9 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
14 #include "FairDetector.h"
76 virtual void Print()
118 Int_t motherTrackID, Int_t motherPdgCode,
TString motherPdgName);
121 TVector3 position_store, TVector3 momentum_store,
Double_t time,
123 TVector3 Cherenkov_photon, Int_t light_guide, Int_t
131 TVector3 position, TVector3 momentum,
Double_t time,
Int_t fPdgCode
Photon Detection Efficiency [0-1, 2].
TClonesArray * fDskTrackPointCollection
Particle collection.
Double_t fELoss
Track length since creation (without mothers) [cm].
virtual void ConstructGeometry()
TClonesArray * fDskCerenkovCollection
Debug level.
TClonesArray * fDskFLGHitArray
TrackPoint collection.
Double_t fEndEnergy
Momentum when particle disappears.
virtual void Print() const
Int_t fMotherTrackID
Vacuum wavelength hc/fEnergy [nm].
virtual Bool_t ProcessHits(FairVolume *vol=0)
Int_t fTrackID
Whether to measure total reflection angle or not (default)
virtual void Initialize()
Bool_t fCalcPWay
Whether to store FLGHits (default) or not.
void SetTrapFraction(std::string name)
Bool_t fStoreTrackPoints
Whether to store Particles (default) or not.
Double_t fLength
Global time (since event start) [ns].
TClonesArray * fDskParticleCollection
Cerenkov collection.
virtual void EndOfEvent()
void SetDebugLevel(Int_t debugLevel)
TVector3 fEndMomentum
Time when particle disappears.
Double_t fEnergy
PDG code of current particle.
Bool_t fMeasureTotalRefAngle
Whether to calc Projected Way or not (default)
void SetStoreTrackPoints(Bool_t storeTrackPoints)
Double_t fTime
Momentum [GeV].
void SetStoreCerenkovs(Bool_t storeCerenkovs)
Bool_t ProcessHitsParticle(FairVolume *vol=0)
PndDskCerenkov * AddCerenkov(Int_t trackID, Int_t detectorID, TVector3 position, TVector3 momentum, Double_t time, Double_t energy, Double_t wavelength, Int_t motherTrackID, Int_t motherPdgCode, TString motherPdgName)
void SetStoreParticles(Bool_t storeParticles)
PndDskParticle * AddParticle(Int_t trackID, Int_t detectorID, TVector3 position, TVector3 momentum, Double_t time, Int_t pdgCode, TString pdgName, Double_t energy, Int_t motherTrackID, Int_t motherPdgCode, TString motherPdgName, Double_t mass, Double_t angIn, Double_t thetaC, Int_t nPhot)
PndDskFLGHit * AddHit(Int_t trackID, Int_t detectorID, TVector3 position_store, TVector3 momentum_store, Double_t time, Double_t angIn, Double_t thetaC_store, TVector3 Cherenkov_photon, Int_t light_guide, Int_t pixel)
Bool_t fStoreCerenkovs
DSK hits.
virtual Bool_t CheckIfSensitive(std::string name)
TVector3 fMomentum
Position [cm].
Bool_t ProcessHitsCerenkov(FairVolume *vol=0)
Bool_t fStoreFLGHits
Whether to store TrackPoints or not (default)
virtual TClonesArray * GetCollection(Int_t iColl) const
Bool_t fStoreParticles
Whether to store Cerenkovs (default) or not.
Bool_t DichroicMirrorTransmitted(Double_t wavelength, Int_t detector_type)
TString fPdgName
Angle between momentum of eachs first appearance.
Double_t fPrimaryHitAngle
Angle at the moment of first appearance.
Int_t fDetNumber
Detectortype that registered the Cerenkov.
Bool_t ProcessHitsCerenkov_FLG(FairVolume *vol=0)
Double_t fDetTime
Number of the Detector that registered the Cerenkov.
Double_t fWavelength
Energy [eV / GeV].
PndDskTrackPoint * AddTrackPoint(Int_t trackID, Int_t detectorID, TVector3 position, TVector3 momentum, Double_t time, Double_t length, Double_t eLoss)
TVector3 fEndPosition
PDG name according to fPdgCode.
void SetPDE(Double_t pde)
TVector3 fDetMomentum
Global time when Cerenkov was detected [ns].
TString fMotherPdgName
PDG code of the particle that emitted this Cerenkov.
TVector3 fPosition
Detector ID (volume)
Bool_t DoNotTrackCerenkov()
Double_t fPrimaryAngleToCerenkov
Momentum when detected [eV].
Int_t fDetectorID
Index of MCTrack.
Double_t fPDE
Energy deposit [GeV].
Short_t fDetType
translation of PDG code
Double_t fEndTime
Position when particles disappears.
Double_t fAngIn
Energy when particle disappears.
TVector3 fPrimaryHitMomentum
Angle to the z-Axis at first appearance.
Int_t fMotherPdgCode
Track ID of the particle that emitted this Cerenkov.
virtual void CopyClones(TClonesArray *cl1, TClonesArray *cl2, Int_t offset)