7 gROOT->Macro(
21 digiparFile +=
24 FairRunAna *
new FairRunAna();
25 fRun->SetInputFile(simFile);
26 fRun->AddFriend(recoFile);
27 fRun->SetOutputFile(tracksFile);
30 FairRuntimeDb*
rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb();
32 FairParRootFileIo*
parInput1 =
new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged);
33 parInput1->open(parFile.Data(),
34 rtdb->setFirstInput(parInput1);
35 rtdb->setOutput(parInput1);
37 FairParAsciiFileIo*
parInput2 =
new FairParAsciiFileIo();
38 parInput2->open(digiparFile.Data(),
39 rtdb->setSecondInput(parInput2);
43 FairGeane *
Geane =
new FairGeane();
49 fRun->AddTask(mvdTrackFinder);
55 fRun->AddTask(sttFindTracks);
58 fRun->AddTask(SttMvdTracking);
64 fRun->AddTask(recoKalman);
78 fRun->AddTask(pidprobs);
96 cout <<
"Macro finished succesfully." << endl;
97 cout <<
"Output file is " << recoFile << endl;
98 cout <<
"Parameter file is " << parFile << endl;
99 cout <<
"Real time " << rtime <<
" s, CPU time " << ctime <<
" s" << endl;
int runTrackingPid(TString runfiles, Int_t nEvents=0)
std::string GetParFileName(std::string addon="", bool cut=false)
PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTask * mvdTrackFinder
void SetBarrelTrackBranch(TString branch)
void SetPidHyp(Int_t pid)
std::string GetSimFileName(std::string addon="", bool cut=false)
void SetMaxDist(double val)
PndSttTrackFinderReal * sttTrackFinder
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
std::string GetRecoFileName(std::string addon="", bool cut=false)
void SetDebugMode(Bool_t debug)
A simple class which adds the corresponding file extensions to a given base class.
std::string GetCustomFileName(std::string ext, std::string addon="", bool cut=false)
PndSttMvdTracking * SttMvdTracking
PndSttFindTracks * sttFindTracks
static void Init(Int_t MapVersion)
FairParAsciiFileIo * parInput2
PndFileNameCreator namecreator("../data/Lars/MvdDtsSim.root")
FairParRootFileIo * parInput1
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
PndRecoKalmanTask * recoKalman
void SetVerbose(Int_t verbose)
void AddHitCollectionName(char *hitCollectionName, char *pointCollectionName)