46 cout <<
" lmd hit noise studies " << endl;
47 TCanvas* canvas =
new TCanvas(
"canvas", 900, 600);
52 tMC.Add(
54 TChain thits(
55 thits.Add(
57 TChain ttrk(
58 ttrk.Add(
60 TChain ttrk_filt(
61 ttrk_filt.Add(
63 bool usefiltered(
64 TChain ttrk_prop(
66 ttrk_prop.Add(
68 ttrk_prop.Add(
75 TClonesArray* digis =
new TClonesArray(
76 tMC.SetBranchAddress(
"LMDPixelDigis", &digis);
78 TClonesArray*
hits =
new TClonesArray(
79 thits.SetBranchAddress(
"LMDHitsMerged", &hits);
81 TClonesArray* tracks =
new TClonesArray(
82 ttrk.SetBranchAddress(
"LMDPndTrack", &tracks);
84 TClonesArray* tracks_filt =
new TClonesArray(
85 ttrk_filt.SetBranchAddress(
"LMDPndTrack", &tracks_filt);
87 TClonesArray* tracks_prop =
new TClonesArray(
89 ttrk_prop.SetBranchAddress(
"LMDCleanTrack", &tracks_prop);
90 cout <<
" using geanie filtered tracks " << endl;
92 ttrk_prop.SetBranchAddress(
"GeaneTrackFinal", &tracks_prop);
122 TH2D* hist_track_dir =
new TH2D(
"track dir", 500, -200, 200, 500, -200, 200);
123 TH2D* hist_track_dir_filt =
new TH2D(
"track dir filtered", 500, -200, 200, 500, -200, 200);
124 TH2D* hist_track_dir_prop =
new TH2D(
"track dir propagated", 50, -20, 20, 50, -20, 20);
125 TH1D* hist_track_theta =
new TH1D(
"#theta distr", 50, 0, 15);
127 TH2D* hist_hit_mult =
new TH2D(
"hit multiplicity", 1000, 0, 1000, 4, 0, 4);
128 TH1D* hist_trk_mult =
new TH1D(
"track multiplicity", 100, 0, 100);
129 TH2D* hist_hit_distr =
new TH2D(
"hit distribution", 100, -10, 10, 100, -10, 10);
131 int nEvents = tMC.GetEntries();
132 int nEvents_counted(0);
135 int ntrackstotal_filt(0);
136 int ntrackstotal_prop(0);
137 int ntrackstotal_rel(0);
139 cout <<
" reading " << nEvents <<
" Events " << endl;
143 for (Int_t j = 0; j <
nEvents ; j++) {
148 ttrk_filt.GetEntry(j);
149 ttrk_prop.GetEntry(j);
151 ttrk_prop.GetEntry(j);
153 int nTracks = tracks->GetEntriesFast();
154 hist_trk_mult->Fill(nTracks);
156 for (
auto iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++){
163 hist_track_dir->Fill(pxpz, pypz);
164 double theta2 = pxpz*pxpz + pypz*pypz;
165 if ((2*2 < theta2 && theta2 < 12*12)){
172 nTracks = tracks_filt->GetEntriesFast();
174 for (
auto iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++){
181 hist_track_dir_filt->Fill(pxpz, pypz);
185 nTracks = tracks_prop->GetEntriesFast();
187 for (
auto iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++){
188 FairTrackParH* track = (FairTrackParH*) tracks_prop->At(iTrack);
190 if(track->GetLambda()!=0){
192 double pxpz = track->GetPx()/track->GetPz()*1e3;
193 double pypz = track->GetPy()/track->GetPz()*1e3;
194 hist_track_dir_prop->Fill(pxpz, pypz);
195 double theta =
196 hist_track_theta->Fill(theta);
201 int nHits = digis->GetEntriesFast();
204 int ihits[4] = {0,0,0,0};
205 for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit <
nHits; iHit++) {
214 int ihalf, iplane, imodule, iside, idie, isens;
216 lmddim.
Get_sensor_by_id(sensid, ihalf, iplane, imodule, iside, idie, isens);
253 hist_hit_mult->Fill(ihits[0], 0);
254 hist_hit_mult->Fill(ihits[1], 1);
255 hist_hit_mult->Fill(ihits[2], 2);
256 hist_hit_mult->Fill(ihits[3], 3);
258 nHits = hits->GetEntriesFast();
259 for (
auto iHit = 0; iHit <
nHits; iHit++){
262 int ihalf, iplane, imodule, iside, idie, isensor;
263 lmddim.
Get_sensor_by_id(sensID, ihalf, iplane, imodule, iside, idie, isensor);
266 hist_hit_distr->Fill(hit_pos_lmd.X(), hit_pos_lmd.Y());
283 cout << nEvents_counted <<
" events " << endl;
284 cout <<
" in " << nhitstotal <<
" hits found " << real_hits <<
" real hits and " << noise_hits <<
" noise hits " << endl;
285 cout <<
" the ratio over nevents is " << (double) noise_hits / (
double) nEvents_counted << endl;
286 cout << " found " << ntrackstotal << " tracks " << (
double) ntrackstotal/(
double) nEvents_counted << endl;
287 cout << " found " << ntrackstotal_rel << " tracks relevant
for analysis " << (
double) ntrackstotal_rel/(
double) nEvents_counted << endl;
288 cout << " found " << ntrackstotal_filt << " filtered tracks " << (
double) ntrackstotal_filt/(
double) nEvents_counted << endl;
289 cout << " found " << ntrackstotal_prop << " propagated tracks " << (
double) ntrackstotal_prop/(
double) nEvents_counted << endl;
292 hist_track_dir->
294 hist_track_dir->SetYTitle("p_{
297 hist_hit_distr->Draw("COLZ
298 hist_hit_distr->SetXTitle("X [
299 hist_hit_distr->SetYTitle("Y [
301 //hist_track_dir_filt->Draw("COLZ
302 //hist_track_dir_filt->SetXTitle("p_{
303 //hist_track_dir_filt->SetYTitle("p_{
306 hist_trk_mult->Draw();
307 hist_trk_mult->SetXTitle("# tracks /
310 hist_hit_mult->Draw("colz
311 hist_hit_mult->SetXTitle("# hits /
312 hist_hit_mult->SetYTitle("plane
315 hist_track_dir_prop->Draw("COLZ
316 hist_track_dir_prop->SetXTitle("p_{
317 hist_track_dir_prop->SetYTitle("p_{
320 hist_track_theta->Draw();
321 hist_track_theta->SetXTitle("#Theta [mrad]
323 plane3_rate->Scale(1./tsim*1e-3); // in kHz
324 //plane3_rate->SetMaximum(150);
325 cout << " total rate of
" << nhitstotal << " hits
is " << nhitstotal/tsim*1e-6 << "MHz
" << endl;
326 plane3_rad->Scale(1./tsim*60.*60.*24.*365.*0.5/(2.33e-3*(2*2*50.e-4))); // 50% duty cycle over a year and normalized to the mass in kg of one sensor
328 plane3_Edep->Draw("colz
329 //hist_eloss_total->Draw();
331 plane3_hits->Draw("colz
332 canvas->Print("MC_hit_distr_1_5_plane_3_side_0.pdf
333 canvas->Print("MC_hit_distr_1_5_plane_3_side_0.root
335 canvas->Print("MC_IEL_distrib_1_5.pdf
336 canvas->Print("MC_IEL_distrib_1_5.root
338 plane3_rate->Draw("colz
339 cout << " max rate
is " << plane3_rate->GetBinContent(plane3_rate->GetMaximumBin()) << " kHz
" << endl;
340 canvas->Print("MC_hit_rate_1_5_plane_3_side_0.pdf
341 canvas->Print("MC_hit_rate_1_5_plane_3_side_0.root
343 plane3_rad->Draw("colz
344 cout << " max dose
is " << plane3_rad->GetBinContent(plane3_rad->GetMaximumBin()) << " Gy
" << endl;
345 canvas->Print("MC_IEL_dose_1_5_plane_3_side_0.pdf
346 canvas->Print("MC_IEL_does_1_5_plane_3_side_0.root
TVector3 hit_pos(hit->GetX(), hit->GetY(), hit->GetZ())
Int_t GetSensorID() const
TVector3 GetPosition() const
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
TVector3 Transform_global_to_lmd_local(const TVector3 &point, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true)
void DrawProgressBar(int len, double percent)
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
hist4 SetXTitle("p/(GeV/c)")
for(int j=0;j< ncounts;j++)
tree Draw("fELoss:TMath::Sqrt(fPx_out*fPx_out+ fPy_out*fPy_out+ fPz_out*fPz_out)", ppos &&"fELoss < 0.04")
void Get_sensor_by_id(const int sensor_id, int &ihalf, int &iplane, int &imodule, int &iside, int &idie, int &isensor)
static PndLmdDim & Get_instance()
Data class to store the digi output of a pixel module.
Int_t GetSensorID() const
FairTrackParP GetParamFirst()