecoMultiKalmanTask::Init(), PndSdsIdealClusterTask::Init(), PndRecoKalmanTask::Init(), PndSdsStripHitProducerDif::Init(), PndGemDigitize::Init(), PndSdsStripHitProducer::Init(), PndGemFindHits::Init(), PndSdsPixelClusterTask::Init(), PndSdsStripClusterTask::Init(), PndMvdGemTrackFinderOnHits::Init(), PndBarrelTrackFinder::Init(), PndEmcFullDigiTask::PndEmcFullDigiTask(), PndEmcMakeBump::PndEmcMakeBump(), PndUnassignedHitsTask::RegisterBranches(), PndMvdClusterTask::SetPersistance(), PndMvdDigiTask::SetPersistance(), PndEmcMakeBump::SetStorageOfData(), and PndEmcFullDigiTask::StoreDigi().

32 { return fPersistency; }
FairTask * PndMasterTask::GetTask ( Int_t  nTask)

Return the pointer to a single task.

This function allows to retrieve the pointer of a task inside the task list, when you want to use some particular setter or change someting in the task.

nTaskIndex of the task you want to modify. Instead of the integer you can use the enum "k" + task name (i.e. kMvdDigiTask, kSttHitProducerRealFast, etc...)
A pointer to the corresponding task

Retrieve the pointer to a Task in the list

Definition at line 75 of file PndMasterTask.cxx.

76 {
77  TList* thistasks = this->GetListOfTasks();
79  return ((FairTask*)thistasks->At(nTask));
80 }
InitStatus PndBlackBoxTask::Init ( )

Reimplemented in PndBufferTestTask.

Definition at line 43 of file PndBlackBoxTask.cxx.

44 {
45  return kSUCCESS;
46 }
void PndMasterTask::PrintTaskList ( )

It prints the list of tasks.

Print the list of the task which are included in the list

This function print the task number, its title and its name. This can be important when it is needed to modify a particular task and the task number is needed. In any case, the use of enum should be preferred.

The task names are not well defined in the classes, some of them are missing. We should define a better scheme.

Definition at line 24 of file PndMasterTask.cxx.

References counter, and next.

25 {
26  TList* thistasks = this->GetListOfTasks();
28  Int_t counter = 0;
29  TIter next(thistasks->MakeIterator());
30  while (FairTask *task = (FairTask*)next())
31  {
32  if (counter < 10)
33  std::cout << "Task #" << counter << "\tTitle: " << task->GetTitle() << "\tName: " << task->GetName() << std::endl;
34  else
35  std::cout << "Task #" << counter << "\tTitle: " << task->GetTitle() << "\tName: " << task->GetName() << std::endl;
36  counter++;
37  }
39  return;
40 }
int counter
Definition: ZeeAnalysis.C:59
static int next[96]
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
InitStatus PndBlackBoxTask::ReInit ( )

Definition at line 25 of file PndBlackBoxTask.cxx.

26 {
27  return kSUCCESS;
28 }
void PndBlackBoxTask::SetParContainers ( )

Definition at line 21 of file PndBlackBoxTask.cxx.

22 {
23 }
void PndMasterTask::SetPersistency ( Bool_t  pers = kTRUE)

Set the persistency of all the tasks This function has to be implemented for each master task, since different tasks use different functions to change the persistency of the output TClonesArrays.

fPersistencyPersistency level: 0 no TCA, 1 all TCA

Set the Persistency of all the tasks in the same way

Reimplemented in PndMasterLocalRecoTask, PndMasterMultiPidTask, PndMasterPidTask, PndMasterDigiTask, PndMasterRecoIdealTask, and PndMasterSimTask.

Definition at line 66 of file PndMasterTask.cxx.

References PndMasterTask::fBranchTasks, and PndMasterTask::fFixedPersistency.

Referenced by PndMasterRunAna::AddDigiOnlyTasks(), and PndMasterRunAna::AddRecoTasks().

67 {
68  std::for_each(fBranchTasks.begin(), fBranchTasks.end(), [pers](PndPersistencyTask* task){task->SetPersistency(pers);});
69  std::for_each(fFixedPersistency.begin(), fFixedPersistency.end(), [](std::pair<PndPersistencyTask*, bool> task){task.first->SetPersistency(task.second);});
71  return;
72 }
std::vector< PndPersistencyTask * > fBranchTasks
Definition: PndMasterTask.h:80
std::map< PndPersistencyTask *, bool > fFixedPersistency
Definition: PndMasterTask.h:82
void PndMasterTask::SetVerbose ( Int_t  iVerbose = 1)

Set the Verbosity to all the tasks.

iVerboseVerbosity level: 0 no messages, the higher more messages

Set the Verbosity of all the tasks at the same number

Definition at line 43 of file PndMasterTask.cxx.

References next.

Referenced by PndMasterDigiOnlyTask::PndMasterDigiOnlyTask(), PndMasterDigiTask::PndMasterDigiTask(), PndMasterLocalRecoTask::PndMasterLocalRecoTask(), PndMasterMultiPidTask::PndMasterMultiPidTask(), PndMasterPidTask::PndMasterPidTask(), PndMasterRecoIdealTask::PndMasterRecoIdealTask(), PndMasterRecoTask(), PndMasterSimTask::PndMasterSimTask(), and PndMasterTask::SetVerbose().

44 {
45  TList* thistasks = this->GetListOfTasks();
47  TIter next(thistasks->MakeIterator());
48  while (FairTask *task = (FairTask*)next())
49  {
50  task->SetVerbose(iVerbose);
51  }
53  return;
54 }
Int_t iVerbose
static int next[96]
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
void PndMasterTask::SetVerbose ( Int_t  nTask,
Int_t  iVerbose 

Set the Verbosity to a single task.

This function has to be used when you want to change the verbosity to a single task

nTaskIndex of the task you want to modify. Instead of the integer you can use the enum k + task name (i.e. kMvdDigiTask, hSttHitProducerRealFast
iVerboseVerbosity. 0 -> no messages; the higher -> more messages

Set the Verbosity of a single task

Definition at line 57 of file PndMasterTask.cxx.

References PndMasterTask::SetVerbose().

58 {
59  TList* thistasks = this->GetListOfTasks();
60  ((FairTask*)thistasks->At(nTask))->SetVerbose(iVerbose);
62  return;
63 }
void SetVerbose(Int_t iVerbose=1)
Set the Verbosity to all the tasks.
Int_t iVerbose

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<PndPersistencyTask*> PndMasterTask::fBranchTasks
std::map<PndPersistencyTask*, bool> PndMasterTask::fFixedPersistency
TString PndMasterRecoTask::fOptions

Options parsed to the reconstruction.

Definition at line 58 of file PndMasterRecoTask.h.

Referenced by PndMasterRecoTask().

std::vector<FairTask*> PndMasterTask::fStandardTasks

Definition at line 81 of file PndMasterTask.h.

Referenced by PndMasterPidTask::PndMasterPidTask().

struct PndMasterRecoTask::recoTaskList PndMasterRecoTask::reco

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: