Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PndSoftTriggerTask Class Reference

#include <PndSoftTriggerTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndSoftTriggerTask:

Public Types

typedef std::map< Int_t, Float_t > mapper

Public Member Functions

 PndSoftTriggerTask (double pmom, int mode=0, int runnum=0, TString trigfilename="")
 ~PndSoftTriggerTask ()
virtual InitStatus Init ()
virtual void Exec (Option_t *opt)
virtual void Finish ()
void SetFastSimDefaults ()
void SetFullSimDefaults ()
void SetConfigurationFile (TString fname)
void ApplyFullSelection (int selmode=1)
void SetTagNSigMode (int mode, double nsig)
void SetTagNSigAll (double nsig)
void SetAuxNSig (double nsig)
void SetDstMDiffCut (double cut)
void SetPi0QASelection (double min, double max)
void SetKs0QASelection (double min, double max)
void SetEtaQASelection (double min, double max)
void SetQASelectionDefaults ()
void SetPi0SignalParams (double mean, double sigma)
void SetKs0SignalParams (double mean, double sigma)
void SetEtaSignalParams (double mean, double sigma)
void SetSignalParamsDefaults ()
void SetGammaMinE (double min)
void SetTrackMinP (double min)
void SetInitialPidCut (double cut)
void SetPidAlgoAll (TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoElectron (TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoMuon (TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoPion (TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoKaon (TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoProton (TString algo)
void SetTagAll (bool tag=true)
void SetTagMode (int mode, bool tag=true)
void SetQAPi0 (bool qa=true)
void SetQAEta (bool qa=true)
void SetQAKs0 (bool qa=true)
void SetQAMc (bool qa=true)
void SetQAMctOnly (bool qa=true)
void SetQAEvent (bool qa=true)
void SetQAAll (bool qa=true)
void SetQAMode (int mode, bool qa=true)
void McMatchAllowPhotos (int maxn=1, double thresh=0.05)
void SetVerbose (int verb=10)
 PndSoftTriggerTask ()
 ~PndSoftTriggerTask ()
virtual InitStatus Init ()
virtual void Exec (Option_t *opt)
virtual void Finish ()

Protected Attributes

int evcount
int chmax
int neutmax
int mcmax
int allmax
int cntsel
int cntjpsi
int cntd0
int cntdpm
int cntds
int cntphi
int cntlamc

Private Member Functions

void FillGlobalLists ()
bool ReadConfiguration ()
bool ReadTriggerLines ()
int DoCombinatorics (RhoCandList &l, PndSoftTriggerLine *tl)
void CombineList (RhoCandList &l, int mothpdg, int amothpdg, std::vector< int > &idx, std::vector< int > &aidx, bool cc=false)
int AntiPdg (int pdg)
double GetVarValue (RhoCandidate *c, int id)
void FillVarArray (RhoCandidate *c, int id, Bool_t tmva=false)
void FillEventShapeVarArray ()
bool AcceptCandidate (int mode, RhoCandidate *c, RhoParticleSelectorBase *sel=0)
bool AcceptDstCut (RhoCandidate *c)
double GetPocaVtx (RhoCandidate *c, double &dist, double &ctau)
void GetAngles (RhoCandidate *c, double &oang, double &decang)
int SelectTruePid (RhoCandList &l)
int SelectPidProb (RhoCandList &l, int pididx, double cut)
int MultPidProb (RhoCandList &l, int pididx, double prob)
double DbMass (TString name)
int SplitString (TString s, TString delim, TString *toks, int maxtoks)
int DetermineRecoilMode (int &mode)
TLorentzVector BoostCms (TLorentzVector in)
int CodeVariable (TString v)
int CreateKs0Cands (RhoTuple *n)
int TagMode (PndSoftTriggerLine *tl, int &npre)
virtual void SetParContainers ()
 ClassDef (PndSoftTriggerTask, 1)
void FillMassHisto (TH1F *h, RhoCandList &l)
int SelectPdgCode (RhoCandList &mct, RhoCandList &l)
void PrintList (RhoCandList &l, int max=10)
int RemoveDoubles (RhoCandList &l, double limit=0.0001)
void SelectPid (int type, int pdg, int chrg, RhoCandList &l, RhoCandList &lpid, double cut=0.2)
void ConfigureHistos (TH1F *hall, TH1F *htrue, TH1F *hsel)
virtual void SetParContainers ()
 ClassDef (PndSoftTriggerTask, 1)

Private Attributes

int fVerbose
int fMode
int fRecoilMode
int fRecoilCnt
int fEvtCount
int fRunNum
int fSigCount
double fNsigTag
double fNsigAux
double fDstMDiffCut
TString fCfgFileName
TString fTriggerFileName
Int_t fPhotosMax
Double_t fPhotosThresh
int fApplyFullSelection
TLorentzVector fIniP4
double fEcm
double fPbarMom
TVector3 fPrimVtx
double fPrimVtxQa
bool fQAPi0
bool fQAEta
bool fQAKs0
bool fQAEvent
bool fQAMc
bool fQAMctOnly
double fPi0QaMin
double fPi0QaMax
double fEtaQaMin
double fEtaQaMax
double fKs0QaMin
double fKs0QaMax
double fPi0Mean
double fPi0Sigma
double fEtaMean
double fEtaSigma
double fKs0Mean
double fKs0Sigma
double fGammaMinE
double fPi0MinE
double fEtaMinE
double fTrackMinP
double fIniPidCut
TString fAlgoElectron
TString fAlgoMuon
TString fAlgoPion
TString fAlgoKaon
TString fAlgoProton
Int_t fPidMult_025 [5]
TDatabasePDG * fPdg
RhoCandList fMcTruth
RhoCandList fAllCands
RhoCandList fChargedCands
RhoCandList fNeutralCands
RhoCandList fGammaCands
RhoCandList fKs0Cands
RhoCandList fPi0Cands
RhoCandList fEtaCands
RhoCandList fPidList [16]
FairRootManager * fRootManager
TClonesArray * fTcaOnlineFilterInfo
TH1F * h_mom
TH1F * h_momc
TH1F * h_momn
TH1F * h_mult
TH1F * h_multc
TH1F * h_multn
TH1F * h_multrem
TH1F * h_jpsi
TH1F * h_jpsit
TH1F * h_jpsisel
TH1F * h_d0
TH1F * h_d0t
TH1F * h_d0sel
TH1F * h_d0_pocx
TH1F * h_d0_pocy
TH1F * h_d0_pocz
TH1F * h_d0_pocxm
TH1F * h_d0_pocym
TH1F * h_d0_poczm
TH1F * h_d0_l
TH1F * h_d0_lm
TH1F * h_dpm
TH1F * h_dpmt
TH1F * h_dpmsel
TH1F * h_ds
TH1F * h_dst
TH1F * h_dssel
TH1F * h_phi
TH1F * h_phit
TH1F * h_phisel
TH1F * h_lamc
TH1F * h_lamct
TH1F * h_lamcsel
TStopwatch * timer

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<Int_t, Float_t> PndSoftTriggerTask::mapper

Definition at line 25 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndSoftTriggerTask::PndSoftTriggerTask ( double  pmom,
int  mode = 0,
int  runnum = 0,
TString  trigfilename = "" 

Definition at line 134 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fAlgoElectron, fAlgoKaon, fAlgoMuon, fAlgoPion, fAlgoProton, fApplyFullSelection, fCfgFileName, fEcm, fIniP4, fIniPidCut, fPdg, fSTMapListIndex, fSTPidIndex, fTriggerFileName, i, mp, ReadTriggerLines(), SetQASelectionDefaults(), SetSignalParamsDefaults(), sqrt(), and TString.

134  :
135  FairTask("Panda Softtrigger Task"),
136  fVerbose(0), fMode(mode), fEvtCount(0), fRunNum(runnum), fSigCount(0), fNsigTag(8.0), fNsigAux(3.0), fDstMDiffCut(10.),
137  fTriggerFileName(trigfilename), fPhotosMax(0), fPhotosThresh(0.05),
138  fIniP4(0,0,0,0), fEcm(0.), fPbarMom(pmom),
139  fQAPi0(false),fQAEta(false),fQAKs0(false),fQAEvent(false), fQAMc(false), fQAMctOnly(false),
140  fGammaMinE(0.03), fPi0MinE(0.0), fEtaMinE(0.0), fTrackMinP(0.15), fIniPidCut(0.0),
141  fPi0Sel(NULL), fEtaSel(NULL), fKs0Sel(NULL),
142  fMomentumSel(NULL), fEnergySel(NULL),
143  ntp(0), nks0(0), npi0(0), neta(0), nmc(0),
144  fEventShape(NULL),
145  fQA(NULL)
146 {
147  fPdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
149  // *** add several pbar p/n/dd Systems for MC truth match
150  double ppwidth = 0.01;
151  fPdg->AddParticle("pbarpSystem", "pbar p", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88888);
152  fPdg->AddParticle("pbarpSystem0","pbar p", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88880);
153  fPdg->AddParticle("pbarpSystem1","pbar p", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88881);
154  fPdg->AddParticle("pbarpSystem2","pbar p", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88882);
156  fPdg->AddParticle("pbarnSystem", "pbar n", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88887);
157  fPdg->AddParticle("pbardSystem", "pbar d", fEcm, false, ppwidth,0,"",88889);
159  double mp = fPdg->GetParticle("proton")->Mass(); //Proton mass for computation of p4_ini
161  // set 4-vector of pbar-p-system
162  fIniP4.SetPz(pmom);
163  fIniP4.SetE(sqrt(pmom*pmom+mp*mp)+mp);
164  fEcm = fIniP4.M();
166  // set default algorithms for pid
167  fAlgoElectron = "PidAlgoEmcBayes;PidAlgoDrc;PidAlgoDisc;PidAlgoStt;PidAlgoMdtHardCuts";
173  fIniPidCut = 0.0;
175  fCfgFileName = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/softrig/selection_10ch_tight.cfg";
176  fApplyFullSelection = false;
178  // *** set default signal parameters (mean, sigma)
182  // if no trigger definition file is given, use the default one
183  if (fTriggerFileName.Length()==0)
184  {
185  fTriggerFileName = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/softrig/triggerlines.cfg";
186  cout <<"Reading default trigger lines file "<<fTriggerFileName.Data()<<endl;
187  }
188  // map pdg codes to RhoCandList index
189  for (int i=0;i<14;++i) fSTMapListIndex[fSTPidIndex[i]] = i;
192 }
RhoMassParticleSelector * fEtaSel
RhoMassParticleSelector * fKs0Sel
RhoEnergyParticleSelector * fEnergySel
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
std::map< int, int > fSTMapListIndex
static const double mp
Definition: mzparameters.h:11
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
RhoMassParticleSelector * fPi0Sel
RhoMomentumParticleSelector * fMomentumSel
int fSTPidIndex[16]
PndSoftTriggerTask::~PndSoftTriggerTask ( )

Definition at line 197 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fPocaVertexer.

198 {
199  delete fPocaVertexer;
200 }
PndSoftTriggerTask::PndSoftTriggerTask ( )

Default constructor

Definition at line 66 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

66  :
67  FairTask("Panda Analysis Task") {
68 }
PndSoftTriggerTask::~PndSoftTriggerTask ( )


Member Function Documentation

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::AcceptCandidate ( int  mode,
RhoCandidate c,
RhoParticleSelectorBase sel = 0 

Definition at line 1421 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoParticleSelectorBase::Accept(), AcceptDstCut(), STCutSet::cutval, FillVarArray(), fSTencode, fSTInputValues, fSTModeIndex, fSTOps, fSTSelmap, fVerbose, i, mode, STCutSet::ncut, STCutSet::op, STCutSet::tmvacut, STCutSet::tmvameth, STCutSet::tmvaread, and STCutSet::varid.

Referenced by TagMode().

1422 {
1423  int mcode = fSTencode[fSTModeIndex]*1000+mode;
1425  if (fVerbose>1) cout <<"AcceptCandidate : mode="<<mode<<" mcode="<<mcode;
1427  // no selection defined for this mode
1428  if ( fSTSelmap.find(mcode) == fSTSelmap.end() ) {if (fVerbose>1) cout <<endl;return false;}
1429  if (fVerbose>1) cout <<" found cut set";
1431  // not accepted by final (mass) selector
1432  if ( sel && !(sel->Accept(c)) ) {if (fVerbose>1) cout <<endl;return false;}
1433  // not accepted by D* mass diff cut
1434  if (!AcceptDstCut(c)) return false;
1436  if (fVerbose>1) cout <<" accepted by precuts"<<endl;
1438  // ***
1439  // *** check for cut selection
1440  // ***
1441  STCutSet cs = fSTSelmap[mcode];
1442  FillVarArray(c, mcode);
1444  bool acc = true;
1446  for (int i=0;i<cs.ncut;++i)
1447  {
1448  if (fVerbose>1) cout <<" -> checking var["<<cs.varid[i]<<"] ("<<fSTInputValues[i]<<") "<<fSTOps[cs.op[i]]<<" "<<cs.cutval[i]<<endl;
1450  switch (cs.op[i]) // which operator is used for this cut?
1451  {
1452  case 0: // check var >= value
1453  if ( !(fSTInputValues[i]>=cs.cutval[i]) ) acc=false;
1454  break;
1455  case 1: // check var > value
1456  if ( !(fSTInputValues[i]>cs.cutval[i]) ) acc=false;
1457  break;
1458  case 2: // check var == value
1459  if ( !(fSTInputValues[i]==cs.cutval[i]) ) acc=false;
1460  break;
1461  case 3: // check var <= value
1462  if ( !(fSTInputValues[i]<=cs.cutval[i]) ) acc=false;
1463  break;
1464  case 4: // check var < value
1465  if ( !(fSTInputValues[i]<cs.cutval[i]) ) acc=false;
1466  break;
1467  default :
1468  acc=false;
1469  break;
1470  }
1471  }
1473  // ***
1474  // *** check for TMVA selector in addition
1475  // ***
1476  if (cs.tmvaread)
1477  {
1478  FillVarArray(c, mcode, true);
1479  if (fVerbose>1) cout <<" -> checking TMVA "<<cs.tmvameth<<endl;
1480  float mvaout = cs.tmvaread->EvaluateMVA(cs.tmvameth);
1481  if (mvaout<cs.tmvacut) acc=false;
1482  }
1485  if (fVerbose>1)
1486  {
1487  if (acc) cout <<" final accept"<<endl;
1488  else cout <<endl;
1489  }
1491  return acc;
1492 }
float fSTInputValues[STMAXCUT]
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TMVA::Reader * tmvaread
virtual Bool_t Accept(RhoCandidate *)=0
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
double cutval[STMAXCUT]
std::map< int, STCutSet > fSTSelmap
void FillVarArray(RhoCandidate *c, int id, Bool_t tmva=false)
TString fSTOps[5]
bool AcceptDstCut(RhoCandidate *c)
std::vector< int > fSTencode
bool PndSoftTriggerTask::AcceptDstCut ( RhoCandidate c)

Definition at line 1410 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandidate::Daughter(), fabs(), fDstMDiffCut, RhoCandidate::M(), and RhoCandidate::PdgCode().

Referenced by AcceptCandidate(), and TagMode().

1411 {
1412  int pdg = abs(c->PdgCode());
1414  if ( (pdg==413 || pdg==423 || pdg==433) && fabs(c->M() - c->Daughter(0)->M() - 0.143) > fDstMDiffCut ) return false;
1416  return true;
1417 }
RhoCandidate * Daughter(Int_t n)
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
Double_t M() const
int PndSoftTriggerTask::AntiPdg ( int  pdg)

Definition at line 1497 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fPdg.

Referenced by DoCombinatorics().

1498 {
1499  int antipdg = pdg;
1500  TParticlePDG *part = fPdg->GetParticle(pdg)->AntiParticle();
1501  if (part) antipdg = part->PdgCode();
1503  return antipdg;
1504 }
void PndSoftTriggerTask::ApplyFullSelection ( int  selmode = 1)
TLorentzVector PndSoftTriggerTask::BoostCms ( TLorentzVector  in)

Definition at line 1183 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fIniP4.

Referenced by GetVarValue().

1184 {
1185  TLorentzVector lcm = l;
1186  lcm.Boost(-fIniP4.BoostVector());
1187  return lcm;
1188 }
PndSoftTriggerTask::ClassDef ( PndSoftTriggerTask  ,
PndSoftTriggerTask::ClassDef ( PndSoftTriggerTask  ,
int PndSoftTriggerTask::CodeVariable ( TString  v)

Definition at line 1255 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References C(), fSTNQuant, fSTQuantCode, fSTVarSuff, i, r1, r2, TString, and v.

Referenced by ReadConfiguration().

1256 {
1257  int i=0, code=0, A=9, B=9, C=9, D=9, EF=0;
1259  if (v=="mmiss") return 80;
1260  if (v=="xmdif") return 82;
1261  if (v=="tag") return 99;
1263  for (i=0; i<fSTNQuant; ++i)
1264  if (v.EndsWith(fSTVarSuff[i]))
1265  {
1266  EF=fSTQuantCode[i];
1267  v=v(0,v.Length()-fSTVarSuff[i].Length());
1268  i=1000;
1269  }
1271  if (i<1000) {cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] ***** Unknown variable suffix in variable '"<<v<<"'"<<endl; return -1;}
1273  // get rid of special daughter namings for pi0 gammas and KS pi+-
1274  v.ReplaceAll("pi1","d0");
1275  v.ReplaceAll("pi2","d1");
1276  v.ReplaceAll("g1","d0");
1277  v.ReplaceAll("g2","d1");
1279  TRegexp r1("xd[0-4]$");
1280  TRegexp r2("xd[0-4]d[0-4]$");
1281  TRegexp r3("xd[0-4]d[0-4]d[0-4]$");
1283  if (v!="x" && v(r1)=="" && v(r2)=="" && v(r3)=="") {cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] ***** Unknown candidate prefix in variable '"<<v<<"'"<<endl; return -1;}
1285  int l = v.Length();
1287  if (l>1) B = TString(v(2,1)).Atoi();
1288  if (l>3) C = TString(v(4,1)).Atoi();
1289  if (l>5) D = TString(v(6,1)).Atoi();
1291  code=EF+100*D+1000*C+10000*B+100000*A;
1293  return code;
1294 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
double r1
__m128 v
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:4
int Pic_FED Eff_lEE C()
TString fSTVarSuff[]
double r2
void PndSoftTriggerTask::CombineList ( RhoCandList l,
int  mothpdg,
int  amothpdg,
std::vector< int > &  idx,
std::vector< int > &  aidx,
bool  cc = false 

Definition at line 1508 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::Cleanup(), RhoCandList::Combine(), RhoCandList::CombineAndAppend(), and fPidList.

Referenced by DoCombinatorics().

1509 {
1510  l.Cleanup();
1512  int nd = idx.size();
1514  switch (nd)
1515  {
1516  case 2:
1517  l.Combine(fPidList[idx[0]], fPidList[idx[1]], mothpdg);
1518  if (cc) l.CombineAndAppend(fPidList[aidx[0]], fPidList[aidx[1]], amothpdg);
1519  break;
1521  case 3:
1522  l.Combine(fPidList[idx[0]], fPidList[idx[1]], fPidList[idx[2]], mothpdg);
1523  if (cc) l.CombineAndAppend(fPidList[aidx[0]], fPidList[aidx[1]], fPidList[aidx[2]], amothpdg);
1524  break;
1526  case 4:
1527  l.Combine(fPidList[idx[0]], fPidList[idx[1]], fPidList[idx[2]], fPidList[idx[3]], mothpdg);
1528  if (cc) l.CombineAndAppend(fPidList[aidx[0]], fPidList[aidx[1]], fPidList[aidx[2]], fPidList[aidx[3]], amothpdg);
1529  break;
1531  case 5:
1532  l.Combine(fPidList[idx[0]], fPidList[idx[1]], fPidList[idx[2]], fPidList[idx[3]], fPidList[idx[4]], mothpdg);
1533  if (cc) l.CombineAndAppend(fPidList[aidx[0]], fPidList[aidx[1]], fPidList[aidx[2]], fPidList[aidx[3]], fPidList[aidx[4]], amothpdg);
1534  break;
1535  default: return;
1536  }
1538 }
void Cleanup()
Definition: RhoCandList.cxx:62
int idx[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:38
void CombineAndAppend(RhoCandList &l1, RhoCandList &l2)
void Combine(RhoCandList &l1, RhoCandList &l2)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::ConfigureHistos ( TH1F *  hall,
TH1F *  htrue,
TH1F *  hsel 

Definition at line 457 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

458 {
459  htrue->SetLineColor(2);
460  hsel->SetFillStyle(3001);
461  hsel->SetFillColor(602);
462  hsel->SetLineStyle(3);
463  hsel->SetLineColor(602);
465 }
int PndSoftTriggerTask::CreateKs0Cands ( RhoTuple n)

Definition at line 977 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoTuple::Column(), RhoCandList::Combine(), RhoTuple::DumpData(), f, fabs(), fEvtCount, fIniP4, fKs0Cands, fKs0Mean, fKs0PreSel, fKs0Sel, fKs0Sigma, fMode, fNsigAux, fPidList, fQA, fRunNum, RhoCandList::GetLength(), i, Mass, nsig, PndRhoTupleQA::qaKs0(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaP4(), RhoCandList::Select(), RhoCandList::SetType(), and tag.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

978 {
979  // *** basic KS0 Reco
980  //fKs0Cands.Combine(fPionPlus, fPionMinus);
982  // *** pre select for qa
984  fKs0Cands.SetType(310);
986  if (n)
987  {
988  for (int i=0; i<fKs0Cands.GetLength();++i)
989  {
990  Float_t nsig = (Float_t) fabs(fKs0Cands[i]->Mass()-fKs0Mean)/fKs0Sigma;
991  Float_t tag = nsig<fNsigAux; // instead of fNsigTag, fNsigAux cut is applied for KS
993  n->Column("tag", (Int_t) tag, 0);
994  n->Column("nsig", (Float_t) nsig, 0.0f);
995  n->Column("ev", (Int_t) fEvtCount, 0);
996  n->Column("run", (Int_t) fRunNum, 0);
997  n->Column("num", (Int_t) i, 0);
998  n->Column("mode", (Int_t) fMode, 0);
999  n->Column("xmean", (Float_t) fKs0Mean, 0.0f);
1000  n->Column("xsig", (Float_t) fKs0Sigma, 0.0f);
1002  fQA->qaP4("beam", fIniP4, n);
1003  fQA->qaKs0("x", fKs0Cands[i], n);
1005  n->DumpData();
1006  }
1007  }
1009  // *** final selection
1012  return fKs0Cands.GetLength();
1013 }
RhoMassParticleSelector * fKs0Sel
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t tag
Definition: crosstag.C:23
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
void qaP4(TString pre, TLorentzVector c, RhoTuple *n, bool skip=false)
void qaKs0(TString pre, RhoCandidate *c, RhoTuple *n)
void Combine(RhoCandList &l1, RhoCandList &l2)
RhoMassParticleSelector * fKs0PreSel
void Select(RhoParticleSelectorBase *pidmgr)
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
void Column(const char *label, Bool_t value, Bool_t defval=0, const char *block=0)
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:56
void SetType(const TParticlePDG *pdt, int start=0)
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void DumpData()
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:391
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
double PndSoftTriggerTask::DbMass ( TString  name)

Definition at line 146 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fPdg.

Referenced by SetQASelectionDefaults().

146 {if (fPdg->GetParticle(name)) return fPdg->GetParticle(name)->Mass(); else return 0.;}
TString name
int PndSoftTriggerTask::DetermineRecoilMode ( int &  mode)

Definition at line 933 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fMcTruth, RhoCandList::GetLength(), and i.

Referenced by Exec().

934 {
935  mode = 0;
936  int code=-1;
938  if ( fMcTruth.GetLength()==0 ) return -1;
939  if ( fMcTruth[0]==0 ) return -1;
941  for (int i=0; i<fMcTruth[0]->NDaughters(); ++i)
942  {
943  int dpdg = abs(fMcTruth[0]->Daughter(i)->PdgCode());
945  switch (dpdg)
946  {
947  case 22: mode += 1; break; // gamma
948  case 111: mode += 10; break; // pi0
949  case 211: mode += 100; break; // pi+
950  case 321: mode += 1000; break; // K+
951  case 130: mode += 10000; break; // K0
952  case 310: mode += 10000; break; // K0
953  case 221: mode += 100000; break; // eta
954  }
955  }
957  switch (mode)
958  {
959  case 0 : code = 0; break; // no recoil
960  case 1 : code = 1; break; // gamma
961  case 10 : code = 2; break; // pi0
962  case 100000 : code = 3; break; // eta
963  case 20 : code = 4; break; // pi0 pi0
964  case 200 : code = 5; break; // pi+ pi-
965  case 2000 : code = 6; break; // K+ K-
966  case 20000 : code = 7; break; // K0 K0b
967  case 200000 : code = 8; break; // eta eta
968  case 210 : code = 9; break; // pi+ pi- pi0
969  default : code =-1; break;
970  }
972  return code;
973 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
int PndSoftTriggerTask::DoCombinatorics ( RhoCandList l,
PndSoftTriggerLine tl 

Definition at line 1542 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References AntiPdg(), RhoCandList::Cleanup(), CombineList(), fPidList, fSTMapListIndex, fSTPidIndex, fVerbose, PndSoftTriggerLine::GetAuxNeeded(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetCC(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetDaughterPdg(), RhoCandList::GetLength(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetMotherPdg(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetNDaughters(), i, and idx.

Referenced by TagMode().

1543 {
1544  l.Cleanup();
1545  fPidList[14].Cleanup();
1546  fPidList[15].Cleanup();
1548  int mothpdg = tl->GetMotherPdg();
1549  if (mothpdg<0) {cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Invalid mother for combinatorics."<<endl; return 0;}
1551  int nd = tl->GetNDaughters(); // cache for mapping: pdgcode -> fPdgList indices
1553  std::vector<int> idx, aidx, auxidx, auxaidx;
1556  // fetch pdg code of antiparticle for mother
1557  int amothpdg = AntiPdg(mothpdg);
1559  // do we need to add charged conjugate combinatorics?
1560  bool cc = tl->GetCC();
1562  if (fVerbose>1)
1563  {
1564  for (int i=0; i<nd; ++i) cout <<tl->GetDaughterPdg(i)<<" ";
1565  if (cc) cout <<" +cc";
1566  cout <<endl;
1567  }
1569  // flag whether pdg goes to idx list or auxidx list
1570  bool auxmode=false;
1572  // idx for the mothers of the aux list
1573  int auxmothpdg, auxamothpdg;
1575  // cache the indices of the fPidList according to the pdg codes
1576  for (int i=0; i<nd; ++i)
1577  {
1578  int dpdg = tl->GetDaughterPdg(i);
1580  // skip the codes for '[' and ']'
1581  if (dpdg==-99) continue;
1582  if (dpdg==-98) {auxmode=false; continue;} // filling auf aux list finished
1584  // if no list for particle with code 'dpdg'
1585  if ( fSTMapListIndex.find(dpdg) == fSTMapListIndex.end() )
1586  {
1587  // is it start of aux list definition? (e.g. D*0 -> D0 [K- pi+] pi0)
1588  if (tl->GetDaughterPdg(i+1) != -99)
1589  {
1590  // if not, throw error!
1591  cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Invalid daughter pdg code: "<<dpdg<<endl;
1592  return 0;
1593  }
1594  else // start aux mode and decide about cc of aux list
1595  {
1596  auxmode = true;
1597  auxmothpdg = dpdg;
1598  auxamothpdg = AntiPdg(dpdg);
1599  idx.push_back(14);
1600  if (auxamothpdg==auxmothpdg) aidx.push_back(14);
1601  else aidx.push_back(15);
1602  continue;
1603  }
1604  }
1605  if (auxmode)
1606  {
1607  auxidx.push_back(fSTMapListIndex[dpdg]);
1608  auxaidx.push_back(fSTMapListIndex[AntiPdg(dpdg)]);
1609  }
1610  else
1611  {
1612  idx.push_back(fSTMapListIndex[dpdg]);
1613  aidx.push_back(fSTMapListIndex[AntiPdg(dpdg)]);
1614  }
1615  }
1617  // does one of the lists have too many daughters?
1618  if (idx.size()>5) {cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Too many daughters ("<<idx.size()<<") for combinatorics of target resonance."<<endl;return 0;}
1619  if (auxidx.size()>5) {cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Too many daughters ("<<auxidx.size()<<") for combinatorics of auxiliary resonance."<<endl;return 0;}
1621  if (fVerbose>1)
1622  {
1623  cout <<"("<<mothpdg<<"/"<<amothpdg<<") : ";
1624  for (size_t i=0; i<idx.size(); ++i) cout <<"("<<idx[i]<<"/"<<aidx[i]<<") ";
1625  cout <<endl<<endl;
1626  if (auxidx.size()>0)
1627  {
1628  cout <<"("<<auxmothpdg<<"/"<<auxamothpdg<<") : ";
1629  for (size_t i=0; i<auxidx.size(); ++i) cout <<"("<<auxidx[i]<<"/"<<auxaidx[i]<<") "; cout <<endl;
1630  }
1631  }
1633  // do the combinatorics for aux list and final list
1634  if (tl->GetAuxNeeded())
1635  {
1636  // create different aux lists is pdg!=anti-pdg (e.g. D0 -> K- pi+ and anti-D0 -> K+ pi-)
1637  if (auxmothpdg!=auxamothpdg)
1638  {
1639  CombineList(fPidList[14], auxmothpdg, 0, auxidx, auxidx, false);
1640  CombineList(fPidList[15], auxamothpdg, 0, auxaidx, auxaidx, false);
1641  }
1642  // create one aux list e.g. for eta_c -> ...
1643  else
1644  {
1645  // check whether final state is its anti-final state (e.g. pi+ pi- pi0 = pi- pi+ pi0)
1646  // or not (e.g. eta_c -> KS K- pi+ != KS K+ pi-)
1647  // this can be done by summing all pdg codes for particles with pdg!=anti-pdg
1648  // if sum = 0, final state and anti-final state are the same (i.e. FS has for each particle the according anti-particle)
1649  int pdgsum = 0;
1650  for (size_t i=0;i<auxidx.size();++i) if (auxidx[i]<10) pdgsum+=fSTPidIndex[auxidx[i]];
1652  // if FS = anti-FS, just do combinatorics once (not adding the composites from anti-FS list)
1653  if (pdgsum==0)
1654  CombineList(fPidList[14], auxmothpdg, 0, auxidx, auxidx, false);
1655  // if FS != anti-FS, append also comb from anti-FS list (e.g. etac from (KS K- pi+) + (KS K+ pi-))
1656  else
1657  CombineList(fPidList[14], auxmothpdg, auxamothpdg, auxidx, auxaidx, true);
1658  }
1659  }
1661  // create the final list using (or not using) the aux list
1662  CombineList(l, mothpdg, amothpdg, idx, aidx, cc);
1664  return l.GetLength();
1665 }
int GetDaughterPdg(int idx)
void Cleanup()
Definition: RhoCandList.cxx:62
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
std::map< int, int > fSTMapListIndex
int idx[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:38
int fSTPidIndex[16]
void CombineList(RhoCandList &l, int mothpdg, int amothpdg, std::vector< int > &idx, std::vector< int > &aidx, bool cc=false)
virtual void PndSoftTriggerTask::Exec ( Option_t *  opt)

Virtual method Exec

void PndSoftTriggerTask::Exec ( Option_t *  opt)

Definition at line 816 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoTuple::Column(), DetermineRecoilMode(), RhoTuple::DumpData(), f, fAllCands, fAnalysis, fApplyFullSelection, fChargedCands, fEcm, fEventShape, fEvtCount, fGammaMinE, FillEventShapeVarArray(), FillGlobalLists(), fIniP4, fMcTruth, fMode, fPidMult_025, fPocaVertexer, fPrimVtx, fPrimVtxQa, fQA, fQAEvent, fQAMc, fRecoilCnt, fRecoilMode, fRunNum, fSTTriggers, fTcaOnlineFilterInfo, fTrackMinP, PndAnalysis::GetEventInTask(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetModeCode(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetNTagged(), RhoVtxPoca::GetPocaVtx(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetTagActive(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetThreshold(), nmc, ntp, PndRhoTupleQA::qaEventShape(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaMcList(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaP4(), PndOnlineFilterInfo::SetNTag(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetNTagged(), and TagMode().

817 {
818  // *** prepare TCA for writing OnlineFilterInfo
819  if ( fTcaOnlineFilterInfo->GetEntriesFast() != 0 ) fTcaOnlineFilterInfo->Delete();
821  // *** some variables
822  //int i=0,j=0, k=0; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
824  if (!(++fEvtCount%100)) cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] evt "<<fEvtCount<<endl;
826  // *** read the next event
829  // *** fill all lists necessary for combinatorics
830  FillGlobalLists();
832  // *** go through MC truth list and codify the recoil mode (pi+-, pi0, eta, gamma, K+-)
835  // *** estimate primary vertex
838  // *** setup eventshape object
840  fEventShape = &evtShape;
844  int tag_glob = 0, tag_glob_pre = 0, tag_pre = 0;
846  PndOnlineFilterInfo* info=new ( (*fTcaOnlineFilterInfo)[0] ) PndOnlineFilterInfo();
848  // *** loop through all channels and tag
849  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
850  {
851  PndSoftTriggerLine *tl = it->second;
853  if (tl->GetThreshold()<=fEcm && tl->GetTagActive() )
854  {
855  int ntag = TagMode( tl , tag_pre);
856  tl->SetNTagged( ntag );
857  info->SetNTag(it->first, ntag);
858  tag_glob += ntag;
859  tag_glob_pre += tag_pre;
860  }
861  }
863  Int_t tagged = (tag_glob>0);
864  Int_t taggedm = (tag_glob_pre>0); // tagged by mass cut only
866  // *** write common information
867  if (fQAEvent)
868  {
869  ntp->Column("ev", (Int_t) fEvtCount, 0);
870  ntp->Column("run", (Int_t) fRunNum, 0);
871  ntp->Column("mode", (Int_t) fMode, 0);
872  ntp->Column("recmode", (Int_t) fRecoilMode, 0);
873  ntp->Column("reccnt", (Int_t) fRecoilCnt, 0);
875  fQA->qaP4("beam", fIniP4, ntp);
876  ntp->Column("primvx", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.X(), 0.0f);
877  ntp->Column("primvy", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.Y(), 0.0f);
878  ntp->Column("primvz", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.Z(), 0.0f);
879  ntp->Column("primvqa", (Float_t) fPrimVtxQa , 0.0f);
881  // write tags of individual modes
882  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
883  {
884  PndSoftTriggerLine *tl = it->second;
885  if ( tl->GetThreshold()<=fEcm && tl->GetTagActive() )
886  {
887  //ntp->Column("tag_"+tl->GetName(), (Int_t) tl->GetNTagged(), 0);
888  ntp->Column(TString::Format("tag%d",tl->GetModeCode()), (Int_t) tl->GetNTagged(), 0);
889  }
890  }
892  ntp->Column("tagall", (Int_t) tag_glob, 0);
893  ntp->Column("tagpre", (Int_t) tag_glob_pre, 0);
894  ntp->Column("tag", (Int_t) tagged, 0);
895  ntp->Column("tagm", (Int_t) taggedm, 0);
897  fQA->qaEventShape("es", fEventShape, ntp);
899  // replace PID mult values from fEventShape by actual counts with individual algorithms
900  ntp->Column("eslnpide", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[0], 0 );
901  ntp->Column("eslnpidmu",(Int_t) fPidMult_025[1], 0 );
902  ntp->Column("eslnpidpi",(Int_t) fPidMult_025[2], 0 );
903  ntp->Column("eslnpidk", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[3], 0 );
904  ntp->Column("eslnpidp", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[4], 0 );
906  ntp->DumpData();
907  }
909  // *** write out MC info
910  if (fQAMc) {fQA->qaMcList("",fMcTruth,nmc); nmc->DumpData();}
912 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
void qaP4(TString pre, TLorentzVector c, RhoTuple *n, bool skip=false)
void qaMcList(TString pre, RhoCandList &l, RhoTuple *n, int max=10000)
void SetNTag(int mode, const int tag)
void GetEventInTask()
Double_t GetPocaVtx(TVector3 &vertex, RhoCandidate *composite)
Definition: RhoVtxPoca.cxx:27
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
void qaEventShape(TString pre, PndEventShape *evsh, RhoTuple *n)
void Column(const char *label, Bool_t value, Bool_t defval=0, const char *block=0)
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:56
void DumpData()
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:391
int TagMode(PndSoftTriggerLine *tl, int &npre)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::FillEventShapeVarArray ( )

Definition at line 1128 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References PndEventShape::Aplanarity(), PndEventShape::ChrgPSumCms(), PndEventShape::ChrgPSumLab(), PndEventShape::ChrgPtSumCms(), PndEventShape::Circularity(), fEventShape, PndEventShape::FoxWolfMomR(), fPidMult_025, fSTVarEvArray, i, PndEventShape::MultChrgPminLab(), PndEventShape::MultNeutEminLab(), PndEventShape::NCharged(), PndEventShape::NeutESumCms(), PndEventShape::NeutESumLab(), PndEventShape::NeutEtSumCms(), PndEventShape::NNeutral(), PndEventShape::NParticles(), PndEventShape::Planarity(), PndEventShape::PmaxCms(), PndEventShape::PmaxLab(), PndEventShape::PminCms(), PndEventShape::PminLab(), PndEventShape::PRapmax(), PndEventShape::Ptmax(), PndEventShape::Ptmin(), PndEventShape::PtSumLab(), PndEventShape::Sphericity(), PndEventShape::SumChrgPminCms(), and PndEventShape::Thrust().

Referenced by Exec().

1129 {
1130  // *** Event Shape Vars
1132  // ( 0) eslnpide ( 1) eslnpidmu ( 2) eslnpidpi ( 3) eslnpidk ( 4) eslnpidp
1133  // ( 5) esfw1 ( 6) esfw2 ( 7) esfw3 ( 8) esfw4 ( 9) esfw5
1134  // ( 10) esapl ( 11) escir ( 12) espla ( 13) esnneut ( 14) esnpart
1135  // ( 15) esnchrg ( 16) espmax ( 17) espmaxl ( 18) espmin ( 19) espminl
1136  // ( 20) esprapmax ( 21) esptmax ( 22) essumen ( 23) essumenl ( 24) essumetn
1137  // ( 25) essumpc ( 26) essumpc05 ( 27) essumpcl ( 28) essumpt ( 29) essumptc
1138  // ( 30) esthr ( 31) essph ( 32) esptmin ( 33) esncp10l ( 34) esnne10l
1140  // don't use PID mult values from fEventShape (based on AllCands and only one algo)
1141  for (int i=0;i<5;++i) fSTVarEvArray[i] = fPidMult_025[i];
1162  fSTVarEvArray[21] = fEventShape->Ptmax();
1173  fSTVarEvArray[30] = fEventShape->Thrust();
1175  fSTVarEvArray[32] = fEventShape->Ptmin();
1179 }
double ChrgPtSumCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:45
double ChrgPSumCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:46
double Sphericity()
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
double ChrgPSumLab() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:39
double NeutEtSumCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:43
double SumChrgPminCms(double pmin)
double Circularity()
double PtSumLab() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:35
int NParticles() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:17
double Planarity()
double PRapmax() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:28
double NeutESumLab() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:37
double fSTVarEvArray[STMAXEVVARS]
double PmaxLab() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:22
double PminCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:25
double Thrust(int Nmax=4)
double Ptmin() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:27
int MultNeutEminLab(double emin)
int MultChrgPminLab(double pmin)
double FoxWolfMomR(int order)
double NeutESumCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:44
int NNeutral() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:19
int NCharged() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:18
double PminLab() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:24
double PmaxCms() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:23
double Ptmax() const
Definition: PndEventShape.h:26
double Aplanarity()
void PndSoftTriggerTask::FillGlobalLists ( )

Definition at line 1018 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoTuple::Column(), RhoCandList::Combine(), CreateKs0Cands(), RhoTuple::DumpData(), f, fabs(), fAlgoElectron, fAlgoKaon, fAlgoMuon, fAlgoPion, fAlgoProton, fAllCands, fAnalysis, fChargedCands, fEnergySel, fEtaCands, fEtaMean, fEtaPreSel, fEtaSel, fEtaSigma, fEvtCount, fGammaCands, PndAnalysis::FillList(), fIniP4, fIniPidCut, fKs0Cands, fMcTruth, fMode, fMomentumSel, fNeutralCands, fNsigAux, fPi0Cands, fPi0Mean, fPi0PreSel, fPi0Sel, fPi0Sigma, fPidList, fPidMult_025, fQA, fQAEta, fQAPi0, fRunNum, fTrackMinP, RhoCandList::GetLength(), i, Mass, MultPidProb(), neta, nks0, npi0, nsig, PndRhoTupleQA::qaP4(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaPi0(), RhoCandList::Select(), SelectPidProb(), RhoCandList::SetType(), and tag.

Referenced by Exec().

1019 {
1020  int i;
1022  // *** fill standard lists
1023  fAnalysis->FillList( fMcTruth, "McTruth" );
1026  fAnalysis->FillList( fNeutralCands, "Neutral" );
1028  // *** fill PID lists
1030  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[0], "ElectronAllPlus", fAlgoElectron );
1031  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[1], "ElectronAllMinus", fAlgoElectron );
1033  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[2], "MuonAllPlus", fAlgoMuon );
1034  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[3], "MuonAllMinus", fAlgoMuon );
1036  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[4], "PionAllPlus", fAlgoPion );
1037  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[5], "PionAllMinus", fAlgoPion );
1039  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[6], "KaonAllPlus", fAlgoKaon );
1040  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[7], "KaonAllMinus", fAlgoKaon );
1042  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[8], "ProtonAllPlus", fAlgoProton );
1043  fAnalysis->FillList( fPidList[9], "ProtonAllMinus", fAlgoProton );
1045  // *** apply minimum PID cut if required
1046  if (fIniPidCut>0) for (i=0;i<10;++i) SelectPidProb(fPidList[i],i/2, fIniPidCut);
1048  // *** select on lists
1051  // *** apply minimum momentum cut if required
1052  if (fTrackMinP>0) for (i=0;i<10;++i) fPidList[i].Select(fMomentumSel);
1054  // *** count PID multiplicities
1055  for (i=0;i<5;++i) fPidMult_025[i] = MultPidProb(fPidList[2*i], i, 0.25) + MultPidProb(fPidList[2*i+1], i, 0.25);
1057  // *** Ks reco
1060  // *** pi0 reco
1063  fPi0Cands.SetType(111);
1064  if (fQAPi0)
1065  {
1066  for (i=0; i<fPi0Cands.GetLength();++i)
1067  {
1068  Float_t nsig = (Float_t) fabs(fPi0Cands[i]->Mass()-fPi0Mean)/fPi0Sigma;
1069  Float_t tag = nsig<fNsigAux; // instead of fNsigTag, a fNsigAux cut is applied for pi0
1071  npi0->Column("tag", (Int_t) tag, 0);
1072  npi0->Column("nsig", (Float_t) nsig, 0.0f);
1073  npi0->Column("ev", (Int_t) fEvtCount, 0);
1074  npi0->Column("run", (Int_t) fRunNum, 0);
1075  npi0->Column("num", (Int_t) i, 0);
1076  npi0->Column("mode", (Int_t) fMode, 0);
1077  npi0->Column("xmean", (Float_t) fPi0Mean, 0.0f);
1078  npi0->Column("xsig", (Float_t) fPi0Sigma, 0.0f);
1080  fQA->qaP4("beam", fIniP4, npi0);
1081  fQA->qaPi0("x", fPi0Cands[i], npi0);
1082  npi0->DumpData();
1083  }
1084  }
1087  // *** era reco
1090  fEtaCands.SetType(221);
1091  if (fQAEta)
1092  {
1093  for (i=0; i<fEtaCands.GetLength();++i)
1094  {
1095  Float_t nsig = (Float_t) fabs(fEtaCands[i]->Mass()-fEtaMean)/fEtaSigma;
1096  Float_t tag = nsig<fNsigAux; // instead of fNsigTag, a fNsigAux cut is applied for eta
1098  neta->Column("tag", (Int_t) tag, 0);
1099  neta->Column("nsig", (Float_t) nsig, 0.0f);
1100  neta->Column("ev", (Int_t) fEvtCount, 0);
1101  neta->Column("run", (Int_t) fRunNum, 0);
1102  neta->Column("num", (Int_t) i, 0);
1103  neta->Column("mode", (Int_t) fMode, 0);
1104  neta->Column("xmean", (Float_t) fEtaMean, 0.0f);
1105  neta->Column("xsig", (Float_t) fEtaSigma, 0.0f);
1107  fQA->qaP4("beam", fIniP4, neta);
1108  fQA->qaPi0("x", fEtaCands[i], neta);
1110  neta->DumpData();
1111  }
1112  }
1115  // *** copy all lists to indexed ones for combinatorics
1117  fPidList[10] = fGammaCands;
1119  fPidList[11] = fPi0Cands;
1120  fPidList[12] = fKs0Cands;
1121  fPidList[13] = fEtaCands;
1122 }
RhoMassParticleSelector * fEtaSel
void qaPi0(TString pre, RhoCandidate *c, RhoTuple *n)
RhoEnergyParticleSelector * fEnergySel
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t tag
Definition: crosstag.C:23
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Bool_t FillList(RhoCandList &l, TString listkey="All", TString pidTcaNames="", int trackHypothesis=-1)
RhoMassParticleSelector * fPi0PreSel
void qaP4(TString pre, TLorentzVector c, RhoTuple *n, bool skip=false)
int SelectPidProb(RhoCandList &l, int pididx, double cut)
void Combine(RhoCandList &l1, RhoCandList &l2)
void Select(RhoParticleSelectorBase *pidmgr)
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
void Column(const char *label, Bool_t value, Bool_t defval=0, const char *block=0)
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:56
void SetType(const TParticlePDG *pdt, int start=0)
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void DumpData()
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:391
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
RhoMassParticleSelector * fEtaPreSel
RhoMassParticleSelector * fPi0Sel
RhoMomentumParticleSelector * fMomentumSel
int MultPidProb(RhoCandList &l, int pididx, double prob)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::FillMassHisto ( TH1F *  h,
RhoCandList l 

Definition at line 469 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::GetLength(), and i.

470 {
471  Int_t i=0;
472  for (i=0;i<l.GetLength();++i)
473  {
474  h->Fill(l[i]->M());
475  }
476 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
void PndSoftTriggerTask::FillVarArray ( RhoCandidate c,
int  id,
Bool_t  tmva = false 

Definition at line 1392 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTInputValues, fSTSelmap, fSTVarCandArray, GetVarValue(), and i.

Referenced by AcceptCandidate().

1393 {
1394  int i=0;
1396  fSTVarCandArray.clear(); // reset cand var cache (used during fill of values)
1398  // fill all requested variables
1399  if (tmva)
1400  for (i=0; i<fSTSelmap[mcode].tmvanvar; ++i)
1401  fSTInputValues[i] = GetVarValue(c, fSTSelmap[mcode].tmvavarid[i]); // fill variables for tmva
1402  else
1403  for (i=0; i<fSTSelmap[mcode].ncut; ++i)
1404  fSTInputValues[i] = GetVarValue(c, fSTSelmap[mcode].varid[i]); // fill variables for cut selection
1405 }
float fSTInputValues[STMAXCUT]
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::map< int, double > fSTVarCandArray
std::map< int, STCutSet > fSTSelmap
double GetVarValue(RhoCandidate *c, int id)
virtual void PndSoftTriggerTask::Finish ( )
void PndSoftTriggerTask::Finish ( )

Definition at line 915 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers, RhoTuple::GetInternalTree(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetRhoTuple(), neta, nks0, nmc, npi0, and ntp.

916 {
917  if (ntp) ntp->GetInternalTree()->Write(); // overall info
918  if (nks0) nks0->GetInternalTree()->Write(); // Ks0 QA
919  if (npi0) npi0->GetInternalTree()->Write(); // pi0 QA
920  if (neta) neta->GetInternalTree()->Write(); // eta QA
921  if (nmc) nmc->GetInternalTree()->Write(); // MC QA
923  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
924  {
925  PndSoftTriggerLine *tl = it->second;
926  if (tl->GetRhoTuple())
927  tl->GetRhoTuple()->GetInternalTree()->Write();
928  }
929 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
RhoTuple * GetRhoTuple()
TTree * GetInternalTree()
Definition: RhoTuple.h:207
void PndSoftTriggerTask::GetAngles ( RhoCandidate c,
double &  oang,
double &  decang 

Definition at line 1191 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References d0, RhoCandidate::Daughter(), RhoCandidate::NDaughters(), RhoCandidate::P3(), and RhoCandidate::P4().

Referenced by GetVarValue().

1192 {
1193  oang = -999.;
1194  decang = -999.;
1196  if (c->NDaughters()!=2) return;
1198  RhoCandidate *d0 = c->Daughter(0);
1199  RhoCandidate *d1 = c->Daughter(1);
1201  // opening angle lab
1202  oang = d0->P3().Angle(d1->P3());
1204  // decay angle
1205  TLorentzVector d_cms = d0->P4();
1206  d_cms.Boost(-(c->P4().BoostVector()));
1207  decang = d_cms.Vect().Angle(c->P3());
1208 }
RhoCandidate * Daughter(Int_t n)
Double_t d0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:59
TLorentzVector P4() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:195
Int_t NDaughters() const
TVector3 P3() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:199
double PndSoftTriggerTask::GetPocaVtx ( RhoCandidate c,
double &  dist,
double &  ctau 

Definition at line 1213 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fAnalysis, PndAnalysis::FillList(), fPocaVertexer, fPrimVtx, RhoCandList::GetLength(), RhoVtxPoca::GetPocaVtx(), RhoCandidate::M(), RhoCandidate::P(), and RhoCandList::RemoveFamily().

Referenced by GetVarValue().

1214 {
1215  // *** simple vtx finder
1216  TVector3 vtx, altvtx, primvtx;
1217  double qavtx = fPocaVertexer->GetPocaVtx(vtx, c);
1219  // *** determine poca of rest of tracks
1220  RhoCandList l;
1221  fAnalysis->FillList(l, "Charged");
1223  // remove c's daughters from charged tracks list
1224  l.RemoveFamily(c);
1226  // if at least 2 tracks left, compute the poca vertex of the residual tracks
1227  if (l.GetLength()>1) fPocaVertexer->GetPocaVtx(altvtx, l);
1228  else altvtx = fPrimVtx; // else use the primary vtx found before
1230  dist = 999.;
1231  // *** if vertex of either all charged or residual tracks was found, compute distance and ctau
1232  if (altvtx.Mag()>0.) dist = (vtx-altvtx).Mag();
1234  ctau = dist*c->M()/c->P();
1236  return qavtx;
1237 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Bool_t FillList(RhoCandList &l, TString listkey="All", TString pidTcaNames="", int trackHypothesis=-1)
Double_t GetPocaVtx(TVector3 &vertex, RhoCandidate *composite)
Definition: RhoVtxPoca.cxx:27
Double_t M() const
Double_t P() const
Int_t RemoveFamily(RhoCandidate *)
double PndSoftTriggerTask::GetVarValue ( RhoCandidate c,
int  id 

Definition at line 1301 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References BoostCms(), C(), c, cos(), RhoCandidate::Daughter(), fIniP4, fSTVarCandArray, fSTVarEvArray, GetAngles(), RhoCandidate::GetPidInfo(), GetPocaVtx(), i, RhoCandidate::M(), RhoCandidate::P(), RhoCandidate::P4(), and RhoCandidate::Pt().

Referenced by FillVarArray().

1302 {
1303  // previously filled event shape var?
1304  if (id>=0 && id<35) return fSTVarEvArray[id];
1306  // is variable already in cache?
1307  if (fSTVarCandArray.find(id) != fSTVarCandArray.end()) return fSTVarCandArray[id];
1309  // *** now compute variable values based on code 'id'
1311  // these are special cases with simple code numbers
1312  if (id==80) return (fIniP4 - c->P4()).M(); // mmiss
1313  if (id==82) return (c->M() - c->Daughter(0)->M()); // D* mdif
1314  if (id==99) return 1.0; // artificial value for tag>0 (= empty cut)
1316  // determine quantity and candidate from id code
1317  int quant = id%100;
1318  int cand = id/100;
1319  int B = (id/10000)%10, C = (id/1000)%10, D = (id/100)%10;
1321  // find particle under consideration
1322  RhoCandidate *cnd=0;
1324  if (B==9) cnd = c;
1325  else if (C==9) cnd = c->Daughter(B);
1326  else if (D==9) cnd = c->Daughter(B)->Daughter(C);
1327  else cnd = c->Daughter(B)->Daughter(C)->Daughter(D);
1329  // coding for variable suffix (to translate variable names to code)
1330  // E\F | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
1331  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1332  // 1 (kin) | p | pt | tht | pcm | thtcm |
1333  // 2 (pid) | pide | pidmu | pidpi | pidk | pidp | pidmax
1334  // 3 (vtx) | pocqa | pocdist | pocctau | | |
1335  // 4 (ang) | oang | decang | cdecang | | |
1337  //double val = -999.; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1338  double pocdist, pocctau, oang, decang, cdecang, pidmax; //pocqa, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1339  TLorentzVector bl;
1341  switch (quant)
1342  {
1343  case 10 : // p
1344  fSTVarCandArray[id] = cnd->P(); break;
1346  case 11 : // pt
1347  fSTVarCandArray[id] = cnd->Pt(); break;
1349  case 12 : // tht
1350  fSTVarCandArray[id] = cnd->P4().Theta(); break;
1352  case 13 : case 14 : // pcm, thtcm
1353  bl = BoostCms(cnd->P4());
1354  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+13] = bl.P();
1355  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+14] = bl.Theta();
1356  break;
1358  case 20 : case 21 : case 22 : case 23 : case 24 : // pide,..., pidp
1359  fSTVarCandArray[id] = cnd->GetPidInfo(quant%10);
1360  break;
1362  case 25 : // pidmax
1363  pidmax = 0;
1364  for (int i=0;i<5;++i) if (cnd->GetPidInfo(i)>pidmax) pidmax = cnd->GetPidInfo(i);
1365  fSTVarCandArray[id] = pidmax;
1366  break;
1368  case 30 : case 31 : case 32 : // pocqa, pocdist, pocctau
1369  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+30] = GetPocaVtx(cnd, pocdist, pocctau);
1370  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+31] = pocdist;
1371  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+32] = pocctau;
1372  break;
1374  case 40 : case 41 : case 42 : // oang, decang, cdecang
1375  GetAngles(cnd, oang, decang);
1376  cdecang = cos(decang);
1377  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+40] = oang;
1378  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+41] = decang;
1379  fSTVarCandArray[cand*100+42] = cdecang;
1380  break;
1381  default:
1382  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] ***** wrong variable code '"<<quant<<"'"<<endl;
1383  }
1385  return fSTVarCandArray[id];
1386 }
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::map< int, double > fSTVarCandArray
Double_t Pt() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:211
RhoCandidate * Daughter(Int_t n)
int Pic_FED Eff_lEE C()
double GetPocaVtx(RhoCandidate *c, double &dist, double &ctau)
TLorentzVector BoostCms(TLorentzVector in)
TLorentzVector P4() const
Definition: RhoCandidate.h:195
Double_t M() const
double fSTVarEvArray[STMAXEVVARS]
Double_t P() const
double GetPidInfo(int hypo)
void GetAngles(RhoCandidate *c, double &oang, double &decang)
virtual InitStatus PndSoftTriggerTask::Init ( )

Virtual method Init

InitStatus PndSoftTriggerTask::Init ( )

Definition at line 250 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References STCutSet::cutval, fabs(), fAnalysis, fApplyFullSelection, fCfgFileName, fEcm, fEnergySel, fEtaMean, fEtaPreSel, fEtaQaMax, fEtaQaMin, fEtaSel, fEtaSigma, fGammaMinE, fKs0Mean, fKs0PreSel, fKs0QaMax, fKs0QaMin, fKs0Sel, fKs0Sigma, fMomentumSel, fNsigAux, fPbarMom, fPhotosMax, fPhotosThresh, fPi0Mean, fPi0PreSel, fPi0QaMax, fPi0QaMin, fPi0Sel, fPi0Sigma, fPocaVertexer, fQA, fQAEta, fQAEvent, fQAKs0, fQAMc, fQAPi0, fRootManager, fSTencode, fSTModeIndex, fSTOps, fSTSelmap, fSTTriggers, fTcaOnlineFilterInfo, fTrackMinP, fVerbose, RhoTuple::GetInternalTree(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetRhoTuple(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetThreshold(), i, if(), PndSoftTriggerLine::Init(), PndAnalysis::McMatchAllowPhotos(), STCutSet::ncut, neta, nks0, nmc, npi0, ntp, STCutSet::op, PndSoftTriggerLine::Print(), ReadConfiguration(), STCutSet::tmvacut, STCutSet::tmvanvar, STCutSet::tmvaread, STCutSet::tmvavarid, and STCutSet::varid.

Referenced by qa_softtrig().

251 {
252  fRootManager = FairRootManager::Instance();
254  // Register TCA for tagging info
255  fTcaOnlineFilterInfo = new TClonesArray ( "PndOnlineFilterInfo" );
256  if (fRootManager)
257  fRootManager->Register ( "OnlineFilterInfo","PndOnlineFolder", fTcaOnlineFilterInfo, kTRUE );
259  // *** initialize analysis object
260  fAnalysis = new PndAnalysis();
263  // *** RhoTuple QA helper
266  // *** Save current gDirectory
267  TDirectory *dir = gDirectory;
268  fRootManager->GetOutFile()->cd();
270  // *** create ntuple
271  if (fQAEvent) { ntp = new RhoTuple("ntpev","Soft Trigger Common"); ntp->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);}
272  if (fQAKs0) { nks0 = new RhoTuple("nks0","K_S -> pi+ pi-"); nks0->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);}
273  if (fQAPi0) { npi0 = new RhoTuple("npi0","pi0 -> gamma gamma"); npi0->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);}
274  if (fQAEta) { neta = new RhoTuple("neta","eta -> gamma gamma"); neta->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);}
275  if (fQAMc) { nmc = new RhoTuple("nmc", "MC info"); nmc->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);}
278  // *** create mass pre selectors for QA (formular takes into account RhoSelector definition mean +- win/2
279  fPi0PreSel = new RhoMassParticleSelector("pi0PreSel", (fPi0QaMax + fPi0QaMin)/2.0, fPi0QaMax - fPi0QaMin );
280  fEtaPreSel = new RhoMassParticleSelector("etaPreSel", (fEtaQaMax + fEtaQaMin)/2.0, fEtaQaMax - fEtaQaMin );
283  // *** number of sigmas deviation for tag
284  //double tagNumSig = fNsigTag;
286  // *** create final selectors for pi0, eta, KS
291  // *** basic selectors for preselection
292  fMomentumSel = new RhoMomentumParticleSelector("PSel",50.+fTrackMinP,100.);
293  fEnergySel = new RhoEnergyParticleSelector("ESel",50.+fGammaMinE,100.);
295  // *** the poca vertexer
296  fPocaVertexer = new RhoVtxPoca();
298  // *** read selection from configuration file
299  fSTencode.clear();
302  // *** set mode index for current beam momentum
303  fSTModeIndex = 0;
304  double diff = 1000.;
306  for (size_t i=0; i<fSTencode.size(); ++i)
307  {
308  double en = (double)fSTencode[i]/100.;
309  if (fabs(fEcm-en)<diff)
310  {
311  diff=fabs(fEcm-en);
312  fSTModeIndex = i;
313  }
314  }
316  if (fApplyFullSelection && diff>1.0) cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask::Init] **** WARNING: Energy of best matching selection differs "<<diff<<" GeV from current energy!"<<endl;
318  // *** initialize triggers
319  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
320  {
321  PndSoftTriggerLine *tl = it->second;
323  if (tl->GetThreshold()<=fEcm)
324  {
325  tl->Init();
326  if (tl->GetRhoTuple()) tl->GetRhoTuple()->GetInternalTree()->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
328  if (fVerbose>0)
329  {
330  cout <<"*** MODE: "<<it->first<<endl;
331  tl->Print();
332  cout <<endl<<endl;
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  // *** Resore original gDirectory
338  dir->cd();
340  if (fVerbose>0)
341  {
342  // print selection setup
343  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Selection setup:"<<endl;
344  for (std::map<int,STCutSet>::iterator it=fSTSelmap.begin(); it!=fSTSelmap.end(); ++it)
345  {
346  std::cout << it->first << " => ";
347  STCutSet cs = it->second;
348  for (int i=0;i<cs.ncut;++i) cout <<"v["<<cs.varid[i]<<"]"<<fSTOps[cs.op[i]]<<cs.cutval[i]<<" ";
349  cout <<endl;
350  if (cs.tmvaread)
351  {
352  cout<<" TMVA cut:"<<cs.tmvacut<<" vars:";
353  for (int i=0;i<cs.tmvanvar;++i) cout <<cs.tmvavarid[i]<<" ";
354  cout<< endl;
355  }
356  }
357  }
359  return kSUCCESS;
360 }
RhoMassParticleSelector * fEtaSel
RhoMassParticleSelector * fKs0Sel
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
RhoEnergyParticleSelector * fEnergySel
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
RhoTuple * GetRhoTuple()
int tmvavarid[STMAXCUT]
TMVA::Reader * tmvaread
RhoMassParticleSelector * fPi0PreSel
double cutval[STMAXCUT]
std::map< int, STCutSet > fSTSelmap
RhoMassParticleSelector * fKs0PreSel
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void McMatchAllowPhotos(int maxn=1, double thresh=0.05)
Definition: PndAnalysis.h:62
RhoMassParticleSelector * fEtaPreSel
RhoMassParticleSelector * fPi0Sel
RhoMomentumParticleSelector * fMomentumSel
TTree * GetInternalTree()
Definition: RhoTuple.h:207
TString fSTOps[5]
std::vector< int > fSTencode
void PndSoftTriggerTask::McMatchAllowPhotos ( int  maxn = 1,
double  thresh = 0.05 

Definition at line 116 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fPhotosMax, and fPhotosThresh.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::MultPidProb ( RhoCandList l,
int  pididx,
double  prob 

Definition at line 513 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::GetLength(), and mult.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

514 {
515  int mult = 0;
517  if (pididx>=0 && pididx<5)
518  for (int ii=0;ii<l.GetLength();++ii)
519  if (l[ii]->GetPidInfo(pididx)>=prob) ++mult;
521  return mult;
522 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Double_t mult
void PndSoftTriggerTask::PrintList ( RhoCandList l,
int  max = 10 

Definition at line 511 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::GetLength(), and max().

512 {
513  int N=l.GetLength();
514  if (N>max) N=max;
515  for (int j=0;j<N;++j)
516  {
517  cout <<*(l[j])<<" PDG:"<<l[j]->PdgCode()<<" MC pointer:"<<l[j]->GetMcTruth()<<endl;
518  }
519  cout <<endl;
520 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
bool PndSoftTriggerTask::ReadConfiguration ( )

Definition at line 597 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References CodeVariable(), cuts, STCutSet::cutval, fApplyFullSelection, fCfgFileName, file, fSTenames, fSTencode, fSTInputValues, fSTNEvVars, fSTOps, fSTSelmap, fSTVarmap, fVerbose, i, if(), name, STCutSet::ncut, ok, STCutSet::op, SplitString(), STCutSet::tmvacut, STCutSet::tmvameth, STCutSet::tmvanvar, STCutSet::tmvaread, STCutSet::tmvavarid, TString, val, and STCutSet::varid.

Referenced by Init().

598 {
599  for (int i=0;i<fSTNEvVars;++i) fSTVarmap[fSTenames[i]] = i;
601  std::ifstream file(fCfgFileName.Data());
603  if (!file.is_open())
604  {
605  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Unable to open selection file "<<fCfgFileName.Data()<<endl;
606  fApplyFullSelection=false;
607  }
608  else cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Reading selection from "<<fCfgFileName.Data()<<endl;
610  char line[1500];
612  TString toks[200];
613  TString cuts[200];
614  TString toks2[200];
616  // loop through file line by line
617  while (!file.eof())
618  {
619  file.getline(line,1499);
620  TString sline(line);
622  // remove tabs everywhere
623  sline.ReplaceAll("\t","");
625  // if lines contains a '#' somewhere, cut string from that position (=comment)
626  if (sline.Contains("#")) sline = sline(0,sline.Index("#")-1);
628  // remove whitespace at begin and end
629  sline = sline.Strip(TString::kBoth);
631  if (sline=="") continue;
633  // split the line into tokens; token 0 ist the mode code, token 1 is the complete cut string
634  // e.g. '38400 : eslnpidp>0&&abs(pcm-2.105)<0.695&&esthr>0.9&&pt>0.8'
635  int N1 = SplitString(sline, ":", toks,200);
637  // if N==2, only simple cut; N==3 includes TMVA selector
638  if (N1<2 || N1>3) {cout <<"invalid line: "<<sline.Data()<<endl; continue;}
640  // extract the mode code by converting to integer
641  int mcode = toks[0].Atoi();
642  int en = mcode / 1000; // energy prefix (e.g. 550 for sqs=5.5GeV)
644  // if new energy, store the energy prefix in fSTencode
645  if ( std::find(fSTencode.begin(), fSTencode.end(), en) == fSTencode.end() ) fSTencode.push_back(en);
647  // now split the cut string into single cuts
648  int N2 = SplitString(toks[1],"&&",cuts,200);
650  // replace windows cuts 'abs(<name>-x)<y' by 2 single cuts
651  for (int i=0;i<N2;++i)
652  {
653  cuts[i].ReplaceAll(" ","");
654  if (cuts[i]=="tag") cuts[i]="tag>0";
656  // is cut a window cut?
657  if (cuts[i].BeginsWith("abs"))
658  {
659  int pos1 = cuts[i].First('-'); // position of '-'
660  int pos2 = cuts[i].Last(')'); // position of closing abs bracket
661  int pos3 = cuts[i].Last('<'); // position of operator '<'
663  TString name = TString(cuts[i](4,pos1-4)); // name is from first char after 'abs(' to '-' sign
664  double val = TString(cuts[i](pos1+1,(pos2-pos1)-1)).Atof(); // val to cut on is from '-' to closing bracket ')'
665  double win = TString(cuts[i](pos3+1,1000)).Atof(); // window size is from '<' to end
666  cuts[i]= TString::Format("%s>%f",name.Data(), val-win); // construct the 1st and
667  cuts[N2++] = TString::Format("%s<%f",name.Data(), val+win); // 2nd single cut
668  }
669  }
671  // *** now encode the string cuts into sets of (variable index, operator, cutvalue)
672  // *** and put the cut sets into a map with key being the mode code
674  STCutSet cs;
675  cs.ncut = N2;
677  cs.tmvaread = 0;
678  cs.tmvanvar = 0;
680  bool ok = true; // if a variable is not know switch to false
682  for (int i=0;i<N2;++i)
683  {
684  int op=-1, j=0;
685  while (j<5 && op==-1)
686  {
687  if (cuts[i].Contains(fSTOps[j]))
688  {
689  SplitString(cuts[i],fSTOps[j],toks2,5);
690  op = j;
691  }
692  j++;
693  }
695  if (op<0) // fail
696  {
697  i=N2+1;
698  ok=false;
699  }
701  // event shape variable?
702  if (fSTVarmap.find(toks2[0]) != fSTVarmap.end())
703  {
704  cs.varid[i] = fSTVarmap[toks2[0]];
705  cs.op[i] = op;
706  cs.cutval[i] = toks2[1].Atof();
707  }
708  // candidate variable?
709  else if (CodeVariable(toks2[0])>0)
710  {
711  cs.varid[i] = CodeVariable(toks2[0]);
712  cs.op[i] = op;
713  cs.cutval[i] = toks2[1].Atof();
715  }
716  else // fail
717  {
718  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Unmapped cut variable: "<<toks2[0].Data()<<". Skipping mode "<<mcode<<"."<<endl;
719  i=N2+1;
720  ok=false;
721  }
722  }
724  // *** do we have a TMVA Selector defined?
725  if (N1==3)
726  {
727  // now split the TMVA string into single tokens
728  int N3 = SplitString(toks[2]," ",toks2,200);
730  if (N3<4) // at least four elements expected; fail
731  {
732  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Invalid TMVA configuration for mode "<<mcode<<". Skipping."<<endl;
733  ok = false;
734  }
736  if (ok)
737  {
738  // first token is the weightfile name without leading path and ending '.weights.xml'
739  TString wfile = TString(getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/softrig/weights/"+toks2[0]+".weights.xml";
740  cs.tmvameth = toks2[0](toks2[0].Length()-3,3);
742  // last token is the cut to the TMVA output
743  cs.tmvacut = toks2[N3-1].Atof();
745  // tokens inbetween are the variables
746  cs.tmvanvar = N3 - 2;
748  // create the reader
749  cs.tmvaread = new TMVA::Reader("Silent");
751  for (int i=1; i<N3-1; ++i)
752  {
753  if (fSTVarmap.find(toks2[i]) != fSTVarmap.end()) cs.tmvavarid[i-1] = fSTVarmap[toks2[i]];
754  else if (CodeVariable(toks2[i])>0) cs.tmvavarid[i-1] = CodeVariable(toks2[i]);
755  else // fail
756  {
757  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Unmapped TMVA variable: "<<toks2[i].Data()<<". Skipping mode "<<mcode<<"."<<endl;
758  i=N2+1;
759  ok=false;
760  }
761  if (ok) cs.tmvaread->AddVariable(toks2[i], &fSTInputValues[i-1]);
762  }
763  if (ok) cs.tmvaread->BookMVA(cs.tmvameth,wfile);
764  }
765  }
767  if (ok) fSTSelmap[mcode] = cs;
769  if (fVerbose)
770  {
771  cout <<"mcode="<<mcode<<endl;
772  STCutSet cts = fSTSelmap[mcode];
773  cout <<" Ncut="<<cts.ncut<<" (";
774  for (int k=0;k<cts.ncut;++k) cout <<cts.varid[k]<<" ";
775  cout <<")"<<endl;
776  if (cts.tmvaread!=0)
777  {
778  cout <<" TMVAMeth="<<cts.tmvameth<<"; Nvar="<<cts.tmvanvar<<"; Cut="<<cts.tmvacut<<"; TMVAobject="<<cts.tmvaread<<" (";
779  for (int k=0;k<cts.tmvanvar;++k) cout <<cts.tmvavarid[k]<<" ";
780  cout <<")"<<endl;
781  }
782  }
783  }
784  return true;
785 }
float fSTInputValues[STMAXCUT]
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TFile * file
int tmvavarid[STMAXCUT]
Double_t val[nBoxes][nFEBox]
Definition: createCalib.C:11
TMVA::Reader * tmvaread
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double cutval[STMAXCUT]
std::map< int, STCutSet > fSTSelmap
float_m ok
std::map< TString, int > fSTVarmap
TString name
TString fSTenames[]
TString fSTOps[5]
std::vector< int > fSTencode
int SplitString(TString s, TString delim, TString *toks, int maxtoks)
bool PndSoftTriggerTask::ReadTriggerLines ( )

Definition at line 530 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fApplyFullSelection, fEcm, file, fSTTriggers, fTriggerFileName, mean, mode, PndSoftTriggerLine::SetMeanSigma(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetQAMassWindow(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetTagActive(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetTagNSig(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetThreshold(), PndSoftTriggerLine::SetWriteQA(), SplitString(), and TString.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask().

531 {
532  std::ifstream file(fTriggerFileName.Data());
533  if (!file.is_open())
534  {
535  cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Unable to open trigger file "<<fTriggerFileName.Data()<<endl;
536  fApplyFullSelection=false;
537  }
538  else cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Reading trigger lines from "<<fTriggerFileName.Data()<<endl;
540  char line[500];
541  TString toks[13];
543  // loop through file line by line
544  while (!file.eof())
545  {
546  file.getline(line,499);
547  TString sline(line);
549  // empty lines or comments are skipped (a comment has to have a # as _first_ char)
550  if (sline.BeginsWith("#")||sline=="") continue;
552  // split the line into tokens, has to be
553  // 0-mode, 1-name, 2-decay pattern, 3-prefix, 4-ntpname, 5-qamin, 6-qamax, 7-mean, 8-sigma, 9-threshold, 10-nsig, 11-fqa, 12-ftag
554  int N = SplitString(sline, ":", toks,13);
555  if (N!=13) {cout <<"[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Invalid trigger line: "<<sline.Data()<<endl; continue;}
556  //if (fVerbose>1) for (int i=0;i<N;++i) cout <<toks[i]<<":"; cout <<endl;
558  int mode = toks[0].Atoi();
559  PndSoftTriggerLine *tl = new PndSoftTriggerLine(mode, toks[1], toks[2], toks[3], toks[4]);
561  double mean=0, qamin = toks[5].Atof(), qamax = toks[6].Atof();
563  // check whether mean = Ecm
564  if (toks[7]=="Ecm")
565  mean = fEcm;
566  else
567  mean = toks[7].Atof();
569  // check whether qa mass window values are relative to mean
570  if (toks[5].BeginsWith("-")) qamin = mean + toks[5].Atof(); // sum, since toks[5].Atof()<0 due to '-' sign
571  if (toks[6].BeginsWith("+")) qamax = mean + toks[6].Atof();
573  tl->SetQAMassWindow(qamin, qamax);
574  tl->SetMeanSigma(mean, toks[8].Atof());
575  tl->SetThreshold(toks[9].Atof());
576  tl->SetTagNSig(toks[10].Atof());
577  tl->SetWriteQA(toks[11].Atoi());
578  tl->SetTagActive(toks[12].Atoi());
580  fSTTriggers[mode] = tl;
581  }
583  cout << "[PndSoftTriggerTask] **** Found "<<fSTTriggers.size()<<" trigger definitions: ";
584  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
585  cout << it->second->GetName()<<" ";
586  cout <<endl;
588  return true;
589 }
void SetQAMassWindow(double min, double max)
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
TFile * file
void SetThreshold(double thr)
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
void SetTagNSig(double nsig)
Double_t mean[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
void SetTagActive(bool ac=true)
void SetWriteQA(bool qa=true)
void SetMeanSigma(double mean, double sig)
int SplitString(TString s, TString delim, TString *toks, int maxtoks)
int PndSoftTriggerTask::RemoveDoubles ( RhoCandList l,
double  limit = 0.0001 

Definition at line 479 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fabs(), RhoCandList::GetLength(), i, limit, RhoCandList::Remove(), and sim().

480 {
481  int i,j;
482  int rem=0;
484  //cout <<"********* before*****"<<endl<<l<<endl;
486  for (i=0;i<l.GetLength();++i)
487  {
488  bool sim=false;
489  for (j=i+1;j<l.GetLength();++j)
490  {
491  if(!sim &&
492  fabs(l[i]->Px()-l[j]->Px())<limit &&
493  fabs(l[i]->Py()-l[j]->Py())<limit &&
494  fabs(l[i]->Pz()-l[j]->Pz())<limit &&
495  fabs(l[i]->E()-l[j]->E())<limit)
496  {
497  sim=true;
498  }
499  //if (similarity(l[i].P4(), l[j]->P4())<limit){ sim=true; j=10000;}
500  }
501  if (sim) {l.Remove(l[i--]); rem++;}
502  }
503  //cout<<"1:" <<rem<<endl;
504  //cout <<"********* after *****"<<endl<<l<<endl;
506  return rem;
507 }
sim(Int_t nEvents=1, TString SimEngine="TGeant4", Float_t mom=6.231552)
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
Int_t Remove(RhoCandidate *)
double limit
Definition: dedx_bands.C:18
int PndSoftTriggerTask::SelectPdgCode ( RhoCandList mct,
RhoCandList l 

Definition at line 542 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::GetLength(), RhoCandidate::PdgCode(), and RhoCandList::Remove().

543 {
544  int removed = 0;
545  int pdgcode=0;
546  int nmct = mct.GetLength();
548  //PndMcTruthMatch mcm;
550  if (l.GetLength()>0) pdgcode = l[0]->PdgCode();
552  for (int ii=l.GetLength();ii>=0;--ii)
553  {
554  RhoCandidate* mccand = l[ii]->GetMcTruth();
556  if (mccand)
557  if(mccand->PdgCode()==pdgcode)
558 // if (mcm.MctMatch(l[ii],mct))
559  continue; //don't remove if good mctruth
560  l.Remove(l[ii]);
561  removed++;
562  }
563  return removed;
564 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Int_t Remove(RhoCandidate *)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SelectPid ( int  type,
int  pdg,
int  chrg,
RhoCandList l,
RhoCandList lpid,
double  cut = 0.2 

Definition at line 524 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoCandList::Cleanup(), cut, fabs(), RhoCandList::GetLength(), and RhoCandList::Put().

525 {
526  lpid.Cleanup();
528  for (int j=0;j<l.GetLength();++j)
529  {
530  if (fabs(l[j]->Charge()-double(chrg))<0.001 && l[j]->GetPidInfo(type)>=cut)
531  {
532  //RhoCandidate c(l[j]);
533  //c.SetMass(pdgmass[type]);
534  lpid.Put(l[j]);
535  }
536  }
537  for (int j=0;j<lpid.GetLength();++j) lpid[j]->SetType(pdg);
538 }
void Cleanup()
Definition: RhoCandList.cxx:62
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void Put(const RhoCandidate *, Int_t i=-1)
Definition: RhoCandList.cxx:77
int PndSoftTriggerTask::SelectPidProb ( RhoCandList l,
int  pididx,
double  cut 

Definition at line 496 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References cut, RhoCandList::GetLength(), and RhoCandList::Remove().

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

497 {
498  int removed = 0;
500  if (pididx>=0 && pididx<5)
501  for (int ii=l.GetLength()-1;ii>=0;--ii)
502  if (l[ii]->GetPidInfo(pididx)<cut )
503  {
504  l.Remove(l[ii]);
505  removed++;
506  }
508  return removed;
509 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
Int_t Remove(RhoCandidate *)
int PndSoftTriggerTask::SelectTruePid ( RhoCandList l)

Definition at line 478 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fAnalysis, RhoCandList::GetLength(), PndAnalysis::McTruthMatch(), and RhoCandList::Remove().

479 {
480  int removed = 0;
482  for (int ii=l.GetLength()-1;ii>=0;--ii)
483  {
484  if ( !(fAnalysis->McTruthMatch(l[ii])) )
485  {
486  l.Remove(l[ii]);
487  removed++;
488  }
489  }
491  return removed;
492 }
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
Int_t Remove(RhoCandidate *)
Bool_t McTruthMatch(RhoCandidate *cand, Int_t level=2, bool verbose=false)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetAuxNSig ( double  nsig)

Definition at line 66 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fNsigAux, and nsig.

66 {fNsigAux = nsig;} // n sigma cut for KS, pi0, eta
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetConfigurationFile ( TString  fname)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetDstMDiffCut ( double  cut)

Definition at line 67 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References cut, and fDstMDiffCut.

Referenced by SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

67 {fDstMDiffCut = cut;} // cut on delta M(D*, D); default = 10. GeV/c^2
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetEtaQASelection ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 72 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fEtaQaMax, fEtaQaMin, max(), and min().

friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetEtaSignalParams ( double  mean,
double  sigma 

Definition at line 79 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fEtaMean, fEtaSigma, mean, and sigma.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), qa_softtrig(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

Double_t sigma[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
Double_t mean[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetFastSimDefaults ( )

Definition at line 203 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References ApplyFullSelection(), SetConfigurationFile(), SetDstMDiffCut(), SetEtaSignalParams(), SetGammaMinE(), SetInitialPidCut(), SetKs0SignalParams(), SetPi0SignalParams(), SetPidAlgoAll(), SetQAAll(), SetTagAll(), SetTrackMinP(), and TString.

Referenced by prod_fsim().

204 {
205  TString selectioncfg = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/softrig/selection_fsim_dec2014.cfg";
207  SetConfigurationFile(selectioncfg);
208  ApplyFullSelection(1); // apply selection defined in 'TString selectioncfg'
210  SetPi0SignalParams(0.134, 0.0035); // set parameters for pi0
211  SetKs0SignalParams(0.497, 0.0055); // set parameters for KS
212  SetEtaSignalParams(0.549, 0.0088); // set parameters for eta
214  SetGammaMinE(0.10); // global energy pre-cut for neutrals
215  SetTrackMinP(0.10); // global momentum pre-cut for charged
216  SetInitialPidCut(0.1); // global PID pre-cut for charged
217  SetDstMDiffCut(0.1); // special cut on D*-D mass difference (to reduce comb and output file size)
219  SetPidAlgoAll("PidChargedProbability");
221  SetTagAll(true); // tag all modes
222  SetQAAll(false); // don't write any QA tuple
223 }
void SetConfigurationFile(TString fname)
void SetKs0SignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetPi0SignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetEtaSignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetInitialPidCut(double cut)
void ApplyFullSelection(int selmode=1)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetFullSimDefaults ( )

Definition at line 226 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References ApplyFullSelection(), SetConfigurationFile(), SetDstMDiffCut(), SetEtaSignalParams(), SetGammaMinE(), SetInitialPidCut(), SetKs0SignalParams(), SetPi0SignalParams(), SetPidAlgoAll(), SetQAAll(), SetTagAll(), SetTrackMinP(), and TString.

227 {
228  TString selectioncfg = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/softrig/selection_full_jan2015.cfg";
230  SetConfigurationFile(selectioncfg);
231  ApplyFullSelection(1); // apply selection defined in 'TString selectioncfg'
233  SetPi0SignalParams(0.134, 0.0049);
234  SetKs0SignalParams(0.497, 0.0085);
235  SetEtaSignalParams(0.549, 0.0092);
237  SetGammaMinE(0.10); // global energy pre-cut for neutrals
238  SetTrackMinP(0.10); // global momentum pre-cut for charged
239  SetInitialPidCut(0.1); // global PID pre-cut for charged
240  SetDstMDiffCut(0.1); // special cut on D*-D mass difference (to reduce comb and output file size)
242  SetPidAlgoAll("PidAlgoEmcBayes;PidAlgoDrc;PidAlgoDisc;PidAlgoStt;PidAlgoMdtHardCuts;PidAlgoMvd");
244  SetTagAll(true); // tag all modes
245  SetQAAll(false); // don't write any QA tuple
246 }
void SetConfigurationFile(TString fname)
void SetKs0SignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetPi0SignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetEtaSignalParams(double mean, double sigma)
void SetInitialPidCut(double cut)
void ApplyFullSelection(int selmode=1)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetGammaMinE ( double  min)

Definition at line 84 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fGammaMinE, and min().

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), qa_softtrig(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

84 {fGammaMinE = min;}
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetInitialPidCut ( double  cut)

Definition at line 86 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References cut, and fIniPidCut.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

86 {fIniPidCut = cut;}
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetKs0QASelection ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 71 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fKs0QaMax, fKs0QaMin, max(), and min().

friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetKs0SignalParams ( double  mean,
double  sigma 

Definition at line 78 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fKs0Mean, fKs0Sigma, mean, and sigma.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), qa_softtrig(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

Double_t sigma[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
Double_t mean[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
virtual void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetParContainers ( )

Get parameter containers

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetParContainers ( )

Definition at line 805 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References run.

806 {
807  // Get run and runtime database
808  FairRun* run = FairRun::Instance();
809  if ( ! run ) Fatal("SetParContainers", "No analysis run");
810 }
Int_t run
Definition: autocutx.C:47
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPi0QASelection ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 70 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fPi0QaMax, fPi0QaMin, max(), and min().

friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPi0SignalParams ( double  mean,
double  sigma 

Definition at line 77 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fPi0Mean, fPi0Sigma, mean, and sigma.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), qa_softtrig(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

Double_t sigma[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
Double_t mean[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoAll ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 400 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References SetPidAlgoElectron(), SetPidAlgoKaon(), SetPidAlgoMuon(), SetPidAlgoPion(), and SetPidAlgoProton().

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

401 {
402  SetPidAlgoElectron(algo);
403  SetPidAlgoMuon(algo);
404  SetPidAlgoPion(algo);
405  SetPidAlgoKaon(algo);
406  SetPidAlgoProton(algo);
407 }
void SetPidAlgoPion(TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoMuon(TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoElectron(TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoKaon(TString algo)
void SetPidAlgoProton(TString algo)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoElectron ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 91 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fAlgoElectron.

Referenced by SetPidAlgoAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoKaon ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 94 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fAlgoKaon.

Referenced by SetPidAlgoAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoMuon ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 92 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fAlgoMuon.

Referenced by SetPidAlgoAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoPion ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 93 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fAlgoPion.

Referenced by SetPidAlgoAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetPidAlgoProton ( TString  algo)

Definition at line 95 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fAlgoProton.

Referenced by SetPidAlgoAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAAll ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 426 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers, SetQAEta(), SetQAEvent(), SetQAKs0(), SetQAMc(), SetQAMode(), and SetQAPi0().

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), prod_fsim(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

427 {
428  SetQAPi0(qa);
429  SetQAEta(qa);
430  SetQAKs0(qa);
431  SetQAEvent(qa);
432  SetQAMc(qa);
434  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
435  SetQAMode(it->first, qa);
436 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
void SetQAMode(int mode, bool qa=true)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAEta ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 104 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAEta.

Referenced by SetQAAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAEvent ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 109 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAEvent.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), prod_fsim(), and SetQAAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAKs0 ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 105 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAKs0.

Referenced by SetQAAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAMc ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 106 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAMc.

Referenced by SetQAAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAMctOnly ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 107 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAMctOnly.

Referenced by prod_fsim().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAMode ( int  mode,
bool  qa = true 

Definition at line 411 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), prod_fsim(), and SetQAAll().

412 {
413  int divi = 1;
414  if (mode<10) divi=100;
415  else if (mode<100) divi=10;
417  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
418  if (it->first/divi == mode) it->second->SetWriteQA(qa);
420 // if (fSTTriggers.find(mode) == fSTTriggers.end()) return;
421 // fSTTriggers[mode]->SetWriteQA(qa);
422 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQAPi0 ( bool  qa = true)

Definition at line 103 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fQAPi0.

Referenced by SetQAAll().

void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetQASelectionDefaults ( )

Definition at line 363 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References DbMass(), fEtaQaMax, fEtaQaMin, fKs0QaMax, fKs0QaMin, fPi0QaMax, and fPi0QaMin.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask().

364 {
365  double Pi0Mass = DbMass("pi0");
366  double EtaMass = DbMass("eta");
367  double Ks0Mass = DbMass("K_S0");
369  // default windows are roughly +-15*sigma, and 15*sigma_max, if different channels are reconstructed
370  // should not depend explicitly from set mean and sigma values, therefore fixed values are chosen
372  fPi0QaMin = Pi0Mass - 0.06;
373  fPi0QaMax = Pi0Mass + 0.06;
375  fEtaQaMin = EtaMass - 0.10;
376  fEtaQaMax = EtaMass + 0.10;
378  fKs0QaMin = Ks0Mass - 0.10;
379  fKs0QaMax = Ks0Mass + 0.10;
381 }
double DbMass(TString name)
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetSignalParamsDefaults ( )

Definition at line 384 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fEtaMean, fEtaSigma, fKs0Mean, fKs0Sigma, fPi0Mean, and fPi0Sigma.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask().

385 {
386  // *** fitted peak values from previous studies
388  fPi0Mean = 0.136; // mean value for pi0 signal
389  fPi0Sigma = 0.0045; // sigma value for pi0 signal
391  fEtaMean = 0.552; // mean value for eta(gg) signal
392  fEtaSigma = 0.009; // sigma value for eta(gg) signal
394  fKs0Mean = 0.497; // mean value for Ks signal
395  fKs0Sigma = 0.008; // sigma value for Ks signal
397 }
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetTagAll ( bool  tag = true)

Definition at line 453 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers.

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

454 {
455  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
456  it->second->SetTagActive(tag);
457 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
Int_t tag
Definition: crosstag.C:23
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetTagMode ( int  mode,
bool  tag = true 

Definition at line 439 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers.

440 {
441  int divi = 1;
442  if (mode<10) divi=100;
443  else if (mode<100) divi=10;
445  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
446  if (it->first/divi == mode) it->second->SetTagActive(tag);
448 // if (fSTTriggers.find(mode) == fSTTriggers.end()) return;
449 // fSTTriggers[mode]->SetTagActive(tag);
450 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
Int_t tag
Definition: crosstag.C:23
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetTagNSigAll ( double  nsig)

Definition at line 470 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers.

471 {
472  for (TrigIt it=fSTTriggers.begin(); it!=fSTTriggers.end(); ++it)
473  it->second->SetTagNSig(nsig);
474 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * >::iterator TrigIt
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetTagNSigMode ( int  mode,
double  nsig 

Definition at line 461 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References fSTTriggers, and mode.

462 {
463  if (fSTTriggers.find(mode) == fSTTriggers.end()) return;
465  fSTTriggers[mode]->SetTagNSig(nsig);
466 }
std::map< int, PndSoftTriggerLine * > fSTTriggers
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetTrackMinP ( double  min)

Definition at line 85 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fTrackMinP, and min().

Referenced by ana_jpsi_task_ST(), qa_softtrig(), SetFastSimDefaults(), and SetFullSimDefaults().

85 {fTrackMinP = min;}
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
void PndSoftTriggerTask::SetVerbose ( int  verb = 10)

Definition at line 118 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

References fVerbose.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::SplitString ( TString  s,
TString  delim,
TString toks,
int  maxtoks 

Definition at line 789 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References i.

Referenced by ReadConfiguration(), and ReadTriggerLines().

790 {
791  TObjArray *tok = s.Tokenize(delim);
792  int N = tok->GetEntries();
793  for (int i=0;i<N;++i)
794  if (i<maxtoks)
795  {
796  toks[i] = ((TObjString*)tok->At(i))->String();
797  toks[i].ReplaceAll("\t","");
798  toks[i] = toks[i].Strip(TString::kBoth);
799  }
800  return N;
801 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
int PndSoftTriggerTask::TagMode ( PndSoftTriggerLine tl,
int &  npre 

Definition at line 1670 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

References RhoMassParticleSelector::Accept(), AcceptCandidate(), AcceptDstCut(), RhoTuple::Column(), DoCombinatorics(), RhoTuple::DumpData(), f, fabs(), fAnalysis, fApplyFullSelection, fEventShape, fEvtCount, fIniP4, fMode, fPidMult_025, fPrimVtx, fPrimVtxQa, fQA, fQAMctOnly, fRecoilCnt, fRecoilMode, fRunNum, fSTencode, fSTModeIndex, fSTSelmap, RhoCandList::GetLength(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetMean(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetModeCode(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetPrefix(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetQASelector(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetRhoTuple(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetSelector(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetSigma(), PndSoftTriggerLine::GetTagActive(), i, Mass, PndAnalysis::McTruthMatch(), mean, mode, n, nsig, PndRhoTupleQA::qaComp(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaEventShapeShort(), PndRhoTupleQA::qaP4(), RhoCandList::Select(), sigma, tag, and TString.

Referenced by Exec().

1671 {
1672  // *** counter for full selection accepted cands
1673  int nacc = 0;
1674  npre = 0;
1676  if ( !tl->GetTagActive() ) return 0;
1677  if ( fEcm < tl->GetThreshold() ) return 0;
1679  int mode = tl->GetModeCode();
1680  RhoTuple *n = tl->GetRhoTuple();
1681  TString prefix = tl->GetPrefix();
1682  double mean = tl->GetMean();
1683  double sigma = tl->GetSigma();
1685  RhoMassParticleSelector *sel = tl->GetSelector();
1687  RhoCandList l;
1689  // ** combinatorics
1690  DoCombinatorics(l, tl);
1692  // ** preselection
1693  l.Select(tl->GetQASelector());
1695  // *** store QA
1696  for (int i=0;i<l.GetLength();++i)
1697  {
1698  bool acc = false;
1699  bool tag = sel->Accept(l[i]) && AcceptDstCut(l[i]);
1701  // full selection?
1702  if (fApplyFullSelection>0)
1703  acc = AcceptCandidate(mode, l[i], sel);
1704  // if not, simple mass window selection (and D* cut if applicable)
1705  else acc = tag;
1707  // for full selection in open mode (=2), trigger w/o detailed cuts are accepted based on mass window only
1708  if ( !acc && fApplyFullSelection==2 && fSTSelmap.find(fSTencode[fSTModeIndex]*1000+mode) == fSTSelmap.end() )
1709  acc = tag;
1711  if (acc) nacc++;
1712  if (tag) npre++;
1714  fAnalysis->McTruthMatch(l[i]);
1716  if (n && AcceptDstCut(l[i]))
1717  {
1718  // in case we only want to store MC truth matched candidates, check!
1719  if (fQAMctOnly && (l[i]->GetMcTruth())==0) continue;
1721  fQA->qaComp(prefix, l[i], n);
1722  fQA->qaEventShapeShort("es", fEventShape, n);
1724  // replace PID mult values from event shape by actual counts with individual algos
1725  n->Column("eslnpide", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[0], 0);
1726  n->Column("eslnpidmu",(Int_t) fPidMult_025[1], 0);
1727  n->Column("eslnpidpi",(Int_t) fPidMult_025[2], 0);
1728  n->Column("eslnpidk", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[3], 0);
1729  n->Column("eslnpidp", (Int_t) fPidMult_025[4], 0);
1731  fQA->qaP4("beam", fIniP4, n);
1732  n->Column("primvx", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.X(), 0.0f);
1733  n->Column("primvy", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.Y(), 0.0f);
1734  n->Column("primvz", (Float_t) fPrimVtx.Z(), 0.0f);
1735  n->Column("primvqa", (Float_t) fPrimVtxQa , 0.0f);
1737  Float_t mmiss = (fIniP4-(l[i]->P4())).M();
1738  Float_t nsig = (Float_t) fabs(l[i]->Mass()-mean)/sigma;
1740  n->Column("ev", (Int_t) fEvtCount, 0);
1741  n->Column("num", (Int_t) i, 0);
1742  n->Column("run", (Int_t) fRunNum, 0);
1743  n->Column("mode", (Int_t) fMode, 0);
1744  n->Column("recmode",(Int_t) fRecoilMode, 0);
1745  n->Column("reccnt", (Int_t) fRecoilCnt, 0);
1746  n->Column("mmiss", (Float_t) mmiss, 0.0f);
1747  n->Column("nsig", (Float_t) nsig, 0.0f);
1748  n->Column(prefix+"mean",(Float_t) mean, 0.0f);
1749  n->Column(prefix+"sig", (Float_t) sigma, 0.0f);
1750  n->Column("tag", (Int_t) tag, 0);
1751  n->Column("acc", (Int_t) acc, 0);
1753  n->DumpData();
1754  }
1755  }
1757  return nacc;
1758 }
RhoMassParticleSelector * GetQASelector()
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
RhoTuple * GetRhoTuple()
Int_t tag
Definition: crosstag.C:23
Int_t GetLength() const
Definition: RhoCandList.h:46
int n
Double_t sigma[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
void qaP4(TString pre, TLorentzVector c, RhoTuple *n, bool skip=false)
int DoCombinatorics(RhoCandList &l, PndSoftTriggerLine *tl)
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
std::map< int, STCutSet > fSTSelmap
bool AcceptCandidate(int mode, RhoCandidate *c, RhoParticleSelectorBase *sel=0)
void qaComp(TString pre, RhoCandidate *c, RhoTuple *n, bool covs=false, bool pulls=false)
void Select(RhoParticleSelectorBase *pidmgr)
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
void Column(const char *label, Bool_t value, Bool_t defval=0, const char *block=0)
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:56
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void DumpData()
Definition: RhoTuple.cxx:391
void qaEventShapeShort(TString pre, PndEventShape *evsh, RhoTuple *n)
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
Bool_t McTruthMatch(RhoCandidate *cand, Int_t level=2, bool verbose=false)
Double_t mean[nsteps]
Definition: dedx_bands.C:65
RhoMassParticleSelector * GetSelector()
bool AcceptDstCut(RhoCandidate *c)
std::vector< int > fSTencode
virtual Bool_t Accept(RhoCandidate *b)

Member Data Documentation

int PndSoftTriggerTask::allmax

Definition at line 48 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::chmax

Definition at line 48 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntd0

Definition at line 54 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntdpm

Definition at line 55 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntds

Definition at line 56 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntjpsi

Definition at line 53 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntlamc

Definition at line 58 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntphi

Definition at line 57 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::cntsel

Definition at line 51 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::evcount

Definition at line 47 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fAlgoElectron
TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fAlgoKaon
TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fAlgoMuon
TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fAlgoPion
TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fAlgoProton
RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fAllCands

Definition at line 276 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and FillGlobalLists().

PndAnalysis* PndSoftTriggerTask::fAnalysis
int PndSoftTriggerTask::fApplyFullSelection
TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fCfgFileName
RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fChargedCands

Definition at line 277 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fDstMDiffCut

Definition at line 169 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by AcceptDstCut(), and SetDstMDiffCut().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEcm

Definition at line 182 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), PndSoftTriggerTask(), and ReadTriggerLines().

RhoEnergyParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fEnergySel

Definition at line 239 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaCands

Definition at line 283 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaMean
double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaMinE

Definition at line 222 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaPreSel

Definition at line 231 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaQaMax

Definition at line 202 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetEtaQASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaQaMin

Definition at line 201 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetEtaQASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaSel

Definition at line 230 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fEtaSigma
PndEventShape* PndSoftTriggerTask::fEventShape

Definition at line 263 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), FillEventShapeVarArray(), and TagMode().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fEvtCount

Definition at line 164 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), Exec(), FillGlobalLists(), and TagMode().

RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fGammaCands

Definition at line 279 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fGammaMinE

Definition at line 220 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and SetGammaMinE().

TLorentzVector PndSoftTriggerTask::fIniP4
double PndSoftTriggerTask::fIniPidCut
RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0Cands

Definition at line 281 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), and FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0Mean
RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0PreSel

Definition at line 234 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0QaMax

Definition at line 205 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetKs0QASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0QaMin

Definition at line 204 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetKs0QASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0Sel

Definition at line 233 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fKs0Sigma
RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fMcTruth

Definition at line 275 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by DetermineRecoilMode(), Exec(), and FillGlobalLists().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fMode

Definition at line 161 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), Exec(), FillGlobalLists(), and TagMode().

RhoMomentumParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fMomentumSel

Definition at line 238 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fNeutralCands

Definition at line 278 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fNsigAux

Definition at line 168 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), FillGlobalLists(), Init(), and SetAuxNSig().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fNsigTag

Definition at line 167 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPbarMom

Definition at line 183 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init().

TDatabasePDG* PndSoftTriggerTask::fPdg

Definition at line 272 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by AntiPdg(), DbMass(), and PndSoftTriggerTask().

Int_t PndSoftTriggerTask::fPhotosMax

Definition at line 173 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and McMatchAllowPhotos().

Double_t PndSoftTriggerTask::fPhotosThresh

Definition at line 174 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and McMatchAllowPhotos().

RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0Cands

Definition at line 282 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0Mean
double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0MinE

Definition at line 221 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0PreSel

Definition at line 228 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0QaMax

Definition at line 199 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetPi0QASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0QaMin

Definition at line 198 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetPi0QASelection(), and SetQASelectionDefaults().

RhoMassParticleSelector* PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0Sel

Definition at line 227 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPi0Sigma
RhoCandList PndSoftTriggerTask::fPidList[16]
Int_t PndSoftTriggerTask::fPidMult_025[5]
RhoVtxPoca* PndSoftTriggerTask::fPocaVertexer

Definition at line 269 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), GetPocaVtx(), Init(), and ~PndSoftTriggerTask().

TVector3 PndSoftTriggerTask::fPrimVtx

Definition at line 184 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), GetPocaVtx(), and TagMode().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fPrimVtxQa

Definition at line 185 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and TagMode().

PndRhoTupleQA* PndSoftTriggerTask::fQA

Definition at line 266 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), Exec(), FillGlobalLists(), Init(), and TagMode().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAEta

Definition at line 190 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), Init(), and SetQAEta().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAEvent

Definition at line 192 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and SetQAEvent().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAKs0

Definition at line 191 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetQAKs0().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAMc

Definition at line 193 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and SetQAMc().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAMctOnly

Definition at line 194 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by SetQAMctOnly(), and TagMode().

bool PndSoftTriggerTask::fQAPi0

Definition at line 189 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), Init(), and SetQAPi0().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fRecoilCnt

Definition at line 163 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and TagMode().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fRecoilMode

Definition at line 162 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and TagMode().

FairRootManager* PndSoftTriggerTask::fRootManager

Definition at line 292 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Init().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fRunNum

Definition at line 165 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by CreateKs0Cands(), Exec(), FillGlobalLists(), and TagMode().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fSigCount

Definition at line 166 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TClonesArray* PndSoftTriggerTask::fTcaOnlineFilterInfo

Definition at line 293 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

double PndSoftTriggerTask::fTrackMinP

Definition at line 223 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), FillGlobalLists(), Init(), and SetTrackMinP().

TString PndSoftTriggerTask::fTriggerFileName

Definition at line 172 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask(), and ReadTriggerLines().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::fVerbose
TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0

Definition at line 88 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_l

Definition at line 100 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_lm

Definition at line 101 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_pocx

Definition at line 92 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_pocxm

Definition at line 96 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_pocy

Definition at line 93 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_pocym

Definition at line 97 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_pocz

Definition at line 94 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0_poczm

Definition at line 98 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0sel

Definition at line 90 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_d0t

Definition at line 89 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_dpm

Definition at line 104 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_dpmsel

Definition at line 106 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_dpmt

Definition at line 105 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_ds

Definition at line 109 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_dssel

Definition at line 111 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_dst

Definition at line 110 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_jpsi

Definition at line 83 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_jpsisel

Definition at line 85 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_jpsit

Definition at line 84 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_lamc

Definition at line 119 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_lamcsel

Definition at line 121 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_lamct

Definition at line 120 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_mom

book all the histograms

Definition at line 74 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_momc

Definition at line 75 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_momn

Definition at line 76 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_mult

Definition at line 77 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_multc

Definition at line 78 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_multn

Definition at line 79 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_multrem

Definition at line 80 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_phi

Definition at line 114 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_phisel

Definition at line 116 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TH1F* PndSoftTriggerTask::h_phit

Definition at line 115 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

int PndSoftTriggerTask::mcmax

Definition at line 48 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

RhoTuple* PndSoftTriggerTask::neta

Definition at line 256 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), Finish(), and Init().

int PndSoftTriggerTask::neutmax

Definition at line 48 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

RhoTuple* PndSoftTriggerTask::nks0

Definition at line 254 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), Finish(), and Init().

RhoTuple* PndSoftTriggerTask::nmc

Definition at line 257 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

RhoTuple* PndSoftTriggerTask::npi0

Definition at line 255 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by FillGlobalLists(), Finish(), and Init().

RhoTuple * PndSoftTriggerTask::ntp

Definition at line 253 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Finish(), and Init().

RhoTuple* PndSoftTriggerTask::ntp2

Definition at line 125 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

PndAnalysis* PndSoftTriggerTask::theAnalysis

Definition at line 130 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

TStopwatch* PndSoftTriggerTask::timer

Definition at line 131 of file tutorials/anatask/PndSoftTriggerTask.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: