Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cgenfit::AbsBFieldAbstract Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT
 Cgenfit::AbsFinitePlaneAbstract base class for finite detector planes
 Cgenfit::AbsFitterAbstract base class for fitters
 Cgenfit::AbsMeasurementProducer< measurement_T >Abstract interface class for MeasurementProducer
 Cgenfit::AbsMeasurementProducer< genfit::AbsMeasurement >
 CPndCAInternal::AlignedData< T, Size, _alignment >
 CPndFTSInternal::AlignedData< T, Size, _alignment >
 CPndCAInternal::AlignedData< T, Size, 0 >
 CPndFTSInternal::AlignedData< T, Size, 0 >
 CPndCAInternal::AlignedData< typename PndCAInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >::Type, Size::Size, alignment >
 CPndFTSInternal::AlignedData< typename PndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >::Type, Size::Size, alignment >
 CPndCAInternal::Allocator< T, alignment >
 CPndFTSInternal::Allocator< T, alignment >
 CPndCAInternal::Allocator< T, 0 >
 CPndFTSInternal::Allocator< T, 0 >
 CPndCAInternal::Allocator< T, PndCAFullyCacheLineAligned >
 CPndFTSInternal::Allocator< T, PndFTSFullyCacheLineAligned >
 CPndCAInternal::ArrayBase< T, Dim >
 CPndFTSInternal::ArrayBase< T, Dim >
 CPndCAInternal::ArrayBase< PndCAInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >::Type, Dim >
 CPndFTSInternal::ArrayBase< PndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< FTSCAStrip, alignment >::Type, Dim >
 CPndFTSInternal::ArrayBase< PndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< PndFTSCAGBHit, alignment >::Type, Dim >
 CPndFTSInternal::ArrayBase< PndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >::Type, Dim >
 Cstd::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
 Cstd::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
 CAnalyseSimFile::CCreate some standard plots for simulation files Macro to generate histograms for particle types of primary particles
 CQA_histos::CQuality Assurance histogram macro
 CPndCAInternal::CacheLineSizeHelperData< T >
 CPndFTSInternal::CacheLineSizeHelperData< T >
 CPndCAInternal::CacheLineSizeHelperEnums< T >
 CPndFTSInternal::CacheLineSizeHelperEnums< T >
 Cstd::char_traits< T >
 CPndMasterDigiTask::digiTaskListStruct of the task list This struct avoids to retrieve tasks using the integer value (misleading), but uses an easier scheme. The enum is "k" + the class name, i.e. "kPndMvdDigiTask" for the class PndMvdDigiTask. The function PrintTaskList() can be used to check the list of the tasks and the corresponding number
 Cgenfit::ExtrapStepHelper for RKTrackRep
 Cgenfit::fieldCacheCache B field at a position. Used by FieldManager
 Cgenfit::FieldManagerSingleton which provides access to magnetic field maps
 CCAMath::FiniteReturnTypeHelper< T >
 Cgenfit::FitStatusClass where important numbers and properties of a fit can be stored
 CFTSCAStationArray< T >
 CFTSCAStationArray< FTSCANPlet >
 CFTSCAStationArray< FTSCANPletV >
 CGFAbsBFieldGeneric Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT
 CGFAbsRecoHitProducerAbstract interface class for GFRecoHitProducer
 CGFFieldManagerSingleton which provides access to magnetic field for track representations
 CGFKalmanGeneric Kalman Filter implementation
 CGFRecoHitFactoryFactory object to create RecoHits from digitized and clustered data
 Cgenfit::MatStepSimple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material
 Cgenfit::MeasurementFactory< measurement_T >Factory object to create AbsMeasurement objects from digitized and clustered data
 Cgenfit::MeasurementFactory< genfit::AbsMeasurement >
 CPndCAInternal::Padding< Size >
 CPndFTSInternal::Padding< Size >
 CPndCAInternal::Padding< 0 >
 CPndFTSInternal::Padding< 0 >
 CPndFTSInternal::Padding< CacheLineSizeHelperEnums< T >::PaddingSize >
 CPndCAInternal::Padding< CacheLineSizeHelperEnums< T >::PaddingSize >
 CPhotosControls the configuration and initialization of Photos
 CPhotosBranchSingle branching point
 CPhotosDebugRandomRandom generator for debugging purposes
 CPhotosEventAbstract base class for containing the event information
 CPhotosHEPEVTParticleSingle particle of HEPEVT event record
 CPhotosHepMCEventInterface to HepMC::GenEvent objects
 CPhotosHepMCParticleInterface to HepMC::GenParticle objects
 CPhotosParticleAbstract base class for particle in the event. This class also handles boosting
 CPhotosRandomPhotos random number generator rewritten from PHOTOS FORTRAN
 CPndMasterMultiPidTask::pidTaskListStruct of the task list This struct avoids to retrieve tasks using the integer value (misleading), but uses an easier scheme. The enum is "k" + the class name, i.e. "kPndPidCorrelator" for the class PndPidCorrelator. The function PrintTaskList() can be used to check the list of the tasks and the corresponding number
 CPndCAArraySize< x, y, z >
 CPndCAPerformanceMCTrackDataInformation about reconstruction of MCTrack
 CPndCAPerformanceRecoTrackDataInformation about reconstruction of Reconstructed Track
 CPndCAStationArray< T >
 CPndCAStationArray< PndCANPlet >
 CPndCAStationArray< PndCANPletV >
 CPndDocuSampleDocumentation Sample Class
 CPndEmcAbsCrystalCalibratorAbstract interface for a emc calibrator
 CPndEmcAbsPSABaseclass for pulseshapeanalysis ( featureextraction )
 CPndEmcErrorMatrixCalculate Error Matrix for the given EmcCluster with parametrization defined by the given parameter PndEmcErrorMatrixPar
 CPndEventDisplayDisplay of hits inside the gGeoManager
 CPndFTSArraySize< x, y, z >
 CPndFTSCAPerformanceMCTrackDataInformation about reconstruction of MCTrack
 CPndFTSCAPerformanceRecoTrackDataInformation about reconstruction of Reconstructed Track
 CPndFtsHoughTrackFinderImplementation of the Hough transform based FTS PR. Creates Hough spaces, finds peaks (=tracklets) and combines them to track candidates
 CPndHypGeoHandlingClass to access the naming information of the MVD
 CPndMapSorterTpl< TData >
 CPndMvdCalcTotClass to calculate the time over threshold
 CPndMvdConvertApvConvert meassured data into PndSdsDigiStrip
 CPndMvdTopixHitProducerPndSdsChargedWeightedPixelMapping: Gets a vector of DigiHits and calculates the cluster center weighted with the charge params: Number of columns in FE, Number of rows in FE, Pixel dimension in x, Pixel dimension in y params are taken from parameter database
 CPndSdsCalcFePixelClass to calculate the position of digis on a front-end from the digis on a sensor
 CPndSdsCalcPixelCalculates the pixels (digis) fired from a particle hitting the sensor
 CPndSdsCalcStripClass for calculating strip indices from wafer hits
 CPndSdsCalcStripDifClass for calculating strip indices from wafer hits
 CPndSdsPixelClusterFinderBase class for cluster finding algorithms
 CPndSdsStripClass representing strips on wafer-scale
 CPndSmpCandSimple particle candidate to perform simple combinatorics and particle counting for event filtering
 CPndSmpFiltSimple container for filter definition (criteria) for PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator
 Cgenfit::PruneFlagsInfo which information has been pruned from the Track
 CqualityNumbersHolding statically callable quality numbers
 CnsL1::SimdAlloc< T >::rebind< U >
 CPndMasterRecoIdealTask::recoIdealTaskListStruct of the task list This struct avoids to retrieve tasks using the integer value (misleading), but uses an easier scheme. The enum is "k" + the class name, i.e. "kPndTrkTracking2" for the class PndTracking2. The function PrintTaskList() can be used to check the list of the tasks and the corresponding number
 Crecoqa_completeQuality Assurance task for tracking
 CPndMasterRecoTask::recoTaskListStruct of the task list This struct avoids to retrieve tasks using the integer value (misleading), but uses an easier scheme. The enum is "k" + the class name, i.e. "kPndTrkTracking2" for the class PndTracking2. The function PrintTaskList() can be used to check the list of the tasks and the corresponding number
 CPndCAInternal::ReturnTypeHelper< T >
 CPndFTSInternal::ReturnTypeHelper< T >
 CPndCAInternal::ReturnTypeHelper< CacheLineSizeHelper< T > >
 CPndFTSInternal::ReturnTypeHelper< CacheLineSizeHelper< T > >
 CRhoHTAbsValVector< T >
 CRhoHTRange< T >
 Cgenfit::RKStepHelper for RKTrackRep
 CSensorGrid::SensorGridBaseCommon base class for sensor grids
 CnsL1::SimdAlloc< T >
 Cgenfit::StateOnPlaneA state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane
 CPndFTSArrayInternal::STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE< bool >
 CPndCAArrayInternal::STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE< bool >
 CPndFTSArrayInternal::STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE< true >
 CPndCAArrayInternal::STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE< true >
 CStepErrorStructure to hold the per step error values
 Cgenfit::StepLimitsHelper to store different limits on the stepsize for the RKTRackRep
 CTConfItemConfiguration Item to be used in TMrfData structures
 CTMrfData_8bBase interface class for data storage and manipulation. Compatible with IO classes from MRF Suite
 CTParameter< p >
 CTParameter< double >
 CTParameter< Double_t >
 Cgenfit::TrackPointComparatorHelper class for TrackPoint sorting, used in Track::sort()
 CTTracksCatCounters< T >Counters used for efficiency calculation
 CTTracksCatCounters< double >
 CTTracksCatCounters< int >
 CPndCAInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >
 CPndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, alignment >
 CPndCAInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, PndCAFullyCacheLineAligned >
 CPndFTSInternal::TypeForAlignmentHelper< T, PndFTSFullyCacheLineAligned >
 CVec< T >
 CnsL1::vector< T >