Base Class for genfit track representations. Defines interface for track parameterizations.
const std::string & getName()
void checkPlane(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Check if the detector plane is valid.
Detector plane genfit geometry class.
policy class for hits in wire detectors (STT and DCH) which do not measure the coordinate along the w...
static const std::string fPolicyName
TMatrixT< double > hitCov(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Hit covariances in detector plane.
virtual ~GFWireHitPolicy()
Base Class for representing a Hit in GENFIT.
const GFDetPlane & detPlane(GFAbsRecoHit *, GFAbsTrackRep *)
Get detector plane Calls GFAbsTrackRep::extrapolateToLine for POCA.
ClassDef(GFWireHitPolicy, 1)
void setMaxDistance(double d)
TMatrixT< double > hitCoord(GFAbsRecoHit *, const GFDetPlane &)
Hit coordinates in detector plane.