Public Member Functions | List of all members
PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations Class Reference

#include <PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations:

Public Member Functions

 PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations ()
 ~PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations ()
Double_t CalculateArcLength (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Xcross, Double_t *Ycross)
bool CalculateCircleThru3Points (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t x3, Double_t y3, Double_t *o_x, Double_t *o_y, Double_t *r_r)
void calculateintersections (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t C0x, Double_t C0y, Double_t C0z, Double_t r, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Int_t *STATUS, Double_t *POINTS)
void CalculateSandZ (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t skewnum, Double_t info[][7], Double_t *WDX, Double_t *WDY, Double_t *WDZ, Double_t S[2], Double_t Z[2], Double_t Zdrift[2], Double_t Zerror[2])
void CalculateSandZ2 (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t skewnum, Double_t info[][7], Double_t *WDX, Double_t *WDY, Double_t *WDZ, Double_t S[2], Double_t Sdrift[2], Double_t Z[2], Double_t Zdrift[2], Double_t Zerror[2])
void ChooseEntranceExitbis (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
void ChooseEntranceExit3 (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t *FiOrderedList)
Double_t Dist_SZ (Double_t Rr, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Double_t ZED, Double_t S, Int_t *nrounds)
Double_t Dist_SZ_bis (Double_t Rr, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Double_t ZED, Double_t S, Short_t n_allowed_rounds, Double_t signPz, Double_t &chosenS)
Double_t FindDistance (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t tanlow, Double_t tanmid, Double_t tanup, Double_t alfa, Double_t beta, Double_t gamma)
void FindingParallelTrackAngularRange (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Fi_low_limit, Double_t *Fi_up_limit, Short_t *status, Double_t Rmin, Double_t Rmax)
void FindingParallelTrackAngularRange2 (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t Rma, Double_t Rmi, Double_t Rr, Double_t *Fi_low_limit, Double_t *Fi_up_limit, Short_t *status)
Short_t FindIntersectionsOuterCircle (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t RMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft2 (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t XintersectionList[16], Double_t YintersectionList[16], Double_t FiOrderedList[16])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight2 (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t XintersectionList[16], Double_t YintersectionList[16], Double_t FiOrderedList[16])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft2 (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t XintersectionList[12], Double_t YintersectionList[12], Double_t FiOrderedList[12])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight2 (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t XintersectionList[12], Double_t YintersectionList[12], Double_t FiOrderedList[12])
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment (Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment_forScitil (Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t factor, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
bool IntersectionSciTil_Circle (Double_t posizSciTilx, Double_t posizSciTily, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2])
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Rmi, Double_t Rma, Short_t nIntersections[2], Double_t XintersectionList[][2], Double_t YintersectionList[][2])
Short_t IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
bool IsInsideArc (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2], Double_t Spoint)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk1_97to1_99 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk1_97to1_99withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk2_41to2_43 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk2_41to2_43withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk3_97to3_99 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk3_97to3_99withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk4_41to4_43 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk4_41to4_43withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk6_97to6_99 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk6_97to6_99withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk7_41to7_43 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk7_41to7_43withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk9_97to9_99 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk9_97to9_99withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk10_41to10_43 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk10_41to10_43withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk14_77to14_79 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk14_77to14_79withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk15_21to15_23 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk15_21to15_23withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk21_77to21_79 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk21_77to21_79withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk22_21to22_23 (Double_t X, Double_t Y)
bool IsInMvdMiniDisk22_21to22_23withMargin (Double_t X, Double_t Y, Double_t xmargin, Double_t ymargin)
bool IsInTargetPipe (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t fi0, Double_t kappa, Short_t charge, Double_t gap)
bool IsInternal (Double_t Px, Double_t Py, Double_t Xtraslation, Double_t Ytraslation, Double_t Theta)
void ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t Charge, Short_t nHits, Short_t *ListHits, Double_t info[][7], Short_t &nArcs_populated, Short_t nHitsInArc[56], Short_t(*ListHitsInArc)[56])
 ClassDef (PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations, 1)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations ( )

Default constructor

Definition at line 14 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.h.

14 {};
PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::~PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations ( )


Definition at line 18 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.h.

18 {};

Member Function Documentation

Double_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::CalculateArcLength ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t Xcross,
Double_t Ycross 

Definition at line 15 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::BadTrack_ParStt(), and PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup().

23 {
24  Double_t dis,
25  theta1,
26  theta2;
28  theta1 = atan2(Ycross[0]-Oyy, Xcross[0]- Oxx);
29  theta2 = atan2(Ycross[1]-Oyy, Xcross[1]- Oxx);
32  if(charge>0){ // the rotation was clockwise.
33  dis = theta1-theta2;
34  } else { // the rotation was counterclockwise.
35  dis = theta2-theta1;
36  }
38  if(dis<0.) dis += TWO_PI;
39  if(dis<0.) dis =0.;
41  dis *= Rr;
43  return dis;
44 }
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::CalculateCircleThru3Points ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Double_t  x3,
Double_t  y3,
Double_t o_x,
Double_t o_y,
Double_t r_r 

Definition at line 52 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, d, Double_t, fabs(), and sqrt().

63 {
64  // inspiration from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle.html
66  Double_t a,
67  d,
68  e,
69  q1,
70  q2,
71  q3;
73  a = x1*y2 + y1*x3 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 - x2*y1 - x1*y3;
75  if( fabs(a)<1.e-10 ) return false;
77  q1 = x1*x1 + y1*y1;
78  q2 = x2*x2 + y2*y2;
79  q3 = x3*x3 + y3*y3;
81  d = -(q1*y2 + y1*q3 + q2*y3 - q3*y2 - q2*y1 - q1*y3);
83  e = -(x1*q2 + q1*x3 + x2*q3 - x3*q2 - x2*q1 - x1*q3);
85  *o_x = -0.5*d/a;
86  *o_y = -0.5*e/a;
87  *r_r = sqrt( (x1-*o_x)*(x1-*o_x) + (y1-*o_y)*(y1-*o_y) );
90  return true;
91 }
TObjArray * d
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::calculateintersections ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  C0x,
Double_t  C0y,
Double_t  C0z,
Double_t  r,
Double_t  vx,
Double_t  vy,
Double_t  vz,
Int_t *  STATUS,
Double_t POINTS 

Definition at line 99 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t, and sqrt().

Referenced by PndTrkPlotMacros::WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC().

112 {
115 //-------------------------------------------
118  //Double_t P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
120  Double_t AAA, DELTA, ax, ay; //, aaa; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
125 /*
126  INPUTS :
128  Oxx, Oyy = abscissa and ordinate of the center of the circular trajectory of
129  the particle;
130  Rr = radius of such trajectory;
131  C0x, C0y, C0z = x, y, z coordinates of a point belonging to the axis of the
132  skewed straw;
133  r = radius of equidrift of such skewed straw;
134  vx, vy, vz = versor of the direction along which the skewed straw lies.
137  OUTPUTS :
139  P1x, P1y, P1z = x, y, z coordinates of the point intersection between the
140  particle trajectory circle and the equidrift cylinder of
141  the skewed straw calculated as a function of theta (first
142  solution);
143  P2x, P2y, P2z = x, y, z coordinates of the point intersection between the
144  particle trajectory circle and the equidrift cylinder of
145  the skewed straw calculated as a function of theta (second
146  solution);
148  P1x, P1y, .... , P2z are stored in the array POINTS[0-5]; the status is stored
149  in *STATUS.
151 */
156 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 // from the resolving formula on page 23 of Gianluigi's notes, setting r=0.
162  ax = C0x - Oxx;
163  ay = C0y - Oyy;
164  DELTA = Rr*Rr*(vx*vx+vy*vy) - (vx*ay - vy*ax)*(vx*ay - vy*ax);
165  AAA = vx*vx+vy*vy;
168  if ( DELTA < 0. ) {
169  *STATUS=-2;
170  } else if (AAA == 0.){
171  *STATUS=-3;
172  } else if (DELTA == 0.){
173  *STATUS=1;
174  POINTS[0] = C0x - vx*(vx*ax + vy*ay)/AAA;
175  POINTS[1] = C0y - vy*(vx*ax + vy*ay)/AAA;
176  POINTS[2] = C0z - vz*(vx*ax + vy*ay)/AAA;
177  }else {
178  *STATUS=0;
179  DELTA = sqrt(DELTA);
180  POINTS[0] = C0x - vx*(vx*ax + vy*ay - DELTA)/AAA;
181  POINTS[1] = C0y - vy*(vx*ax + vy*ay - DELTA)/AAA;
182  POINTS[2] = C0z - vz*(vx*ax + vy*ay - DELTA)/AAA;
183  POINTS[3] = C0x - vx*(vx*ax + vy*ay + DELTA)/AAA;
184  POINTS[4] = C0y - vy*(vx*ax + vy*ay + DELTA)/AAA;
185  POINTS[5] = C0z - vz*(vx*ax + vy*ay + DELTA)/AAA;
186  }
188  return;
191 }
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::CalculateSandZ ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  skewnum,
Double_t  info[][7],
Double_t WDX,
Double_t WDY,
Double_t WDZ,
Double_t  S[2],
Double_t  Z[2],
Double_t  Zdrift[2],
Double_t  Zerror[2] 

Definition at line 201 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t.

Referenced by PndTrkTracking2::AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack().

215 {
217  // this method is the same as CalculateSandZ2 only it does NOT return the Sdrift[2] array;
220  Double_t Sdrift[2];
223  Oxx, // input;
224  Oyy, // input;
225  Rr, // input;
226  skewnum, // input;
227  info, // input;
228  WDX, // input;
229  WDY, // input;
230  WDZ, // input;
231  S, // output;
232  Sdrift, // output; drift radius projected onto the Helix S direction.
233  Z, // output; Zcoordinate of the central wire.
234  Zdrift,// output; drift radius projected onto the Helix Z direction.
235  Zerror // output; 150 micron projected onto the Helix.
236  );
238 }
void CalculateSandZ2(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t skewnum, Double_t info[][7], Double_t *WDX, Double_t *WDY, Double_t *WDZ, Double_t S[2], Double_t Sdrift[2], Double_t Z[2], Double_t Zdrift[2], Double_t Zerror[2])
double Z
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::CalculateSandZ2 ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  skewnum,
Double_t  info[][7],
Double_t WDX,
Double_t WDY,
Double_t WDZ,
Double_t  S[2],
Double_t  Sdrift[2],
Double_t  Z[2],
Double_t  Zdrift[2],
Double_t  Zerror[2] 

Definition at line 248 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, i, sqrt(), STRAWRESOLUTION, and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkPlotMacros2::WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and PndTrkPlotMacros2::WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC_Degree().

263 {
266  Int_t STATUS;
267  Short_t i,
268  j,
269  ii;
271  Double_t
272  aaa,
273  bbb,
274  Bmax,
275  distance,
276  Aellipsis1,
277  Bellipsis1,
278  Rx,
279  Ry,
280  sinDelta,
281  sinTheta,
282  vx1,
283  vy1,
284  vz1,
285  C0x1,
286  C0y1,
287  C0z1,
288  POINTS1[6];
291  // necessary initialization of the intersection position;
292  Z[0]= 999999.;
293  Z[1]= 999999.;
294  i = skewnum ;
296  aaa = sqrt(WDX[i]*WDX[i]+WDY[i]*WDY[i]+ WDZ[i]*WDZ[i]);
297  vx1 = WDX[i]/aaa;
298  vy1 = WDY[i]/aaa;
299  vz1 = WDZ[i]/aaa;
300  C0x1 = info[i][0];
301  C0y1 = info[i][1];
302  C0z1 = info[i][2];
305  calculateintersections(Oxx,Oyy,Rr,C0x1,C0y1,C0z1,info[i][3],
306  vx1,vy1,vz1,
310  if(STATUS < 0 ) return;
313  // loop on the two possible intersections of the middle wire the straw with the
314  // trajectory circle; if that is unphysical then the intersection
315  // remains 999999.
316  for( ii=0; ii<2; ii++){
317  j=3*ii;
318  distance = sqrt(
319  (POINTS1[j]-C0x1)*(POINTS1[j]-C0x1) +
320  (POINTS1[1+j]-C0y1)*(POINTS1[1+j]-C0y1) +
321  (POINTS1[2+j]-C0z1)*(POINTS1[2+j]-C0z1)
322  );
325  Rx = POINTS1[j]-Oxx ; // x component Radial vector of cylinder of trajectory
326  Ry = POINTS1[1+j]-Oyy ; // y direction Radial vector of cylinder of trajectory
329  // the tilt direction of this ellipse is (1,0) when major axis along Z direction
331  sinTheta = vx1*vx1 + vy1*vy1;
332  if( sinTheta < 1.e-10) continue;
333  sinTheta = sqrt(sinTheta);
334  Aellipsis1 = info[i][3]/sinTheta;
337  // Bellipsis1 must be in radians;
338  sinDelta = 1. - (-Ry*vx1 + Rx*vy1)*(-Ry*vx1 + Rx*vy1)/(Rx*Rx+Ry*Ry);
339  // for the derivation of the maximum Bellipsis1 possible see Logbook Panda II on page 109;
340  bbb = info[i][3]*(2.*Rr-info[i][3]);
341  if(bbb< 1.e-10) continue;
342  Bmax = 2.*info[i][3]/sqrt(bbb);
343  if( sinDelta < 1.e-10) Bellipsis1=Bmax;
344  sinDelta = sqrt(sinDelta);
345  Bellipsis1 = info[i][3]/(Rr*sinDelta);
346  if(Bmax<Bellipsis1) Bellipsis1=Bmax;
348  // if the intersection point is unphysical, out of the straw length, quit but set Z[ii] to 1000000.+distance ;
349  if( distance >= info[i][4] + Aellipsis1) {
350  Z[ii] = 1000000.+distance;
351  continue;
352  }
354 //--------------------------
355  S[ii] = atan2(POINTS1[j+1]-Oyy, POINTS1[j]-Oxx) ; // atan2 returns radians in (-pi and +pi]
356  if( S[ii] < 0.) S[ii] += TWO_PI;
358  Sdrift[ii]=Bellipsis1;
360  Z[ii] = POINTS1[j+2];
361  Zdrift[ii] = Aellipsis1;
362  Zerror[ii] = STRAWRESOLUTION/sinTheta;
366 // Double_t rotation1 = 180.*atan2(Tiltdirection1[1],Tiltdirection1[0])/PI;
369  } // end of for( ii=0; ii<2; ii++)
371  return;
372 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
double Z
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
void calculateintersections(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t C0x, Double_t C0y, Double_t C0z, Double_t r, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Int_t *STATUS, Double_t *POINTS)
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ChooseEntranceExit3 ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  FiStart,
Short_t  nIntersections,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList,
Double_t FiOrderedList 

Definition at line 452 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, fi, i, PndTrkMergeSort::Merge_Sort(), and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdBarrelFullAzimuthalCoverage(), PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdBarrelPartialAzimuthalCoverage(), and PndTrkCleanup::XYCleanup().

463 {
465  Short_t
466  i;
467  //j; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
469  Int_t auxIndex[nIntersections];
471  Double_t auxX[nIntersections], auxY[nIntersections], fi[nIntersections];
473  PndTrkMergeSort MergeSort;
475 // this method works under the hypothesis that there are at least 2 intersections.
476 // It is the same as ChooseEntranceExitbis but it gives in output the values of the ordered
477 // Fi ( in FiOrderedLis);
479  if (nIntersections<2) return;
481  if(Charge > 0) { // charge positive, particle rotates clockwise when looking into the beam;
482  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
483  fi[i] = atan2(YintersectionList[i]-Oyy,
484  XintersectionList[i]-Oxx);
485  if( fi[i] < 0.) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
486  if( fi[i] > FiStart) fi[i] -= TWO_PI;
487  if( fi[i] > FiStart) fi[i] = FiStart;
488  auxIndex[i]=i;
489  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
490  MergeSort.Merge_Sort( nIntersections, fi, auxIndex);
491  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
492  auxX[i] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-i-1] ];
493  auxY[i] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-i-1] ];
494  FiOrderedList[i] = fi[nIntersections-i-1];
495  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
497  } else { // case in which charge is negative; particle rotates counterclockwise when looking into the beam;
498  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
499  fi[i] = atan2(YintersectionList[i]-Oyy,
500  XintersectionList[i]-Oxx);
501  if( fi[i] < 0.) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
502  if( fi[i] < FiStart) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
503  if( fi[i] < FiStart) fi[i] += FiStart;
504  auxIndex[i]=i;
507  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
508  MergeSort.Merge_Sort( nIntersections, fi, auxIndex);
510  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
511  auxX[i] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[i] ];
512  auxY[i] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[i] ];
513  FiOrderedList[i] = fi[i] ;
514  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
516  } // end of if(Charge > 0)
519  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
520  XintersectionList[i] = auxX[i];
521  YintersectionList[i] = auxY[i];
522  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
525 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
const Double_t TWO_PI
TFile * fi
void Merge_Sort(Short_t n_ele, Double_t *array, Int_t *ind)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ChooseEntranceExitbis ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  FiStart,
Short_t  nIntersections,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 381 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, fi, i, PndTrkMergeSort::Merge_Sort(), and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup(), and PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup().

392 {
394  Short_t
395  i;
397  PndTrkMergeSort MergeSort;
399 // this method works under the hypothesis that there are at least 2 intersections.
400 // It orders the nIntersections intersections using as order parameter the azimuthal
401 // angle fi (in the reference frame of the trajectory helix); then it returns the FIRST
402 // TWO INTERSECTIONS assuming that the track was originated from (0,0,0) and taking into
403 // account its charge;
405  if (nIntersections<2) return;
407  if(Charge > 0) {
408  Int_t auxIndex[100];
409  Double_t fi[100];
410  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
411  fi[i] = atan2(YintersectionList[i]-Oyy,
412  XintersectionList[i]-Oxx);
413  if( fi[i] < 0.) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
414  if( fi[i] > FiStart) fi[i] -= TWO_PI;
415  if( fi[i] > FiStart) fi[i] = FiStart;
416  auxIndex[i]=i;
417  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
418  MergeSort.Merge_Sort( nIntersections, fi, auxIndex);
419  Xcross[0] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-1] ];
420  Ycross[0] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-1] ];
421  Xcross[1] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-2] ];
422  Ycross[1] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[nIntersections-2] ];
424  } else { // case in which Charge is negative.
425  Int_t auxIndex[nIntersections];
426  Double_t fi[nIntersections];
427  for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
428  fi[i] = atan2(YintersectionList[i]-Oyy,
429  XintersectionList[i]-Oxx);
430  if( fi[i] < 0.) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
431  if( fi[i] < FiStart) fi[i] += TWO_PI;
432  if( fi[i] < FiStart) fi[i] += FiStart;
433  auxIndex[i]=i;
434  } // end of for( i=0;i<nIntersections;i++)
435  MergeSort.Merge_Sort( nIntersections, fi, auxIndex);
436  Xcross[0] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[0] ];
437  Ycross[0] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[0] ];
438  Xcross[1] = XintersectionList[ auxIndex[1] ];
439  Ycross[1] = YintersectionList[ auxIndex[1] ];
440  }
445 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
const Double_t TWO_PI
TFile * fi
void Merge_Sort(Short_t n_ele, Double_t *array, Int_t *ind)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ClassDef ( PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations  ,
Double_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::Dist_SZ ( Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  KAPPA,
Double_t  FI0,
Double_t  ZED,
Double_t  S,
Int_t *  nrounds 

Definition at line 533 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t, fabs(), sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

541 {
543 // Defining : ZZ = (S-FI0)/KAPPA
544 // this method returns the distance (WITH ITS SIGN ) : ZZ - ZED. Therefore this number
545 // can be negative.
546 // Care is taken to calculate this distance properly taking into
547 // account that we are dealing with the function FI = mod(KAPPA*Z + FI0, 2*3.14).
549 // the limits of an Int_t are : -2147483648 <= n <= 2147483647
551  Double_t aaa,
552  //ABSdis1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
553  dis1,
554  dis2,
555  dis_segments;
556  //gap; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
558  if(fabs(KAPPA) < 1.e-10){
559  return -999999999.;
560  } else if (fabs(KAPPA)>1.e10) {
561  return -ZED;
562  }
564 // gap = fabs(TWO_PI/KAPPA);
566  aaa = (KAPPA*ZED)/TWO_PI;
567  if( aaa<-2147483648.) {
568  *nrounds = -2147483647;
569  } else if (aaa > 2147483647.) {
570  *nrounds = 2147483647;
571  } else {
572  *nrounds = (Int_t) aaa;
573  }
575  dis_segments = TWO_PI*Rr/sqrt(1.+KAPPA*KAPPA*Rr*Rr); // distance between
576  // two consecutive segments
577  // of trajectory.
579  dis1 = fabs( Rr*S -Rr*KAPPA*ZED - Rr*FI0)/sqrt( 1.+KAPPA*KAPPA*Rr*Rr);
580  dis1 = fmod(dis1,dis_segments);
581  dis2 = dis_segments-dis1; if(dis2<0.)dis2=0.;
584  if( dis1 < dis2 )
585  {
586  return dis1;
587  } else {
588  return dis2;
589  }
591 }
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
Double_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::Dist_SZ_bis ( Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  KAPPA,
Double_t  FI0,
Double_t  ZED,
Double_t  S,
Short_t  n_allowed_rounds,
Double_t  signPz,
Double_t chosenS 

Definition at line 597 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t, fabs(), i, SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT, TWO_PI, and ZCENTER_STRAIGHT.

Referenced by PndTrkTracking2::EliminateSpuriousSZ_bis(), and PndTrkTracking2::EliminateSpuriousSZ_ter().

609 {
613  Short_t i;
614  //nMax, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
615  //nMin //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
618  Double_t
619  boundaries[n_allowed_rounds+3],
620  chosenZ,
621  deltaz,
622  dis,
623  dis_new,
624  z_on_trajectory,
625  z2pi;
627  // check that KAPPA is not zero;
628  if( fabs(KAPPA)<1.e-10) {
629  cout<<"PdnTrkCTGeometryCalculations::Dist_SZ_bis KAPPA < 1.e-10, returning dist=999999.\t";
630  return 999999.;
631  }
633  // calculate z2pi, see logbook on page 140 for meaning;
635  // calculate deltaz, see logbook on page 140 for meaning; the following formula is valid for any combination
636  // of KAPPA and signPz;
637  deltaz = TWO_PI/fabs(KAPPA);
640  // all the calculations are shown in Gianluigi's logbook on page 140;
641  // case with Pz > 0, the particle is moving forward;
643  // for the LITTLE SKEW straws the following is not true, the calculation
644  // should be much more conservative; leave it the same as for the long Skew straw for the moment;
645  boundaries[0] = 0.;
646  if(signPz>0){
647  // particle moving forward;
650  // calculate z2pi, see logbook on page 140 for meaning;
651  if(KAPPA>0.) { z2pi = (TWO_PI-FI0)/KAPPA; if(z2pi<0.) z2pi=0.;} else { z2pi = -FI0/KAPPA;}
653  // the intervals relevant for the trajectory in SZ are n_allowed_rounds+2 (logbook page 141);
654  // loading first the limits of the boundaries;
656 // boundaries[n_allowed_rounds+2] = (n_allowed_rounds+1)*deltaz;
658  // the last boundary is the maximum length of the Skew Straw IN Z (NOT the physical length)
659  // and therefore :
660  boundaries[n_allowed_rounds+2] = ZCENTER_STRAIGHT+SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT;
661  for(i=1; i<n_allowed_rounds+2;i++){
662  boundaries[i]=z2pi+(i-1)*deltaz;
663  } // end of for (i=1; i<n_allowed_rounds+2;i++)
665  dis = 99999999999.;
666  for(i=0; i< n_allowed_rounds+2; i++){
667  z_on_trajectory = (S-FI0+i*TWO_PI)/KAPPA;
668  // don't accept this solution if it is out of the Z range of this
669  // piece of trajectory in SZ; see logbook on page 141;
670  if( z_on_trajectory < boundaries[i] || z_on_trajectory > boundaries[i+1] ) continue;
671  dis_new = fabs(ZED- z_on_trajectory);
672  if(dis_new < dis) {
673  dis = dis_new;
674  chosenZ = z_on_trajectory; // used later to calculate chosenS;
675  }
676  } // end of for(i=0; i< n_allowed_rounds+2; i++)
678  } else { // in this case Pz <0;
679  // particle moving backward;
681  // calculate z2pi, see logbook on page 140 for meaning;
682  if(KAPPA>0.) { z2pi = FI0/KAPPA;} else { z2pi = -(TWO_PI-FI0)/KAPPA; if(z2pi<0.) z2pi=0.;}
684  // the intervals relevant for the trajectory in SZ are n_allowed_rounds+2 (logbook page 143);
685  // loading first the limits of the boundaries;
687 // boundaries[n_allowed_rounds+2] = -(n_allowed_rounds+1)*deltaz;
689  // the last boundary is the minimum length of the Skew Straw IN Z (NOT the physical length)
690  // and therefore :
691  boundaries[n_allowed_rounds+2] = ZCENTER_STRAIGHT-SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT;
692  for(i=1; i<n_allowed_rounds+2;i++){
693  boundaries[i]=-z2pi-(i-1)*deltaz;
694  } // end of for (i=1; i<n_allowed_rounds+2;i++)
696  dis = 99999999999.;
697  for(i=0; i< n_allowed_rounds+2; i++){
698  z_on_trajectory = (S-FI0+i*TWO_PI)/KAPPA;
699  // don't accept this solution if it is out of the Z range of this
700  // piece of trajectory in SZ; see logbook on page 143;
701  // since here we are with Z < 0, the boundaries are exchanged compared to the
702  // case whe Pz > 0;
703  if( z_on_trajectory > boundaries[i] || z_on_trajectory < boundaries[i+1] ) continue;
704  dis_new = fabs(ZED - z_on_trajectory);
705  if(dis_new < dis) {
706  dis = dis_new;
707  chosenZ = z_on_trajectory; // used later to calculate chosenS;
708  }
709  } // end of for(i=0; i< n_allowed_rounds+2; i++)
711  } // end of if(signPz>0)
714  // calculate the S corresponding to this hit; this S can be < 0. or > 2PI; so it coincides
715  // with the input S only when the number of rounds of this hit are 0;
716  chosenS = FI0 + KAPPA* chosenZ;
718  return dis;
719 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
Double_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindDistance ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  tanlow,
Double_t  tanmid,
Double_t  tanup,
Double_t  alfa,
Double_t  beta,
Double_t  gamma 

Definition at line 727 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t, fabs(), i, m, n, and sqrt().

738 {
741  Short_t i,
742  n;
744  Double_t Delta,
745  m[3],
746  q,
747  dist,
748  dist1,
749  dist2,
750  //distlow, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
751  //distmid, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
752  //distup, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
753  totaldist,
754  x1,
755  x2,
756  y1,
757  y2;
759 //int nevento=1; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
765  m[0] = tanlow;
766  m[1] = tanmid;
767  m[2] = tanup;
769  n=0;
770  totaldist=0.;
773  for(i=0;i<3;i++){
775  if( tanlow<999998.) {
776  q = Oyy-m[i]*Oxx;
777  Delta = alfa*alfa + beta*beta*m[i]*m[i] - 4.*gamma*m[i]*m[i] - 4.*q*q + 4.*m[i]*q*alfa +
778  + 2.*alfa*beta*m[i] - 4.*beta*q - 4.*gamma;
779  if( Delta < 0.){
780  dist = -1.;
781  } else if (Delta==0.){
782  x1 = 0.5*(-alfa - 2.*m[i]*q - beta*m[i] )/(1.+m[i]*m[i]);
783  y1 = m[i]*x1+q;
784  dist = fabs( sqrt( (Oxx-x1)*(Oxx-x1) + (Oyy-y1)*(Oyy-y1) ) - Rr);
785  } else {
786  Delta = sqrt(Delta);
787  x1 = 0.5*(-alfa - 2.*m[i]*q - beta*m[i] - Delta)/(1.+m[i]*m[i]);
788  x2 = 0.5*(-alfa - 2.*m[i]*q - beta*m[i] + Delta)/(1.+m[i]*m[i]);
789  y1 = m[i]*x1+q;
790  y2 = m[i]*x2+q;
791  dist1 = fabs( sqrt( (Oxx-x1)*(Oxx-x1) + (Oyy-y1)*(Oyy-y1) ) - Rr);
792  dist2 = fabs( sqrt( (Oxx-x2)*(Oxx-x2) + (Oyy-y2)*(Oyy-y2) ) - Rr);
793  if(dist1<dist2){
794  dist = dist1;
795  } else{
796  dist = dist2;
797  }
798  }
799  } else {
800  Delta = beta*beta - 4.*Oxx*Oxx - 4.*Oxx*alfa - 4.*gamma;
802  if( Delta < 0.){
803  dist = -1.;
804  } else if (Delta==0.){
805  dist = fabs( fabs(Oyy+0.5*beta) - Rr);
806  } else {
807  Delta = sqrt(Delta);
808  y1 = -0.5*beta + Delta/2.;
809  y2 = -0.5*beta - Delta/2.;
810  dist1 = fabs( fabs(Oyy+0.5*beta + Delta/2.) - Rr);
811  dist2 = fabs( fabs(Oyy+0.5*beta - Delta/2.) - Rr);
812  if(dist1<dist2) dist = dist1;
813  else dist = dist2;
814  }
815  }
817  if( dist>-0.5) {
818  totaldist+=dist;
819  n++;
820  }
823  } // end of for(i=0;i<3;i++)
826  if(n!=3) totaldist = -1.;
827  else totaldist = totaldist / n;
829  return totaldist;
831 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
__m128 m
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:28
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
int n
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindingParallelTrackAngularRange ( Double_t  oX,
Double_t  oY,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t Fi_low_limit,
Double_t Fi_up_limit,
Short_t *  status,
Double_t  Rmin,
Double_t  Rmax 

Definition at line 841 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, acos(), atan2(), Double_t, fi, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

852 {
853 // -------------- calculate the maximum fi and minimum fi spanned by this track,
855 // see logbook pag.270; by using the Rmin and Rmax of the straw detector.
856 // this function works also when circular trajectory in XY doesn't pass through (0,0).
858  bool intersection_inner,
859  intersection_outer;
860  Double_t //teta1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
861  //teta2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
862  //tetavertex, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
863  a,
864  //cosT, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
865  //cost, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
866  cosFi,
867  cosfi,
868  Fi,
869  fi,
870  FI0;
871  //Px, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
872  //Py, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
873  //tmp; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
876  Rma += 1. ; // add a safety margin.
877  Rmi -= 1. ; // add a safety margin.
882  a = sqrt(oX*oX+oY*oY);
884  // preliminary condition
885  if(a + Rr <= Rmi ) // in this case there might be hits at radius < Rmi.
886  { *status = -1 ;return;}
887  if( a >= Rr + Rma || Rr >= a + Rma) // in this case there can be no hits with radius < Rma.
888  { *status = -2;return;}
890  if( a - Rr >= Rmi ) intersection_inner = false; else intersection_inner = true;
892  if( a + Rr <= Rma || a - Rr >= Rma )
893  intersection_outer = false; else intersection_outer = true;
895  if( (! intersection_inner) && (! intersection_outer) ){
896  *Fi_low_limit = 0.;
897  *Fi_up_limit = TWO_PI;
898  *status = 1;
899  return;
900  }
902 // now the calculation
904  FI0 = atan2(-oY,-oX);
905  if( intersection_outer ){
906  cosFi = (a*a + Rr*Rr - Rma*Rma)/(2.*Rr*a);
907  if(cosFi<-1.) cosFi=-1.; else if(cosFi>1.) cosFi=1.;
908  Fi = acos(cosFi);
909  }
911  if( intersection_inner ){
912  cosfi = (a*a + Rr*Rr - Rmi*Rmi)/(2.*Rr*a);
913  if(cosfi<-1.) cosfi=-1.; else if(cosfi>1.) cosfi=1.;
914  fi = acos(cosfi);
915  }
917  if( Charge < 0){ // this particle rotates counterclockwise when looking into the beam
918  if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner){
919  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 + fi;
920  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 +Fi;
922  } else if (intersection_inner) {
923  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 + fi;
924  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 - fi;
925  } else { // case with intersection_outer=true; intersection_inner=false;
926  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 - Fi;
927  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 + Fi;
928  } // end of if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner
932  } else { // continuation of if( Charge < 0.)
934  if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner){
935  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 - Fi;
936  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 - fi;
938  } else if (intersection_inner) {
939  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 + fi; // must invert because low limit must be < up limit
940  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 - fi;
941  } else { // case with intersection_outer=true; intersection_inner=false;
942  *Fi_low_limit=FI0 - Fi;
943  *Fi_up_limit= FI0 + Fi;
944  } // end of if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner
947  } // end of if( Charge < 0.)
950  if(*Fi_low_limit<0.) {
951  *Fi_low_limit=fmod(*Fi_low_limit,TWO_PI);
952  *Fi_low_limit += TWO_PI;
953  } else if (*Fi_low_limit>=TWO_PI){
954  *Fi_low_limit=fmod(*Fi_low_limit,TWO_PI);
955  }
956  if(*Fi_up_limit<0.) {
957  *Fi_up_limit=fmod(*Fi_up_limit,TWO_PI);
958  *Fi_up_limit += TWO_PI;
959  } else if (*Fi_up_limit>=TWO_PI){
960  *Fi_up_limit=fmod(*Fi_up_limit,TWO_PI);
961  }
963  // Modify *Fi_up_limit by adding
964  // 2PI if it is the case, in order to make *Fi_up_limit > *Fi_low_limit.
965  if( *Fi_up_limit < *Fi_low_limit ) *Fi_up_limit += TWO_PI;
966  if( *Fi_up_limit < *Fi_low_limit ) *Fi_up_limit = *Fi_low_limit;
970  return;
971 }
friend F32vec4 acos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:113
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
TFile * fi
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
int status[10]
Definition: f_Init.h:28
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindingParallelTrackAngularRange2 ( Double_t  oX,
Double_t  oY,
Double_t  Rma,
Double_t  Rmi,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t Fi_low_limit,
Double_t Fi_up_limit,
Short_t *  status 

Definition at line 981 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, acos(), atan2(), Double_t, fi, i, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

996 {
997 // -------------- calculate the maximum fi and minimum fi spanned by this track,
999 // see logbook pag.270; by using the Rmin and Rmax of the straw detector.
1000 // this function works also when circular trajectory in XY doesn't pass through (0,0).
1002  bool intersection_inner,
1003  intersection_outer;
1004  Double_t //teta1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1005  //teta2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1006  //tetavertex, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1007  a,
1008  //cosT, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1009  //cost, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1010  cosFi,
1011  cosfi,
1012  Fi,
1013  fi,
1014  FI0;
1015  //Px, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1016  //Py, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1017  //tmp; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1020  // Fi_low_limit is an array of dimensionality 2;
1021  // Fi_up_limit is an array of dimensionality 2;
1022  // Fi_low_limit[0], Fi_up_limit[0] is the solution (radians) corresponding to the intersection
1023  // on the RIGHT side, in the XY projection of the trajectory [looking into the beam] with respect
1024  // to the segment joining the Center of the Helix with the origin (0,0);
1025  // Fi_low_limit[1], Fi_up_limit[1] is the solution corresponding to the LEFT intersection; in case
1026  // there is no second solution it is set at -100.;
1027  // the charge is not considered here; the two solution are just determined by the intersection of the trajectory
1028  // circle with the inner and outer boundary of the STT detector system;
1030  // the trajectory NEEDS NOT to come from the origin ;
1032  // Fi_low_limit is ALWAY between 0 and 2PI radians;
1033  // Fi_up_limit is ALWAYS bigger than Fi_low_limit (not necessarily < 2PI), in radians;
1035  Rma += 1. ; // add a safety margin.
1036  Rmi -= 1. ; // add a safety margin.
1038  a = sqrt(oX*oX+oY*oY);
1040  // preliminary condition
1041  if(a + Rr <= Rmi ) // in this case there might be hits at radius < Rmi.
1042  { *status = -1 ;return;}
1043  if( a >= Rr + Rma || Rr >= a + Rma) // in this case there can be no hits with radius < Rma.
1044  { *status = -2;return;}
1046  if( a - Rr >= Rmi ) intersection_inner = false; else intersection_inner = true;
1048  if( a + Rr <= Rma || a - Rr >= Rma )
1049  intersection_outer = false; else intersection_outer = true;
1051  if( (! intersection_inner) && (! intersection_outer) ){
1052  // in this case the trajectory is contained completely between the inner
1053  // and outer regions of the STT;
1054  Fi_low_limit[0] = 0.;
1055  Fi_up_limit[0] = TWO_PI;
1056  *status = 1;
1057  return;
1058  }
1060 // now the calculation
1062  FI0 = atan2(-oY,-oX);
1063  if( intersection_outer ){
1064  cosFi = (a*a + Rr*Rr - Rma*Rma)/(2.*Rr*a);
1065  if(cosFi<-1.) cosFi=-1.; else if(cosFi>1.) cosFi=1.;
1066  Fi = acos(cosFi);
1067  }
1069  if( intersection_inner ){
1070  cosfi = (a*a + Rr*Rr - Rmi*Rmi)/(2.*Rr*a);
1071  if(cosfi<-1.) cosfi=-1.; else if(cosfi>1.) cosfi=1.;
1072  fi = acos(cosfi);
1073  }
1075  if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner){
1077  Fi_low_limit[1] = FI0 - Fi;
1078  Fi_up_limit[1] = FI0 - fi;
1080  Fi_low_limit[0] = FI0 + fi;
1081  Fi_up_limit[0] = FI0 + Fi;
1083  } else if (intersection_inner) {
1084  Fi_low_limit[0] = FI0 + fi;
1085  Fi_up_limit[0] = FI0 - fi;
1087  Fi_low_limit[1] = -100.;
1088  Fi_up_limit[1] = -100.;
1089  } else { // case with intersection_outer=true; intersection_inner=false;
1090  Fi_low_limit[0]=FI0 - Fi;
1091  Fi_up_limit[0]= FI0 + Fi;
1093  Fi_low_limit[1] = -100.;
1094  Fi_up_limit[1] = -100.;
1095  } // end of if( intersection_outer && intersection_inner
1097  for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
1098  if( Fi_low_limit[i]<-99.) continue;
1099  if(Fi_low_limit[i]<0.) {
1100  Fi_low_limit[i]=fmod(Fi_low_limit[i],TWO_PI);
1101  Fi_low_limit[i] += TWO_PI;
1102  } else if (Fi_low_limit[i]>=TWO_PI){
1103  Fi_low_limit[i]=fmod(Fi_low_limit[i],TWO_PI);
1104  }
1105  if(Fi_up_limit[i]<0.) {
1106  Fi_up_limit[i]=fmod(Fi_up_limit[i],TWO_PI);
1107  Fi_up_limit[i] += TWO_PI;
1108  } else if (Fi_up_limit[i]>=TWO_PI){
1109  Fi_up_limit[i]=fmod(Fi_up_limit[i],TWO_PI);
1110  }
1112  // Modify *Fi_up_limit by adding
1113  // 2PI if it is the case, in order to make *Fi_up_limit > *Fi_low_limit.
1114  if( Fi_up_limit[i] < Fi_low_limit[i] ) Fi_up_limit[i] += TWO_PI;
1115  if( Fi_up_limit[i] < Fi_low_limit[i] ) Fi_up_limit[i] = Fi_low_limit[i];
1116  } // end of for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
1117  *status = 0;
1122  return;
1123 }
friend F32vec4 acos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:113
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
TFile * fi
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
int status[10]
Definition: f_Init.h:28
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindIntersectionsOuterCircle ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  RMax,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 1131 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, acos(), atan2(), cos(), Double_t, sin(), and sqrt().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup(), PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup(), PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdBarrelFullAzimuthalCoverage(), PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdBarrelPartialAzimuthalCoverage(), and PndTrkCleanup::XYCleanup().

1140 {
1142  // return -1 --> non-intersection;
1143  // return 0 --> 2 intersections.
1145  Double_t a,
1146  cosFi,
1147  Fi,
1148  FI0;
1149  a = sqrt(oX*oX+oY*oY);
1151  // case with no intersections or just 1 intersection;
1152  if( a >= Rr + Rma || Rr >= a + Rma || a + Rr <= Rma) return -1;
1155  FI0 = atan2(-oY,-oX);
1156  cosFi = (a*a + Rr*Rr - Rma*Rma)/(2.*Rr*a);
1157  if(cosFi<-1.) cosFi=-1.; else if(cosFi>1.) cosFi=1.;
1158  Fi = acos(cosFi);
1160  Xcross[0] = oX + Rr*cos(FI0+Fi);
1161  Ycross[0] = oY + Rr*sin(FI0+Fi);
1162  Xcross[1] = oX + Rr*cos(FI0-Fi);
1163  Ycross[1] = oY + Rr*sin(FI0-Fi);
1165  return 0;
1166 }
friend F32vec4 acos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:113
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 1172 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup(), and PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup().

1184 {
1185  Short_t flag;
1186  Short_t nIntersections;
1187  Double_t FiStart,
1188  XintersectionList[16], // all the possible intersections
1189  YintersectionList[16]; // (up to 16 intersections).
1191 // The following is the form of the Left (looking from downstream into the beam) biHexagon
1192 // geometrical shape considered in this method :
1193 //
1194 /*
1196  /|
1197  / |
1198  / |
1199  / /
1200  / /
1201  / /
1202  / /
1203  | |
1204  | |
1205  | |
1206  | |
1207  \ \
1208  \ \
1209  \ \
1210  \ \
1211  \ |
1212  \ |
1213  \|
1215 */
1216 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1217 // The inner parallel straw region is delimited by two hexagons.
1219  // flag meaning :
1220  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
1221  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon, therefore a possible entry and an exit;
1222  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
1226  vgap,
1227  Oxx,
1228  Oyy,
1229  Rr,
1230  ApotemaMin, // Apotema of the inner Hexagon,
1231  ApotemaMax,// Apotema of the outer Hexagon.
1232  &nIntersections,
1233  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList[..][0] --> inner polygon,
1234  // XintersectionList[..][1] --> outer polygon.
1235  YintersectionList
1236  );
1238  // IMPORTANT :
1239  // this is true because here it is assumed that the track comes from (0,0,0)
1240  // otherwise the code must be changed!
1242  if (!(flag == 0)) return flag;
1243  if( nIntersections<2) return -1;
1245 //------- among all possible intersection find the entrance point (Xcross[0], Ycross[0])
1246 // and the exit point (Xcross[1], Ycross[1]) of this track.
1248 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1249  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1250  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1251  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1253  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1254  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1255  // volume.
1257  // so at this point, the intersections are at least 2.
1260  Oxx,
1261  Oyy,
1262  Charge,
1263  FiStart,
1264  nIntersections,
1265  XintersectionList,
1266  YintersectionList,
1267  Xcross, // output
1268  Ycross // output
1269  );
1272 //----------------------
1274  return flag;
1276 }
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
timer Start()
void ChooseEntranceExitbis(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft2 ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  XintersectionList[16],
Double_t  YintersectionList[16],
Double_t  FiOrderedList[16] 

Definition at line 1285 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, and TWO_PI.

1298 {
1299  Short_t flag,
1300  nIntersections;
1301  Double_t FiStart;
1303 // The following is the form of the Left (looking from downstream into the beam) biHexagon
1304 // geometrical shape considered in this method :
1305 //
1308 // /| //
1309 // / | //
1310 // / | //
1311 // / / //
1312 // / / //
1313 // / / //
1314 // / / //
1315 // | | //
1316 // | | //
1317 // | | //
1318 // | | //
1319 // \ \ //
1320 // \ \ //
1321 // \ \ //
1322 // \ \ //
1323 // \ | //
1324 // \ | //
1325 // \| //
1328 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1329 // The inner parallel straw region is delimited by two hexagons.
1331  // flag meaning :
1332  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
1333  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon, therefore a possible entry and an exit;
1334  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
1336  // nIntersections is the number of intersections found;
1338 // This method return nIntersections (it can be 0);
1343  vgap,
1344  Oxx,
1345  Oyy,
1346  Rr,
1347  ApotemaMin, // Apotema of the inner Hexagon,
1348  ApotemaMax,// Apotema of the outer Hexagon.
1349  &nIntersections,
1350  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList[..][0] --> inner polygon,
1351  // XintersectionList[..][1] --> outer polygon.
1352  YintersectionList
1353  );
1355  // IMPORTANT :
1356  // this is true because here it is assumed that the track comes from (0,0,0)
1357  // otherwise the code must be changed!
1359  if (!(flag == 0)) return 0;
1361 //------- among all possible intersection find the entrance point (Xcross[0], Ycross[0])
1362 // and the exit point (Xcross[1], Ycross[1]) of this track.
1364 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1365  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1366  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1367  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1369  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1370  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1371  // volume.
1373  // so at this point, the intersections are at least 2.
1376  // XintersectionList and YintersectionList are ordered clockwise or counterclockwise
1377  // according to the charge;
1379  Oxx,
1380  Oyy,
1381  Charge,
1382  FiStart,
1383  nIntersections,
1384  XintersectionList, // input and output;
1385  YintersectionList, // input and output;
1386  FiOrderedList
1387  );
1390 //----------------------
1392  return nIntersections;
1394 }
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
void ChooseEntranceExit3(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t *FiOrderedList)
timer Start()
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 1401 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup(), and PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup().

1413 {
1414  Short_t flag;
1415  Short_t nIntersections;
1416  Double_t FiStart,
1417  XintersectionList[16], // all the possible intersections
1418  YintersectionList[16]; // (up to 16 intersections).
1420 // The following is the form of the Left (looking from downstream into the beam) biHexagon
1421 // geometrical shape considered in this method :
1422 //
1423 //
1424 // |\ //
1425 // | \ //
1426 // | \ //
1427 // \ \ //
1428 // \ \ //
1429 // | | //
1430 // | | //
1431 // / / //
1432 // / / //
1433 // / / //
1434 // | / //
1435 // | / //
1436 // |/ //
1437 //
1439 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1440 // The inner parallel straw region is delimited by two hexagons.
1442  // flag meaning :
1443  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
1444  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon, therefore a possible entry and an exit;
1445  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
1449  vgap,
1450  Oxx,
1451  Oyy,
1452  Rr,
1453  ApotemaMin, // Apotema of the inner Hexagon,
1454  ApotemaMax,// Apotema of the outer Hexagon.
1455  &nIntersections,
1456  XintersectionList,
1457  YintersectionList
1458  );
1463  // IMPORTANT :
1464  // this is true because here it is assumed that the track comes from (0,0,0)
1465  // otherwise the code must be changed!
1467  if (!(flag == 0)) return flag;
1468  if( nIntersections<2) return -1;
1470 //------- among all possible intersection find the entrance point (Xcross[0], Ycross[0])
1471 // and the exit point (Xcross[1], Ycross[1]) of this track.
1473 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1474  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1475  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1476  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1478  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1479  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1480  // volume.
1482  // so at this point, the intersections are at least 2.
1485  Oxx,
1486  Oyy,
1487  Charge,
1488  FiStart,
1489  nIntersections,
1490  XintersectionList,
1491  YintersectionList,
1492  Xcross, // output
1493  Ycross // output
1494  );
1497 //----------------------
1499  return flag;
1501 }
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
timer Start()
void ChooseEntranceExitbis(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight2 ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  XintersectionList[16],
Double_t  YintersectionList[16],
Double_t  FiOrderedList[16] 

Definition at line 1510 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, and TWO_PI.

1523 {
1524  Short_t flag,
1525  nIntersections;
1527  Double_t FiStart;
1529 // The following is the form of the Left (looking from downstream into the beam) biHexagon
1530 // geometrical shape considered in this method :
1531 //
1532 //
1533 // |\ //
1534 // | \ //
1535 // | \ //
1536 // \ \ //
1537 // \ \ //
1538 // | | //
1539 // | | //
1540 // / / //
1541 // / / //
1542 // / / //
1543 // | / //
1544 // | / //
1545 // |/ //
1546 //
1548 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1549 // The inner parallel straw region is delimited by two hexagons.
1551  // flag meaning :
1552  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
1553  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon, therefore a possible entry and an exit;
1554  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
1557 // This method returns the number of intersections (it can be 0);
1562  vgap,
1563  Oxx,
1564  Oyy,
1565  Rr,
1566  ApotemaMin, // Apotema of the inner Hexagon,
1567  ApotemaMax,// Apotema of the outer Hexagon.
1568  &nIntersections,
1569  XintersectionList,
1570  YintersectionList
1571  );
1574  // IMPORTANT :
1575  // this is true because here it is assumed that the track comes from (0,0,0)
1576  // otherwise the code must be changed!
1578  if (!(flag == 0)) return 0;
1580 //------- among all possible intersection find the entrance point (Xcross[0], Ycross[0])
1581 // and the exit point (Xcross[1], Ycross[1]) of this track.
1583 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1584  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1585  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1586  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1588  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1589  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1590  // volume.
1592  // so at this point, the intersections are at least 2.
1594  // XintersectionList and YintersectionList are ordered clockwise or counterclockwise
1595  // according to the charge;
1597  Oxx,
1598  Oyy,
1599  Charge,
1600  FiStart,
1601  nIntersections,
1602  XintersectionList, // input and output;
1603  YintersectionList, // input and output;
1604  FiOrderedList // output;
1605  );
1608 //----------------------
1610  return nIntersections;
1612 }
Short_t IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
void ChooseEntranceExit3(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t *FiOrderedList)
timer Start()
const Double_t TWO_PI
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  GAP,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 1620 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, atan2(), b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup().

1632 {
1634 // This methods finds the intersections between a trajectory coming from (0,0) and
1635 // parameters Oxx, Oyy, Rr with the closed geometrical figure (in XY) formed by the STT
1636 // external Left semicircle and the Outer STT parallel Left straw semi-Hexagon + Gap for
1637 // the pellet target target.
1638 // It returns -1 if there are 0 or 1 intersections, or it returns 0
1639 // if they are at least 2.
1642 //------------------
1644  Short_t nIntersectionsCircle,
1645  nIntersections;
1646  Double_t FiStart,
1647  XintersectionList[12],
1648  YintersectionList[12]; // all the possible intersections (up to 12 intersections).
1650 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1653  Double_t Side_x[] = { -GAP/2., -GAP/2. , -ApotemaMin, -ApotemaMin, -GAP/2., -GAP/2. },
1654  Side_y[] = { sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.), (2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.),
1655  ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1656  -ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1657  -(2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.), -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.)},
1658  a[] = {1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
1659  b[] = {0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
1660  c[] = {GAP/2., -2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),ApotemaMin, 2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.), GAP/2.};
1662  nIntersections=IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(
1663  Oxx,
1664  Oyy,
1665  Rr,
1666  5, // n. Sides of open Polygon.
1667  a, // coefficient of formula : aX + bY + c = 0 defining the Polygon sides.
1668  b,
1669  c,
1670  Side_x, // X,Y coordinate of the Sides vertices (in sequence, following
1671  Side_y, // the Polygon along.
1672  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList
1673  YintersectionList // YintersectionList.
1674  );
1679 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1680 // finding intersections of trajectory [assumed to originate from (0,0) ]
1681 // with outer semicircle, the Left part.
1683  nIntersectionsCircle=IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(
1684  Oxx, // input from trajectory
1685  Oyy, // input from trajectory
1686  Rr, // input from trajectory
1687  GAP, // input, vertical gap in XY plane of STT detector.
1688  true, // true --> Left semicircle, false --> Right semicircle.
1689  Rma, // radius of external Stt containment.
1690  &XintersectionList[nIntersections], // output, X list of intersections (maximal 2).
1691  &YintersectionList[nIntersections]
1692  );
1693  nIntersections += nIntersectionsCircle;
1695 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1697  if(nIntersections<2) return -1;
1699  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1700  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1701  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1703  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1704  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1705  // volume.
1709  Oxx,
1710  Oyy,
1711  Charge,
1712  FiStart,
1713  nIntersections,
1714  XintersectionList,
1715  YintersectionList,
1716  Xcross, // output
1717  Ycross // output
1718  );
1721  return 0;
1723 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
timer Start()
void ChooseEntranceExitbis(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Short_t IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft2 ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  GAP,
Double_t  XintersectionList[12],
Double_t  YintersectionList[12],
Double_t  FiOrderedList[12] 

Definition at line 1731 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, atan2(), b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

1744 {
1746 // THIS METHOD IS THE SAME AS FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft BUT IT PROVIDES ALL THE
1748 // This methods finds the intersections between a trajectory coming from (0,0) and
1749 // parameters Oxx, Oyy, Rr with the closed geometrical figure (in XY) formed by the STT
1750 // external Left semicircle and the Outer STT parallel Left straw semi-Hexagon + Gap for
1751 // the pellet target target.
1752 // It returns the number of intersections (0 in case).
1754 // At the most the number of such intersection is 12, that's why XintersectionList[12];
1755 // also the intersections are ordered from center to perifery according to the charge of the
1756 // track that dictates the sense of rotation;
1758  Short_t nIntersections;
1760 //------------------
1762  Short_t nIntersectionsCircle;
1764  Double_t FiStart;
1768 // This method returns the number of intersections (it can be 0);
1773 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1776  Double_t Side_x[] = { -GAP/2., -GAP/2. , -ApotemaMin, -ApotemaMin, -GAP/2., -GAP/2. },
1777  Side_y[] = { sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.), (2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.),
1778  ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1779  -ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1780  -(2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.), -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.)},
1781  a[] = {1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
1782  b[] = {0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
1783  c[] = {GAP/2., -2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),ApotemaMin, 2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.), GAP/2.};
1785  nIntersections=IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(
1786  Oxx,
1787  Oyy,
1788  Rr,
1789  5, // n. Sides of open Polygon.
1790  a, // coefficient of formula : aX + bY + c = 0 defining the Polygon sides.
1791  b,
1792  c,
1793  Side_x, // X,Y coordinate of the Sides vertices (in sequence, following
1794  Side_y, // the Polygon along.
1795  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList
1796  YintersectionList // YintersectionList.
1797  );
1801 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1802 // finding intersections of trajectory [assumed to originate from (0,0) ]
1803 // with outer semicircle, the Left part.
1805  nIntersectionsCircle=IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(
1806  Oxx, // input from trajectory
1807  Oyy, // input from trajectory
1808  Rr, // input from trajectory
1809  GAP, // input, vertical gap in XY plane of STT detector.
1810  true, // true --> Left semicircle, false --> Right semicircle.
1811  Rma, // radius of external Stt containment.
1812  &XintersectionList[nIntersections], // output, X list of intersections (maximal 2).
1813  &YintersectionList[nIntersections]
1814  );
1815  nIntersections += nIntersectionsCircle;
1817 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1819  if(nIntersections==0) return 0;
1821  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1822  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1823  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1825  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1826  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1827  // volume; IT RETURNS all the intersections ordered from center to perifery according to the sense of
1828  // rotation dictated by the charge of the track;
1829  // the methods requires at least 2 intersection;
1832  Oxx,
1833  Oyy,
1834  Charge,
1835  FiStart,
1836  nIntersections,
1837  XintersectionList, // input and output;
1838  YintersectionList, // input and output;
1839  FiOrderedList // output;
1840  );
1843  return nIntersections;
1845 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
void ChooseEntranceExit3(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t *FiOrderedList)
timer Start()
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Short_t IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  GAP,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2] 

Definition at line 1854 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, atan2(), b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::SttParalCleanup().

1866 {
1868 // This methods finds the intersections between a trajectory coming from (0,0) and
1869 // parameters Oxx, Oyy, Rr with the closed geometrical figure (in XY) formed by the STT
1870 // external Left semicircle and the Outer STT parallel Left straw semi-Hexagon + Gap for
1871 // the pellet target target.
1872 // It returns -1 if there are 0 or 1 intersections, or it returns 0
1873 // if they are at least 2.
1876 //------------------
1878  Short_t nIntersectionsCircle,
1879  nIntersections;
1880  Double_t FiStart,
1881  XintersectionList[12],
1882  YintersectionList[12]; // all the possible intersections (up to 10 intersections).
1884 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
1887  Double_t Side_x[] = { GAP/2., GAP/2. , ApotemaMin, ApotemaMin, GAP/2., GAP/2. },
1888  Side_y[] = { sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.), (2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.),
1889  ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1890  -ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
1891  -(2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.), -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.)},
1892  a[] = {1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
1893  b[] = {0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
1894  c[] = {-GAP/2.,-2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),-ApotemaMin, 2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.), -GAP/2.};
1896  nIntersections=IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(
1897  Oxx,
1898  Oyy,
1899  Rr,
1900  5, // n. Sides of open Polygon.
1901  a, // coefficient of formula : aX + bY + c = 0 defining the Polygon sides.
1902  b,
1903  c,
1904  Side_x, // X,Y coordinate of the Sides vertices (in sequence, following
1905  Side_y, // the Polygon along.
1906  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList
1907  YintersectionList // YintersectionList.
1908  );
1912 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1913 // finding intersections of trajectory [assumed to originate from (0,0) ]
1914 // with outer semicircle, the Left part.
1916  nIntersectionsCircle=IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(
1917  Oxx, // input from trajectory
1918  Oyy, // input from trajectory
1919  Rr, // input from trajectory
1920  GAP, // input, vertical gap in XY plane of STT detector.
1921  false, // true --> Left semicircle, false --> Right semicircle.
1922  Rma, // radius of external Stt containment.
1923  &XintersectionList[nIntersections], // output, X list of intersections (maximal 2).
1924  &YintersectionList[nIntersections]
1925  );
1928  nIntersections += nIntersectionsCircle;
1930 //-------- the starting point of the track.
1932  if(nIntersections<2) return -1;
1934  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
1935  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
1936  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
1938  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
1939  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
1940  // volume.
1943  Oxx,
1944  Oyy,
1945  Charge,
1946  FiStart,
1947  nIntersections,
1948  XintersectionList,
1949  YintersectionList,
1950  Xcross, // output
1951  Ycross // output
1952  );
1955  return 0;
1957 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
timer Start()
void ChooseEntranceExitbis(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Short_t IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight2 ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Start[3],
Double_t  ApotemaMin,
Double_t  ApotemaMax,
Double_t  GAP,
Double_t  XintersectionList[12],
Double_t  YintersectionList[12],
Double_t  FiOrderedList[12] 

Definition at line 1967 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, atan2(), b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), and TWO_PI.

1980 {
1984 // This methods finds the intersections between a trajectory coming from (0,0) and
1985 // parameters Oxx, Oyy, Rr with the closed geometrical figure (in XY) formed by the STT
1986 // external Left semicircle and the Outer STT parallel Left straw semi-Hexagon + Gap for
1987 // the pellet target target.
1988 // It returns the number of intersections (0 if there are no intersections);
1990 // At the most the number of such intersection is 12, that's why XintersectionList[12];
1991 // also the intersections are ordered from center to perifery according to the charge of the
1992 // track that dictates the sense of rotation;
1994  Short_t nIntersections;
1996  //Double_t cosFi, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1997  //theta1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1998  //theta2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1999  //Theta1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2000  //Theta2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2001  //aaa, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2002  //Fi, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2003  //FI0, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2004  //x1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2005  //x2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2006  //y1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2007  //y2; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2008 //------------------
2010  Short_t nIntersectionsCircle;
2011  Double_t FiStart;
2013 // finding all possible intersections with inner parallel straw region.
2016  Double_t Side_x[] = { GAP/2., GAP/2. , ApotemaMin, ApotemaMin, GAP/2., GAP/2. },
2017  Side_y[] = { sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.), (2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.),
2018  ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
2019  -ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),
2020  -(2.*ApotemaMin-GAP/2.)/sqrt(3.), -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.)},
2021  a[] = {1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
2022  b[] = {0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
2023  c[] = {-GAP/2.,-2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.),-ApotemaMin, 2.*ApotemaMin/sqrt(3.), -GAP/2.};
2025  nIntersections=IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(
2026  Oxx,
2027  Oyy,
2028  Rr,
2029  5, // n. Sides of open Polygon.
2030  a, // coefficient of formula : aX + bY + c = 0 defining the Polygon sides.
2031  b,
2032  c,
2033  Side_x, // X,Y coordinate of the Sides vertices (in sequence, following
2034  Side_y, // the Polygon along.
2035  XintersectionList, // XintersectionList
2036  YintersectionList // YintersectionList.
2037  );
2040 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2041 // finding intersections of trajectory [assumed to originate from (0,0) ]
2042 // with outer semicircle, the Left part.
2044  nIntersectionsCircle=IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(
2045  Oxx, // input from trajectory
2046  Oyy, // input from trajectory
2047  Rr, // input from trajectory
2048  GAP, // input, vertical gap in XY plane of STT detector.
2049  false, // true --> Left semicircle, false --> Right semicircle.
2050  Rma, // radius of external Stt containment.
2051  &XintersectionList[nIntersections], // output, X list of intersections (maximal 2).
2052  &YintersectionList[nIntersections]
2053  );
2055  nIntersections += nIntersectionsCircle;
2057 //-------- the starting point of the track.
2059  if(nIntersections == 0) return 0;
2061  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oyy,Start[0]-Oxx);
2062  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
2063  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
2065  // this method selects the entrance and exit points of the trajectory among all
2066  // geometrical intersections of the circular trajectory with the straw particular
2067  // volume; IT RETURNS all the intersections ordered from center to perifery according to the sense of
2068  // rotation dictated by the charge of the track;
2069  // the methods requires at least 2 intersection;
2072  Oxx,
2073  Oyy,
2074  Charge,
2075  FiStart,
2076  nIntersections,
2077  XintersectionList, // input and output;
2078  YintersectionList, // input and output;
2079  FiOrderedList // output;
2080  );
2083  return nIntersections;
2085 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
void ChooseEntranceExit3(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t *FiOrderedList)
timer Start()
const Double_t TWO_PI
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Short_t IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList)
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionCircle_Segment ( Double_t  a,
Double_t  b,
Double_t  c,
Double_t  P1x,
Double_t  P2x,
Double_t  P1y,
Double_t  P2y,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t *  Nintersections,
Double_t  XintersectionList[2],
Double_t  YintersectionList[2],
Double_t distance 

Definition at line 2092 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), status, x, and y.

2108 {
2109 // this method finds the intersection of a circle with a segment. If the circle
2110 // passes through an endpoint of the segment, that is considered an intersection also.
2112  bool status;
2114  Short_t ipossibility;
2116  Double_t aperp,
2117  bperp,
2118  cperp,
2119  det,
2120  distq,
2121  //dist1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2122  //dist2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2123  length,
2124  length_segmentq,
2125  Rq,
2126  x,
2127  y,
2128  Xintersection,
2129  Yintersection;
2131  *Nintersections=0;
2132  det = a*a+b*b ;
2133  if(det < 1.e-20){
2134  cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionCircle_Segment :"
2135  <<" this is not the equation of a segment; a = "<<a<<", b = "
2136  <<b<<", return false!\n";
2137  return false;
2138  }
2139  // find if intersection circle - segment is possible.
2140  // check if there is an intersection (with the squares, it's the same!).
2141  distq = ( a*Oxx+ b*Oyy + c )*( a*Oxx+ b*Oyy + c )/det;
2142  *distance = sqrt(distq);
2143  Rq=Rr*Rr;
2144  length = Rq - distq;
2145  if(length <= 0. ) return false; // no intersection between trajectory and this
2146  // segment.
2147  length = sqrt(length);
2148  // coefficients of line perpendicular to input segment and passing for (Oxx, Oyy).
2149  aperp = -b;
2150  bperp = a;
2151  cperp = - aperp*Oxx - bperp*Oyy;
2153  // find intersection of segment with perpendicular : no need to check if
2154  // det is different from 0.
2155  Xintersection = (-bperp*c + b*cperp)/det;
2156  Yintersection = (-a*cperp + aperp*c)/det;
2157  det = sqrt(det);
2158  length_segmentq = (P1x-P2x)*(P1x-P2x) + (P1y-P2y)*(P1y-P2y);
2159  status = false;
2160  for(ipossibility=-1;ipossibility<2;ipossibility +=2){
2161  x = Xintersection + ipossibility*length*b/det ;
2162  y = Yintersection - ipossibility*length*a/det ;
2163  if ( (x-P1x)*(x-P1x)+(y-P1y)*(y-P1y) > length_segmentq // factor to take
2164  // (grossly) errors in trajectory into account;
2165  ||
2166  (x-P2x)*(x-P2x)+(y-P2y)*(y-P2y) > length_segmentq
2167  ) continue;
2168  status = true;
2169  XintersectionList[*Nintersections] = x;
2170  YintersectionList[*Nintersections] = y;
2171  (*Nintersections)++;
2172  } // end of for(ipossibility=-1; ...
2174  return status;
2175 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Double_t x
Double_t y
int status[10]
Definition: f_Init.h:28
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionCircle_Segment_forScitil ( Double_t  a,
Double_t  b,
Double_t  c,
Double_t  P1x,
Double_t  P2x,
Double_t  P1y,
Double_t  P2y,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  factor,
Short_t *  Nintersections,
Double_t  XintersectionList[2],
Double_t  YintersectionList[2],
Double_t distance 

Definition at line 2183 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, b, c, Double_t, sqrt(), status, x, and y.

2200 {
2201 // this method finds the intersection of a circle with a segment. If the circle
2202 // passes through an endpoint of the segment, that is considered an intersection also.
2204  bool status;
2206  Short_t ipossibility;
2208  Double_t aperp,
2209  bperp,
2210  cperp,
2211  det,
2212  distq,
2213  //dist1, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2214  //dist2, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2215  length,
2216  length_segmentq,
2217  Rq,
2218  x,
2219  y,
2220  Xintersection,
2221  Yintersection;
2223  *Nintersections=0;
2224  det = a*a+b*b ;
2225  if(det < 1.e-20){
2226  cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionCircle_Segment :"
2227  <<" this is not the equation of a segment; a = "<<a<<", b = "
2228  <<b<<", return false!\n";
2229  return false;
2230  }
2231  // find if intersection circle - segment is possible.
2232  // check if there is an intersection (with the squares, it's the same!).
2233  distq = ( a*Oxx+ b*Oyy + c )*( a*Oxx+ b*Oyy + c )/det;
2234  *distance = sqrt(distq);
2235  Rq=Rr*Rr;
2236  length = Rq - distq;
2237  if(length <= 0. ) return false; // no intersection between trajectory and this
2238  // segment.
2239  length = sqrt(length);
2240  // coefficients of line perpendicular to input segment and passing for (Oxx, Oyy).
2241  aperp = -b;
2242  bperp = a;
2243  cperp = - aperp*Oxx - bperp*Oyy;
2245  // find intersection of segment with perpendicular : no need to check if
2246  // det is different from 0.
2247  Xintersection = (-bperp*c + b*cperp)/det;
2248  Yintersection = (-a*cperp + aperp*c)/det;
2249  det = sqrt(det);
2250  length_segmentq = (P1x-P2x)*(P1x-P2x) + (P1y-P2y)*(P1y-P2y);
2251  status = false;
2252  for(ipossibility=-1;ipossibility<2;ipossibility +=2){
2253  x = Xintersection + ipossibility*length*b/det ;
2254  y = Yintersection - ipossibility*length*a/det ;
2255  if ( (x-P1x)*(x-P1x)+(y-P1y)*(y-P1y) > factor*length_segmentq // factor to take
2256  // (grossly) errors in trajectory into account;
2257  ||
2258  (x-P2x)*(x-P2x)+(y-P2y)*(y-P2y) > factor*length_segmentq
2259  ) continue;
2260  status = true;
2261  XintersectionList[*Nintersections] = x;
2262  YintersectionList[*Nintersections] = y;
2263  (*Nintersections)++;
2264  } // end of for(ipossibility=-1; ...
2266  return status;
2267 }
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
Double_t x
Double_t y
int status[10]
Definition: f_Init.h:28
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionSciTil_Circle ( Double_t  posizSciTilx,
Double_t  posizSciTily,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t *  Nintersections,
Double_t  XintersectionList[2],
Double_t  YintersectionList[2] 

Definition at line 2272 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References DIMENSIONSCITIL, Double_t, and sqrt().

Referenced by PndTrkCTFindTrackInXY::AssociateSciTilHit(), PndTrkCTFindTrackInXY2::AssociateSciTilHit(), PndTrkPlotMacros::WriteAllMacros(), and PndTrkPlotMacros2::WriteAllMacros().

2283 {
2285  bool intersect;
2287  Double_t
2288  distance,
2289  QQ,
2290  sqrtRR,
2291  SIGN;
2294  QQ = posizSciTilx*posizSciTilx+posizSciTily*posizSciTily;
2295  sqrtRR=sqrt(QQ);
2297  if( posizSciTily<0.) SIGN=-1.;
2298  else SIGN=1.;
2302  posizSciTilx,
2303  posizSciTily,
2304  -QQ,
2305  posizSciTilx-SIGN*0.5*DIMENSIONSCITIL*posizSciTily/sqrtRR,
2306  posizSciTilx+SIGN*0.5*DIMENSIONSCITIL*posizSciTily/sqrtRR,
2307  posizSciTily+SIGN*posizSciTilx*0.5*DIMENSIONSCITIL/sqrtRR,
2308  posizSciTily-SIGN*posizSciTilx*0.5*DIMENSIONSCITIL/sqrtRR,
2309  Oxx,
2310  Oyy,
2311  Rr,
2312  2.25, // factor to take into account errors in the determination of the trajectory circle;
2313  Nintersections, // output
2314  XintersectionList, // output
2315  YintersectionList, // output
2316  &distance // output
2317  );
2319  return intersect;
2320 }
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment_forScitil(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t factor, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  Ami,
Double_t  Ama,
Short_t *  nIntersections,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList 

Definition at line 2328 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, b, c, Double_t, is, and sqrt().

2341 {
2344  // return integer convention :
2345  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
2346  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon;
2347  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
2350  // inner Hexagon --> 0
2351  // outer Hexagon --> 1
2353  bool internal,
2354  AtLeast1;
2356  Short_t is,
2357  j,
2358  Nintersections;
2360  Double_t aaa,
2361  maxdistq,
2362  distance,
2363  //-------------------
2364  // a,b,c == coefficients of the implicit equations of the 3 sides of the half inner Hexagon
2365  // plus 3 sides of the half outer Hexagon plus 2 vertical sides corresponding to the Gap :
2366  // a*x + b*y +c =0; the numbering of these 8 sides follows the convention of Gianluigi's
2367  // logbook on page 286.
2368 a[] = {-1./sqrt(3.) , 1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
2369 b[] = {1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
2370 c[] = {-2.*Ama/sqrt(3.),Ama, 2.*Ama/sqrt(3.),vgap/2.,2.*Ami/sqrt(3.),Ami, -2.*Ami/sqrt(3.),vgap/2.},
2371  //----------------------
2373  tempX[2],
2374  tempY[2];
2376  // side_x and side_y are ordered as side1, side2, ..... in Gianluigi's logbook on page 286.
2377  Double_t
2378  side_x[] = { -vgap/2., -Ama , -Ama, -vgap/2., -vgap/2., -Ami,
2379  -Ami, -vgap/2., -vgap/2.},
2380  side_y[] = {(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.), Ama/sqrt(3.), -Ama/sqrt(3.),
2381  -(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.), -(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ami)/sqrt(3.),
2382  -Ami/sqrt(3.), Ami/sqrt(3.), (-0.5*vgap+2.*Ami)/sqrt(3.),
2383  (-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.) };
2387 //-----------------------
2389 // find intersections (maximum 16) with the 8 sides.
2393  AtLeast1 = false;
2394  *nIntersections =0;
2395  internal = true;
2396  maxdistq=-9999.;
2397  for(is=0; is<8; is++){
2398  aaa = (side_x[is]-Oxx)*(side_x[is]-Oxx)+(side_y[is]-Oyy)*(side_y[is]-Oyy);
2399  if(aaa>maxdistq) maxdistq=aaa;
2400  aaa = (side_x[is+1]-Oxx)*(side_x[is+1]-Oxx)+(side_y[is+1]-Oyy)*(side_y[is+1]-Oyy);
2401  if(aaa>maxdistq) maxdistq=aaa;
2403  a[is],
2404  b[is],
2405  c[is],
2406  side_x[is],
2407  side_x[is+1],
2408  side_y[is],
2409  side_y[is+1],
2410  Oxx,
2411  Oyy,
2412  Rr,
2413  &Nintersections,
2414  tempX,
2415  tempY,
2416  &distance // distance of (Oxx,Oyy) from line
2417  // defined by a*x+b*y+c=0.
2418  )
2419  ){
2420  AtLeast1=true;
2421  for(j=0;j<Nintersections;j++){
2422  XintersectionList[ *nIntersections ] =tempX[j];
2423  YintersectionList[ *nIntersections ] =tempY[j];
2424  (*nIntersections)++;
2425  }
2426  } // end of if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment( .....
2429  // the definition of 'internal' here is when the given Point
2430  // stays at the same side of the origin (0,0) with respect to
2431  // the given line of equation a*x+b*y+c=0.
2432  if(is<3) {
2433  internal = internal && IsInternal(Oxx,
2434  Oyy,
2435  a[is],
2436  b[is],
2437  c[is]
2438  );
2439  } else {
2440  internal = internal && (!IsInternal(Oxx,
2441  Oyy,
2442  a[is],
2443  b[is],
2444  c[is]
2445  ) );
2446  }
2448  } // end of for(is=0; is<8; is++)
2451  if( !AtLeast1){
2452  if (!internal) return -1;// trajectory outside polygon.
2453  if( maxdistq < Rr*Rr ) return -1;// trajectory outside polygon.
2454  return 1; // trajectory completely contained inside this Polygon.
2455  }
2456  return 0;
2458 }
bool IsInternal(Double_t Px, Double_t Py, Double_t Xtraslation, Double_t Ytraslation, Double_t Theta)
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
static int is
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight ( Double_t  vgap,
Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  Ami,
Double_t  Ama,
Short_t *  nIntersections,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList 

Definition at line 2470 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, b, c, Double_t, is, and sqrt().

2483 {
2486  // return integer convention :
2487  // -1 --> track outside outer perimeter;
2488  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with polygon;
2489  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
2492  // inner Hexagon --> 0
2493  // outer Hexagon --> 1
2495  bool internal,
2496  AtLeast1;
2498  Short_t //i, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2499  is,
2500  j,
2501  Nintersections;
2503  Double_t aaa,
2504  maxdistq,
2505  distance,
2506  //-------------------
2507  // a,b,c == coefficients of the implicit equations of the 3 sides of the half inner Hexagon
2508  // plus 3 sides of the half outer Hexagon plus 2 vertical sides corresponding to the Gap :
2509  // a*x + b*y +c =0; the numbering of these 8 sides foolows the convention of Gianluigi's
2510  // logbook on page 286.
2511 a[] = {1./sqrt(3.) , 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1., 1./sqrt(3.), 1.},
2512 b[] = {1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0.},
2513 c[] = {-2.*Ama/sqrt(3.),-Ama, 2.*Ama/sqrt(3.),-vgap/2.,2.*Ami/sqrt(3.),-Ami, -2.*Ami/sqrt(3.),-vgap/2.},
2514  //----------------------
2516  tempX[2],
2517  tempY[2];
2519  // side_x and side_y are ordered as side1, side2, ..... in Gianluigi's logbook on page 286.
2520  Double_t
2521  side_x[] = { vgap/2., Ama , Ama, vgap/2., vgap/2., Ami,
2522  Ami, vgap/2., vgap/2.},
2523  side_y[] = {(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.), Ama/sqrt(3.), -Ama/sqrt(3.),
2524  -(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.), -(-0.5*vgap+2.*Ami)/sqrt(3.),
2525  -Ami/sqrt(3.), Ami/sqrt(3.), (-0.5*vgap+2.*Ami)/sqrt(3.),
2526  (-0.5*vgap+2.*Ama)/sqrt(3.) };
2530 //-----------------------
2532 // find intersections (maximum 16) with the 8 sides.
2534  AtLeast1 = false;
2535  *nIntersections =0;
2536  internal = true;
2537  maxdistq=-9999.;
2538  for(is=0; is<8; is++){
2539  aaa = (side_x[is]-Oxx)*(side_x[is]-Oxx)+(side_y[is]-Oyy)*(side_y[is]-Oyy);
2540  if(aaa>maxdistq) maxdistq=aaa;
2541  aaa = (side_x[is+1]-Oxx)*(side_x[is+1]-Oxx)+(side_y[is+1]-Oyy)*(side_y[is+1]-Oyy);
2542  if(aaa>maxdistq) maxdistq=aaa;
2544  a[is],
2545  b[is],
2546  c[is],
2547  side_x[is],
2548  side_x[is+1],
2549  side_y[is],
2550  side_y[is+1],
2551  Oxx,
2552  Oyy,
2553  Rr,
2554  &Nintersections,
2555  tempX,
2556  tempY,
2557  &distance // distance of (Oxx,Oyy) from line
2558  // defined by a*x+b*y+c=0.
2559  )
2560  )
2561  {
2562  AtLeast1=true;
2563  for(j=0;j<Nintersections;j++){
2564  XintersectionList[ *nIntersections ] =tempX[j];
2565  YintersectionList[ *nIntersections ] =tempY[j];
2566  (*nIntersections)++;
2567  }
2568  } // end of if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment( .....
2571  // the definition of 'internal' here is when the given Point
2572  // stays at the same side of the origin (0,0) with respect to
2573  // the given line of equation a*x+b*y+c=0.
2574  if(is<3) {
2575  internal = internal && IsInternal(Oxx,
2576  Oyy,
2577  a[is],
2578  b[is],
2579  c[is]
2580  );
2581  } else {
2582  internal = internal && (!IsInternal(Oxx,
2583  Oyy,
2584  a[is],
2585  b[is],
2586  c[is]
2587  ) );
2588  }
2590  } // end of for(is=0; is<8; is++)
2593  if( !AtLeast1){
2594  if (!internal) return -1;// trajectory outside polygon.
2595  if( maxdistq < Rr*Rr ) return -1;// trajectory outside polygon.
2596  return 1; // trajectory completely contained inside this Polygon.
2597  }
2598  return 0;
2600 }
bool IsInternal(Double_t Px, Double_t Py, Double_t Xtraslation, Double_t Ytraslation, Double_t Theta)
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
static int is
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  Rmi,
Double_t  Rma,
Short_t  nIntersections[2],
Double_t  XintersectionList[][2],
Double_t  YintersectionList[][2] 

Definition at line 2608 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References a, b, c, Double_t, i, is, and sqrt().

2620 {
2623  // return integer convention :
2624  // -2 --> track outside outer polygon;
2625  // -1 --> track contained completely within inner polygon;
2626  // 0 --> at least 1 intersection with inner polygon, at least 1 with outer polygon;
2627  // 1 --> track contained completely between the two polygons;
2628  // 2 --> track contained completely by larger polygons, with intersections in the smaller;
2629  // 3 --> track completely outsiede the small polygon with intersections in the bigger.
2632  // inner Hexagon --> 0
2633  // outer Hexagon --> 1
2635  bool internal[2],
2636  AtLeast1[2];
2638  Short_t i,
2639  is,
2640  j,
2641  Nintersections;
2643  Double_t mindist[2],
2644  distance,
2645  //-------------------
2646  // a,b,c == coefficients of the implicit equations of the six sides of the Hexagon
2647  // centered at 0 : a*x + b*y +c =0; see Gianluigi's logbook on page 277;
2648  // the coefficient c has to be multiplied by Erre.
2649  // The first side is
2650  a[] = { 1./sqrt(3.) , 1., -1./sqrt(3.), 1./sqrt(3.) , 1. , -1./sqrt(3.) } ,
2651  b[] = { 1., 0. , 1., 1., 0. , 1. },
2652  c[] = { -2./sqrt(3.) , -1., 2./sqrt(3.), 2./sqrt(3.), 1., -2./sqrt(3.)},
2653  //----------------------
2655  Erre[] = {Rmi, Rma}, // this is the distance from (0,0)
2656  // of the SIDES of the Hexagon delimiting the Skew area
2657  tempX[2],
2658  tempY[2];
2660  // both hexagon_side_xlow and hexagon_side_xup must be multiplied by appropriate Erre;
2661  // sides of Hexagon ordered as a, b, c ..... in Gianluigi's logbook on page 280.
2662  Double_t
2663  hexagon_side_x[] = { 0., 1. , 1., 0., -1., -1., 0. },
2664  hexagon_side_y[] = { 2./sqrt(3.),1./sqrt(3.),-1./sqrt(3.),
2665  -2./sqrt(3.),-1./sqrt(3.), 1./sqrt(3.), 2./sqrt(3.)};
2669 //-----------------------
2671 // find intersection with the 6 sides of the small exhagon delimiting the skew straws zone
2672 // see on page 277 of Gianluigi's logbook.
2674  // status =0, at least 1 intersection with inner Hexagon, at least 1 intersection
2675  // with the outer Hexagon; =1, track contained completely between the
2676  // two Hexagons; = -1 track contained within inner Hexagon;
2677  // =-2 track outside outer Hexagon.
2680  for(i=0;i<2;i++){ // i=0 --> inner Hexagon, i= 1 --> outer Hexagon.
2681  AtLeast1[i] = false;
2682  nIntersections[i]=0;
2683  internal[i] = true;
2684  mindist[i]=999999.;
2685  for(is=0; is<6; is++){
2686  if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment(a[is],
2687  b[is],
2688  c[is]*Erre[i],
2689  hexagon_side_x[is]*Erre[i],
2690  hexagon_side_x[is+1]*Erre[i],
2691  hexagon_side_y[is]*Erre[i],
2692  hexagon_side_y[is+1]*Erre[i],
2693  Oxx,
2694  Oyy,
2695  Rr,
2696  &Nintersections,
2697  tempX,
2698  tempY,
2699  &distance // distance of (Oxx,Oyy) from line
2700  // defined by a*x+b*y+c=0.
2701  )
2702  )
2703  {
2704  AtLeast1[i]=true;
2705  for(j=0;j<Nintersections;j++){
2706  XintersectionList[ nIntersections[i] ][i] =tempX[j];
2707  YintersectionList[ nIntersections[i] ][i] =tempY[j];
2708  nIntersections[i]++;
2709  }
2710  } // end of if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment( .....
2712  if(mindist[i]>distance) mindist[i]=distance;
2714  // the definition of 'internal' here is when the given Point
2715  // stays at the same side of the origin (0,0) with respect to
2716  // the given line of equation a*x+b*y+c=0.
2717  internal[i] = internal[i] && IsInternal(Oxx,
2718  Oyy,
2719  a[is],
2720  b[is],
2721  c[is]*Erre[i]
2722  );
2724  } // end of for(is=0; is<6; is++)
2725  } // end of for(i=0;i<2;i++)
2728  if( (!AtLeast1[0]) && (!AtLeast1[1]) ){
2729  if (!internal[1]) return -2; // trajectory outside outer Hexagon.
2730  if( Rr > mindist[1]) return -2;
2731  if( !internal[0]) return 1; // trajectory contained between inner and outer Hexagon.
2732  if( mindist[0] >= Rr) return -1; // trajectory contained in inner Hexagon.
2733  return 1; // trajectory contained between inner and outer Hexagon.
2734  } else if (AtLeast1[0] && AtLeast1[1] ){ // continuation of if( (!AtLeast1[0]) && ...
2735  return 0;
2736  } else if (AtLeast1[0]){
2737  return 2;
2738  }
2740  return 3;
2741 }
bool IsInternal(Double_t Px, Double_t Py, Double_t Xtraslation, Double_t Ytraslation, Double_t Theta)
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TTree * b
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
static int is
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  gap,
bool  left,
Double_t  Rma,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList 

Definition at line 2749 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References acos(), atan2(), cos(), Double_t, sin(), and sqrt().

2759 {
2761  Short_t nIntersectionsCircle;
2763  Double_t cosFi,
2764  theta1,
2765  theta2,
2766  Theta1,
2767  Theta2,
2768  aaa,
2769  Fi,
2770  FI0,
2771  x1,
2772  x2,
2773  y1,
2774  y2;
2778  nIntersectionsCircle=0;
2779  aaa = sqrt(Oxx*Oxx+Oyy*Oyy);
2781  // preliminary condition for having intersections between trajectory and Circle.
2783  if( !( aaa >= Rr + Rma || Rr >= aaa + Rma) &&
2784  !( aaa + Rr <= Rma || aaa - Rr >= Rma ) ) {
2786 // now the calculation
2788  FI0 = atan2(-Oyy,-Oxx);
2789  cosFi = (aaa*aaa + Rr*Rr - Rma*Rma)/(2.*Rr*aaa);
2790  if(cosFi<-1.) cosFi=-1.; else if(cosFi>1.) cosFi=1.;
2791  Fi = acos(cosFi);
2794  // (x1, y1) and (x2,y2) are the intersections between the trajectory
2795  // and the circle, in the laboratory reference frame.
2796  x1 = Oxx+Rr*cos(FI0 - Fi);
2797  y1 = Oyy+Rr*sin(FI0 - Fi);
2798  theta1 = atan2(y1,x1); // in this way theta1 is between -PI and PI.
2799  x2 = Oxx+Rr*cos(FI0 + Fi);
2800  y2 = Oyy+Rr*sin(FI0 + Fi);
2801  theta2 = atan2(y2,x2); // in this way theta2 is between -PI and PI.
2802  // Theta1, Theta2 = angle of the edges of the outer circle + Gap in the laboratory frame.
2803  // Theta1, Theta2 are angles between -PI/2 and +PI/2.
2804  if(!left){ // Right (looking into the beam) Semicircle.
2805  Theta2 = atan2( sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.),GAP/2.);
2806  Theta1 = atan2( -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.),GAP/2.);
2807  if( Theta1<= theta1 && theta1 <= Theta2 ){
2808  XintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=x1;
2809  YintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=y1;
2810  nIntersectionsCircle++;
2811  }
2812  if( Theta1<= theta2 && theta2 <= Theta2 ){
2813  XintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=x2;
2814  YintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=y2;
2815  nIntersectionsCircle++;
2816  }
2817  } else { // Left (looking into the beam) Semicircle.
2818  Theta2 = atan2( -sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.),-GAP/2.);
2819  Theta1 = atan2( sqrt(Rma*Rma-GAP*GAP/4.),-GAP/2.);
2820  if( Theta1<= theta1 || theta1 <= Theta2 ){
2821  XintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=x1;
2822  YintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=y1;
2823  nIntersectionsCircle++;
2824  }
2825  if( Theta1<= theta2 || theta2 <= Theta2 ){
2826  XintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=x2;
2827  YintersectionList[nIntersectionsCircle]=y2;
2828  nIntersectionsCircle++;
2829  }
2830  }
2832  } // end of if (!( a >= Rr + Rma || .....
2834 //---------------------------- end of calculation intersection with outer circle.
2836  return nIntersectionsCircle;
2839 }
friend F32vec4 acos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:113
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Short_t  nSides,
Double_t a,
Double_t b,
Double_t c,
Double_t side_x,
Double_t side_y,
Double_t XintersectionList,
Double_t YintersectionList 

Definition at line 2846 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References Double_t, and is.

2861 {
2863  // this methods returns the n. of intersections.
2865  Short_t //i, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2866  is,
2867  j,
2868  nIntersections,
2869  Nintersections;
2871  Double_t //mindist, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2872  distance,
2873  //-------------------
2874  // a,b,c == coefficients of the implicit equations of the six sides of the Hexagon
2875  // centered at 0 : a*x + b*y +c =0; see Gianluigi's logbook on page 277;
2876  // the coefficient c has to be multiplied by Erre.
2878  tempX[2],
2879  tempY[2];
2884 //-----------------------
2886  nIntersections=0;
2887  for(is=0; is<nSides; is++){
2888  if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment(a[is],
2889  b[is],
2890  c[is],
2891  Side_x[is],
2892  Side_x[is+1],
2893  Side_y[is],
2894  Side_y[is+1],
2895  Oxx,
2896  Oyy,
2897  Rr,
2898  &Nintersections,
2899  tempX,
2900  tempY,
2901  &distance // distance of (Oxx,Oyy) from line
2902  // defined by a*x+b*y+c=0.
2903  )
2904  ){
2907  for(j=0;j<Nintersections;j++){
2908  XintersectionList[ nIntersections ] =tempX[j];
2909  YintersectionList[ nIntersections ] =tempY[j];
2910  nIntersections ++;
2911  }
2912  } // end of if ( IntersectionCircle_Segment( .....
2915  } // end of for(is=0; is<nSides; is++)
2916 // } // end of for(i=0;i<2;i++)
2920  return nIntersections;
2921 }
TTree * b
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
static int is
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
bool IntersectionCircle_Segment(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance)
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk10_41to10_43 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3443 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3447 {
3448 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3449 // they are placed between 10.41 and 10.43 in Z;
3450 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 197 for the geometry detail;
3452 // this geometry is the same as the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3454  if(
3455  (X > -6.96 && X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3456  ||
3457  (X > -4.64 && X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3458  ||
3459  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3460  ||
3461  (X > 0. && X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3462  ||
3463  (X > 2.3 && X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3464  ||
3465  (X > 4.64 && X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3466  ) return true;
3469  return false;
3470 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk10_41to10_43withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3478 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3484 {
3485 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3486 // they are placed between 10.41 and 10.43 in Z;
3487 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 197 for the geometry detail;
3489 // this geometry is the same as the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3491  if(
3492  (X > -6.96 + xmargin && X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3493  ||
3494  (X > -4.64 + xmargin && X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3495  ||
3496  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3497  ||
3498  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3499  ||
3500  (X > 2.3 + xmargin && X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3501  ||
3502  (X > 4.64 + xmargin && X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3503  ) return true;
3506  return false;
3507 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk14_77to14_79 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3518 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3522 {
3523 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3524 // they are placed between 14.77 and 14.79 in Z;
3525 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3527 // this geometry is the same as the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3529  if(
3530  (X > -6.96 && X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3531  ||
3532  (X > -4.64 && X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3533  ||
3534  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3535  ||
3536  (X > 0. && X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3537  ||
3538  (X > 2.3 && X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3539  ||
3540  (X > 4.64 && X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3541  ) return true;
3545  return false;
3546 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk14_77to14_79withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3554 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3560 {
3561 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3562 // they are placed between 14.77 and 14.79 in Z;
3563 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3565 // this geometry is the same as the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3567  if(
3568  (X > -6.96 + xmargin && X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3569  ||
3570  (X > -4.64 + xmargin && X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3571  ||
3572  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3573  ||
3574  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3575  ||
3576  (X > 2.3 + xmargin && X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3577  ||
3578  (X > 4.64 + xmargin && X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3579  ) return true;
3583  return false;
3584 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk15_21to15_23 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3595 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3599 {
3600 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3601 // they are placed between 15.21 and 15.23 in Z;
3602 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3604 // this geometry is the same as the Z=7.41_7.43 geometry;
3606  if(
3607  (-X > -6.96 && -X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3608  ||
3609  (-X > -4.64 && -X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3610  ||
3611  (-X > -2.33 && -X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3612  ||
3613  (-X > 0. && -X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3614  ||
3615  (-X > 2.3 && -X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3616  ||
3617  (-X > 4.64 && -X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3618  ) return true;
3622  return false;
3623 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk15_21to15_23withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3631 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3637 {
3638 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3639 // they are placed between 15.21 and 15.23 in Z;
3640 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3642 // this geometry is the same as the Z=7.41_7.43 geometry;
3644  if(
3645  (-X > -6.96 + xmargin && -X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3646  ||
3647  (-X > -4.64 + xmargin && -X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3648  ||
3649  (-X > -2.33 + xmargin && -X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3650  ||
3651  (-X > 0. + xmargin && -X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3652  ||
3653  (-X > 2.3 + xmargin && -X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3654  ||
3655  (-X > 4.64 + xmargin && -X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3656  ) return true;
3660  return false;
3661 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk1_97to1_99 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 2990 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

2994 {
2995 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
2996 // they are placed between 1.97 and 1.99 in Z;
2997 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 193 for the geometry detail;
2999  if(
3000  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && Y > -2.26 && Y < 2.26 )
3001  ||
3002  (X > 0. && X < 1.21 && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3003  ||
3004  (X > 2.32 && X < 3.48 && fabs(Y) < 1.12)
3005  ) return true;
3007  return false;
3008 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk1_97to1_99withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3016 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3022 {
3023 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3024 // they are placed between 1.97 and 1.99 in Z;
3025 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 193 for the geometry detail;
3027  if(
3028  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && Y > -2.26 + ymargin && Y < 2.26 - ymargin )
3029  ||
3030  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.21 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3031  ||
3032  (X > 2.32 + xmargin && X < 3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 1.12 - ymargin)
3033  ) return true;
3035  return false;
3036 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk21_77to21_79 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3672 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3676 {
3677 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3678 // they are placed between 21.77 and 21.79 in Z;
3679 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3681 // this geometry is the same as the Z=7.41_7.43 geometry;
3684  if(
3685  (-X > -6.96 && -X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3686  ||
3687  (-X > -4.64 && -X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3688  ||
3689  (-X > -2.33 && -X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3690  ||
3691  (-X > 0. && -X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3692  ||
3693  (-X > 2.3 && -X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3694  ||
3695  (-X > 4.64 && -X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3696  ) return true;
3701  return false;
3702 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk21_77to21_79withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3710 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3716 {
3717 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3718 // they are placed between 21.77 and 21.79 in Z;
3719 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 198 for the geometry detail;
3722 // this geometry is the same as the Z=7.41_7.43 geometry;
3725  if(
3726  (-X > -6.96 && -X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3727  ||
3728  (-X > -4.64 && -X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3729  ||
3730  (-X > -2.33 && -X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3731  ||
3732  (-X > 0. && -X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3733  ||
3734  (-X > 2.3 && -X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3735  ||
3736  (-X > 4.64 && -X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3737  ) return true;
3740  return false;
3741 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk22_21to22_23 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3752 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3756 {
3757 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3758 // they are placed between 22.21 and 22.23 in Z;
3759 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 193 for the geometry detail;
3762  if(
3763  (X > -6.96 && X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3764  ||
3765  (X > -4.64 && X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3766  ||
3767  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3768  ||
3769  (X > 0. && X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3770  ||
3771  (X > 2.3 && X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3772  ||
3773  (X > 4.64 && X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3774  ) return true;
3779  return false;
3780 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk22_21to22_23withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3788 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3794 {
3795 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3796 // they are placed between 22.21 and 22.23 in Z;
3797 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 193 for the geometry detail;
3800  if(
3801  (X > -6.96 + xmargin && X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3802  ||
3803  (X > -4.64 + xmargin && X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3804  ||
3805  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3806  ||
3807  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3808  ||
3809  (X > 2.3 + xmargin && X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3810  ||
3811  (X > 4.64 + xmargin && X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3812  ) return true;
3817  return false;
3818 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk2_41to2_43 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3044 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3048 {
3049 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3050 // they are placed between 2.41 and 2.43 in Z;
3051 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 194 for the geometry detail;
3054  if(
3055  ( X > 1.17 && X < 2.33 && Y > -2.26 && Y < 2.26 )
3056  ||
3057  ( X < 0. && X > -1.21 && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3058  ||
3059  ( X < -2.32 && X > -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 1.12)
3060  ) return true;
3062  return false;
3063 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk2_41to2_43withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3071 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3077 {
3078 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3079 // they are placed between 2.41 and 2.43 in Z;
3080 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 194 for the geometry detail;
3082  if(
3083  ( X > 1.17 + xmargin && X < 2.33 - xmargin && Y > -2.26 + ymargin && Y < 2.26 - ymargin )
3084  ||
3085  ( X < 0. - xmargin && X > -1.21 + xmargin && fabs(Y) < 3.43 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin )
3086  ||
3087  ( X < -2.32 - xmargin && X > -3.48 + xmargin && fabs(Y) < 1.12 - ymargin )
3088  ) return true;
3091  return false;
3092 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk3_97to3_99 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3103 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3107 {
3108 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3109 // they are placed between 3.97 and 3.99 in Z;
3110 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 195 for the geometry detail;
3113  if(
3114  ( X > 1.17 && X < 2.33 && Y > -2.26 && Y < 2.26 )
3115  ||
3116  ( X < 0. && X > -1.21 && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3117  ||
3118  ( X < -2.32 && X > -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 1.12)
3119  ) return true;
3122  return false;
3123 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk3_97to3_99withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3131 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3137 {
3138 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3139 // they are placed between 3.97 and 3.99 in Z;
3140 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 193 for the geometry detail;
3142  if(
3143  ( X > 1.17 + xmargin && X < 2.33 - xmargin && Y > -2.26 + ymargin && Y < 2.26 - ymargin )
3144  ||
3145  ( X < 0. - xmargin && X > -1.21 + xmargin && fabs(Y) < 3.43 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin )
3146  ||
3147  ( X < -2.32 - xmargin && X > -3.48 + xmargin && fabs(Y) < 1.12 - ymargin )
3148  ) return true;
3150  return false;
3151 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk4_41to4_43 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3162 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3166 {
3167 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3168 // they are placed between 4.41 and 4.43 in Z;
3169 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 195 for the geometry detail;
3171  if(
3172  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && Y > -2.26 && Y < 2.26 )
3173  ||
3174  (X > 0. && X < 1.21 && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3175  ||
3176  (X > 2.32 && X < 3.48 && fabs(Y) < 1.12)
3177  ) return true;
3179  return false;
3180 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk4_41to4_43withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3188 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3194 {
3195 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3196 // they are placed between 4.41 and 4.43 in Z;
3197 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 195 for the geometry detail;
3199  if(
3200  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && Y > -2.26 + ymargin && Y < 2.26 - ymargin )
3201  ||
3202  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.21 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 3.43 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3203  ||
3204  (X > 2.32 + xmargin && X < 3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 1.12 - ymargin)
3205  ) return true;
3207  return false;
3208 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk6_97to6_99 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3219 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3223 {
3224 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3225 // they are placed between 6.97 and 6.99 in Z;
3226 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 195 for the geometry detail;
3228  if(
3229  (X > -6.96 && X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3230  ||
3231  (X > -4.64 && X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3232  ||
3233  (X > -2.33 && X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3234  ||
3235  (X > 0. && X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3236  ||
3237  (X > 2.3 && X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3238  ||
3239  (X > 4.64 && X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3240  ) return true;
3242  return false;
3243 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk6_97to6_99withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3251 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3257 {
3258 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3259 // they are placed between 6.97 and 6.99 in Z;
3260 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 195 for the geometry detail;
3263  if(
3264  (X > -6.96 + xmargin && X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3265  ||
3266  (X > -4.64 + xmargin && X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3267  ||
3268  (X > -2.33 + xmargin && X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3269  ||
3270  (X > 0. + xmargin && X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3271  ||
3272  (X > 2.3 + xmargin && X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3273  ||
3274  (X > 4.64 + xmargin && X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3275  ) return true;
3279  return false;
3280 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk7_41to7_43 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3291 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3295 {
3296 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3297 // they are placed between 7.41 and 7.43 in Z;
3298 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 196 for the geometry detail;
3300 // this geometry is the mirror-reflected with respect of Y axis of the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3302  if(
3303  (-X > -6.96 && -X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3304  ||
3305  (-X > -4.64 && -X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3306  ||
3307  (-X > -2.33 && -X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3308  ||
3309  (-X > 0. && -X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3310  ||
3311  (-X > 2.3 && -X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3312  ||
3313  (-X > 4.64 && -X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3314  ) return true;
3318  return false;
3319 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk7_41to7_43withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3327 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3333 {
3334 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3335 // they are placed between 7.41 and 7.43 in Z;
3336 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 196 for the geometry detail;
3338 // this geometry is the mirror-reflected with respect of Y axis of the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3341  if(
3342  (-X > -6.96 + xmargin && -X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3343  ||
3344  (-X > -4.64 + xmargin && -X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3345  ||
3346  (-X > -2.33 + xmargin && -X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3347  ||
3348  (-X > 0. + xmargin && -X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3349  ||
3350  (-X > 2.3 + xmargin && -X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3351  ||
3352  (-X > 4.64 + xmargin && -X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3353  ) return true;
3358  return false;
3359 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk9_97to9_99 ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y 

Definition at line 3366 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::IsThereHitInMvdMiniDisk().

3370 {
3371 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3372 // they are placed between 9.97 and 9.99 in Z;
3373 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 197 for the geometry detail;
3375 // this geometry is the mirror-reflected with respect of Y axis of the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3377  if(
3378  (-X > -6.96 && -X < -5.8 && fabs(Y) < 2.31 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3379  ||
3380  (-X > -4.64 && -X < -3.48 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3381  ||
3382  (-X > -2.33 && -X < -1.17 && fabs(Y) < 6.87 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3383  ||
3384  (-X > 0. && -X < 1.16 && fabs(Y) < 6.85 && fabs(Y) > 1.19)
3385  ||
3386  (-X > 2.3 && -X < 3.46 && fabs(Y) < 5.73 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3387  ||
3388  (-X > 4.64 && -X < 5.8 && fabs(Y) < 4.59 && fabs(Y) > 0.07)
3389  ) return true;
3393  return false;
3394 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInMvdMiniDisk9_97to9_99withMargin ( Double_t  X,
Double_t  Y,
Double_t  xmargin,
Double_t  ymargin 

Definition at line 3402 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References fabs().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::Track_Crosses_MvdMiniDisk_withMargin().

3408 {
3409 // this is a set of sensors placed vertically perpendicularly to the Z direction;
3410 // they are placed between 9.97 and 9.99 in Z;
3411 // look at Gianluigi's logbook on page 197 for the geometry detail;
3413 // this geometry is the mirror-reflected with respect of Y axis of the Z=6.97_6.99 geometry;
3416  if(
3417  (-X > -6.96 + xmargin && -X < -5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 2.31 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3418  ||
3419  (-X > -4.64 + xmargin && -X < -3.48 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3420  ||
3421  (-X > -2.33 + xmargin && -X < -1.17 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.87 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3422  ||
3423  (-X > 0. + xmargin && -X < 1.16 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 6.85 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 1.19 + ymargin)
3424  ||
3425  (-X > 2.3 + xmargin && -X < 3.46 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 5.73 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3426  ||
3427  (-X > 4.64 + xmargin && -X < 5.8 - xmargin && fabs(Y) < 4.59 - ymargin && fabs(Y) > 0.07 + ymargin)
3428  ) return true;
3433  return false;
3434 }
double Y
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
double X
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:68
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInsideArc ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Short_t  Charge,
Double_t  Xcross[2],
Double_t  Ycross[2],
Double_t  Spoint 

Definition at line 2929 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References atan2(), Double_t, f1, f2, and TWO_PI.

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::BadTrack_ParStt(), PndTrkCleanup::GoodTrack(), and PndTrkCleanup::SttSkewCleanup().

2937 {
2939  Double_t f1,
2940  f2;
2943  // Xcross[0],Ycross[0] is the point of entrance.
2946  f1 = atan2(Ycross[0]-Oyy, Xcross[0]-Oxx);
2947  if(f1<0.) f1+= TWO_PI;
2948  if(f1<0.) f1= 0.;
2949  f2 = atan2(Ycross[1]-Oyy, Xcross[1]-Oxx);
2950  if(f2<0.) f2+= TWO_PI;
2951  if(f2<0.) f2= 0.;
2955  if(Charge<0){
2956  if(f1 > f2 ) f2 +=TWO_PI;
2957  if(f1 > f2 ) f2 = f1;
2958  if( f>f1){
2959  if(f<f2) return true; else return false;
2960  } else {
2961  f +=TWO_PI;
2962  if(f<f1) f= f1;
2963  if(f<f2) return true; else return false;
2964  }
2965  } else { // Charge > 0.
2966  if(f1 < f2 ) f1 +=TWO_PI;
2967  if(f1 < f2 ) f1 = f2;
2968  if( f>f2){
2969  if(f<f1) return true; else return false;
2970  } else {
2971  f +=TWO_PI;
2972  if(f<f2) f= f2;
2973  if(f<f1) return true; else return false;
2974  }
2975  } // end of if(Charge<0)
2976 }
TF1 * f1
Definition: reco_analys2.C:50
const Double_t TWO_PI
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
TFile * f2
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInTargetPipe ( Double_t  Oxx,
Double_t  Oyy,
Double_t  Rr,
Double_t  fi0,
Double_t  kappa,
Short_t  charge,
Double_t  gap 

Definition at line 3827 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References cos(), Double_t, fabs(), sin(), and sqrt().

Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::MvdCleanup_prova().

3836 {
3837  Short_t nintersections;
3839  Double_t delta,
3840  XintersectionList[8],
3841  YintersectionList[8],
3842  Xcross[2],
3843  Ycross[2];
3845  // find if this track lays in the target pipe volume
3846  // for distances < 15 (supposidly the maximum radius of the Mvd system)
3847  // and consequently it cannot have Mvd hits.
3849  nintersections=0;
3851  // intersections of trajectory with plane X = gap;
3852  delta = Rr*Rr - (gap-Oxx)*(gap-Oxx);
3853  if(delta>0.) {
3854  XintersectionList[0] = gap;
3855  YintersectionList[0] = sqrt(delta) + Oyy;
3856  XintersectionList[1] = gap;
3857  YintersectionList[1] = -sqrt(delta) + Oyy;
3858  nintersections+=2;
3859  }
3861  // intersections of trajectory with plane X = -gap;
3862  delta = Rr*Rr - (-gap-Oxx)*(-gap-Oxx);
3863  if(delta>0.) {
3864  XintersectionList[nintersections] = -gap;
3865  YintersectionList[nintersections] = sqrt(delta) + Oyy;
3866  XintersectionList[nintersections+1] = -gap;
3867  YintersectionList[nintersections+1] = -sqrt(delta) + Oyy;
3868  nintersections+=2;
3869  }
3872  // intersections of trajectory with plane Z = gap;
3873  XintersectionList[nintersections] = Oxx + Rr*cos(fi0+kappa*gap);
3874  YintersectionList[nintersections] = Oyy + Rr*sin(fi0+kappa*gap);
3875  nintersections++;
3877  // intersections of trajectory with plane Z = -gap;
3878  XintersectionList[nintersections] = Oxx + Rr*cos(fi0-kappa*gap);
3879  YintersectionList[nintersections] = Oyy + Rr*sin(fi0-kappa*gap);
3880  nintersections++;
3882  // order the found intersection point by increasing/decreasing FI
3883  // depending if the Charge is negative or positive.
3885  Oxx,
3886  Oyy,
3887  Charge,
3888  fi0,
3889  nintersections,// n. intersection in input.
3890  XintersectionList,
3891  YintersectionList,
3892  Xcross, // output
3893  Ycross // output
3894  );
3896  // here I suppose that the Mvd system CONSERVATIVELY ends at Rmax=5 cm.
3897 //---------------
3898 for(int ic=0;ic<nintersections;ic++){
3899 }
3900 //-------------
3901  if( fabs(Ycross[0]) > 4. ) return true;
3902  else return false;
3903 }
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
void ChooseEntranceExitbis(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2])
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
bool PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::IsInternal ( Double_t  Px,
Double_t  Py,
Double_t  Xtraslation,
Double_t  Ytraslation,
Double_t  Theta 

Definition at line 3909 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.

References cos(), and sin().

3916 {
3919  // for explanations see Gianluigi's logbook on page 278-280.
3921  if( (Xtraslation-Px)*sin(Theta) + (Py-Ytraslation)*cos(Theta) >= 0. ) return true;
3922  else return false;
3925 }
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
void PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits ( Double_t  Ox,
Double_t  Oy,
Double_t  R,
Double_t  Charge,
Short_t  nHits,
Short_t *  ListHits,
Double_t  info[][7],
Short_t &  nArcs_populated,
Short_t  nHitsInArc[56],
Short_t(*)  ListHitsInArc[56] 

Definition at line 3936 of file PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations.cxx.


Referenced by PndTrkCleanup::XYCleanup().

3952 {
3955  // nIntersection = number of sectors (entrance/exit) crossed by TRAJECTORY, namely by the entire
3956  // circle projection of the helix on XY;
3957  // nArcs = nIntersection/2 --> this is the number of Arcs in which the circle is segmented by the various
3958  // sectors of the axial straws;
3959  // nArcs_populated = the same as nArcs, but only those Arcs in which axial STT hits are actually present;
3962  Short_t
3963  half,
3964  i,
3965  //ihit, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3966  //j, //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3967  jArc,
3968  n,
3969  nArcs,
3970  nIntersections,
3971  oldArc,
3972  remainder;
3974  Double_t
3975  AllFiOrderedList[56],
3976  AllXOrderedList[56],
3977  AllYOrderedList[56],
3978  fi,
3979  FiStart,
3980  Start[3];
3981  //FiOrderedList12[12], //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable? // at most 12 intersections; ordered according to charge of the track
3982  // assuming it originated from (0,0,0);
3983  //FiOrderedList16[16]; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable? // at most 16 intersections; ordered according to charge of the track
3984  // assuming it originated from (0,0,0);
3988 //Double_t
3989  //XintersectionList12[12], // at most 12 intersections; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3990  //XintersectionList16[16], // at most 16 intersections; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3991  //YintersectionList12[12], // at most 12 intersections; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3992  //YintersectionList16[16]; // at most 16 intersections; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
3997  // origin of the track assumed in (0,0,0);
3998  Start[0]=Start[1]=Start[2]= 0.;
4002  // Sector number convention:
4003  // 1 --> Right Axial Outer;
4004  // 2 --> Right Axial Inner;
4005  // 3 --> Left Axial Inner;
4006  // 4 --> Left Axial Outer;
4009  nArcs=0;
4011  // Sector 1;
4013  Ox,
4014  Oy,
4015  R,
4016  Charge,
4017  Start,
4021  &AllXOrderedList[0],
4022  &AllYOrderedList[0],
4023 // AllXOrderedList,
4024 // AllYOrderedList,
4025  AllFiOrderedList
4026  );
4028  // nIntersections must be multiple of 2 (entrance/exit);
4029  // each pair entrance/exit defines an arc of the trajectory; each arc will be later analyzed for continuity;
4030  half = nIntersections/2;
4031  remainder = nIntersections - 2 * half; // this is like fmod, only for integer arguments;
4032  //------
4034  if( remainder != 0 ){
4035  cout<<"PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits,after FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight2;"
4036  <<"\n\todd number of intersections : "<<nIntersections<<", cannot be, return with nArcs_populated=0!\n";
4037  nArcs_populated=0;
4038  return;
4039  }
4040  //------
4044  nArcs += half;
4046 /*
4047  for(i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){
4048  cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations, 1; Inters. so far "<<nIntersections<<", X inter "<<AllXOrderedList[i]<<", Y inter "
4049  <<AllYOrderedList[i]<<endl;
4050  };
4051 */
4053  // Sector 2;
4056  Ox,
4057  Oy,
4058  R,
4059  Charge,
4060  Start,
4063  &AllXOrderedList[nIntersections],
4064  &AllYOrderedList[nIntersections],
4065  &AllFiOrderedList[nIntersections]
4066  );
4068  // n must be multiple of 2 (entrance/exit);
4069  // each pair entrance/exit defines an arc of the trajectory; each arc will be later analyzed for continuity;
4070  half = n/2;
4071  remainder = n - 2 * half; // this is like fmod, only for integer arguments;
4072  //------
4073  if( remainder != 0 ){
4074  cout<<"PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits,after FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight2;"
4075  <<"\n\todd number of intersections : "<<n<<", cannot be, return with nArcs_populated=0!\n";
4076  nArcs_populated=0;
4077  return;
4078  }
4079  //------
4081  nIntersections += n;
4083  nArcs += half;
4085 /* for(i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){ cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations, 2; Inters. so far "<<
4086 nIntersections<<", X inter "<<AllXOrderedList[i]<<", Y inter "
4087  <<AllYOrderedList[i]<<endl;};
4088 */
4090  // Sector 3;
4093  Ox,
4094  Oy,
4095  R,
4096  Charge,
4097  Start,
4100  &AllXOrderedList[nIntersections],
4101  &AllYOrderedList[nIntersections],
4102  &AllFiOrderedList[nIntersections]
4103  );
4104  // n must be multiple of 2 (entrance/exit);
4105  // each pair entrance/exit defines an arc of the trajectory; each arc will be later analyzed for continuity;
4106  half = n/2;
4107  remainder = n - 2 * half; // this is like fmod, only for integer arguments;
4108  //------
4109  if( remainder != 0 ){
4110  cout<<"PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits,after FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft2;"
4111  <<"\n\todd number of intersections : "<<n<<", cannot be, return with nArcs_populated=0!\n";
4112  nArcs_populated=0;
4113  return;
4114  }
4115  //------
4117  nArcs += half;
4121 // for(i=nIntersections;i<nIntersections+n;i++){ IntersectedSector[i]=3;};
4122  nIntersections += n;
4124 /* for(i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){ cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations, 3, Inters. so far "<<
4125 nIntersections<<", X inter "<<AllXOrderedList[i]<<", Y inter "
4126  <<AllYOrderedList[i]<<endl;};
4127 */
4129  // Sector 4;
4131  Ox,
4132  Oy,
4133  R,
4134  Charge,
4135  Start,
4139  &AllXOrderedList[nIntersections],
4140  &AllYOrderedList[nIntersections],
4141  &AllFiOrderedList[nIntersections]
4142  );
4143  // n must be multiple of 2 (entrance/exit);
4144  // each pair entrance/exit defines an arc of the trajectory; each arc will be later analyzed for continuity;
4145  half = n/2;
4146  remainder = n - 2 * half; // this is like fmod, only for integer arguments;
4147  //------
4148  if( remainder != 0 ){
4149  cout<<"PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations::ListAxialSectorsCrossedbyTrack_and_Hits,after FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft2;"
4150  <<"\n\todd number of intersections : "<<n<<", cannot be, return with nArcs_populated=0!\n";
4151  nArcs_populated=0;
4152  return;
4153  }
4154  //------
4156  nArcs += half;
4159  nIntersections += n;
4161 /* for(i=0;i<nIntersections;i++){ cout<<"from PndTrkCTGeometryCalculations, 4, Inters. so far "<<nIntersections<<
4162 ", X inter "<<AllXOrderedList[i]<<", Y inter "
4163  <<AllYOrderedList[i]<<endl;};
4164 */
4166  // now subdivide the hit list in many lists, on for each sector crossed by track;
4167  // since the List of Hits in a track should already be ordered from inside
4168  // outwards, the various ListHitsInArc[*][jArc] should be automatically
4169  // ordered from inside outwards; also the various Arcs shoud be already in the right sequence
4170  // from inside towards outside;
4172  FiStart = atan2( Start[1]-Oy,Start[0]-Ox);
4173  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart+= TWO_PI;
4174  if(FiStart<0.) FiStart =0.;
4176  oldArc = -1;
4177  nArcs_populated=0;
4179  if(Charge > 0.) { // particle runs clockwise;
4180  // loop over the hits in track;
4181  for(i=0;i<nHits;i++){
4182  fi = atan2(info[ListHits[i]][1]-Oy, info[ListHits[i]][0]-Ox);
4183  if(fi<0.) fi+= TWO_PI;
4184  if(fi<0.) fi =0.;
4185  if( fi > FiStart) fi -= TWO_PI;
4186  if( fi > FiStart) fi = FiStart;
4187  // find to which Arc this hit belongs;
4188  for(jArc=0;jArc<nArcs;jArc++){
4189  if(fi < AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc] && fi>AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc+1])
4190  {
4191  if( jArc != oldArc ){ // new Arc;
4192  oldArc=jArc;
4193  nHitsInArc[nArcs_populated] = 1;
4194  ListHitsInArc[0][nArcs_populated ] = ListHits[i];
4195  nArcs_populated++;
4196  } else {
4197  ListHitsInArc[ nHitsInArc[nArcs_populated-1] ][ nArcs_populated-1 ] = ListHits[i];
4198  nHitsInArc[ nArcs_populated-1 ] ++;
4199  } // end of if( jArc != oldArc )
4201  break;
4202  } // end of if(fi < AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc] && fi>AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc+1])
4203  } // end of for(j=0;j<nIntersections;j++)
4204  } // end of for(i=0;i<nHits;i++)
4206  } else { // continuation of if(charge > 0.) // negative particle run anticlockwise;
4209  // loop over the hits in track;
4210  for(i=0;i<nHits;i++){
4211  fi = atan2(info[ListHits[i]][1]-Oy, info[ListHits[i]][0]-Ox);
4212  if(fi<0.) fi+= TWO_PI;
4213  if(fi<0.) fi =0.;
4214  if( fi < FiStart) fi += TWO_PI;
4215  if( fi < FiStart) fi = FiStart;
4216  // find to which Arc this hit belongs;
4217  for(jArc=0;jArc<nArcs;jArc++){
4218  if(fi > AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc] && fi < AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc+1])
4219  {
4220  if( jArc != oldArc ){ // new Arc;
4221  oldArc=jArc;
4222  nHitsInArc[nArcs_populated] = 1;
4223  ListHitsInArc[0][nArcs_populated ] = ListHits[i];
4224  nArcs_populated++;
4225  } else {
4226  ListHitsInArc[ nHitsInArc[nArcs_populated-1] ][ nArcs_populated-1 ] = ListHits[i];
4227  nHitsInArc[ nArcs_populated-1 ] ++;
4228  } // end of if( jArc != oldArc )
4230  break;
4231  } // end of if(fi < AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc] && fi>AllFiOrderedList[2*jArc+1])
4232  } // end of for(j=0;j<nIntersections;j++)
4233  } // end of for(i=0;i<nHits;i++)
4236  } // end of if(charge > 0.)
4239  return;
4240 }
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft2(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t XintersectionList[12], Double_t YintersectionList[12], Double_t FiOrderedList[12])
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
int n
timer Start()
const Double_t TWO_PI
int nHits
Definition: RiemannTest.C:16
TFile * fi
const Double_t VERTICALGAP
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight2(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t XintersectionList[16], Double_t YintersectionList[16], Double_t FiOrderedList[16])
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft2(Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t XintersectionList[16], Double_t YintersectionList[16], Double_t FiOrderedList[16])
Short_t FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight2(Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t XintersectionList[12], Double_t YintersectionList[12], Double_t FiOrderedList[12])
Double_t R
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:61

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