#include <PndSttTrackFinderReal.h>
Public Member Functions | |
PndSttTrackFinderReal () | |
PndSttTrackFinderReal (Int_t verbose) | |
PndSttTrackFinderReal (int istamp, bool iplot, bool doMcComparison) | |
PndSttTrackFinderReal (int istamp, bool iplot, bool doMcComparison, bool doSciTil) | |
virtual | ~PndSttTrackFinderReal () |
virtual void | Init () |
void | WriteHistograms () |
virtual Int_t | DoFind (TClonesArray *trackCandArray, TClonesArray *trackArray, TClonesArray *helixHitArray) |
virtual Int_t | DoFind (TClonesArray *mHitArray, TClonesArray *mHelixHitArray) |
virtual void | AddHitCollection (TClonesArray *mHitArray, TClonesArray *mPointArray) |
void | SetTubeArray (TClonesArray *tubeArray) |
void | SetInputBranchName (char *string1) |
void | Finish () |
void | SetVerbose (Int_t verbose) |
void | SetHelixHitProduction (Bool_t hhprod) |
Protected Member Functions | |
ClassDef (PndSttTrackFinder, 1) | |
Protected Attributes | |
Int_t | fVerbose |
Bool_t | fHelixHitProduction |
Private Member Functions | |
PndSttHit * | GetHitFromCollections (Int_t hitCounter) |
FairMCPoint * | GetPointFromCollections (Int_t hitCounter) |
void | Initialization_ClassVariables () |
void | PndSttFromXYtoConformal (Double_t trajectory_vertex[3], Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nparal, Double_t infoparalConformal[][5], Int_t *status) |
void | PndSttFromXYtoConformal2 (Double_t trajectory_vertex[3], Short_t nHitsinTrack, Short_t iExclude, Short_t *ListHits, Double_t info[][7], Double_t auxinfoparalConformal[][5], Int_t *status) |
void | PndSttBoxConformalFilling (bool ExclusionList[nmaxHits], Double_t infoparalConformal[][5], Int_t Nparal, Short_t nBoxConformal[nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t HitsinBoxConformal[][nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t RConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t FiConformalIndex[nmaxHits]) |
void | Merge_Sort (Short_t n_ele, Double_t *array, Short_t *ind) |
void | Merge (Short_t nl, Double_t *left, Short_t *ind_left, Short_t nr, Double_t *right, Short_t *ind_right, Double_t *result, Short_t *ind) |
Short_t | PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal (Short_t NRCELLDISTANCE, Short_t NFiCELLDISTANCE, Short_t Nparal, Short_t ihit, Short_t nRcell, Short_t nFicell, Double_t info[][7], bool Exclusion_List[nmaxHits], Short_t RConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t FiConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t nBoxConformal[nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t HitsinBoxConformal[][nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t *ListHitsinTrack) |
Short_t | PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial (Short_t NRCELLDISTANCE, Short_t NFiCELLDISTANCE, Short_t Nparal, Short_t NparallelToSearch, Short_t iSeed, Short_t *ListHitsinTrackinWhichToSearch, Double_t info[][7], bool InclusionList[nmaxHits], Short_t RConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t FiConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t nBoxConformal[nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t HitsinBoxConformal[][nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t *OutputListHitsinTrack) |
Short_t | PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection (Short_t NFiCELLDISTANCE, Short_t iSeed, Short_t NParallelToSearch, Short_t *ListHitsinTrackinWhichToSearch, bool ExclusionList[nmaxHits], Short_t FiConformalIndex[nmaxHits], Short_t *OutputListHitsinTrack) |
Short_t | FitHelixCylinder (Short_t nHitsinTrack, Double_t *Xconformal, Double_t *Yconformal, Double_t *DriftRadiusconformal, Double_t *ErrorDriftRadiusconformal, Double_t rotationangle, Double_t *trajectory_vertex, Short_t NMAX, Double_t *m, Double_t *q, Double_t *ALFA, Double_t *BETA, Double_t *GAMMA, bool *TypeConf) |
Short_t | PndSttFitSZspacebis (Short_t nSttSkewhitinTrack, Double_t *S, Double_t *Z, Double_t *DriftRadius, Double_t FInot, Short_t NMAX, Double_t *m) |
Short_t | FitSZspace (Short_t nSkewHitsinTrack, Double_t *S, Double_t *Z, Double_t *DriftRadius, Double_t *ErrorDriftRadius, Double_t FInot, Short_t NMAX, Double_t *emme) |
Short_t | PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Int_t Nhits, Double_t info[][7], Short_t *auxListHitsinTrack) |
Short_t | PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater (bool ExclusionList[nmaxHits], Double_t m, Double_t q, Short_t Status, Short_t nHitsinTrack, Short_t *ListHitsinTrack, Int_t NhitsParallel, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t info[][7], Double_t infoparalConformal[][5], Short_t *RConformalIndex, Short_t *FiConformalIndex, Short_t nBoxConformal[nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t HitsinBoxConformal[][nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t *auxListHitsinTrack) |
Short_t | PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix5 (bool ExclusionList[nmaxHits], Int_t NhitsParallel, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t info[][7], Double_t Fi_low, Double_t Fi_up, Short_t *auxListHitsinTrack) |
bool | PndSttAcceptHitsConformal (Double_t distance, Double_t DriftConfR, Double_t StrawConfR) |
CalculatedCircles | PndSttTrkFindCircles (Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) |
CalculatedHelix | PndSttTrkFindHelix (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t Zcenter1, Double_t Zcenter2, Double_t Zcenter3, Double_t semilengthStraight1, Double_t semilengthStraight2, Double_t semilengthStraight3, Double_t C0x1, Double_t C0y1, Double_t C0z1, Double_t semilengthSkew1, Double_t r1, Double_t vx1, Double_t vy1, Double_t vz1, Double_t C0x2, Double_t C0y2, Double_t C0z2, Double_t semilengthSkew2, Double_t r2, Double_t vx2, Double_t vy2, Double_t vz2, Int_t *STATUS) |
void | calculateintersections (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t C0x, Double_t C0y, Double_t C0z, Double_t r, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Int_t *STATUS, Double_t *POINTS) |
void | plottamentiParalleleGenerali (Int_t Nremaining, Float_t *RemainingR, Float_t *RemainingD, Float_t *RemainingFi, Float_t *RemainingCX, Float_t *RemainingCY, bool *Goodflag) |
void | plottamentiParalleleconMassimo (char *tipo, Int_t nMaxima, Int_t Nremaining, Float_t *RemainingR, Float_t *RemainingD, Float_t *RemainingFi, Float_t *RemainingCX, Float_t *RemainingCY, Double_t Rup, Double_t Rlow, Double_t Dup, Double_t Dlow, Double_t Fiup, Double_t Filow) |
bool | iscontiguous (int ncomponents, Short_t *vec1, Short_t *vec2) |
void | clustering2 (Short_t vec1[2], int nListElements, Short_t List[][2], int &nClusterElementsFound, Short_t ClusterElementsFound[][2], int &nRemainingElements, Short_t RemainingElements[][2]) |
void | clustering3 (Short_t vec1[3], int nListElements, Short_t List[][3], int &nClusterElementsFound, Short_t ClusterElementsFound[][3], int &nRemainingElements, Short_t RemainingElements[][3]) |
void | WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Short_t Nhits, Short_t ListHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Short_t imaxima, Int_t sequencial, Short_t nscitilhitsintrack, Short_t *listscitilhitsintrack) |
void | WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Short_t TrackFoundaTrackMC, Short_t Nhits, Short_t ListHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Double_t info[][7], Short_t ifoundtrack, Int_t sequentialNTrack, Short_t nscitilhitsintrack, Short_t *listscitilhitsintrack, Short_t nParalCommon[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t ParalCommonList[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t nSpuriParinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t ParSpuriList[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t nMCParalAlone[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t MCParalAloneList[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits]) |
void | WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral (bool *keepit, Int_t Nhits, Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar) |
void | WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC (bool *keepit, Int_t Nhits, Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar) |
void | WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial (Int_t Nhits, Double_t auxinfoparalConformal[][5], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar, Short_t Status, Double_t *trajectory_vertex) |
void | WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits (bool goodskewfit, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Double_t D, Double_t Fi, Double_t R, Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Int_t imaxima, Int_t sequentialNTrack, Short_t nSttSkewhitinTrack, Short_t ListSkewHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Short_t nscitilhits, Double_t *ESSE, Double_t *ZETA) |
void | WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC (bool goodskewfit, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Double_t D, Double_t Fi, Double_t R, Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Int_t imaxima, Int_t sequentialNTrack, Short_t nSttSkewhitinTrack, Short_t ListSkewHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Short_t nSkewCommon, Short_t SkewCommonList[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t daTrackFoundaTrackMC, Short_t nMCSkewAlone[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t MCSkewAloneList[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t nscitilhits, Double_t *ESSE, Double_t *ZETA) |
Short_t | AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack (bool *ExclusionListSkew, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t info[][7], Double_t inclination[][3], Double_t Fi_low_limit, Double_t Fi_up_limit, Short_t Charge, Double_t Fi_initial_helix_referenceframe, Double_t Fi_final_helix_referenceframe, Short_t SkewList[nmaxHits][2], Double_t *S, Double_t *Z, Double_t *ZDrift, Double_t *ZRadiusafterTilt) |
Short_t | AssociateBetterAfterFitSkewHitsToXYTrack (Short_t TemporarynSttSkewhitinTrack, Short_t SkewList[nmaxHits][2], Double_t *S, Double_t *Z, Double_t *ZDrift, Double_t *ZRadiusafterTilt, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Short_t *tempore, Double_t *temporeS, Double_t *temporeZ, Double_t *temporeZDrift, Double_t *temporeZErrorafterTilt, Int_t *STATUS) |
void | PndSttOrderingParallel (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t info[][7], Short_t nParallelHits, Short_t *ListParallelHits, Short_t *Infoparal, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Fi_initial_helix_referenceframe, Double_t *Fi_final_helix_referenceframe, Double_t *U, Double_t *V) |
void | PndSttOrderingSkewandParallel (Short_t *Infoparal, Short_t *Infoskew, Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t Rr, Short_t nSttSkewhit, Short_t *ListSkewHits, Double_t *SList, Short_t Charge, Short_t nParHits, Short_t *ListParHits, Double_t *U, Double_t *V, Short_t *BigList) |
void | PndSttOrdering (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t info[][7], Short_t nParallelHits, Short_t *ListParallelHits, Short_t nSttSkewhit, Short_t *ListSkewHits, Double_t *S, Short_t *Infoparal, Short_t *Infoskew, Short_t *nTotal, Short_t *BigList, Short_t *Charge) |
void | PndSttFindingParallelTrackAngularRange (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Double_t r, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Fi_low_limit, Double_t *Fi_up_limit, Short_t *status, Double_t Rmin, Double_t Rmax) |
void | WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC (Int_t Nhits, Double_t info[][7], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar, Double_t *Ox, Double_t *Oy, Short_t *daParTrackFoundaTrackMC) |
void | WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC (Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Double_t D, Double_t Fi, Double_t R, Int_t Nhits, Double_t info[][7], Int_t Nincl, Int_t Minclinations[], Double_t inclination[][3], Int_t imaxima, Int_t nMaxima) |
void | AssociateFoundTrackstoMC (Double_t info[][7], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar, Short_t *nHitsinTrack, Short_t ListHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t *nSttSkewhitinTrack, Short_t ListSkewHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHits], Short_t daTrackFoundaTrackMC[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT]) |
void | AssociateFoundTrackstoMCbis (bool *keepit, Double_t info[][7], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar, Short_t nHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t ListHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Short_t nSttSkewhitinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT], Short_t ListSkewHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Short_t daTrackFoundaTrackMC[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT]) |
void | PndSttInfoXYZParal (Double_t info[][7], Short_t infopar, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Posiz) |
void | PndSttInfoXYZSkew (Double_t Z, Double_t ZDrift, Double_t S, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t KAPPA, Double_t FI0, Short_t Charge, Double_t *Posiz) |
void | FixDiscontinuitiesFiangleinSZplane (Short_t TemporarynSttSkewhitinTrack, Double_t *S, Double_t *Fi_initial_helix_referenceframe, Short_t Charge) |
void | FindCharge (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Short_t nParallelHits, Double_t *X, Double_t *Y, Short_t *Charge) |
bool | SttParalCleanup (Double_t GAP, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t FI0, Double_t FiLimitAdmissible, Short_t nHits, Short_t *Listofhits, Double_t info[][7], Double_t RStrawDetMin, Double_t RStrawDetInnerParMax, Double_t RStrawDetOuterParMin, Double_t RStrawDetMax) |
bool | SttSkewCleanup (Double_t GAP, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t FI0, Double_t FiLimitAdmissible, Short_t nHits, Short_t *Listofhits, Double_t *S, Double_t info[][7], Double_t RminStrawSkew, Double_t RmaxStrawSkew, Double_t cut, Short_t maxnum) |
bool | BadTrack_ParStt (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2], Short_t nHits, Short_t *ListHits, Double_t info[][7], Double_t cut, Short_t maxnum, Short_t islack) |
Short_t | IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t Rmi, Double_t Rma, Short_t nIntersections[2], Double_t XintersectionList[][2], Double_t YintersectionList[][2]) |
Short_t | IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon (Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Short_t nSides, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t *c, Double_t *side_x, Double_t *side_y, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList) |
Short_t | IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft (Double_t vgap, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList) |
Short_t | IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight (Double_t vgap, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Double_t Ami, Double_t Ama, Short_t *nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList) |
bool | IntersectionCircle_Segment (Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t P1x, Double_t P2x, Double_t P1y, Double_t P2y, Double_t Ox, Double_t Oy, Double_t R, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2], Double_t *distance) |
bool | IntersectionSciTil_Circle (Double_t posizSciTilx, Double_t posizSciTily, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *Nintersections, Double_t XintersectionList[2], Double_t YintersectionList[2]) |
Short_t | IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t gap, bool left, Double_t Rma, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList) |
bool | IsInternal (Double_t Px, Double_t Py, Double_t Xtraslation, Double_t Ytraslation, Double_t Theta) |
void | ChooseEntranceExit (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t flag, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections[2], Double_t XintersectionList[][2], Double_t YintersectionList[][2], Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
void | ChooseEntranceExitbis (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t FiStart, Short_t nIntersections, Double_t *XintersectionList, Double_t *YintersectionList, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagon (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight (Double_t vgap, Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
void | SeparateInnerOuterParallel (Short_t nHits, Short_t *ListHits, Double_t info[][7], Double_t RStrawDetInnerParMax, Short_t *nInnerHits, Short_t *ListInnerHits, Short_t *nOuterHits, Short_t *ListOuterHits, Short_t *nInnerHitsLeft, Short_t *ListInnerHitsLeft, Short_t *nInnerHitsRight, Short_t *ListInnerHitsRight, Short_t *nOuterHitsLeft, Short_t *ListOuterHitsLeft, Short_t *nOuterHitsRight, Short_t *ListOuterHitsRight) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircle (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Start[3], Double_t ApotemaMin, Double_t ApotemaMax, Double_t GAP, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
Short_t | FindIntersectionsOuterCircle (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t RMax, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
bool | IsInsideArc (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Short_t Charge, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2], Double_t Spoint) |
bool | IsInTargetPipe (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Double_t fi0, Double_t kappa, Short_t charge, Double_t gap) |
Double_t | CalculateArcLength (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t Charge, Double_t Xcross[2], Double_t Ycross[2]) |
void | OrderingUsingConformal (Double_t oX, Double_t oY, Int_t nHits, Double_t XY[][2], Int_t Charge, Short_t *ListHits) |
bool | FindTrackInXYProjection (Short_t iHit, Short_t nRcell, Short_t nFicell, Int_t *Minclinations, Double_t info[nmaxHits][7], bool *ExclusionList, Short_t *RConformalIndex, Short_t *FiConformalIndex, Short_t nBoxConformal[nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t HitsinBoxConformal[MAXHITSINCELL][nRdivConformal][nFidivConformal], Short_t nTracksFoundSoFar, Short_t *nHitsinTrack, Short_t ListHitsinTrack[MAXTRACKSPEREVENT][nmaxHitsInTrack], Double_t *trajectory_vertex, Double_t infoparalConformal[nmaxHits][5], Double_t posizSciTilx, Double_t posizSciTily, Double_t *S, Double_t *Ox, Double_t *Oy, Double_t *R, Double_t *Fi_low_limit, Double_t *Fi_up_limit, Double_t *Fi_initial_helix_referenceframe, Double_t *Fi_final_helix_referenceframe, Short_t *Charge, Double_t *U, Double_t *V) |
Short_t | AssociateSciTilHit (Double_t Oxx, Double_t Oyy, Double_t Rr, Short_t *List, Double_t *esse) |
void | disegnaSciTilHit (FILE *MACRO, int ScitilHit, double posx, double posy, int tipo) |
void | disegnaAssiXY (FILE *MACRO, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) |
ClassDef (PndSttTrackFinderReal, 1) | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static const Short_t | nmaxHits = 1000 |
static const Short_t | nmaxHitsInTrack =60 |
static const Short_t | nmaxSciTilHits = 200 |
static const Short_t | nmaxSciTilHitsinTrack = 2 |
static const Short_t | MAXMCTRACKS =10000 |
static const Short_t | MAXTRACKSPEREVENT =50 |
static const Short_t | MAXHITSINCELL =50 |
static const Short_t | nmaxinclinationversors =20 |
static const Short_t | nAdmittedRadia = 3 |
static const Short_t | nbinCX =100 |
static const Short_t | nbinCY = 100 |
static const Short_t | nbinZ = 100 |
static const Short_t | nbinR = 100 |
static const Short_t | nbinD = 250 |
static const Short_t | nbinFi = 250 |
static const Short_t | nbinKAPPA = 200 |
static const Short_t | nbinFI0 = 200 |
static const Short_t | MINIMUMCOUNTSDFiR = 18 |
static const Short_t | MINIMUMCOUNTSKAPPAFI0 = 5 |
static const Short_t | MAXElementsOverThresholdinHough = 500 |
static const Short_t | nRdivConformal =10 |
static const Short_t | NHITSINFIT =15 |
static const Short_t | DELTAnR = 2 |
static const Double_t | PI = 3.141592654 |
static const Double_t | RStrawDetectorMin = 16.119 |
static const Double_t | ApotemaMaxInnerParStraw = 23.246827 |
static const Double_t | ApotemaMinSkewStraw = 23.246827 |
static const Double_t | ApotemaMaxSkewStraw = 31.517569 |
static const Double_t | ApotemaMinOuterParStraw = 31.863369 |
static const Double_t | RStrawDetectorMax = 40.73 |
static const Double_t | VERTICALGAP = 4. |
static const Double_t | Rmin =20. |
static const Double_t | Rmax =700. |
static const Double_t | PMAX =100. |
static const Double_t | STRAWRADIUS = 0.5 |
static const Double_t | StrawDriftError = 0.02 |
static const Double_t | SKEWinclination_DEGREES = 3. |
static const Double_t | CXmin =-150. |
static const Double_t | CXmax =150. |
static const Double_t | CYmin =-300. |
static const Double_t | CYmax =300. |
static const Double_t | Dmin =-21. |
static const Double_t | Dmax =21. |
static const Double_t | KAPPAmin =-2. |
static const Double_t | KAPPAmax = 2. |
static const Double_t | Zmin = -75. |
static const Double_t | Zmax = 75. |
static const Double_t | DELTA_R =5. |
static const Double_t | DELTA_Fi =0.3 |
static const Double_t | DELTA_D =2. |
static const Double_t | DELTA_KAPPA =0.03 |
static const Double_t | DELTA_FI0 = 0.3 |
static const Double_t | RMAXSCITIL = 50. |
static const Double_t | DIMENSIONSCITIL =2.85 |
static const Double_t | BFIELD =2. |
static const Double_t | CVEL = 2.99792 |
static const bool | YesClean = false |
static const Short_t | nFidivConformal = (Short_t) (3.141592654 * 45./0.5) |
static const int | nmassimo =50 |
static const int | TIMEOUT =60 |
Definition at line 37 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
PndSttTrackFinderReal::PndSttTrackFinderReal | ( | ) |
Default constructor
Definition at line 43 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References DELTA_FI0, DELTA_KAPPA, Dmax, Dmin, doMcComparison, FI0max, FI0min, Fimax, Fimin, fSttBranch, Initialization_ClassVariables(), iplotta, istampa, KAPPAmax, KAPPAmin, MINIMUMOUTERHITSPERTRACK, nbinD, nbinFi, nbinFI0, nbinKAPPA, nbinR, nSciTilHits, PI, Rmax, Rmin, stepD, stepFi, stepFI0, stepfineFI0, stepfineKAPPA, stepKAPPA, stepR, and YesSciTil.
PndSttTrackFinderReal::PndSttTrackFinderReal | ( | Int_t | verbose | ) |
Standard constructor
PndSttTrackFinderReal::PndSttTrackFinderReal | ( | int | istamp, |
bool | iplot, | ||
bool | doMcComparison | ||
) |
Second constructor
Definition at line 96 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References DELTA_FI0, DELTA_KAPPA, Dmax, Dmin, doMcComparison, FI0max, FI0min, Fimax, Fimin, fSttBranch, Initialization_ClassVariables(), iplotta, istampa, KAPPAmax, KAPPAmin, MINIMUMOUTERHITSPERTRACK, nbinD, nbinFi, nbinFI0, nbinKAPPA, nbinR, nSciTilHits, PI, Rmax, Rmin, stepD, stepFi, stepFI0, stepfineFI0, stepfineKAPPA, stepKAPPA, stepR, and YesSciTil.
PndSttTrackFinderReal::PndSttTrackFinderReal | ( | int | istamp, |
bool | iplot, | ||
bool | doMcComparison, | ||
bool | doSciTil | ||
) |
Third constructor
Definition at line 121 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References DELTA_FI0, DELTA_KAPPA, Dmax, Dmin, doMcComparison, FI0max, FI0min, Fimax, Fimin, fSttBranch, Initialization_ClassVariables(), iplotta, istampa, KAPPAmax, KAPPAmin, MINIMUMOUTERHITSPERTRACK, nbinD, nbinFi, nbinFI0, nbinKAPPA, nbinR, nSciTilHits, PI, Rmax, Rmin, stepD, stepFi, stepFI0, stepfineFI0, stepfineKAPPA, stepKAPPA, stepR, and YesSciTil.
virtual |
inlinevirtual |
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 71 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
References fHitCollectionList, and fPointCollectionList.
private |
Definition at line 7075 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, fabs(), i, PI, sign(), sin(), SKEWinclination_DEGREES, and STRAWRADIUS.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 13655 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), Double_t, InclusionListSciTil, IntersectionSciTil_Circle(), CAMath::Nint(), nmaxSciTilHitsinTrack, nSciTilHits, PI, and posizSciTil.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 6866 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), calculateintersections(), ccc, Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), i, infoskew, nSttSkewhit, offset(), PI, R, SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT, sqrt(), StrawDriftError, xmax, xmin, ZCENTER_STRAIGHT, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 2756 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, and sqrt().
Referenced by AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
private |
Definition at line 11956 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), Double_t, fi, i, Merge_Sort(), and PI.
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagon(), and FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircle().
private |
Definition at line 12056 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), Double_t, fi, i, Merge_Sort(), and PI.
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft(), FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight(), FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft(), and FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight().
protectedinherited |
private |
private |
Definition at line 3274 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References i, and iscontiguous().
private |
Definition at line 3307 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References i, and iscontiguous().
private |
Definition at line 13846 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
Referenced by WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC().
private |
Definition at line 13778 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References DIMENSIONSCITIL, L, R, and sqrt().
Referenced by WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC().
virtual |
Track finding algorithm
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 447 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References PndTrackCand::AddHit(), angle, AssociateBetterAfterFitSkewHitsToXYTrack(), AssociateFoundTrackstoMCbis(), AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), atan2(), BFIELD, CVEL, DIMENSIONSCITIL, doMcComparison, Double_t, fabs(), fHitCollectionList, FindTrackInXYProjection(), FitSZspace(), FixDiscontinuitiesFiangleinSZplane(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, fPointCollectionList, fSciTHitArray, fSttBranch, fTubeArray, g, GetEntriesFast(), PndSttTube::GetHalfLength(), GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttHit::GetIsochrone(), PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), GetPointFromCollections(), PndSttTube::GetPosition(), PndSciTHit::GetPosition(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), PndSttHit::GetTubeID(), PndSttTube::GetWireDirection(), HANDLE, i, InclusionListSciTil, infoparal, infoskew, iplotta, istampa, IVOLTE, jj, ListSciTilHitsinTrack, MAXHITSINCELL, MAXMCTRACKS, MAXTRACKSPEREVENT, Merge_Sort(), MINIMUMHITSPERTRACK, nFidivConformal, NHITSINFIT, nHitsInMCTrack, nmassimo, nmaxHits, nmaxHitsInTrack, nmaxinclinationversors, nMCTracks, nRdivConformal, nSciTilHits, nSciTilHitsinTrack, nSttSkewhit, nSttSkewhitInMCTrack, PHANDLEX, PHANDLEY, PHANDLEZ, PI, PMAX, pMCtr, PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttFromXYtoConformal(), PndSttInfoXYZParal(), PndSttInfoXYZSkew(), PndSttOrderingSkewandParallel(), posizSciTil, R, S_SciTilHitsinTrack, SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT, PndTrack::SetFlag(), PndTrackCand::setMcTrackId(), PndTrack::SetRefIndex(), SHANDLEX, SHANDLEY, SHANDLEZ, sqrt(), status, STRAWRADIUS, veritaMC, WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), YesSciTil, Z, and ZCENTER_STRAIGHT.
virtual |
Abstract method DoFind. To be implemented in the concrete class. Task: Read the pixel and strip hit arrays and fill the track array, pointers to which are given as arguments Number of tracks created
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 443 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 11184 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
private |
Definition at line 12198 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), ChooseEntranceExit(), Double_t, and IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon().
private |
Definition at line 12287 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), ChooseEntranceExitbis(), Double_t, and IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft().
private |
Definition at line 12404 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), ChooseEntranceExitbis(), Double_t, and IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight().
private |
Definition at line 12517 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), ChooseEntranceExit(), Double_t, and IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon().
private |
Definition at line 12615 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, atan2(), b, c, ChooseEntranceExitbis(), Double_t, IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(), IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(), and sqrt().
private |
Definition at line 12745 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, atan2(), b, c, ChooseEntranceExitbis(), Double_t, IntersectionsWithGapSemicircle(), IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon(), and sqrt().
private |
this is supposed to be the charge, irrelevant here if it is +1 or -1.
Definition at line 13118 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ALFA, ApotemaMaxSkewStraw, AssociateSciTilHit(), atan2(), BETA, cos(), DIMENSIONSCITIL, Double_t, FindCharge(), FitHelixCylinder(), GAMMA, i, InclusionListSciTil, infoparal, istampa, IVOLTE, ListSciTilHitsinTrack, m, MINIMUMHITSPERTRACK, MINIMUMOUTERHITSPERTRACK, NHITSINFIT, CAMath::Nint(), nmaxHits, NN, nSciTilHitsinTrack, offset(), PI, PndSttFindingParallelTrackAngularRange(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), PndSttOrderingParallel(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix5(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), RStrawDetectorMax, RStrawDetectorMin, S_SciTilHitsinTrack, sin(), sqrt(), status, TypeConf, X, Y, and YesSciTil.
Referenced by DoFind().
inlinevirtual |
Virtual method Finish. If needed, to be implemented in the concrete class. Executed at the end of the run.
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 83 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
private |
Definition at line 7179 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, cos(), Double_t, fabs(), i, istampa, IVOLTE, PI, printf(), sin(), and status.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 8146 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, cos(), Double_t, fabs(), i, istampa, IVOLTE, n, PI, printf(), sin(), and status.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
private |
Definition at line 378 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References At, fHitCollectionList, and GetEntriesFast().
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 410 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References At, fHitCollectionList, fPointCollectionList, and GetEntriesFast().
Referenced by DoFind().
virtual |
Reimplemented from PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 275 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, PndSttTrackFinder::fHelixHitProduction, fMCTrackArray, fSciTHitArray, HANDLE, HANDLE2, HANDLEXYZ, hdist, hdistbadlast, hdistgoodlast, i, iplotta, istampa, MINIMUMHITSPERTRACK, nRdivConformal, nRdivConformalEffective, PHANDLEX, PHANDLEY, PHANDLEZ, r1, r2, radiaConf, RStrawDetectorMax, RStrawDetectorMin, SHANDLEX, SHANDLEY, SHANDLEZ, and YesSciTil.
private |
Definition at line 154 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ALFA, BETA, CxMC, CyMC, FI0max, FI0min, Fimax, fMCTrackArray, fSciTHitArray, fSciTPointArray, fSttHitArray, GAMMA, HANDLE, HANDLE2, HANDLEXYZ, hdist, hdistbadlast, hdistgoodlast, InclusionListSciTil, infoparal, infoskew, IVOLTE, ListSciTilHitsinTrack, nHitsInMCTrack, nMCTracks, nRdivConformalEffective, nSciTilHits, nSciTilHitsinTrack, nSttSkewhit, nSttSkewhitInMCTrack, PHANDLEX, PHANDLEY, PHANDLEZ, pMCtr, posizSciTil, R_MC, radiaConf, S_SciTilHitsinTrack, SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT, SHANDLEX, SHANDLEY, SHANDLEZ, stepD, stepFi, stepFI0, stepfineFI0, stepfineKAPPA, stepKAPPA, stepR, TypeConf, veritaMC, and ZCENTER_STRAIGHT.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 11746 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, b, c, Double_t, R, sqrt(), status, x, and y.
Referenced by IntersectionSciTil_Circle(), IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft(), IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight(), IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon(), and IntersectionsWithOpenPolygon().
private |
Definition at line 13723 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References DIMENSIONSCITIL, Double_t, IntersectionCircle_Segment(), and sqrt().
Referenced by AssociateSciTilHit().
private |
Definition at line 11472 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, b, c, Double_t, i, IntersectionCircle_Segment(), is, IsInternal(), and sqrt().
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonLeft().
private |
Definition at line 11609 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, b, c, Double_t, i, IntersectionCircle_Segment(), is, IsInternal(), and sqrt().
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagonRight().
private |
Definition at line 11250 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, b, c, Double_t, i, IntersectionCircle_Segment(), is, IsInternal(), and sqrt().
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitbiHexagon(), and FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircle().
private |
Definition at line 11839 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References acos(), atan2(), cos(), Double_t, sin(), and sqrt().
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft(), and FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight().
private |
Definition at line 11390 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, i, IntersectionCircle_Segment(), and is.
Referenced by FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleLeft(), and FindTrackEntranceExitHexagonCircleRight().
private |
Definition at line 3258 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References i.
Referenced by clustering2(), and clustering3().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 11936 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
Referenced by IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonLeft(), IntersectionsWithClosedbiHexagonRight(), and IntersectionsWithClosedPolygon().
private |
Definition at line 5886 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References i.
Referenced by Merge_Sort().
private |
Definition at line 5830 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, i, and Merge().
Referenced by ChooseEntranceExit(), ChooseEntranceExitbis(), DoFind(), OrderingUsingConformal(), PndSttOrdering(), PndSttOrderingParallel(), and PndSttOrderingSkewandParallel().
private |
Definition at line 13003 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), b1, Double_t, i, Merge_Sort(), nHits, and PI.
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 6844 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References fabs().
Referenced by PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater().
private |
Definition at line 5762 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), Double_t, i, infoparal, MAXHITSINCELL, nFidivConformal, nRdivConformalEffective, PI, radiaConf, and sqrt().
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 10002 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, acos(), atan2(), Double_t, fi, PI, and sqrt().
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 5933 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, i, infoparal, istampa, MINIMUMHITSPERTRACK, nFidivConformal, nmaxHits, nmaxHitsInTrack, nRdivConformalEffective, and status.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 6068 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, i, infoparal, MINIMUMHITSPERTRACK, nFidivConformal, nmaxHits, and nRdivConformalEffective.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 6195 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, i, infoparal, istampa, IVOLTE, nFidivConformal, nmassimo, and nmaxHits.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 9079 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, Double_t, fabs(), i, nmaxHits, status, and STRAWRADIUS.
private |
Definition at line 5645 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, fabs(), i, infoparal, r, STRAWRADIUS, x, and y.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 5696 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, fabs(), i, infoparal, r, STRAWRADIUS, x, and y.
private |
private |
Definition at line 11041 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References cos(), Double_t, fabs(), istampa, PI, sign(), and sin().
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 9890 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), Double_t, fabs(), i, Merge_Sort(), nmaxHits, nSttSkewhit, and PI.
private |
Definition at line 9537 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), b1, Double_t, i, Merge_Sort(), and PI.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 9739 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References atan2(), b1, cos(), Double_t, i, Merge_Sort(), PI, sign(), and sin().
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 2858 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), i, infoparal, sqrt(), and STRAWRADIUS.
private |
Definition at line 6761 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), i, infoparal, PI, sqrt(), and STRAWRADIUS.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 6289 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), cos(), DELTAnR, Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), i, istampa, nFidivConformal, nmaxHits, nRdivConformal, nRdivConformalEffective, PI, PndSttAcceptHitsConformal(), r, radiaConf, RStrawDetectorMin, sin(), sqrt(), and STRAWRADIUS.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 2537 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References a, b, bp, C(), c, CalculatedCircles::CX, CalculatedCircles::CY, d, Double_t, i, CalculatedCircles::Ncircles, CalculatedCircles::R, R, r1, r2, sqrt(), T, and X.
private |
private |
Definition at line 12124 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ApotemaMaxInnerParStraw, Double_t, nHits, r, and sqrt().
inlineinherited |
set the helix hit production flag true or false
Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFinder.h.
References PndSttTrackFinder::fHelixHitProduction.
Referenced by PndSttFindTracks::Init().
inlinevirtual |
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 77 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
References fSttBranch.
inlinevirtual |
CHECK added
Implements PndSttTrackFinder.
Definition at line 74 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
References fTubeArray.
inlineinherited |
Set verbosity
verbose | Verbosity level |
Definition at line 61 of file PndSttTrackFinder.h.
References PndSttTrackFinder::fVerbose, and verbose.
Referenced by PndSttFindTracks::Init().
private |
private |
void PndSttTrackFinderReal::WriteHistograms | ( | ) |
Definition at line 253 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References file, hdist, hdistbadlast, hdistgoodlast, and iplotta.
private |
Definition at line 4517 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, ccc, disegnaAssiXY(), disegnaSciTilHit(), Double_t, dx, dy, i, infoparal, IVOLTE, offset(), posizSciTil, xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 4680 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, BFIELD, ccc, CVEL, disegnaAssiXY(), disegnaSciTilHit(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, infoparal, IVOLTE, offset(), posizSciTil, sqrt(), xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 4242 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ALFA, angle, BETA, BFIELD, ccc, CVEL, cx, CxMC, cy, Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, GAMMA, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, IVOLTE, nmaxHits, nMCTracks, offset(), sqrt(), xmax, xmin, and zpos.
private |
Definition at line 3350 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ALFA, angle, BETA, BFIELD, ccc, cos(), CVEL, disegnaAssiXY(), disegnaSciTilHit(), doMcComparison, Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, GAMMA, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, istampa, IVOLTE, nFidivConformal, nmassimo, nmaxHits, nmaxSciTilHits, nMCTracks, nRdivConformalEffective, nSciTilHits, offset(), PI, posizSciTil, radiaConf, RMAXSCITIL, RStrawDetectorMax, RStrawDetectorMin, sin(), sqrt(), TypeConf, xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 3912 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References ALFA, angle, BETA, BFIELD, ccc, cos(), CVEL, CxMC, disegnaSciTilHit(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, GAMMA, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, IVOLTE, nFidivConformal, nmaxHits, nmaxSciTilHits, nMCTracks, nRdivConformalEffective, nSciTilHits, offset(), PI, posizSciTil, radiaConf, RMAXSCITIL, RStrawDetectorMax, RStrawDetectorMin, sin(), sqrt(), TypeConf, xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 10173 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), BFIELD, ccc, cos(), CVEL, disegnaAssiXY(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, IVOLTE, nMCTracks, offset(), PI, sin(), sqrt(), xmax, xmin, and zpos.
private |
Definition at line 4896 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), calculateintersections(), ccc, cos(), disegnaSciTilHit(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), i, infoskew, IVOLTE, offset(), PI, R, sin(), sqrt(), xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 5187 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), BFIELD, calculateintersections(), ccc, cos(), CVEL, disegnaSciTilHit(), Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, infoskew, IVOLTE, nmaxHits, offset(), PI, R, sin(), sqrt(), xmax, xmin, and zpos.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 10371 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.cxx.
References angle, atan2(), BFIELD, calculateintersections(), ccc, cos(), CVEL, Double_t, dx, dy, fabs(), fMCTrackArray, fParticle, PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), i, IVOLTE, nMCTracks, offset(), PI, R, SEMILENGTH_STRAIGHT, sin(), sqrt(), xmax, xmin, ZCENTER_STRAIGHT, and zpos.
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 116 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by SeparateInnerOuterParallel().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 118 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 119 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 117 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 141 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 142 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 129 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 129 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 130 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 130 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 136 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 135 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 138 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 137 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 134 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 112 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 140 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by disegnaSciTilHit(), DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), and IntersectionSciTil_Circle().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 131 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 131 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 158 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral().
protectedinherited |
production to file of helix hit from PR or not
Definition at line 76 of file PndSttTrackFinder.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::DoFind(), Init(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::PndSttTrackFinderIdeal(), and PndSttTrackFinder::SetHelixHitProduction().
private |
Definition at line 232 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AddHitCollection(), DoFind(), GetHitFromCollections(), and GetPointFromCollections().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
private |
Definition at line 233 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AddHitCollection(), DoFind(), and GetPointFromCollections().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Branch name to be used to fetch the hits of the backgound mixed events
Definition at line 241 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), and SetInputBranchName().
private |
Definition at line 237 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and SetTubeArray().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 74 of file PndSttTrackFinder.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::DoFind(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::PndSttTrackFinderIdeal(), and PndSttTrackFinder::SetVerbose().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
private |
Definition at line 169 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 170 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 171 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 165 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and WriteHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 165 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and WriteHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 165 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and WriteHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 144 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSciTilHit(), DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateFoundTrackstoMC(), AssociateFoundTrackstoMCbis(), DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), PndSttFromXYtoConformal(), PndSttFromXYtoConformal2(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix5(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), and WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateFoundTrackstoMC(), AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC().
private |
Definition at line 158 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), and WriteHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 162 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), FitHelixCylinder(), FitSZspace(), Init(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), PndSttInfoXYZSkew(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral().
private |
Definition at line 156 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), FitHelixCylinder(), FitSZspace(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 132 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 132 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 109 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 96 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and PndSttBoxConformalFilling().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 94 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 95 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 107 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 108 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), Init(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), and PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 98 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 99 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 100 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), and plottamentiParalleleGenerali().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 103 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 104 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 106 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 105 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 102 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleconMassimo(), plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 101 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 147 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 111 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and FindTrackInXYProjection().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 150 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 90 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateFoundTrackstoMC(), AssociateFoundTrackstoMCbis(), DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial(), PndSttFindTrackStrictCollection(), PndSttFitSZspacebis(), PndSttOrdering(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 91 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 97 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 92 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 93 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSciTilHit().
private |
Definition at line 193 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsConformalwithMCspecial(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 110 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformal(), PndSttFindTrackPatterninBoxConformalSpecial(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSciTilHit(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttOrdering().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 172 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 173 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 174 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 114 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateBetterAfterFitSkewHitsToXYTrack(), AssociateSciTilHit(), AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), CalculateArcLength(), ChooseEntranceExit(), ChooseEntranceExitbis(), DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), FitHelixCylinder(), FitSZspace(), FixDiscontinuitiesFiangleinSZplane(), IsInsideArc(), OrderingUsingConformal(), PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttFindingParallelTrackAngularRange(), PndSttInfoXYZParal(), PndSttInfoXYZSkew(), PndSttOrdering(), PndSttOrderingParallel(), PndSttOrderingSkewandParallel(), PndSttTrackFinderReal(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix5(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitswithRfromMC(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithMC(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 125 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind().
private |
Definition at line 224 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSciTilHit(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHits(), WriteMacroParallelAssociatedHitswithMC(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Init(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), PndSttBoxConformalFilling(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 124 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 139 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 123 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by plottamentiParalleleGenerali(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 120 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Init(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 115 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Init(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
private |
Definition at line 175 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
private |
Definition at line 177 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), Init(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 128 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateBetterAfterFitSkewHitsToXYTrack().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by Initialization_ClassVariables(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 127 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 126 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateBetterAfterFitSkewHitsToXYTrack(), DoFind(), PndSttFitSZspacebis(), PndSttFromXYtoConformal(), PndSttFromXYtoConformal2(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix(), PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelix5(), and PndSttTrkAssociatedParallelHitsToHelixQuater().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 151 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
private |
Definition at line 158 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by FindTrackInXYProjection(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneral(), and WriteMacroParallelHitsGeneralConformalwithMC().
Definition at line 178 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), and Initialization_ClassVariables().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 121 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 143 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
private |
Definition at line 144 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by DoFind(), FindTrackInXYProjection(), Init(), and PndSttTrackFinderReal().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
Referenced by AssociateSkewHitsToXYTrack(), DoFind(), Initialization_ClassVariables(), and WriteMacroSkewAssociatedHitswithRfromMC().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 133 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 133 of file PndSttTrackFinderReal.h.