Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | Private Attributes | Friends | List of all members
KFPartEfficiencies Class Reference

#include <KFPartEfficiencies.h>

Inheritance diagram for KFPartEfficiencies:

Public Member Functions

 KFPartEfficiencies ()
virtual ~KFPartEfficiencies ()
int GetParticleIndex (int pdg)
virtual void AddCounter (TString shortname, TString name)
KFPartEfficienciesoperator+= (KFPartEfficiencies &a)
void CalcEff ()
void Inc (bool isReco, int nClones, TString name)
void IncReco (bool isGhost, bool isBg, TString name)
void PrintEff ()
void AddFromFile (TString fileName)

Public Attributes

int partPDG [nParticles]
TString partName [nParticles]
TString partTitle [nParticles]
vector< vector< int > > partDaughterPdg
float partMHistoMin [nParticles]
float partMHistoMax [nParticles]

Static Public Attributes

static const int nParticles = 48

Private Attributes

vector< TStringnames
map< TString, int > indices
map< int, int > fPdgToIndex
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone


std::fstream & operator<< (std::fstream &strm, KFPartEfficiencies &a)
std::fstream & operator>> (std::fstream &strm, KFPartEfficiencies &a)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFPartEfficiencies::KFPartEfficiencies ( )

Definition at line 14 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References AddCounter(), fPdgToIndex, nParticles, partDaughterPdg, partMHistoMax, partMHistoMin, partName, partPDG, partTitle, and TString.

14  :
15  names(),
16  indices(),
17  ratio_reco(),
18  mc(),
19  reco(),
20  ratio_ghost(),
21  ratio_bg(),
22  ratio_clone(),
23  ghost(),
24  bg(),
25  clone()
26  {
27  // add total efficiency
28  // AddCounter("piPlus" ,"PiPlus efficiency");
29  // AddCounter("piMinus" ,"PiMinus efficiency");
30  int mPartPDG[nParticles] = {310,3122,-3122,3312,-3312,3334,-3334, //strange meson and hyperons
31  313,-313,323,-323, //K* resonances
32  3224,3114,-3114,-3224, //sigma resonances
33  3124,-3124, //Lambda resonances
34  3324, -3324, 1003314, -1003314, //Xi resonances
35  1003334, -100334, //Omega resonances
36  3000, //exotics
37  333,113, //vector mesons, hadron chanel
38  100113, 200113, //light vector mesons
39  22, //dielectrons
40  443,100443, // J/Psi
41  421,-421,100421,-100421, //D0
42  411,-411, //D+, D-
43  431,-431, //Ds+, Ds-
44  4122,-4122, //Lambdac
45  10421, -10421, 10411, -10411, 20411, -20411,
46  3001 //H->Lambda p pi
47  };
48  TString mPartName[nParticles] = {"ks","lambda","lambdab","xi-","xi+","omega-","omega+",
49  "k*0","k*0b","k*+","k*-",
50  "sigma*+","sigma*-","sigma*+b","sigma*-b",
51  "lambda*","lambda*b",
52  "xi*0", "xi*0b", "xi*-_{#Lambda,K}", "xi*+_{#Lambda,K}",
53  "omega*-","omega*+",
54  "Hdb",
55  "phi_{KK}", "rho_{#pi#pi}",
56  "rho_{ee}", "rho_{#mu#mu}",
57  "gamma",
58  "J#Psi_ee","J#Psi_#mu#mu",
59  "D0","D0b","D0_4","D0b_4",
60  "D+","D-",
61  "Ds+","Ds-",
62  "lambdac", "lambdacb",
63  "D*0", "D*0b", "D*+", "D*-", "D*+_4", "D*-_4",
64  "H0"
65  };
66  TString mPartTitle[nParticles] = {"KShort ", //0
67  "Lambda ", //1
68  "Lambda b ", //2
69  "Xi- ", //3
70  "Xi+ ", //4
71  "Omega- ", //5
72  "Omega+ ", //6
73  "K*0 ", //7
74  "K*0 b ", //8
75  "K*+ ", //9
76  "K*- ", //10
77  "Sigma*+ ", //11
78  "Sigma*- ", //12
79  "Sigma*+ b", //13
80  "Sigma*- b", //14
81  "Lambda* ", //15
82  "Lambda* b", //16
83  "Xi*0 ", //17
84  "Xi*0 b ", //18
85  "Xi*-_lk ", //19
86  "Xi*+_lk ", //20
87  "Omega*- ", //21
88  "Omega*+ ", //22
89  "Hdb ", //23
90  "phi_kk ", //24
91  "rho_pipi ", //25
92  "rho_ee ", //26
93  "rho_mm ", //27
94  "gamma ", //28
95  "JPsi_ee ", //29
96  "JPsi_mm ", //30
97  "D0 ", //31
98  "D0b ", //32
99  "D0_4 ", //33
100  "D0b_4 ", //34
101  "D+ ", //35
102  "D- ", //36
103  "Ds+ ", //37
104  "Ds- ", //38
105  "Lambdac ", //39
106  "Lambdac b", //40
107  "D*0 ", //41
108  "D*0 b ", //42
109  "D*+ ", //43
110  "D*- ", //44
111  "D*+_4 ", //45
112  "D*-_4 ", //46
113  "H0 " //47
114  };
116  float mPartMHistoMin[nParticles] = {0.3, 1., 1., 1., 1.,1.,1.,
117  0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6,
118  1.,1.,1.,1.,
119  1.4, 1.4,
120  1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4,
121  1.8,1.8,
122  1.,
123  0.6, 0.1,
124  0.1, 0.1,
125  0.,
126  1.,1.,
127  1.,1.,1.,1.,
128  1.,1.,
129  1.,1.,
130  1.8,1.8,
131  1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,
132  1.};
133  float mPartMHistoMax[nParticles] = {1.3, 2., 2., 3., 3., 3., 3.,
134  2.6, 2.6, 2.6, 2.6,
135  3., 3., 3., 3.,
136  3.4, 3.4,
137  3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4,
138  3.8, 3.8,
139  3.,
140  1.6, 2.1,
141  2.1, 2.1,
142  3.,
143  4.,4.,
144  3.,3.,3.,3.,
145  3.,3.,
146  3.,3.,
147  3.8,3.8,
148  3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8,
149  3.};
150  //set decay mode
151  partDaughterPdg.resize(nParticles);
153  partDaughterPdg[ 0].push_back( 211); //K0s -> pi+ pi-
154  partDaughterPdg[ 0].push_back( -211);
156  partDaughterPdg[ 1].push_back( 2212); //Lambda -> p pi-
157  partDaughterPdg[ 1].push_back( -211);
159  partDaughterPdg[ 2].push_back(-2212); //Lambda_bar -> p- pi+
160  partDaughterPdg[ 2].push_back( 211);
162  partDaughterPdg[ 3].push_back( 3122); //Ksi- -> Lambda pi-
163  partDaughterPdg[ 3].push_back( -211);
165  partDaughterPdg[ 4].push_back(-3122); //Ksi+ -> Lambda_bar pi+
166  partDaughterPdg[ 4].push_back( 211);
168  partDaughterPdg[ 5].push_back( 3122); //Omega- -> Lambda K-
169  partDaughterPdg[ 5].push_back( -321);
171  partDaughterPdg[ 6].push_back(-3122); //Omega+ -> Lambda_bar K+
172  partDaughterPdg[ 6].push_back( 321);
174  partDaughterPdg[ 7].push_back( 321); //K*0 -> K+ pi-
175  partDaughterPdg[ 7].push_back( -211);
177  partDaughterPdg[ 8].push_back( -321); //K*0_bar -> K- pi+
178  partDaughterPdg[ 8].push_back( 211);
180  partDaughterPdg[ 9].push_back( 310); //K*+ -> K0s pi+
181  partDaughterPdg[ 9].push_back( 211);
183  partDaughterPdg[10].push_back( 310); //K*- -> K0s pi-
184  partDaughterPdg[10].push_back( -211);
186  partDaughterPdg[11].push_back( 3122); //Sigma+ -> Lambda pi+
187  partDaughterPdg[11].push_back( 211);
189  partDaughterPdg[12].push_back( 3122); //Sigma- -> Lambda pi-
190  partDaughterPdg[12].push_back( -211);
192  partDaughterPdg[13].push_back(-3122); //Sigma+_bar -> Lambda_bar pi+
193  partDaughterPdg[13].push_back( 211);
195  partDaughterPdg[14].push_back(-3122); //Sigma-_bar -> Lambda_bar pi-
196  partDaughterPdg[14].push_back( -211);
198  partDaughterPdg[15].push_back( 2212); //Lambda* -> p K-
199  partDaughterPdg[15].push_back( -321);
201  partDaughterPdg[16].push_back(-2212); //Lambda*_bar -> p- K+
202  partDaughterPdg[16].push_back( 321);
204  partDaughterPdg[17].push_back( 3312); //Xi*0 -> Xi- pi+
205  partDaughterPdg[17].push_back( 211);
207  partDaughterPdg[18].push_back(-3312); //Xi*0_bar -> Xi+ pi-
208  partDaughterPdg[18].push_back( -211);
210  partDaughterPdg[19].push_back( 3122); //Xi*- -> Lambda K-
211  partDaughterPdg[19].push_back( -321);
213  partDaughterPdg[20].push_back(-3122); //Xi*+ -> Lambda_bar K+
214  partDaughterPdg[20].push_back( 321);
216  partDaughterPdg[21].push_back( 3312); //Omega*- -> Xi- pi+ K-
217  partDaughterPdg[21].push_back( 211);
218  partDaughterPdg[21].push_back( -321);
220  partDaughterPdg[22].push_back(-3312); //Omega*- -> Xi+ pi- K+
221  partDaughterPdg[22].push_back( -211);
222  partDaughterPdg[22].push_back( 321);
224  partDaughterPdg[23].push_back( 3122); //H-dibar -> Lambda Lambda
225  partDaughterPdg[23].push_back( 3122);
227  partDaughterPdg[24].push_back( 321); //phi -> K+ K-
228  partDaughterPdg[24].push_back( -321);
230  partDaughterPdg[25].push_back( 211); //rho, omega, phi -> pi+ pi-
231  partDaughterPdg[25].push_back( -211);
233  partDaughterPdg[26].push_back( 11); //rho, omega, phi -> e+ e-
234  partDaughterPdg[26].push_back( -11);
236  partDaughterPdg[27].push_back( 13); //rho, omega, phi -> mu+ mu-
237  partDaughterPdg[27].push_back( -13);
239  partDaughterPdg[28].push_back( 11); //gamma -> e+ e-
240  partDaughterPdg[28].push_back( -11);
242  partDaughterPdg[29].push_back( 11); //JPsi -> e+ e-
243  partDaughterPdg[29].push_back( -11);
245  partDaughterPdg[30].push_back( 13); //JPsi -> mu+ mu-
246  partDaughterPdg[30].push_back( -13);
248  partDaughterPdg[31].push_back( 211); //D0 -> pi+ K-
249  partDaughterPdg[31].push_back( -321);
251  partDaughterPdg[32].push_back( -211); //D0_bar -> K+ pi-
252  partDaughterPdg[32].push_back( 321);
254  partDaughterPdg[33].push_back( 211); //D0 -> pi+ pi+ pi- K-
255  partDaughterPdg[33].push_back( 211);
256  partDaughterPdg[33].push_back( -211);
257  partDaughterPdg[33].push_back( -321);
259  partDaughterPdg[34].push_back( -211); //D0_bar -> pi- pi- pi+ K+
260  partDaughterPdg[34].push_back( -211);
261  partDaughterPdg[34].push_back( 211);
262  partDaughterPdg[34].push_back( 321);
264  partDaughterPdg[35].push_back( -321); //D+ -> K- pi+ pi+
265  partDaughterPdg[35].push_back( 211);
266  partDaughterPdg[35].push_back( 211);
268  partDaughterPdg[36].push_back( 321); //D- -> K+ pi- pi-
269  partDaughterPdg[36].push_back( -211);
270  partDaughterPdg[36].push_back( -211);
272  partDaughterPdg[37].push_back( -321); //Ds+ -> K- K+ pi+
273  partDaughterPdg[37].push_back( 321);
274  partDaughterPdg[37].push_back( 211);
276  partDaughterPdg[38].push_back( 321); //Ds- -> K+ K- pi-
277  partDaughterPdg[38].push_back( -321);
278  partDaughterPdg[38].push_back( -211);
280  partDaughterPdg[39].push_back( 211); //Lambdac -> pi+ K- p
281  partDaughterPdg[39].push_back( -321);
282  partDaughterPdg[39].push_back( 2212);
284  partDaughterPdg[40].push_back( -211); //Lambdac_bar -> pi- K+ p-
285  partDaughterPdg[40].push_back( 321);
286  partDaughterPdg[40].push_back(-2212);
288  partDaughterPdg[41].push_back( 411); //D*0 -> D+ pi-
289  partDaughterPdg[41].push_back( -211);
291  partDaughterPdg[42].push_back( -411); //D*0_bar -> D- pi+
292  partDaughterPdg[42].push_back( 211);
294  partDaughterPdg[43].push_back( 421); //D*+ -> D0 pi+
295  partDaughterPdg[43].push_back( 211);
297  partDaughterPdg[44].push_back( -421); //D*- -> D0_bar pi-
298  partDaughterPdg[44].push_back( -211);
300  partDaughterPdg[45].push_back( 421); //D*+ -> D04 pi+
301  partDaughterPdg[45].push_back( 211);
303  partDaughterPdg[46].push_back( -421); //D*- -> D04_bar pi-
304  partDaughterPdg[46].push_back( -211);
306  partDaughterPdg[47].push_back( 3122); //H0-> Lambda pi- p
307  partDaughterPdg[47].push_back( -211);
308  partDaughterPdg[47].push_back( 2212);
310  for(int iP=0; iP<nParticles; iP++)
311  {
312  partPDG[iP] = mPartPDG[iP];
313  partName[iP] = mPartName[iP];
314  partTitle[iP] = mPartTitle[iP];
315  partMHistoMin[iP] = mPartMHistoMin[iP];
316  partMHistoMax[iP] = mPartMHistoMax[iP];
317  }
319  for(int iP=0; iP<nParticles; iP++)
320  {
321  AddCounter(Form("%s",partName[iP].Data()), Form("%-*s",14,partTitle[iP].Data()));
322  AddCounter(Form("%s_prim",partName[iP].Data()), Form("%s Prim",partTitle[iP].Data()));
323  AddCounter(Form("%s_sec",partName[iP].Data()), Form("%s Sec ",partTitle[iP].Data()));
324  }
326  for(int iP=0; iP<nParticles; iP++)
327  fPdgToIndex[mPartPDG[iP]] = iP;
328  }
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
vector< TString > names
map< TString, int > indices
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
vector< vector< int > > partDaughterPdg
float partMHistoMin[nParticles]
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TString partTitle[nParticles]
TString partName[nParticles]
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
static const int nParticles
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
virtual void AddCounter(TString shortname, TString name)
int partPDG[nParticles]
map< int, int > fPdgToIndex
float partMHistoMax[nParticles]
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
virtual KFPartEfficiencies::~KFPartEfficiencies ( )

Definition at line 330 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

330 {};

Member Function Documentation

virtual void KFPartEfficiencies::AddCounter ( TString  shortname,
TString  name 

Definition at line 340 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References TTracksCatCounters< T >::AddCounter(), bg, clone, ghost, indices, mc, names, ratio_bg, ratio_clone, ratio_ghost, ratio_reco, and reco.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

340  {
341  indices[shortname] = names.size();
342  names.push_back(name);
345  mc.AddCounter();
346  reco.AddCounter();
351  ghost.AddCounter();
352  bg.AddCounter();
353  clone.AddCounter();
354  };
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
vector< TString > names
map< TString, int > indices
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TString name
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
void KFPartEfficiencies::AddFromFile ( TString  fileName)

Definition at line 454 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References file.

455  {
456  std::fstream file(fileName.Data(),fstream::in);
457  file >> *this;
458  }
TFile * file
void KFPartEfficiencies::CalcEff ( )

Definition at line 362 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References bg, clone, ghost, mc, ratio_bg, ratio_clone, ratio_ghost, ratio_reco, and reco.

362  {
363  ratio_reco = reco/mc;
365  TTracksCatCounters<int> allReco = reco + ghost + bg;
366  ratio_ghost = ghost/allReco;
367  ratio_bg = bg/allReco;
368  ratio_clone = clone/allReco;
369  };
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
int KFPartEfficiencies::GetParticleIndex ( int  pdg)

Definition at line 332 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References fPdgToIndex.

333  {
334  std::map<int, int>::iterator it;
335  it=fPdgToIndex.find(pdg);
336  if(it != fPdgToIndex.end()) return it->second;
337  else return -1;
338  }
map< int, int > fPdgToIndex
void KFPartEfficiencies::Inc ( bool  isReco,
int  nClones,
TString  name 

Definition at line 372 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References clone, TTracksCatCounters< T >::counters, indices, mc, name, and reco.

373  {
374  const int index = indices[name];
376  mc.counters[index]++;
377  if (isReco) reco.counters[index]++;
378  if(nClones > 0)
379  clone.counters[index] += nClones;
380  };
map< TString, int > indices
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TString name
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
void KFPartEfficiencies::IncReco ( bool  isGhost,
bool  isBg,
TString  name 

Definition at line 382 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References bg, TTracksCatCounters< T >::counters, ghost, indices, and name.

382  {
383  const int index = indices[name];
385  if (isGhost) ghost. counters[index]++;
386  if (isBg) bg.counters[index]++;
387  };
map< TString, int > indices
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TString name
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
KFPartEfficiencies& KFPartEfficiencies::operator+= ( KFPartEfficiencies a)

Definition at line 356 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References bg, clone, ghost, mc, and reco.

356  {
357  mc += a.mc; reco += a.reco;
358  ghost += a.ghost; bg += a.bg; clone += a.clone;
359  return *this;
360  };
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
void KFPartEfficiencies::PrintEff ( )

Definition at line 389 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

References bg, clone, TTracksCatCounters< T >::counters, ghost, mc, names, TTracksCatCounters< T >::NCounters, ratio_bg, ratio_ghost, ratio_reco, and reco.

389  {
391  //save original cout flags
392  std::ios_base::fmtflags coutFlags = cout.flags();
394  std::cout.setf(ios::fixed);
395  std::cout.setf(ios::showpoint);
396  std::cout.precision(3);
397  std::cout << "Particle : "
398  << " Eff "
399  <<" / "<< " Ghost "
400  <<" / "<< "BackGr "
401  <<" / "<< "N Ghost"
402  <<" / "<< "N BackGr"
403  <<" / "<< "N Reco "
404  <<" / "<< "N Clone "
405  <<" | "<< " N MC " << std::endl;
407  int NCounters = mc.NCounters;
408  for (int iC = 0; iC < NCounters; iC++){
409  std::cout << names[iC]
410  << " : " << setw(6) << ratio_reco.counters[iC]
411  << " / " << setw(6) << ratio_ghost.counters[iC] // particles w\o MCParticle
412  << " / " << setw(6) << ratio_bg.counters[iC] // particles with incorrect MCParticle
413  << " / " << setw(6) << ghost.counters[iC]
414  << " / " << setw(7) << bg.counters[iC]
415  << " / " << setw(6) << reco.counters[iC]
416  << " / " << setw(7) << clone.counters[iC]
417  << " | " << setw(6) << mc.counters[iC] << std::endl;
418  }
420  //restore original cout flags
421  cout.flags(coutFlags);
422  };
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
vector< TString > names
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::fstream& operator<< ( std::fstream &  strm,
KFPartEfficiencies a 

Definition at line 424 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

424  {
426  strm << a.ratio_reco;
427  strm << a.mc;
428  strm << a.reco;
429  strm << a.ratio_ghost;
430  strm << a.ratio_bg;
431  strm << a.ratio_clone;
432  strm << a.ghost;
433  strm << a.bg;
434  strm << a.clone;
436  return strm;
437  }
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost
std::fstream& operator>> ( std::fstream &  strm,
KFPartEfficiencies a 

Definition at line 439 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

439  {
441  strm >> a.ratio_reco;
442  strm >> a.mc;
443  strm >> a.reco;
444  strm >> a.ratio_ghost;
445  strm >> a.ratio_bg;
446  strm >> a.ratio_clone;
447  strm >> a.ghost;
448  strm >> a.bg;
449  strm >> a.clone;
451  return strm;
452  }
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > mc
TTracksCatCounters< int > bg
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TTracksCatCounters< int > clone
TTracksCatCounters< double > ratio_ghost
TTracksCatCounters< int > reco
TTracksCatCounters< int > ghost

Member Data Documentation

TTracksCatCounters<int> KFPartEfficiencies::bg

Definition at line 486 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), IncReco(), operator+=(), and PrintEff().

TTracksCatCounters<int> KFPartEfficiencies::clone

Definition at line 487 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), Inc(), operator+=(), and PrintEff().

map<int, int> KFPartEfficiencies::fPdgToIndex

Definition at line 474 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by GetParticleIndex(), and KFPartEfficiencies().

TTracksCatCounters<int> KFPartEfficiencies::ghost

Definition at line 485 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), IncReco(), operator+=(), and PrintEff().

map<TString, int> KFPartEfficiencies::indices

Definition at line 472 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), Inc(), and IncReco().

TTracksCatCounters<int> KFPartEfficiencies::mc

Definition at line 478 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), Inc(), operator+=(), and PrintEff().

vector<TString> KFPartEfficiencies::names

Definition at line 471 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), and PrintEff().

const int KFPartEfficiencies::nParticles = 48

Definition at line 460 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

vector<vector<int> > KFPartEfficiencies::partDaughterPdg

Definition at line 464 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

float KFPartEfficiencies::partMHistoMax[nParticles]

Definition at line 466 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

float KFPartEfficiencies::partMHistoMin[nParticles]

Definition at line 465 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

TString KFPartEfficiencies::partName[nParticles]

Definition at line 462 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by KFPartEfficiencies().

int KFPartEfficiencies::partPDG[nParticles]
TString KFPartEfficiencies::partTitle[nParticles]
TTracksCatCounters<double> KFPartEfficiencies::ratio_bg

Definition at line 482 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), and PrintEff().

TTracksCatCounters<double> KFPartEfficiencies::ratio_clone

Definition at line 483 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), and CalcEff().

TTracksCatCounters<double> KFPartEfficiencies::ratio_ghost

Definition at line 481 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), and PrintEff().

TTracksCatCounters<double> KFPartEfficiencies::ratio_reco

Definition at line 476 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), and PrintEff().

TTracksCatCounters<int> KFPartEfficiencies::reco

Definition at line 479 of file KFPartEfficiencies.h.

Referenced by AddCounter(), CalcEff(), Inc(), operator+=(), and PrintEff().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: