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PndHypStripDigiPar Class Reference

#include <PndHypStripDigiPar.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndHypStripDigiPar:

Public Member Functions

 PndHypStripDigiPar (const char *name="PndHypParTest", const char *title="Hyp digi parameter", const char *context="TestDefaultContext")
 ~PndHypStripDigiPar (void)
void clear (void)
void putParams (FairParamList *list)
Bool_t getParams (FairParamList *list)
void print ()
Double_t GetTopPitch () const
Double_t GetBotPitch () const
Double_t GetOrient () const
Double_t GetSkew () const
TVector2 GetTopAnchor () const
TVector2 GetBotAnchor () const
Int_t GetNrTopFE () const
Int_t GetNrBotFE () const
Int_t GetNrFECh () const
Double_t GetThreshold () const
Double_t GetNoise () const
const char * GetSensType () const
const char * GetFeType () const
void SetTopPitch (Double_t x)
void SetBotPitch (Double_t x)
void SetOrient (Double_t x)
void SetSkew (Double_t x)
void SetTopAnchor (TVector2 x)
void SetBotAnchor (TVector2 x)
void SetNrTopFE (Int_t x)
void SetNrBotFE (Int_t x)
void SetNrFECh (Int_t x)
void SetThreshold (Double_t x)
void SetNoise (Double_t x)
void SetSensType (TString x)
void SetFeType (TString x)

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (PndHypStripDigiPar, 2)

Private Attributes

Double_t topPitch
 Strip pitch on top wafer side. More...
Double_t botPitch
 Strip pitch on bottom wafer side. More...
Double_t orient
 orientation angle of top strips More...
Double_t skew
 skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips More...
TVector2 topAnchor
 Anchor point of top strip#0. More...
TVector2 botAnchor
 Anchor point of bottom strip#0. More...
Int_t feChannels
 Number of Channels per FE. More...
Int_t topNrFE
 Number of FE attached to top wafer side. More...
Int_t botNrFE
 Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side. More...
Double_t threshold
 Discriminator threshold. More...
Double_t noise
 Complete noise including threshold dispersion. More...
TString fSensType
TString fFeType

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndHypStripDigiPar::PndHypStripDigiPar ( const char *  name = "PndHypParTest",
const char *  title = "Hyp digi parameter",
const char *  context = "TestDefaultContext" 

Definition at line 5 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.cxx.

References clear().

6  : FairParGenericSet(name,title,context)
7 {
8  clear();
9 }
TString name
PndHypStripDigiPar::~PndHypStripDigiPar ( void  )

Definition at line 29 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

29 {};

Member Function Documentation

PndHypStripDigiPar::ClassDef ( PndHypStripDigiPar  ,
void PndHypStripDigiPar::clear ( void  )

Definition at line 30 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by PndHypStripDigiPar().

30 {};
TVector2 PndHypStripDigiPar::GetBotAnchor ( ) const

Definition at line 41 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botAnchor.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

41 {return botAnchor;}
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetBotPitch ( ) const

Definition at line 37 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botPitch.

Referenced by PndHypStripClusterTask::Exec(), PndHypStripHitProducer::Exec(), and PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

37 {return botPitch;}
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
const char* PndHypStripDigiPar::GetFeType ( ) const

Definition at line 48 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References fFeType.

48 {return fFeType.Data();}
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetNoise ( ) const

Definition at line 46 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References noise.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

46 {return noise;}
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetNrBotFE ( ) const

Definition at line 43 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botNrFE.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

43 {return botNrFE;}
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetNrFECh ( ) const

Definition at line 44 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References feChannels.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

44 {return feChannels;}
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetNrTopFE ( ) const

Definition at line 42 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topNrFE.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

42 {return topNrFE;}
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetOrient ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References orient.

Referenced by PndHypStripClusterTask::Exec(), and PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

38 {return orient;}
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
Bool_t PndHypStripDigiPar::getParams ( FairParamList *  list)

Definition at line 34 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.cxx.

References botAnchor, botNrFE, botPitch, Double_t, feChannels, fFeType, fSensType, noise, orient, skew, threshold, topAnchor, topNrFE, topPitch, x, and y.

35 {
36  if (!list) return kFALSE;
38  if (!list->fill("top_pitch", &topPitch)) return kFALSE;
39  if (!list->fill("bot_pitch", &botPitch)) return kFALSE;
40  if (!list->fill("orient",&orient)) return kFALSE;
41  if (!list->fill("skew",&skew)) return kFALSE;
43  Double_t x,y;
44  if (!list->fill("top_anchor_x", &x)) return kFALSE;
45  if (!list->fill("top_anchor_y", &y)) return kFALSE;
46  topAnchor.Set(x,y);
47  if (!list->fill("bot_anchor_x", &x)) return kFALSE;
48  if (!list->fill("bot_anchor_y", &y)) return kFALSE;
49  botAnchor.Set(x,y);
51  if (!list->fill("nr_fe_channels", &feChannels)) return kFALSE;
52  if (!list->fill("nr_fe_top", &topNrFE)) return kFALSE;
53  if (!list->fill("nr_fe_bottom", &botNrFE)) return kFALSE;
55  if (!list->fill("charge_threshold",&threshold)) return kFALSE;
56  if (!list->fill("charge_noise",&noise)) return kFALSE;
57  Text_t stName[80];
58  if (!list->fill("sens_Type",stName,80)) return kFALSE;
59  fSensType = stName;
60  Text_t feName[80];
61  if (!list->fill("fe_Type",feName,80)) return kFALSE;
62  fFeType = feName;
63  // if (!list->fill("sensName",&sensName)) return kFALSE;
64  // if (!list->fill("feName",&feName)) return kFALSE;
65  return kTRUE;
66 }
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
Double_t x
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
Double_t y
const char* PndHypStripDigiPar::GetSensType ( ) const

Definition at line 47 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References fSensType.

47 {return fSensType.Data();}
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetSkew ( ) const

Definition at line 39 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References skew.

Referenced by PndHypStripClusterTask::Exec(), and PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

39 {return skew;}
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetThreshold ( ) const

Definition at line 45 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References threshold.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

45 {return threshold;}
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
TVector2 PndHypStripDigiPar::GetTopAnchor ( ) const

Definition at line 40 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topAnchor.

Referenced by PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

40 {return topAnchor;}
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::GetTopPitch ( ) const

Accessor functions

Definition at line 36 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topPitch.

Referenced by PndHypStripClusterTask::Exec(), PndHypStripHitProducer::Exec(), and PndHypCalcStrip::PndHypCalcStrip().

36 {return topPitch;}
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
void PndHypStripDigiPar::print ( )

Definition at line 70 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.cxx.

References botAnchor, botNrFE, botPitch, feChannels, noise, orient, Pi, skew, threshold, topAnchor, topNrFE, and topPitch.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::Init().

71 {
72  std::cout<<"MVD Digitisation Parameters:"<<std::endl;
73  std::cout<<" Top Pitch = "<<topPitch<<std::endl;
74  std::cout<<" Bottom Pitch = "<<botPitch<<std::endl;
75  std::cout<<" Strip Angle (Top) = "<<orient<<"rad = "<<orient/TMath::Pi()*180.<<" deg"<<std::endl;
76  std::cout<<" Skew Angle (Top->Bottom) = "<<skew<<"rad = "<<skew/TMath::Pi()*180.<<" deg"<<std::endl;
77  std::cout<<" Top Anchor = ("<<topAnchor.X()<<","<<topAnchor.Y()<<")"<<std::endl;
78  std::cout<<" Bottom Anchor= ("<<botAnchor.X()<<","<<botAnchor.Y()<<")"<<std::endl;
79  std::cout<<" FE Channels = "<<feChannels<<std::endl;
80  std::cout<<" Nr of Frontends (Top Side) = "<<topNrFE<<std::endl;
81  std::cout<<" Nr of Frontends (Bottom Side)= "<<botNrFE<<std::endl;
82  std::cout<<" Charge Threshold (e-) = "<<threshold<<std::endl;
83  std::cout<<" Noise (ENC+Dispersion) (e-) = "<<noise<<std::endl;
84 }
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
Double_t Pi
void PndHypStripDigiPar::putParams ( FairParamList *  list)

Definition at line 11 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.cxx.

References botAnchor, botNrFE, botPitch, Double_t, feChannels, fFeType, fSensType, noise, orient, skew, threshold, topAnchor, topNrFE, and topPitch.

12 {
13  if(!list) return;
14  list->add("top_pitch", topPitch);
15  list->add("bot_pitch", botPitch);
16  list->add("orient", orient);
17  list->add("skew", skew);
18  list->add("top_anchor_x", (Double_t)topAnchor.X());
19  list->add("top_anchor_y", (Double_t)topAnchor.Y());
20  list->add("bottom_anchor_x", (Double_t)botAnchor.X());
21  list->add("bottom_anchor_y", (Double_t)botAnchor.Y());
22  list->add("nr_fe_channels", feChannels);
23  list->add("nr_fe_top", topNrFE);
24  list->add("nr_fe_bottom", botNrFE);
26  list->add("charge_threshold", threshold);
27  list->add("charge_noise", noise);
28  list->add("sens_Type", fSensType);
29  list->add("fe_Type", fFeType);
30  // list->add("sensName", sensName);
31  // list->add("feName", feName);
32 }
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetBotAnchor ( TVector2  x)

Definition at line 55 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botAnchor, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

55 {botAnchor = x;}
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetBotPitch ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 51 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botPitch, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

51 {botPitch = x;}
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetFeType ( TString  x)

Definition at line 62 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References fFeType, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

62 {fFeType = x;}
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetNoise ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 60 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References noise, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

60 {noise = x;}
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetNrBotFE ( Int_t  x)

Definition at line 57 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References botNrFE, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

57 {botNrFE = x;}
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetNrFECh ( Int_t  x)

Definition at line 58 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References feChannels, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

58 {feChannels = x;}
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetNrTopFE ( Int_t  x)

Definition at line 56 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topNrFE, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

56 {topNrFE = x;}
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetOrient ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 52 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References orient, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

52 {orient = x;}
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetSensType ( TString  x)

Definition at line 61 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References fSensType, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

61 {fSensType = x;}
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetSkew ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 53 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References skew, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

53 {skew = x;}
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
Double_t x
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetThreshold ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 59 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References threshold, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

59 {threshold = x;}
Double_t x
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetTopAnchor ( TVector2  x)

Definition at line 54 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topAnchor, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

54 {topAnchor = x;}
Double_t x
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
void PndHypStripDigiPar::SetTopPitch ( Double_t  x)

Definition at line 50 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

References topPitch, and x.

Referenced by PndHypStripHitProducer::SetParamSet().

50 {topPitch = x;}
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
Double_t x

Member Data Documentation

TVector2 PndHypStripDigiPar::botAnchor

Anchor point of bottom strip#0.

Definition at line 76 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetBotAnchor(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetBotAnchor().

Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::botNrFE

Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.

Definition at line 82 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetNrBotFE(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetNrBotFE().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::botPitch

Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.

Definition at line 68 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetBotPitch(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetBotPitch().

Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::feChannels

Number of Channels per FE.

Definition at line 78 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetNrFECh(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetNrFECh().

TString PndHypStripDigiPar::fFeType

Definition at line 89 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetFeType(), getParams(), putParams(), and SetFeType().

TString PndHypStripDigiPar::fSensType

Definition at line 88 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by getParams(), GetSensType(), putParams(), and SetSensType().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::noise

Complete noise including threshold dispersion.

Definition at line 87 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetNoise(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetNoise().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::orient

orientation angle of top strips

Definition at line 70 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetOrient(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetOrient().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::skew

skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips

Definition at line 72 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by getParams(), GetSkew(), print(), putParams(), and SetSkew().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::threshold

Discriminator threshold.

Definition at line 85 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by getParams(), GetThreshold(), print(), putParams(), and SetThreshold().

TVector2 PndHypStripDigiPar::topAnchor

Anchor point of top strip#0.

Definition at line 74 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by getParams(), GetTopAnchor(), print(), putParams(), and SetTopAnchor().

Int_t PndHypStripDigiPar::topNrFE

Number of FE attached to top wafer side.

Definition at line 80 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by GetNrTopFE(), getParams(), print(), putParams(), and SetNrTopFE().

Double_t PndHypStripDigiPar::topPitch

Strip pitch on top wafer side.

Definition at line 66 of file PndHypStripDigiPar.h.

Referenced by getParams(), GetTopPitch(), print(), putParams(), and SetTopPitch().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: