41 TMatrixT<double> returnMat(1,1);
48 returnMat[0][0] = rC[6][0];
57 TMatrixT<double> returnCov(1,1);
60 returnCov[0][0] = rawCov[6][6];
72 assert(rC.GetNrows()==7);
74 TVector3 wire1(rC[0][0], rC[1][0], rC[2][0]);
75 TVector3 wire2(rC[3][0], rC[4][0], rC[5][0]);
76 TVector3 wiredirection = wire1 - wire2;
78 TVector3 vaxis = plane.
79 wiredirection.SetMag(1.);
85 std::cout <<
"GFWireHitPolicy: plane not valid!!" << std::endl;
95 assert(x.GetNrows()==7);
96 TVector3 wire1(x[0][0],x[1][0],x[2][0]);
97 TVector3 wire2(x[3][0],x[4][0],x[5][0]);
101 if(d_from_refplane < 1e-5)
return fDetPlane;
105 TVector3 poca, poca_onwire, dirInPoca;
111 distance =
115 GFException exc(
"distance poca-wire > maxdistance", __LINE__,__FILE__);
122 TVector3 fromwiretoextr = poca - poca_onwire;
123 fromwiretoextr.SetMag(1.);
125 TVector3 wiredirection = wire2 - wire1;
126 wiredirection.SetMag(1.);
129 if(
fabs(fromwiretoextr * wiredirection) > 1e-3) {
130 GFException exc(
"fromwiretoextr*wiredirection > 1e-3", __LINE__,__FILE__);
141 TVector3 O = poca_onwire;
Base Class for genfit track representations. Defines interface for track parameterizations.
void checkPlane(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Check if the detector plane is valid.
Detector plane genfit geometry class.
static T Sqrt(const T &x)
policy class for hits in wire detectors (STT and DCH) which do not measure the coordinate along the w...
virtual void extrapolateToLine(const TVector3 &point1, const TVector3 &point2, TVector3 &poca, TVector3 &normVec, TVector3 &poca_onwire)
This method extrapolates to the point of closest approach to a line.
static const std::string fPolicyName
TMatrixT< double > hitCov(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Hit covariances in detector plane.
TMatrixT< double > getRawHitCoord() const
Get raw hit coordinates.
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Base Class for representing a Hit in GENFIT.
const GFDetPlane & detPlane(GFAbsRecoHit *, GFAbsTrackRep *)
Get detector plane Calls GFAbsTrackRep::extrapolateToLine for POCA.
int hit(Int_t nEvents=0, TString inFile="sim.root", TString parFile="par.root", TString inDigi="digi.root", TString outFile="hit.root", Int_t timeBased=0)
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information) ...
TMatrixT< double > getRawHitCov() const
Get raw hit covariances.
TMatrixT< double > hitCoord(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Hit coordinates in detector plane.
TVector3 dist(const TVector3 &point) const