Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Attributes | List of all members
PndGeoDrc Class Reference

#include <PndGeoDrc.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndGeoDrc:

Public Member Functions

 PndGeoDrc ()
 ~PndGeoDrc ()
const char * getModuleName (Int_t)
const char * getEleName (Int_t)
Double_t nQuartz ()
Double_t uQuartz ()
Double_t nEV ()
Double_t Roughness ()
Double_t GlueLayer ()
Double_t GreaseLayer ()
Double_t radius ()
Double_t barHalfThick ()
Double_t BarWidth ()
Double_t barBoxZDown ()
Double_t barBoxZUp ()
Double_t barhGap ()
Double_t boxGap ()
Double_t boxThick ()
Double_t barNum ()
Double_t EVlen ()
Double_t BBoxGap ()
Double_t BBoxAngle ()
Double_t BBoxNum ()
Double_t PipehAngle ()
Double_t EVdrop ()
Double_t EVoffset ()
Double_t EVbackAngle ()
Double_t PrismOffset ()
Double_t PrismDrop ()
Double_t PrismhLength ()
Double_t PrismAngle ()
Double_t McpSize ()
Double_t McpActiveArea ()
Double_t McpGap ()
Int_t Npixels ()
Double_t PixelSize ()
Double_t SigmaCharge ()
Double_t DeadTime ()
Double_t Lside ()

Protected Attributes

char modName [20]
char eleName [20]

Private Attributes

double fNquartz
double fUquartz
double fNEV
double fRoughness
 Quartz bar surface roughness [nm] = 10A. More...
double fGlueLayer
 Thickness of the glue layer [cm]. More...
double fGreaseLayer
 Thickness of the layer of optical grease [cm]. More...
double fRadius
 Barrel radius [cm] (middle of radiator) More...
double fBarHalfThick
 Radiator bars half thickness [cm]. More...
double fBarWidth
 Radiator width [cm]. More...
double fBarBoxZDown
 Bar box down stream coordinate [cm]. More...
double fBarBoxZUp
 Bar box up stream coordinate [cm]. More...
double fBarhGap
 Half gap between bars [cm]. More...
double fBarNum
 Number of bars per barbox. More...
double fBoxGap
 Gap between bar and bar box [cm]. More...
double fBoxThick
 Bar box thickness [cm]. More...
double fBarBoxNum
 Total number of bar boxes in the barrel. More...
double fBarBoxGap
 Gap between neighboring bar boxes [cm]. More...
double fBarBoxAngle
 Angle between centers of the neighboring bar boxes [degrees]. More...
double fPipehAngle
 Half of the phi angle taken by the target pipe [degrees]. More...
double fEVlength
 Length of Expansion Volume [cm]. More...
double fEVdrop
 [cm] drop of the EV - inner radius More...
double fEVoffset
 [cm] offset of the EV - outer radius More...
double fEVbackAngle
 [degrees] angle btw PDplane and global Z axis More...
double fPhLength
 [cm] half length of the prism More...
double fPAngle
 [degrees] opening angle of the prism More...
double fPDrop
 [cm] drop of the prism - inner side More...
double fPOffset
 [cm] offset of the prism - outer side More...
double fMCPactiveArea
 [cm] size of the active area of one MCP More...
double fMCPsize
 [cm] total size of one MCP More...
double fMCPgap
 [cm] gap between MCPs More...
int fNpix
 total number of pixels for one MCP (8 x 8 pixels) More...
double fPixelSize
 [cm] size of one pixel More...
double fSigmaCharge
 [cm] sigma of the charge sharing More...
double fDeadTime
 [ns] dead time of the photon detector More...
double fLside
double fPi

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndGeoDrc::PndGeoDrc ( )
PndGeoDrc::~PndGeoDrc ( )

Definition at line 64 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

64 {}

Member Function Documentation

Double_t PndGeoDrc::barBoxZDown ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::barBoxZUp ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::barHalfThick ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::barhGap ( )

The half gap between bars.

The BarGap [cm].

Definition at line 112 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fBarhGap.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_06_2013(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013(), PndDrcReco::Init(), and PndDrcLutReco::Init().

112 {return fBarhGap;}
double fBarhGap
Half gap between bars [cm].
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:26
Double_t PndGeoDrc::barNum ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::BarWidth ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::BBoxAngle ( )

The angle between centers of the neighboring bar boxes [degrees].

Definition at line 133 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fBarBoxAngle.

Referenced by PndPhoGunShort::Init(), and PndPhoGunShortP::Init().

133 {return fBarBoxAngle;}
double fBarBoxAngle
Angle between centers of the neighboring bar boxes [degrees].
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:33
Double_t PndGeoDrc::BBoxGap ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::BBoxNum ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::boxGap ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::boxThick ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::DeadTime ( )

The dead time of the photon detector [ns].

Definition at line 181 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fDeadTime.

Referenced by PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

181 {return fDeadTime;}
double fDeadTime
[ns] dead time of the photon detector
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:54
Double_t PndGeoDrc::EVbackAngle ( )

The angle between the PDplane and global Z axis [degrees].

Definition at line 148 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fEVbackAngle.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_06_2013(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

148 {return fEVbackAngle;}
double fEVbackAngle
[degrees] angle btw PDplane and global Z axis
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:39
Double_t PndGeoDrc::EVdrop ( )

The drop of the Expansion Volume [cm].

Definition at line 142 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fEVdrop.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013(), PndPhoGunShort::Init(), and PndPhoGunShortP::Init().

142 {return fEVdrop;}
double fEVdrop
[cm] drop of the EV - inner radius
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:37
Double_t PndGeoDrc::EVlen ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::EVoffset ( )

The offset of the Expansion Volume [cm].

Definition at line 145 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fEVoffset.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_06_2013(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013(), PndPhoGunShort::Init(), and PndPhoGunShortP::Init().

145 {return fEVoffset;}
double fEVoffset
[cm] offset of the EV - outer radius
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:38
const char * PndGeoDrc::getEleName ( Int_t  m)

Definition at line 80 of file PndGeoDrc.cxx.

References eleName.

80  {
81  // // Returns the element name of drc number m
82  if ( m < 9 ) sprintf(eleName,"drc0%i",m+1);
83  else sprintf(eleName,"drc%i",m+1);
84  return eleName;
85 }
__m128 m
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:28
char eleName[20]
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:61
const char * PndGeoDrc::getModuleName ( Int_t  m)

Definition at line 73 of file PndGeoDrc.cxx.

References modName.

73  {
74  // Returns the module name of drc number m
75  if ( m < 9 ) sprintf(modName,"drc0%i",m+1);
76  else sprintf(modName,"drc%i",m+1);
77  return modName;
78 }
__m128 m
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:28
char modName[20]
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:60
Double_t PndGeoDrc::GlueLayer ( )

The thickness of the glue layer.

The fGlueLayer.

Definition at line 84 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fGlueLayer.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

84 {return fGlueLayer;}
double fGlueLayer
Thickness of the glue layer [cm].
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:18
Double_t PndGeoDrc::GreaseLayer ( )

The thickness of the optical grease layer.

The fGreaseLayer.

Definition at line 88 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fGlueLayer.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

88 {return fGlueLayer;}
double fGlueLayer
Thickness of the glue layer [cm].
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:18
Double_t PndGeoDrc::Lside ( )

The width of the side [cm].

Definition at line 184 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fLside.

Referenced by PndDrcRecoLookupMap::Init(), PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::Init(), PndDrcHitProducerReal::SetParameters(), and PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

184 {return fLside;}
double fLside
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:56
Double_t PndGeoDrc::McpActiveArea ( )

The size of the active area of an MCP [cm].

Definition at line 166 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fMCPactiveArea.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), PndPhoGunShortP::Init(), PndPhoGunShort::Init(), PndDrcHitFinder::PndDrcHitFinder(), PndDrcDigiTask::SetParameters(), and PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

166 {return fMCPactiveArea;}
double fMCPactiveArea
[cm] size of the active area of one MCP
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:48
Double_t PndGeoDrc::McpGap ( )

The size of the gap between neighboring MCPs [cm].

Definition at line 169 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fMCPgap.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), PndPhoGunShort::Init(), and PndPhoGunShortP::Init().

169 {return fMCPgap;}
double fMCPgap
[cm] gap between MCPs
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:50
Double_t PndGeoDrc::McpSize ( )

The size of an MCP [cm].

Definition at line 163 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fMCPsize.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), PndPhoGunShort::Init(), and PndPhoGunShortP::Init().

163 {return fMCPsize;}
double fMCPsize
[cm] total size of one MCP
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:49
Double_t PndGeoDrc::nEV ( )

The refraction index of the expansion volume.

The NEV.

Definition at line 76 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fNEV.

Referenced by PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::RecoAmbigTime(), PndDrcRecoLookupMap::RecoAmbigTime(), PndDrcHitProducerReal::SetParameters(), and PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

76 {return fNEV;}
double fNEV
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:16
Int_t PndGeoDrc::Npixels ( )

The total number of pixels for one MCPs.

Definition at line 172 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fNpix.

Referenced by PndDrcHitFinder::PndDrcHitFinder(), PndDrcDigiTask::SetParameters(), and PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

172 {return fNpix;}
int fNpix
total number of pixels for one MCP (8 x 8 pixels)
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:51
Double_t PndGeoDrc::nQuartz ( )

The mean refraction index of fused silica (for reconstruction).

The Nquartz.

Definition at line 70 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fNquartz.

Referenced by PndDrcLutReco::FillAmbiguities(), PndDrcReco::Init(), PndDrc::ProcessHits(), PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndDrcRecoLookupMap::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::RecoAmbigTime(), and PndDrcRecoLookupMap::RecoAmbigTime().

70 {return fNquartz;}
double fNquartz
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:14
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PipehAngle ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PixelSize ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PrismAngle ( )

The opening angle of the Prism [degrees].

Definition at line 160 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fPAngle.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

160 {return fPAngle;}
double fPAngle
[degrees] opening angle of the prism
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:43
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PrismDrop ( )

The drop of the Prism [cm].

Definition at line 154 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fPDrop.

Referenced by createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

154 {return fPDrop;}
double fPDrop
[cm] drop of the prism - inner side
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:44
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PrismhLength ( )

The half length of the Prism [cm].

Definition at line 157 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fPhLength.

Referenced by createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

157 {return fPhLength;}
double fPhLength
[cm] half length of the prism
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:42
Double_t PndGeoDrc::PrismOffset ( )

The offset of the Prism [cm].

Definition at line 151 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fPOffset.

Referenced by createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), and createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013().

151 {return fPOffset;}
double fPOffset
[cm] offset of the prism - outer side
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:45
Double_t PndGeoDrc::radius ( )
Double_t PndGeoDrc::Roughness ( )

The roughness of the quartz bar surface.

The fRoughness.

Definition at line 80 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fRoughness.

Referenced by PndDrc::ProcessHits().

80 {return fRoughness;}
double fRoughness
Quartz bar surface roughness [nm] = 10A.
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:17
Double_t PndGeoDrc::SigmaCharge ( )

The sigma of the charge sharing [cm].

Definition at line 178 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fSigmaCharge.

Referenced by PndDrcDigiTask::SetParameters(), and PndDrcTimeDigiTask::SetParameters().

178 {return fSigmaCharge;}
double fSigmaCharge
[cm] sigma of the charge sharing
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:53
Double_t PndGeoDrc::uQuartz ( )

Definition at line 72 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

References fUquartz.

72 {return fUquartz;}
double fUquartz
Definition: PndGeoDrc.h:15

Member Data Documentation

char PndGeoDrc::eleName[20]

Definition at line 61 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by getEleName().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarBoxAngle

Angle between centers of the neighboring bar boxes [degrees].

Definition at line 33 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by BBoxAngle().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarBoxGap

Gap between neighboring bar boxes [cm].

Definition at line 32 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by BBoxGap().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarBoxNum

Total number of bar boxes in the barrel.

Definition at line 31 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by BBoxNum().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarBoxZDown

Bar box down stream coordinate [cm].

Definition at line 24 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by barBoxZDown().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarBoxZUp

Bar box up stream coordinate [cm].

Definition at line 25 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by barBoxZUp().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarHalfThick

Radiator bars half thickness [cm].

Definition at line 22 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by barHalfThick().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarhGap

Half gap between bars [cm].

Definition at line 26 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by barhGap().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarNum

Number of bars per barbox.

Definition at line 27 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by barNum().

double PndGeoDrc::fBarWidth

Radiator width [cm].

Definition at line 23 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by BarWidth().

double PndGeoDrc::fBoxGap

Gap between bar and bar box [cm].

Definition at line 28 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by boxGap().

double PndGeoDrc::fBoxThick

Bar box thickness [cm].

Definition at line 29 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by boxThick().

double PndGeoDrc::fDeadTime

[ns] dead time of the photon detector

Definition at line 54 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by DeadTime().

double PndGeoDrc::fEVbackAngle

[degrees] angle btw PDplane and global Z axis

Definition at line 39 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by EVbackAngle().

double PndGeoDrc::fEVdrop

[cm] drop of the EV - inner radius

Definition at line 37 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by EVdrop().

double PndGeoDrc::fEVlength

Length of Expansion Volume [cm].

Definition at line 36 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by EVlen().

double PndGeoDrc::fEVoffset

[cm] offset of the EV - outer radius

Definition at line 38 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by EVoffset().

double PndGeoDrc::fGlueLayer

Thickness of the glue layer [cm].

Definition at line 18 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by GlueLayer(), and GreaseLayer().

double PndGeoDrc::fGreaseLayer

Thickness of the layer of optical grease [cm].

Definition at line 19 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

double PndGeoDrc::fLside

Definition at line 56 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by Lside().

double PndGeoDrc::fMCPactiveArea

[cm] size of the active area of one MCP

Definition at line 48 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by McpActiveArea().

double PndGeoDrc::fMCPgap

[cm] gap between MCPs

Definition at line 50 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by McpGap().

double PndGeoDrc::fMCPsize

[cm] total size of one MCP

Definition at line 49 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by McpSize().

double PndGeoDrc::fNEV

Definition at line 16 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by nEV().

int PndGeoDrc::fNpix

total number of pixels for one MCP (8 x 8 pixels)

Definition at line 51 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by Npixels().

double PndGeoDrc::fNquartz

Definition at line 14 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by nQuartz().

double PndGeoDrc::fPAngle

[degrees] opening angle of the prism

Definition at line 43 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PrismAngle().

double PndGeoDrc::fPDrop

[cm] drop of the prism - inner side

Definition at line 44 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PrismDrop().

double PndGeoDrc::fPhLength

[cm] half length of the prism

Definition at line 42 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PrismhLength().

double PndGeoDrc::fPi

Definition at line 57 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

double PndGeoDrc::fPipehAngle

Half of the phi angle taken by the target pipe [degrees].

Definition at line 34 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PipehAngle().

double PndGeoDrc::fPixelSize

[cm] size of one pixel

Definition at line 52 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PixelSize().

double PndGeoDrc::fPOffset

[cm] offset of the prism - outer side

Definition at line 45 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by PrismOffset().

double PndGeoDrc::fRadius

Barrel radius [cm] (middle of radiator)

Definition at line 21 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by radius().

double PndGeoDrc::fRoughness

Quartz bar surface roughness [nm] = 10A.

Definition at line 17 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by Roughness().

double PndGeoDrc::fSigmaCharge

[cm] sigma of the charge sharing

Definition at line 53 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by SigmaCharge().

double PndGeoDrc::fUquartz

Definition at line 15 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by uQuartz().

char PndGeoDrc::modName[20]

Definition at line 60 of file PndGeoDrc.h.

Referenced by getModuleName().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: