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PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator Class Reference

Primary generator with added event filtering capabilities. More...

#include <PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator:

Public Member Functions

 PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ()
 Default constructor. More...
 PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator (TString filterset)
 Constructor with filter-set string. More...
virtual ~PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual Bool_t Init ()
 Initialize the event generator(s) and the event (veto) filter(s). More...
void AddFilter (TString filterStr)
 Registers a filter as a string to be parsed Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters connected with logical && (AND) (= a certain event type). All filter sets are combined with a logical || (OR) (all event types to be accepted). Syntax: "Filt_1.1 && Filt_1.2 || Filt_2.1 || Filt_3.1 && Filt_3.2 && Filt_3.2". More...
virtual Bool_t GenerateEvent (FairGenericStack *pStack)
 Calls event generators and the event filters. More...
void SetFilterMaxTries (Int_t maxTries=99999)
 Define the maximum number of times that this object should try to find an event which suits all event filters. More...
Int_t GetNumberOfFilterMaxTries ()
 returns the maximum number of times that this object should try to find an event which suits all event filters. More...
Int_t GetNumberOfGeneratedEvents ()
 returns the total (accepted + rejected) number of events generated by the event generators. If no event filters are used this number is equal to the number of simulated events. More...
void SetEventPrintFrequency (int freq)
 Sets the frequency (accepted events) for printout (verbose>0) of accepted and generated events. More...
Int_t GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents ()
 Returns the number of cases in which no matching event was found within the set max. tries. More...
void WriteEvtFilterStatsToRootFile (TFile *outputFile=NULL)
 Writes all relevant event filter information to the output root file. More...
void SetVerbose (Int_t verbose=12)
 Set the level of commenting output. More...

Protected Member Functions

PndSmpCandList CombineList (int pdg, PndSmpCandList *l0, PndSmpCandList *l1, PndSmpCandList *l2=0, PndSmpCandList *l3=0, PndSmpCandList *l4=0)
 Combines upt to five particle lists of PndSmpCand with overlap and double counting prevention. More...
void PrintSmpCandList (PndSmpCandList l, TString name="")
 Prints a candidate lits. More...
StrVec SplitString (TString s, TString delim=" ")
 Splits a TString to substrings. More...
bool CheckKinematic (const PndSmpFilt &f, const TLorentzVector &p4)
 Checks whether P4 kinematics match the criteria of a PndSmpFilt. More...
int AntiPdgCode (int pdg)
 Gets anti-pdg code, if exists. If not returns the code itself (particle is its anti-particle) More...
void GetRangeDouble (TString s, double &a, double &b, TString delim=",", bool forceset=false)
 Turns a string of the form <float><delim><float> (e.g. "124.2,178.3") to a range a,b. More...
void GetRangeInt (TString s, int &a, int &b, TString delim="..")
 Turns a string of the form <int><delim><int> (e.g. "3..8") to a range a,b. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< PndSmpFilterSetfFilterSets
 Contains the filter-sets. Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters connected with logical AND (= a certain event type). All filter sets are combined with a logical OR (all event types to be accepted). Structure is like: (Filt_1.1 AND Filt_1.2) OR (Filt_2.1) OR (Filt_3.1 AND Filt_3.2 AND Filt_3.2) More...
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
 Contains the statistics of the event filtering process. More...
Int_t fVerbose
 Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output. More...
Int_t fEventNrFiltered
 Event number (Set by the filtered primary generator. More...
Int_t fEventPrintFreq
 Print frequency for filtered events. More...
TDatabasePDG * fdbPdg
 Shortcut to TDatabasePDG. More...
std::vector< TStringfPartNames
 particle names for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neutrals) More...
std::vector< int > fNamePdg
 particle codes for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neutrals) More...
std::vector< int > fCombFsPdg
 particle codes for the lists used for combinatorics; !!! the codes are not selected from MC truth, just the corresponding mass hypos are applied to charged tracks More...
std::unordered_set< int > fSetFsPdg
 set to identify particles from MC truth list which can be combined More...
std::map< TString, int > fNameCodeMap
 mapes names to (pdg) codes More...
std::map< int, TStringfCodeNameMap
 mapes (pdg) codes to names More...

Private Member Functions

 PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator (const PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator &)
PndFilteredPrimaryGeneratoroperator= (const PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator &)
 ClassDef (PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator, 1)

Detailed Description

Primary generator with added event filtering capabilities.

Klaus Goetzen <k [dot] goetzen (at) gsi [dot] de>

This class adds event filtering capabilities to FairPrimaryGenerator which is used internally for handling the event generators. The event filtering is performed after the event generation and before the particle transport through the detector model.

The filter is configured with a string of the form "Filt_1.1 && Filt_1.2 || Filt_2.1 || Filt_3.1 && Filt_3.2 && Filt_3.2", where the logical && (AND) has higher priority than the logical || (OR). Each filter can be negated with a leading '!'.

There are two types of filters possible: particle type counters and invariant mass filters. The syntax is

count filter : C(<particle> ; <mult> ; [kinematic requirements]) ==> requires <mult> particles of type <particle> (counted in MC list) to meet certain kinematic conditions (p, pt, pz, theta, phi)

mass filter : M(<particle 1> <particle 2> [<particle 3> ... <particle 5>] ; <mult> ; <mass requirement>=""> ; [kinematic requirements]) ==> takes neutral particles and charged tracks, applies the mass hypotheses from <particle 1..5>, combines them and requires <mult> candidates with invariant mass to be in certain window

<particle> : e+, e-, e+-, mu+, mu-, mu+-, pi+, pi-, pi+-, K+, K-, K+-, p+, p-, p+-, n0, n0b, n00b (=n0 or n0b), gam, nt (neutral = gamma), t+ (positive tracks), t- (neg. tracks), t+- (chg. tracks), any (total multiplicity) <mult> : a..b, a (= a..a), ..a (= 0..a), a.. = (a..10000), not given (>=1 = 1..10000) <mass req.> : m[center,window] : center - window/2 < inv. mass < center + window/2 [kin. req.] : p[min,max] ; pt[min,max] ; pz[min,max] ; tht[min,max] ; phi[min,max]. Can be shortened to [,max] = [0.0,max] and [min,] = [min,1e8]

Example: C(any ; 4..) && C(tr+- ; 2 ; tht[5,20] ; p[1.0,]) && M(pi+ pi- gam gam ; m[0.782,0.1] ; pt[0.5,2.0])

Concerning FairPrimaryGenerator:

The PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator is responsible for the handling of the MC input. Several input generators can be registered to it; these have to be derived from the FairGenerator class. The PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator defines position and (optionally) smearing of the primary vertex. This class should be instantiated only once.

Definition at line 74 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 15 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References fCodeNameMap, fCombFsPdg, fdbPdg, fNameCodeMap, fNamePdg, fPartNames, fSetFsPdg, and i.

16 : FairPrimaryGenerator(),
19  fVerbose(3),
21  fEventPrintFreq(100)
22 {
23  fdbPdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
25  std::vector<TString> tmpfPartNames = {"e+", "e-", "mu+", "mu-", "pi+", "pi-", "k+", "k-", "p+", "p-", "n0", "n0b", "e+-", "mu+-", "pi+-", "k+-", "p+-", "n00b" , "t+", "t-", "t+-", "nt", "any" };
26  std::vector<int> tmpfNamePdg = {-11 , 11 , -13 , 13 , 211 , -211 , 321 , -321, 2212, -2212, 2112, -2112, 11000 , 13000 , 211000 , 321000 , 2212000, 2112000, 1 , -1 , 2 , 0 , 3 };
27  std::vector<int> tmpfCombFsPdg = {-11 , 11 , -13 , 13 , 211 , -211 , 321 , -321, 2212, -2212 , 22};
29  // initialize sets and vectors with names and codes
30  fPartNames = tmpfPartNames;
31  fNamePdg = tmpfNamePdg;
32  fCombFsPdg = tmpfCombFsPdg;
34  std::unordered_set<int> tmpfSetFsPdg(fCombFsPdg.begin(), fCombFsPdg.end());
35  fSetFsPdg = tmpfSetFsPdg;
37  // initialize maps between names and codes
38  for (int i=0;i<(int)fPartNames.size();++i) fNameCodeMap[fPartNames[i]] = fNamePdg[i];
39  for (int i=0;i<(int)fPartNames.size();++i) fCodeNameMap[fNamePdg[i]] = fPartNames[i];
40 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::unordered_set< int > fSetFsPdg
set to identify particles from MC truth list which can be combined
std::map< TString, int > fNameCodeMap
mapes names to (pdg) codes
Int_t fEventNrFiltered
Event number (Set by the filtered primary generator.
std::map< int, TString > fCodeNameMap
mapes (pdg) codes to names
TDatabasePDG * fdbPdg
Shortcut to TDatabasePDG.
std::vector< TString > fPartNames
particle names for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neu...
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
Int_t fEventPrintFreq
Print frequency for filtered events.
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
std::vector< int > fNamePdg
particle codes for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neu...
std::vector< int > fCombFsPdg
particle codes for the lists used for combinatorics; !!! the codes are not selected from MC truth...
PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ( TString  filterset)

Constructor with filter-set string.

Definition at line 44 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References AddFilter(), fCodeNameMap, fCombFsPdg, fdbPdg, fNameCodeMap, fNamePdg, fPartNames, fSetFsPdg, and i.

45 : FairPrimaryGenerator(),
48  fVerbose(3),
50  fEventPrintFreq(100)
51 {
52  fdbPdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
54  std::vector<TString> tmpfPartNames = {"e+", "e-", "mu+", "mu-", "pi+", "pi-", "k+", "k-", "p+", "p-", "n0", "n0b", "e+-", "mu+-", "pi+-", "k+-", "p+-", "n00b" , "t+", "t-", "t+-", "nt", "any" };
55  std::vector<int> tmpfNamePdg = {-11 , 11 , -13 , 13 , 211 , -211 , 321 , -321, 2212, -2212, 2112, -2112, 11000 , 13000 , 211000 , 321000 , 2212000, 2112000, 1 , -1 , 2 , 0 , 3 };
56  std::vector<int> tmpfCombFsPdg = {-11 , 11 , -13 , 13 , 211 , -211 , 321 , -321, 2212, -2212 , 22};
58  // initialize sets and vectors with names and codes
59  fPartNames = tmpfPartNames;
60  fNamePdg = tmpfNamePdg;
61  fCombFsPdg = tmpfCombFsPdg;
63  std::unordered_set<int> tmpfSetFsPdg(fCombFsPdg.begin(), fCombFsPdg.end());
64  fSetFsPdg = tmpfSetFsPdg;
66  // initialize maps between names and codes
67  for (int i=0;i<(int)fPartNames.size();++i) fNameCodeMap[fPartNames[i]] = fNamePdg[i];
68  for (int i=0;i<(int)fPartNames.size();++i) fCodeNameMap[fNamePdg[i]] = fPartNames[i];
70  AddFilter(filterset);
71 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::unordered_set< int > fSetFsPdg
set to identify particles from MC truth list which can be combined
std::map< TString, int > fNameCodeMap
mapes names to (pdg) codes
Int_t fEventNrFiltered
Event number (Set by the filtered primary generator.
std::map< int, TString > fCodeNameMap
mapes (pdg) codes to names
TDatabasePDG * fdbPdg
Shortcut to TDatabasePDG.
std::vector< TString > fPartNames
particle names for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neu...
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
void AddFilter(TString filterStr)
Registers a filter as a string to be parsed Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a num...
Int_t fEventPrintFreq
Print frequency for filtered events.
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
std::vector< int > fNamePdg
particle codes for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neu...
std::vector< int > fCombFsPdg
particle codes for the lists used for combinatorics; !!! the codes are not selected from MC truth...
virtual PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::~PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ( )


Definition at line 86 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

86 {};
PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator ( const PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator )

Member Function Documentation

void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::AddFilter ( TString  filterStr)

Registers a filter as a string to be parsed Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters connected with logical && (AND) (= a certain event type). All filter sets are combined with a logical || (OR) (all event types to be accepted). Syntax: "Filt_1.1 && Filt_1.2 || Filt_2.1 || Filt_3.1 && Filt_3.2 && Filt_3.2".

Definition at line 157 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References PndSmpFilt::compo, cuts, exit(), f, fFilterSets, fNameCodeMap, for(), fVerbose, GetRangeDouble(), GetRangeInt(), i, if(), jj, PndSmpFilt::mcntr, PndSmpFilt::mwin, PndSmpFilt::name, PndSmpFilt::ndau, PndSmpFilt::nmax, PndSmpFilt::nmin, PndSmpFilt::nocc, PndSmpFilt::pdg, PndSmpFilt::phimax, PndSmpFilt::phimin, PndSmpFilt::pmax, PndSmpFilt::pmin, PndSmpFilt::ptmax, PndSmpFilt::ptmin, PndSmpFilt::pzmax, PndSmpFilt::pzmin, SplitString(), PndSmpFilt::thtmax, PndSmpFilt::thtmin, TString, and PndSmpFilt::veto.

Referenced by PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator(), and prod_fsim().

158 {
159  // some replacements
160  filterStr.ToLower();
161  filterStr.ReplaceAll(":","&&");
162  filterStr.ReplaceAll("gamma","nt");
163  filterStr.ReplaceAll("gam","nt");
164  filterStr.ReplaceAll("ch0","nt");
165  filterStr.ReplaceAll("tr","t");
166  filterStr.ReplaceAll("ch","t");
167  filterStr.ReplaceAll("mass","m");
170  // split filter string
171  StrVec filtersets_str = SplitString(filterStr,"||");
173  // *** loop over event type filters (the filter sets)
174  for (int ifs=0; ifs < (int) filtersets_str.size(); ++ ifs)
175  {
176  StrVec filters_str = SplitString(filtersets_str[ifs],"&&");
178  // --------------------
179  // parse filter strings
180  // --------------------
182  PndSmpFilterSet filters;
184  for (int i=0;i<(int) filters_str.size();++i)
185  {
186  // some filter checks
187  TString fs = filters_str[i];
188  if ( (!fs.EndsWith(")")) || (fs.Contains(",") && !fs.Contains("[")) )
189  {
190  cout <<" --> Please check filter string '"<<fs<<"'"<<endl;
191  exit(0);
192  }
194  // a copy without the X() stuff
195  TString tmpfs = fs(fs.Index("(")+1,fs.Length()-fs.Index("(")-2);
197  StrVec cuts = SplitString(tmpfs,";");
199  if (fVerbose>3) cout<<endl<<fs<<endl<<tmpfs<<endl;
201  PndSmpFilt f;
202  f.name = fs;
204  // negate filter?
205  if (fs.BeginsWith("!")) {f.veto = true; fs.ReplaceAll("!","");}
207  // if the filter string has the form "M(...)" it's a mass filter, else a multiplicity filter ("(...)")
208  if (fs.BeginsWith("m(")) f.compo=true;
210  for (int j=0;j<(int)cuts.size();++j)
211  {
212  TString ct = cuts[j];
213  //cout <<" "<<ct<<endl;
215  // if specifier (p, tht, pt, ...) store it and remove the '[]'
216  TString key = "";
217  if (ct.Contains("["))
218  {
219  key = ct(0,ct.Index("["));
220  ct = ct(ct.Index("[")+1,ct.Length()-ct.Index("[")-2);
221  }
223  // either multiplicity or particle names
224  if (key=="")
225  {
226  // mult, either range delimiter '..' found
227  if (ct.Contains("..")) GetRangeInt(ct, f.nmin, f.nmax);
228  // or single number, explicitely allowed to be 0 (kind of veto filtering)
229  else if (ct.Atoi()!=0 || ct=="0") f.nmin = f.nmax = ct.Atoi();
230  // particle name of the particle to be counted or a list of particles for inv. mass filter (in case f.compo = true)
231  else
232  {
233  StrVec parts = SplitString(ct);
234  for (int jj=0;jj<(int)parts.size();++jj)
235  {
236  if (fNameCodeMap.find(parts[jj])!=fNameCodeMap.end() && f.ndau<5) f.pdg[f.ndau++] = fNameCodeMap[parts[jj]];
238  // the key word 'nocc' prevents automatic charged conjugates for
239  if (parts[jj]=="nocc") f.nocc = true;
240  }
241  for (int jj=0;jj<(int)parts.size();++jj) if (f.pdg[jj]==0) f.pdg[jj] = 22;
242  }
243  }
245  // other pdg code
246  else if (key=="pdg") {f.pdg[0] = ct.Atoi(); f.ndau=1;}
248  // kinematic ranges
249  else if (key=="p") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.pmin, f.pmax);
250  else if (key=="pt") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.ptmin, f.ptmax);
251  else if (key=="pz") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.pzmin, f.pzmax);
252  else if (key=="tht") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.thtmin, f.thtmax);
253  else if (key=="phi") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.phimin, f.phimax, ",", 1);
254  else if (key=="m") GetRangeDouble(ct, f.mcntr, f.mwin);
255  }
257  if ( (f.compo && f.ndau<2) || (!f.compo && f.ndau!=1))
258  {
259  cout <<" --> Please check filter string '"<<fs<<"'"<<endl;
260  exit(0);
261  }
262  else filters.push_back(f);
263  }
265  fFilterSets.push_back(filters);
266  }
267 }
double pzmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:36
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
double phimin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:38
StrVec SplitString(TString s, TString delim=" ")
Splits a TString to substrings.
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double pzmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:36
Simple container for filter definition (criteria) for PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:19
double ptmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:35
double pmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:34
std::map< TString, int > fNameCodeMap
mapes names to (pdg) codes
for(int j=0;j< ncounts;j++)
bool nocc
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:42
double pmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:34
double mcntr
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:41
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
vector< PndSmpFilt > PndSmpFilterSet
double thtmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:37
std::vector< TString > StrVec
double ptmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:35
std::vector< PndSmpFilterSet > fFilterSets
Contains the filter-sets. Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters con...
TString name
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:27
void GetRangeInt(TString s, int &a, int &b, TString delim="..")
Turns a string of the form (e.g. "3..8") to a range a,b.
double mwin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:41
bool compo
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:29
int pdg[5]
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:32
double phimax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:38
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
bool veto
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:30
double thtmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:37
void GetRangeDouble(TString s, double &a, double &b, TString delim=",", bool forceset=false)
Turns a string of the form (e.g. "124.2,178.3") to a range a,b.
int PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::AntiPdgCode ( int  pdg)

Gets anti-pdg code, if exists. If not returns the code itself (particle is its anti-particle)

Definition at line 122 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References fdbPdg.

Referenced by GenerateEvent().

123 {
124  if (fdbPdg->GetParticle(pdg)!=0x0 && fdbPdg->GetParticle(pdg)->AntiParticle()!=0x0)
125  return fdbPdg->GetParticle(pdg)->AntiParticle()->PdgCode();
127  return pdg;
128 }
TDatabasePDG * fdbPdg
Shortcut to TDatabasePDG.
bool PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::CheckKinematic ( const PndSmpFilt f,
const TLorentzVector &  p4 

Checks whether P4 kinematics match the criteria of a PndSmpFilt.

Definition at line 107 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References PndSmpFilt::phimax, PndSmpFilt::phimin, PndSmpFilt::pmax, PndSmpFilt::pmin, PndSmpFilt::ptmax, PndSmpFilt::ptmin, PndSmpFilt::pzmax, PndSmpFilt::pzmin, PndSmpFilt::thtmax, and PndSmpFilt::thtmin.

Referenced by GenerateEvent().

108 {
109  bool acc_trk = true;
111  double curr_p = p4.P(); acc_trk = (curr_p >= f.pmin && curr_p <= f.pmax);
112  if (acc_trk) { double curr_pt = p4.Pt(); acc_trk = (curr_pt >= f.ptmin && curr_pt <= f.ptmax); }
113  if (acc_trk) { double curr_pz = p4.Pz(); acc_trk = (curr_pz >= f.pzmin && curr_pz <= f.pzmax); }
114  if (acc_trk) { double curr_tht = p4.Theta()*57.2958; acc_trk = (curr_tht >= f.thtmin && curr_tht <= f.thtmax); }
115  if (acc_trk) { double curr_phi = p4.Phi()*57.2958; acc_trk = (curr_phi >= f.phimin && curr_phi <= f.phimax); }
117  return acc_trk;
118 }
double pzmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:36
double phimin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:38
double pzmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:36
double ptmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:35
double pmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:34
double pmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:34
double thtmax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:37
double ptmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:35
double phimax
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:38
double thtmin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:37
PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::ClassDef ( PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator  ,
PndSmpCandList PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::CombineList ( int  pdg,
PndSmpCandList l0,
PndSmpCandList l1,
PndSmpCandList l2 = 0,
PndSmpCandList l3 = 0,
PndSmpCandList l4 = 0 

Combines upt to five particle lists of PndSmpCand with overlap and double counting prevention.

Definition at line 272 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References c1, c2, c3, c4, PndSmpCand::Overlap(), and res.

Referenced by GenerateEvent().

273 {
276  //-------------
277  for (int i0=0; i0<(int)l0->size(); ++i0)
278  {
279  PndSmpCand &c0 = (*l0)[i0];
281  // if l0 == l1, start at i1 = i0+1 to avoid double counting
282  int st1 = 0;
283  if ((*l1) == (*l0)) st1 = i0+1;
285  // -------------
286  for (int i1=st1; i1<(int)l1->size(); ++i1)
287  {
288  PndSmpCand &c1 = (*l1)[i1];
289  if (c1.Overlap(c0)) continue;
291  // only two lists? done!
292  if (l2==0) res.push_back(PndSmpCand(pdg, c0, c1));
293  else
294  {
295  // if l2 == l0 or l1, start at i2 = i0/i1+1 to avoid double counting
296  int st2 = 0;
297  if (*l2==*l1) st2 = i1+1;
298  else if (*l2==*l0) st2 = i0+1;
300  // -------------
301  for (int i2=st2; i2<(int)l2->size(); ++i2)
302  {
303  PndSmpCand &c2 = (*l2)[i2];
304  if (c2.Overlap(c1) || c2.Overlap(c0)) continue;
306  // only three lists? done!
307  if (l3==0) res.push_back(PndSmpCand(pdg, c0, c1, c2));
308  else
309  {
310  // if l3 == l0, l1 or l2, start at i3 = i0/i1/i2+1 to avoid double counting
311  int st3 = 0;
312  if (*l3==*l2) st3 = i2+1;
313  else if (*l3==*l1) st3 = i1+1;
314  else if (*l3==*l0) st3 = i0+1;
316  // -------------
317  for (int i3=st3; i3<(int)l3->size(); ++i3)
318  {
319  PndSmpCand &c3 = (*l3)[i3];
320  if (c3.Overlap(c2) || c3.Overlap(c1) || c3.Overlap(c0)) continue;
322  // only four lists? done!
323  if (l4==0) res.push_back(PndSmpCand(pdg, c0, c1, c2, c3));
324  else
325  {
326  // if l3 == l0, l1 or l2, start at i3 = i0/i1/i2+1 to avoid double counting
327  int st4 = 0;
328  if (*l4==*l3) st4 = i3+1;
329  else if (*l4==*l2) st3 = i2+1;
330  else if (*l4==*l1) st3 = i1+1;
331  else if (*l4==*l0) st3 = i0+1;
333  // -------------
334  for (int i4=st4; i4<(int)l4->size(); ++i4)
335  {
336  PndSmpCand &c4 = (*l4)[i4];
337  if (c4.Overlap(c3) || c4.Overlap(c2) || c4.Overlap(c1) || c4.Overlap(c0)) continue;
339  res.push_back(PndSmpCand(pdg, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4));
340  } // for i4
341  } // else i3
342  } // for i3
343  } // else i2
344  } // for i2
345  } // else i1
346  } // for i1
347  } // for i0
349  return res;
350 }
std::vector< PndSmpCand > PndSmpCandList
Int_t res
Definition: anadigi.C:166
Definition: plot_dirc.C:71
Definition: plot_dirc.C:39
Definition: plot_dirc.C:35
Definition: plot_dirc.C:50
Bool_t Overlap(PndSmpCand *c)
Definition: PndSmpCand.h:70
Simple particle candidate to perform simple combinatorics and particle counting for event filtering...
Definition: PndSmpCand.h:23
Bool_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GenerateEvent ( FairGenericStack *  pStack)

Calls event generators and the event filters.

To be called at the beginning of each event from FairMCApplication. Generates an event vertex and calls the ReadEvent methods from the registered generators. Calls defined event (veto) filters to decide whether to process the event or to call the event generators again.

pStackThe particle stack
kTRUE if successful, kFALSE if not

Definition at line 364 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References all, AntiPdgCode(), CheckKinematic(), cnt, CombineList(), PndSmpFilt::compo, f, fabs(), fCodeNameMap, fCombFsPdg, fdbPdg, fEventNrFiltered, fEventPrintFreq, fEvtFilterStat, FairEvtFilterParams::fFailedFilterEvents, FairEvtFilterParams::fFilterMaxTries, fFilterSets, FairEvtFilterParams::fGeneratedEvents, fSetFsPdg, fVerbose, i, PndSmpFilt::mcntr, PndSmpFilt::mwin, nc, PndSmpFilt::ndau, PndSmpFilt::nmax, PndSmpFilt::nocc, particle, PndSmpFilt::pdg, PrintSmpCandList(), PndSmpCand::SetP4(), and PndSmpFilt::veto.

365 {
366  Int_t iTry = 0; // number of attempts to find the next event that suits your filter
368  bool acc_glob = false; // is kTRUE if the event is finally accepted
370  bool active_filters = (fFilterSets.size()>0);
372  while( !acc_glob && iTry < fEvtFilterStat.fFilterMaxTries)
373  {
374  ++iTry; // count how often we run the generators before we accept an event
375  ++fEvtFilterStat.fGeneratedEvents; // total number of generated events
377  pStack->Reset(); // Clean the stack
378  FairPrimaryGenerator::GenerateEvent(pStack); // fill the stack
380  // no filtering --> accept event
381  if (!active_filters) {acc_glob = true; continue;}
383  TClonesArray* fParticleList = pStack->GetListOfParticles();
386  fEventNr = fEventNrFiltered; // Fix event numbering in FairPrimaryGenerator (otherwise fRun will stop too early...)
390  // init all lists to empty list
391  std::map<int,PndSmpCandList> pdgList;
392  for (unsigned int i=0;i<fCombFsPdg.size();++i) pdgList[fCombFsPdg[i]] = all;
394  int cnt = 0;
396  // --------------
397  // Fill the lists
398  // --------------
400  //for (int i=0;i<*nTrk;++i)
401  //{
402  for (Int_t iPart=0; iPart<fParticleList->GetEntries(); ++iPart)
403  {
404  TParticle *particle = (TParticle*)fParticleList->At(iPart);
406  // the current MCT pdg code
407  Int_t pdg = particle->GetPdgCode();
409  // do we want to count multiplicity for this code?
410  //if (set_mult_pdg.find(pdg)==set_mult_pdg.end()) continue;
412  // is yes, create SmpCand
413  TLorentzVector l(particle->Px(), particle->Py(), particle->Pz(), particle->Energy());
414  Float_t ch = fdbPdg->GetParticle(pdg) ? fdbPdg->GetParticle(pdg)->Charge()/3. : 0;
416  // and push to to all-list
417  if (fSetFsPdg.find(pdg)==fSetFsPdg.end())
418  {
419  // push to all list, but with uid = -1 for non-final states, since not needed for combinatorics
420  all.push_back(PndSmpCand(l, ch, pdg, -1));
421  continue;
422  }
424  // create candidate with marker (uid >= 0) only for final states used for combinatorics
425  PndSmpCand sc(l, ch, pdg, cnt++);
427  // and push to to all-list
428  all.push_back(sc);
430  // add particle to all lists with the same charge
431  for (unsigned int j=0;j<fCombFsPdg.size();++j)
432  {
433  int pdg_ch = fdbPdg->GetParticle(fCombFsPdg[j])->Charge()/3.;
434  double pdg_m = fdbPdg->GetParticle(fCombFsPdg[j])->Mass();
436  if (pdg_ch == (int)ch)
437  {
438  l.SetVectM(l.Vect(), pdg_m);
439  sc.SetP4(l);
440  pdgList[fCombFsPdg[j]].push_back(sc);
441  }
442  }
443  }
445  // --------------
446  // print all lists
447  // --------------
449  if (fVerbose>3)
450  {
451  PrintSmpCandList(all,"All particles:");
453  if (fVerbose>4)
454  for (int i=0;i<(int)fCombFsPdg.size();++i)
455  {
456  int pdg = fCombFsPdg[i];
457  int nc = pdgList[pdg].size();
458  if (nc>0) PrintSmpCandList(pdgList[pdg],Form("%s",fCodeNameMap[pdg].Data()));
459  }
460  cout <<endl<<endl;
461  }
464  // -------------------
465  // Loop over filters
466  // -------------------
468  acc_glob=false;
470  for (int ifs=0; ifs < (int) fFilterSets.size(); ++ifs)
471  {
472  // did another filterset accept? then we don't need to check anymore
473  if (acc_glob) continue;
475  // initialize filter set accept with true
476  bool acc_fset = true;
478  // -------------------
479  // *** loop over count filters in filter set
480  // -------------------
481  for (int i=0; i<(int)fFilterSets[ifs].size(); ++i)
482  {
483  // if the event cannot be accepted anymore, skip the next filter test
484  if (!acc_fset) continue;
486  // event accept flag
487  bool acc_evt = true;
489  PndSmpFilt &f = fFilterSets[ifs][i];
491  // if mass filter, skip here (first apply count filters, which are probably much faster)
492  if (f.compo) continue;
494  int cnt_matches = 0;
496  // *** loop over particles
497  for (int j=0 ; j<(int)all.size() ; ++j)
498  {
499  // *** check particle type first
500  //vector<TString> names = {"e+", "e-", "mu+", "mu-", "pi+", "pi-", "k+", "k-", "p+", "p-", "n0", "n0b", "e+-", "mu+-", "pi+-", "k+-", "p+-", "n" , "t+", "t-", "t+-", "nt", "any" };
501  //vector<int> name_pdg = {-11 , 11 , -13 , 13 , 211 , -211 , 321 , -321, 2212, -2212, 2112, -2112, 11000 , 13000 , 211000 , 321000 , 2212000, 2112000, 1 , -1 , 2 , 0 , 3 };
503  // tracks pdg and charge
504  int trpdg = all[j].Pdg();
505  int trchg = (int) all[j].Charge();
507  // filter pdg (or special) code
508  int flpdg = f.pdg[0];
510  // the counters for any, t+-, t+, t- and nt/gam only for final states
511  if (all[j].Marker()>0)
512  {
513  // any particle: code = 3
514  if (flpdg == 3) trpdg = flpdg;
516  // all charged tracks t+- : code = 2
517  if (flpdg == 2) trpdg = abs(trchg)*2;
519  // simple track+- and neutral counting (t+,t-,nt) : code = charge (-1, +1, 0); 0 also used for photons with pdg = 22
520  if (abs(flpdg)<2) trpdg = trchg;
521  }
523  // the pdg code ignoring charge : code = 1000*pdg, e.g. K+- = 321000, pi+- = 211000
524  if (flpdg%1000==0) trpdg = abs(trpdg)*1000;
526  // *** check code and kinematic variables and count track
527  if ( (trpdg==flpdg) && CheckKinematic(f, all[j].P4()) )
528  {
529  cnt_matches++;
530  if (fVerbose>2) cout << "\033[1;34m ** ";
531  }
532  else if (fVerbose>2) cout << " ";
534  // *** (and print if verbose)
535  if (fVerbose>2) {all[j].Print(); cout<<"\033[0;0m";}
536  }
538  // does multiplicity match?
539  if (cnt_matches<f.nmin || cnt_matches>f.nmax) acc_evt = false;
541  // is this a veto filter -> negate result
542  acc_evt = acc_evt^f.veto;
544  if (fVerbose>2) cout <<"Filterset "<<ifs<<" Filter "<<i<<" : N_matched = "<<cnt_matches<<" : event "<<(!acc_evt?"not ":"")<<"accepted"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
546  // global accept (of all filters)
547  acc_fset = (acc_fset && acc_evt);
549  } // **** count filters
552  // -------------------
553  // Loop over mass filters
554  // -------------------
555  for (int i=0; i<(int)fFilterSets[ifs].size(); ++i)
556  {
557  // if the event cannot be accepted anymore, skip the next filter test
558  if (!acc_fset) continue;
560  // event accept flag
561  bool acc_evt = true;
563  PndSmpFilt &f = fFilterSets[ifs][i];
565  // now only mass filters
566  if (!f.compo) continue;
568  // ----------------
569  // do combinatorics
570  // ----------------
572  // prepare lists of particles and the charged conjugation
573  PndSmpCandList *l[5] = {0}, *al[5] = {0};
574  std::vector<int> vpdg, vapdg;
576  for (int j=0; j<f.ndau; ++j)
577  {
578  vpdg.push_back(f.pdg[j]);
579  vapdg.push_back(AntiPdgCode(f.pdg[j]));
581  l[j] = &(pdgList[f.pdg[j]]);
582  al[j] = &(pdgList[AntiPdgCode(f.pdg[j])]);
583  }
585  // *** do combinatorics
586  PndSmpCandList comblist = CombineList(0, l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4]);
588  // do we want c.c. and is the cc'd list not the same as the original one (= a permutation)?
589  if (!f.nocc && !is_permutation(vpdg.begin(), vpdg.end(), vapdg.begin()))
590  {
591  PndSmpCandList anticomblist = CombineList(0, al[0], al[1], al[2], al[3], al[4]);
592  comblist.insert(comblist.end(), anticomblist.begin(), anticomblist.end());
593  }
595  int cnt_matches = 0;
597  // *** loop over composite particles
598  for (int j=0 ; j<(int)comblist.size() ; ++j)
599  {
600  TLorentzVector p4 = comblist[j].P4();
602  // *** check mass window and kinematics of composite
603  bool acc_cand = (fabs(p4.M() - f.mcntr) < f.mwin/2.) && CheckKinematic(f, p4);
605  // *** count track
606  if (acc_cand)
607  {
608  cnt_matches++;
609  if (fVerbose>2) cout << "\033[1;35m ** ";
610  }
611  else if (fVerbose>2) cout << " ";
613  // *** (and print if verbose)
614  if (fVerbose>2) { comblist[j].Print(); cout<<"\033[0;0m";}
615  }
617  // does multiplicity match?
618  if (cnt_matches<f.nmin || cnt_matches>f.nmax) acc_evt = false;
620  // is this a veto filter -> negate result
621  acc_evt = acc_evt^f.veto;
623  if (fVerbose>2) cout <<"Filterset "<<ifs<<" Filter "<<i<<" : N_matched = "<<cnt_matches<<" : event "<<(!acc_evt?"not ":"")<<"accepted"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
625  // global accept (of all filters)
626  acc_fset = (acc_fset && acc_evt);
628  } // **** mass filters
631  // the global event accept, being an OR connection of all filter sets ('event types' to be accepted)
633  acc_glob = (acc_glob || acc_fset);
634  } // **** filter sets
637  //if (fVerbose>1) cout <<" --> EVENT "<<entry<<" "<<(!acc_glob?"NOT ":"")<<"ACCEPTED"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
639  //if (acc_glob) {cnt_acc++;}
640  }
643  // Set the event number ALWAYS when filtering
645  fEvent->SetEventID(fEventNrFiltered);
647  if ( !acc_glob ){
649  cout << "\n -E PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator: No event was found within " << iTry << " tries which satisfies your event filter.\n ";
650  cout << "I accept a random event as evtNr " << fEventNrFiltered << " to avoid infinite loops. \n";
651  cout << "Try increasing the max. number of tries or change your filter\n\n";
652  if (fVerbose > 3 ){
653  cout << iTry << " events simulated until I found a good one.\n";
654  cout << fEvtFilterStat.fGeneratedEvents << " events generated for finding " << fEventNr << " accepted events.\n";
655  cout << fEvtFilterStat.fFailedFilterEvents << " unsuccessful attempts in total to find an event that suits your filters\n\n";
656  }
657  }
659  if (0 < fVerbose && active_filters && (fEventNrFiltered%fEventPrintFreq)==0) cout <<"[PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator] " << fEventNrFiltered << " / " << fEvtFilterStat.fGeneratedEvents << " generated events accepted.\n";
661  return kTRUE;
662 }
std::vector< PndSmpCand > PndSmpCandList
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::unordered_set< int > fSetFsPdg
set to identify particles from MC truth list which can be combined
Simple container for filter definition (criteria) for PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:19
bool CheckKinematic(const PndSmpFilt &f, const TLorentzVector &p4)
Checks whether P4 kinematics match the criteria of a PndSmpFilt.
Int_t fEventNrFiltered
Event number (Set by the filtered primary generator.
const int particle
bool nocc
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:42
std::map< int, TString > fCodeNameMap
mapes (pdg) codes to names
TDatabasePDG * fdbPdg
Shortcut to TDatabasePDG.
double mcntr
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:41
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
std::vector< PndSmpFilterSet > fFilterSets
Contains the filter-sets. Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters con...
Int_t cnt
Definition: hist-t7.C:106
Int_t fEventPrintFreq
Print frequency for filtered events.
void PrintSmpCandList(PndSmpCandList l, TString name="")
Prints a candidate lits.
PndSmpCandList CombineList(int pdg, PndSmpCandList *l0, PndSmpCandList *l1, PndSmpCandList *l2=0, PndSmpCandList *l3=0, PndSmpCandList *l4=0)
Combines upt to five particle lists of PndSmpCand with overlap and double counting prevention...
double mwin
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:41
bool compo
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:29
int pdg[5]
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:32
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
bool veto
Definition: PndSmpFilt.h:30
int AntiPdgCode(int pdg)
Gets anti-pdg code, if exists. If not returns the code itself (particle is its anti-particle) ...
std::vector< int > fCombFsPdg
particle codes for the lists used for combinatorics; !!! the codes are not selected from MC truth...
Simple particle candidate to perform simple combinatorics and particle counting for event filtering...
Definition: PndSmpCand.h:23
TH1F * nc
Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents ( )

Returns the number of cases in which no matching event was found within the set max. tries.

This method returns 0 if everything works fine. If it returns a value >0 it means that you should set a higher limit in SetFilterMaxTries. If it returns a value which is equal to the number of events that you requested, it means that either the max. number of tries is set way too low or that the generator does not create such events that you are interested in or that your event filters cannot be satisfied at all (logical error).

Definition at line 145 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEvtFilterStat, and FairEvtFilterParams::fFailedFilterEvents.

Referenced by WriteEvtFilterStatsToRootFile().

145  {
147  }
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GetNumberOfFilterMaxTries ( )

returns the maximum number of times that this object should try to find an event which suits all event filters.

Definition at line 122 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEvtFilterStat, and FairEvtFilterParams::fFilterMaxTries.

122  {
124  }
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GetNumberOfGeneratedEvents ( )

returns the total (accepted + rejected) number of events generated by the event generators. If no event filters are used this number is equal to the number of simulated events.

Definition at line 127 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEvtFilterStat, and FairEvtFilterParams::fGeneratedEvents.

Referenced by prod_fsim(), and WriteEvtFilterStatsToRootFile().

127  {
129  }
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GetRangeDouble ( TString  s,
double &  a,
double &  b,
TString  delim = ",",
bool  forceset = false 

Turns a string of the form <float><delim><float> (e.g. "124.2,178.3") to a range a,b.

Definition at line 132 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References s, and TString.

Referenced by AddFilter().

133 {
134  int len = delim.Length();
135  a = (TString(s(0,s.Index(delim)))).Atof();
136  double tmpb = (TString(s(s.Index(delim)+len,10000))).Atof();
137  if (tmpb>0. || forceset) b = tmpb;
138 }
TTree * b
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::GetRangeInt ( TString  s,
int &  a,
int &  b,
TString  delim = ".." 

Turns a string of the form <int><delim><int> (e.g. "3..8") to a range a,b.

Definition at line 142 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References s, and TString.

Referenced by AddFilter().

143 {
144  int len = delim.Length();
145  a = (TString(s(0,s.Index(delim)))).Atoi();
146  int tmpb = (TString(s(s.Index(delim)+len,10000))).Atoi();
147  if (tmpb>0) b=tmpb;
148 }
TTree * b
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Bool_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::Init ( )

Initialize the event generator(s) and the event (veto) filter(s).

Definition at line 75 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References fFilterSets, fVerbose, i, Init(), and Print().

76 {
79  if (fVerbose)
80  for (int ifs = 0; ifs < (int)fFilterSets.size(); ++ifs)
81  {
82  cout <<"FILTER SET "<< ifs<<endl<<endl;
83  for (int i = 0; i < (int)fFilterSets[ifs].size(); ++i) fFilterSets[ifs][i].Print();
84  cout <<endl;
85  }
87  return kTRUE;
88 }
MechFsc Print()
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::vector< PndSmpFilterSet > fFilterSets
Contains the filter-sets. Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters con...
fRun Init()
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:20
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator& PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::operator= ( const PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator )
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::PrintSmpCandList ( PndSmpCandList  l,
TString  name = "" 

Prints a candidate lits.

Definition at line 354 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References i, and printf().

Referenced by GenerateEvent().

355 {
356  printf("LIST %s with %d candidates\n",name.Data(), (int)l.size());
357  for (int i=0;i<(int)l.size(); ++i) {printf(" %2d : ",i); l[i].Print();}
358 }
printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n", rtime, ctime)
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TString name
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::SetEventPrintFrequency ( int  freq)

Sets the frequency (accepted events) for printout (verbose>0) of accepted and generated events.

Definition at line 132 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEventPrintFreq.

Referenced by prod_fsim().

133  {
134  fEventPrintFreq = freq;
135  }
Int_t fEventPrintFreq
Print frequency for filtered events.
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::SetFilterMaxTries ( Int_t  maxTries = 99999)

Define the maximum number of times that this object should try to find an event which suits all event filters.

Definition at line 111 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEvtFilterStat, and FairEvtFilterParams::fFilterMaxTries.

112  {
113  if ( maxTries > 0 ){
114  fEvtFilterStat.fFilterMaxTries = maxTries;
115  std::cout << "PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator: maxTries is now set to " << fEvtFilterStat.fFilterMaxTries << "\n";
116  } else {
117  std::cout << "\n\n\n -WARNING from PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator: maxTries must be a positive number! Check your SetFilterMaxTries call!\n\n\n";
118  }
119  }
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::SetVerbose ( Int_t  verbose = 12)

Set the level of commenting output.

verboseLevel of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.

Definition at line 168 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fVerbose, and verbose.

Referenced by prod_fsim().

169  {
170  if ( verbose >= 0 )
171  {
172  fVerbose = verbose;
173  std::cout << "PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator: fVerbose is now set to " << verbose << "\n";
174  }
175  else
176  {
177  std::cout << "\n\n\n -WARNING from PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator: verbose must be a positive number! Check your SetVerbose call!\n\n\n";
178  }
179  }
#define verbose
Int_t fVerbose
Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.
StrVec PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::SplitString ( TString  s,
TString  delim = " " 

Splits a TString to substrings.

Definition at line 92 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.cxx.

References i, and TString.

Referenced by AddFilter().

93 {
94  StrVec toks;
95  TObjArray *tok = s.Tokenize(delim);
96  int N = tok->GetEntries();
97  for (int i=0;i<N;++i)
98  {
99  TString token = (((TObjString*)tok->At(i))->String()).Strip(TString::kBoth);
100  toks.push_back(token);
101  }
102  return toks;
103 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
std::vector< TString > StrVec
void PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::WriteEvtFilterStatsToRootFile ( TFile *  outputFile = NULL)

Writes all relevant event filter information to the output root file.

Definition at line 150 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

References fEvtFilterStat, GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents(), and GetNumberOfGeneratedEvents().

Referenced by prod_fsim().

150  {
151  std::cout << "\n\nGenerated Events = " << GetNumberOfGeneratedEvents() << "\n";
152  if (0 < GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents() ) {
153  std::cout << "WARNING: Number of events where the event filter FAILED " << GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents() << "\n\n\n";
154  std::cout << "Random events were accepted to avoid infinite loops. \n";
155  std::cout << "Try increasing the max. number of tries or change your filter (maybe the generators do not produce such events as you want).\n\n";
156  }
157  if(outputFile==NULL) outputFile = FairRunSim::Instance()->GetOutputFile();
158  outputFile->cd();
159  outputFile->mkdir("FairEvtFilter");
160  outputFile->cd("FairEvtFilter");
161  fEvtFilterStat.Write();
162  outputFile->cd();
163  }
Int_t GetNumberOfGeneratedEvents()
returns the total (accepted + rejected) number of events generated by the event generators. If no event filters are used this number is equal to the number of simulated events.
Int_t GetNumberOfFilterFailedEvents()
Returns the number of cases in which no matching event was found within the set max. tries.
FairEvtFilterParams fEvtFilterStat
Contains the statistics of the event filtering process.

Member Data Documentation

std::map<int, TString> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fCodeNameMap

mapes (pdg) codes to names

Definition at line 244 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by GenerateEvent(), and PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

std::vector<int> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fCombFsPdg

particle codes for the lists used for combinatorics; !!! the codes are not selected from MC truth, just the corresponding mass hypos are applied to charged tracks

Definition at line 235 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by GenerateEvent(), and PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

TDatabasePDG* PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fdbPdg

Shortcut to TDatabasePDG.

Definition at line 226 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by AntiPdgCode(), GenerateEvent(), and PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fEventNrFiltered

Event number (Set by the filtered primary generator.

Definition at line 220 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by GenerateEvent().

Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fEventPrintFreq

Print frequency for filtered events.

Definition at line 223 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by GenerateEvent(), and SetEventPrintFrequency().

FairEvtFilterParams PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fEvtFilterStat
std::vector<PndSmpFilterSet> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fFilterSets

Contains the filter-sets. Each filter set consist of one filter definition or a number of filters connected with logical AND (= a certain event type). All filter sets are combined with a logical OR (all event types to be accepted). Structure is like: (Filt_1.1 AND Filt_1.2) OR (Filt_2.1) OR (Filt_3.1 AND Filt_3.2 AND Filt_3.2)

Definition at line 211 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by AddFilter(), GenerateEvent(), and Init().

std::map<TString, int> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fNameCodeMap

mapes names to (pdg) codes

Definition at line 241 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by AddFilter(), and PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

std::vector<int> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fNamePdg

particle codes for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neutrals)

Definition at line 232 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

std::vector<TString> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fPartNames

particle names for particles to count (with and w/o charged specification, also simply tracks and neutrals)

Definition at line 229 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

std::unordered_set<int> PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fSetFsPdg

set to identify particles from MC truth list which can be combined

Definition at line 238 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by GenerateEvent(), and PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator().

Int_t PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::fVerbose

Level of commenting output, 0 means no output, higher gives more output.

Definition at line 217 of file PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator.h.

Referenced by AddFilter(), GenerateEvent(), Init(), and SetVerbose().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: