Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- b -
- b
: GammaSpectraAnalysis.C
, anaLmdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
, anadigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, Pnd_Hc_ee7G.C
- b1
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_changed.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
- b2
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_changed.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
- barrelTrackFinder()
: barrelTrackFinder.C
: ranlxd.cxx
, ranlxs.cxx
- baseTransformation()
: testAlignMatrices.C
- basiclibs()
: emc/dedicated/draw_geom.C
, runMC2.C
, runPULL2.C
, full_tmpWaveform_emc.C
, runRECO2.C
, GeaneExEmc/macro/draw.C
, hit_analys.C
, drawTracks.C
, runGEANE.C
, hit_emc.C
, runPULL.C
, runKalStt.C
, hit_emc_apd.C
, recoJPsi.C
, reco_analys2.C
, reco_analys4.C
, reco_apd.C
, sim_emc_apd.C
, sim_emc_evtgen.C
, digi_emc_timebased.C
, hyp/draw_geom.C
, Lars/geotester.C
, runMvdPid.C
, hit_dirc.C
, simforpid.C
, anaMvdRadLength.C
, hit_dirc_draw.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, DrawGeo.C
, hit_dirc_real.C
, hist-t7.C
, simLambda.C
, createRootGeoFile.C
, loadRecoLibs.C
, outdated/dc1/stt/runreco.C
, bump_analys.C
, run_rectrack_tpcmvd.C
, createROOTEnDrcGeo.C
, bump_emc.C
, root2ascii.C
, ex1/macro/draw.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd.C
, runGEANE1.C
, runMC1.C
, digi_analys.C
, runPULL1.C
, ex2/macro/draw.C
, digi_emc_simple.C
, runDIGI2.C
, runGEANE2.C
- bbranch
: autocutx.C
, cutfinderx.C
, TMVAApply.C
, analysis/TMVATester.C
, thailand2017/TMVATester.C
- BDTNode__def
: TMVAClassification_BDT.class.C
, noise_hits/weights_3fr_mom_15/TMVAClassification_BDT.class.C
, noise_hits/weights_3fr_mom_1_5/TMVAClassification_BDT.class.C
, noise_hits/weights_mom1_5/TMVAClassification_BDT.class.C
, noise_hits/weights_mom_15/TMVAClassification_BDT.class.C
- Beam
: Pnd2DStar.C
, Pnd2K02Pi0.C
, Pnd2Pi+2Pi-.C
, Pnd2Pi02Eta.C
, Pnd_etac_2gamma.C
, Pnd_Hc_ee7G.C
, Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
, PndD+D-.C
, PndD.C
, PndEtaPhiPhi.C
, PndGammaGamma.C
, PndJPsiPhi.C
, PndK+K-.C
, PndLLbarpol.C
, PndPhiPhi.C
, PndPhiPhiKK.C
, PndPi+Pi-.C
, PndPi0PhiPhi.C
, PndPP.C
, PndPsi3770MuMu.C
- BeamMomentum
: sim_ftof_stof.C
- BeamTarget()
: Pnd2K02Pi0.C
, Pnd2Pi+2Pi-.C
, Pnd2Pi02Eta.C
, Pnd_Hc_ee7G.C
, Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
, PndD.C
, PndEtaPhiPhi.C
, PndGammaGamma.C
, PndJPsiPhi.C
, PndK+K-.C
, PndPhiPhiKK.C
, PndPi+Pi-.C
, PndPi0PhiPhi.C
, PndPP.C
, PndPsi3770MuMu.C
- beltDistance
: createSTTwithPassive.C
- beltInnerDiam
: createSTTwithPassive.C
- beltLength
: createSTTwithPassive.C
- benchmark()
: benchmark.C
- best
: RhoParticleSelectorBase.h
- bestCombiEvt()
: cutfinderx.C
- bestEff()
: cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder.C
- bestEffEvt()
: cutfinderx.C
, cutfinder_toyev.C
, autocutx.C
- bestSeparation()
: cutfinder_fullev.C
- bestSepEvt()
: cutfinder_toyev.C
- bestSignificance()
: cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder.C
- bestSuppression()
: cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder.C
- bestSuppressionEvt()
: autocutx.C
, cutfinderx.C
, cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder_toyev.C
- BetterStatBox()
: anaLmdDigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, style/Tools.C
, tools/Tools.C
- BF
: createRootGeoFileBarrel_2018v1.C
: PndTrkConstants.h
- bgmap
: evaltrig.C
- BGWindowWidthTime()
: run_digi_stt_mix.C
- BinaryStoreRead()
: BinaryStoreHelper.h
- BinaryStoreWrite()
: BinaryStoreHelper.h
: autocutx.C
, countevents.C
, cutfinderx.C
, cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder.C
, cutfinder_toyev.C
, cutqa.C
, showvarexample.C
, findcuts.C
- bk
: hist-t7.C
- bk2
: hist-t7.C
- bk3
: hist-t7.C
- bkgeff
: findcuts.C
- bnam
: findcuts.C
: PndTrkTracking2.h
- bool2int()
: P4_F32vec4.h
, PSEUDO_F32vec1.h
, PSEUDO_F32vec4.h
- Bool_t
: SimCompleteLinkDef.h
: test_SensorAligner.cxx
: PndMQMvdPixelDigiProcessorBursts.h
, PndMvdMQFileSamplerBursts.cxx
: test_SensorAligner.cxx
- boostList()
: toy_prod_ntp.C
, softtrigger_kin5.C
, softtrigger_toy12.C
, toy_core.C
- botAnchor()
: outdated/dc1/stt/runreco.C
, run_rectrack_tpcmvd.C
- botFE
: run_rectrack_tpcmvd.C
, outdated/dc1/stt/runreco.C
- botPitch
: outdated/dc1/stt/runreco.C
, run_rectrack_tpcmvd.C
: PndCAArray.h
, PndFTSArray.h
- BoxDouble1
: NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
- BoxDouble2
: NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
- boxGen
: runMC2.C
, runSimTr_Mvd.C
, sim_emc_apd.C
, sim_hit_emc.C
, sim_ftof_stof.C
, sim_hyp.C
, sim_pid.C
, sim_hypGe.C
, stt/run.C
, QAmacro_sim_G3.C
, QAmacro_sim_G4.C
, runMC1.C
- boxGen1
: sim_pid.C
, QAmacro_sim_G3.C
, QAmacro_sim_G4.C
- boxGen2
: sim_pid.C
, QAmacro_sim_G3.C
, QAmacro_sim_G4.C
- boxGen3
: sim_pid.C
- boxGen4
: sim_pid.C
- boxGen5
: sim_pid.C
- boxGen6
: sim_pid.C
- boxGen7
: sim_pid.C
- boxSetMapIter
: PndDrcAccuDigiPixelDraw.h
, PndMvdDigiPixelDraw.h
- BoxShape
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_changed.C
- BoxSingle1
: createDesySetupAli.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxSingle2
: NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
- BoxSingle3
: createJuelichSetup1.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxSingle4
: NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxVol
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_changed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
- BoxVol1
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
- BoxVol2
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
- BoxVol3
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
- BoxVol4
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
- BoxVol5
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
- BoxVol6
: createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
- BoxVolDouble1
: createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxVolDouble2
: createJuelichSetup1.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxVolSingle3a
: createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
- BoxVolSingle3b
: createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
- BoxVolSingle4a
: createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
- BoxVolSingle4b
: createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
- bp
: hist-t7.C
- bpi
: hist-t7.C
- BR
: createRootGeoFileBarrel_2018v1.C
, evaltrig.C
- breitWigner()
: fittest.C
, convolutionAnalysis.C
- buf
: RhoNeutralParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoKinVtxFitter.cxx
, RhoGoodPhotonSelector.cxx
, RhoKinHyperonVtxFitter.cxx
, RhoSimplePionSelector.cxx
, RhoKalmanVtxFitter.cxx
, RhoFitterBase.cxx
, RhoTotalMomentum.cxx
, RhoMassParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoEventSelectorBase.cxx
, RhoBooster.cxx
, RhoMinusParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoKinFitter.cxx
, RhoDoubleErr.cxx
, RhoPlusParticleSelector.cxx
, PndAnaPidSelector.cxx
, RhoSimpleElectronSelector.cxx
, RhoEnergyParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoChargedParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoSimpleMuonSelector.cxx
, RhoGoodTrackSelector.cxx
, RhoFindOmittedParticle.cxx
, Rho4CFitter.cxx
, RhoLorentzVectorErr.cxx
, RhoSimpleKaonSelector.cxx
, RhoKinHyperonFitter.cxx
, RhoSimpleVertexSelector.cxx
, RhoVector3Err.cxx
, RhoMomentumParticleSelector.cxx
, RhoVtxPoca.cxx
, RhoSimpleProtonSelector.cxx
, RhoEventShape.cxx
- buildCyclic()
: testAlignMatrices.C
- builder
: run_EventBuilding.C
- BuildOutputNameBeamDump()
: hypGeGeoCOSYBeamDumpTOF.C
- BuildOutputNameDetector()
: hypGeGeoCOSYGermaniums.C
, hypGeGeoBuilderSingle.C
- BuildOutputNameInBeamStuff()
: hypGeGeoCOSYInBeamStuff.C
- BuildOutputNameSiPm()
: hypGeGeoCOSYSiPm.C
- BuildOutputNameTarget()
: hypGeGeoCOSYsetup2014Passives.C
, hypGeGeoCOSYsetup2014.C
, hypGeGeoCOSYTarget.C
, hypGeGeoCOSYsetup2014Actives.C
- bump_array
: reco_analys4.C
, bump_analys.C
- bump_energy
: reco_analys4.C
- bump_energy1
: bump_analys.C
- bump_energy2
: bump_analys.C
- bump_energy_corrected
: reco_analys4.C