Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- d -
- d
: Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
- d0
: checkhelixhit.C
, Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
- d_id
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
- dalitz()
: invexp.C
- dataInStreamUnsorted
: TimeStructure.C
- DataPoints
: PndMvaSOMTrainer.h
, PndMvaCluster.h
- datatype
: evaltrig.C
- DblStrMap
: findcuts.C
- DblStrMapIt
: findcuts.C
- DbMass()
: full_core_ntp.C
- dbuilder()
: dbuilder.C
- Dch
: QAmacro_sim_G4.C
, runJohan.C
, QAmacro_sim_G3.C
- de
: anaLmdDigi.C
- dE
: anasim.C
, piddraw.C
- dE0
: hist-t7.C
- dE1
: hist-t7.C
- dE2
: hist-t7.C
- dE3
: hist-t7.C
- deactivatePhiSplitter()
: emc_reco.C
, QA/timeOrdered/run_reco.C
, run_reco_timebased.C
- dEBBk
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBkl
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBku
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBp
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBpi
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBpil
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBpiu
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBpl
: hist-t7.C
- dEBBpu
: hist-t7.C
: GFMaterialEffects.cxx
: PndLVQTrain.h
- debugF()
: debug.h
- debugKF()
: debug.h
- debugS()
: debug.h
- debugTS()
: debug.h
- debugWO()
: debug.h
- DecayConfig()
: gconfig/DecayConfig.C
, macro/examples/kfparticle/D0Star/DecayConfig.C
- decoder
: PastaTBRawToRoot.C
- DecorateDPhi()
: hdecorator.C
- DecoratePtDPt()
: hdecorator.C
- DecoratePzPt()
: hdecorator.C
- dEdX
: anasim.C
, piddraw.C
- dedx_p_chain()
: dedx_p_chain.C
- default_max_bin
- default_min_bin
- DefaultColors()
: DrawGeo.C
, rungeotest.C
- define_constants()
: ranlxd.cxx
, ranlxs.cxx
- DefinePartialWaves()
: Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
, Pnd_Hc_ee7G.C
, Pnd_Hc_etaee7G.C
- DefineSection()
: createRootGeoFile.C
- degree
: macro/detectors/emc/dedicated/reco_analys.C
- Delete()
: runPULL1.C
, runPULL.C
- delete_histo()
: checkphsp2_2.C
: PndTrkConstants.h
- DemoKalman
: detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C
, detectors/hyp/runReco.C
- DemoPR
: detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C
, runHypTCand.C
, detectors/hyp/runReco.C
- dene_mc
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
- Density
: PndRadMapBoxMesh.h
- DetectorId
: production/tdrct/eta_c/track_check.C
, track_check_eta.C
, track_check_2pi_stt.C
, track_check_2pi_tpc.C
, track_check_4pi_stt.C
, track_check_4pi_tpc.C
, track_check_psi.C
, PndDetectorList.h
- detIds
: PndEmcAnalysis.cxx
- detname
: anasim.C
: GFDetPlane.cxx
- DeviceInfo()
: PndCudaExampleTask.h
: tools/RadMapTool/sim_radmap.C
- dEX0
: hist-t7.C
- dEX1
: hist-t7.C
- dEX2
: hist-t7.C
- dEX3
: hist-t7.C
: PndTrkConstants.h
: PndTrkConstants.h
- diffAllFrameCount
: PastaTBRawToRoot.C
- diffQA()
: cutfinder_fullev.C
, cutfinder.C
- diffX
: anaLmdReco.C
- diffY
: anaLmdReco.C
- diffZ
: anaLmdReco.C
- digi
: checkdedx_helixhit.C
, checkhelixhit.C
, detectors/disc/digi.C
, detectors/drc/digi.C
, detectors/lumi/digi.C
, outdated/data/digi.C
, QA/eventDet/digi.C
, QA/ftstrk/digi.C
- digi_all()
: digi_all.C
- digi_array
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
, digi_analys.C
, macro/detectors/emc/dedicated/reco_analys.C
- digi_BARREL()
: digi_BARREL.C
- digi_box()
: digi_box.C
- digi_complete()
: macro/master/digi_complete.C
, macro/outdated/run/digi_complete.C
, macro/outdated/tracking/genfit2/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/catracking/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/dpm3/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/dpm4/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/ftf3/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/ftf4/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/mdt/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/rich/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/run3/digi_complete.C
, macro/QA/run4/digi_complete.C
, macro/run/digi_complete.C
, tracking/PndPatternMatcher/example/digi_complete.C
, macro/detectors/disc/digi_complete.C
, macro/detectors/fts/digi_complete.C
, macro/detectors/mdt/digi_complete.C
, macro/detectors/rich/digi_complete.C
, macro/detectors/scitil/digi_complete.C
, macro/examples/kfparticle/D0Star/digi_complete.C
, macro/examples/llbar/digi_complete.C
- digi_complete_newSTT()
: digi_complete_newSTT.C
- digi_complete_runs()
: digi_complete_runs.C
- digi_complete_tb()
: detectors/mdt/digi_complete_tb.C
, QA/mdt/digi_complete_tb.C
- digi_day1()
: production/dayone-2017/fullsim/digi_day1.C
, QA/day1/digi_day1.C
- digi_dirc()
: digi_dirc.C
- digi_ene
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
- digi_energy
: digi_analys.C
- digi_LMD()
: detectors/lmd/digi_LMD.C
, QA/lmd/digi_LMD.C
- digi_mvd()
: detectors/mvd/simone/digi_mvd.C
, QA/mvd/digi_mvd.C
- digi_phi
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
- digi_rich()
: digi_rich.C
- digi_scit()
: digi_scit.C
- digi_sttcombi()
: digi_sttcombi.C
- digi_theta
: anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
, digi_theta.C
- DigiCharge
: anaLmdReco.C
- DigiComplete()
: DigiComplete.cxx
, DigiComplete.h
- digiCounter
: PndEmcMakeClusterOnline.cxx
- DigiFile
: emc/run_linkCreation.C
, mvd/run_linkCreation.C
, run_linking_llbar_evtgen.C
, mvd/TimeOrderedSim/run_linkCreation.C
, macro/detectors/mvd/TimeOrderedSim/run_reco_sttcombi.C
, detectors/mvd/TimeOrderedSim/run_reco_sttcombi_timebased.C
, run_tracking_sttcombi.C
, anaMvdEvent.C
, MVDRiemannTrackFinderTest.C
, runMvdKalmanTask.C
, runMvdLHETrackFinder.C
, Tobias/runMvdReco.C
, runMvdRiemannTrackFinder.C
, runMvdTrackFinder.C
, run_linkCreation_sttcombi.C
, outdated/tracking/sttmvdtracking/runreco.C
, runrecoMix.C
- digiFile
: bump_emc.C
, digi_emc_simple.C
, full_emc.C
, full_tmpWaveform_emc.C
, hit_emc.C
, sim_hit_emc.C
, digi_emc.C
, digi_emc_timebased.C
, reco_emc.C
, anaLmdDigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C
- digihit()
: digihit.C
- digiLut()
: digiLut.C
- digiOnly_complete()
: master/digiOnly_complete.C
, run/digiOnly_complete.C
- digiparFile
: apvClusterReco.C
, apvMakeMappingDefault.C
, apvReadAnalysis.C
, NEW/apvClusterReco.C
, NEW/apvReadAnalysis.C
, Lars/runMvdDigi.C
, detectors/mvd/Ralf/rundigi.C
, runMvdTpcDigi.C
, outdated/tracking/sttmvdtracking/rundigi.C
- digiPixel_array
: anaMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C
, plot_rk.C
- Digis
: anaLmdDigi.C
- digiStrip_array
: anaLmdDigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C
, plot_rk.C
- dim_costheta
: pipisigmas.h
- dim_pz
: pipisigmas.h
: PndTrkConstants.h
- Dipole
: sim_emc_apd.C
, sim_emc_evtgen.C
, sim_hit_emc.C
, sim_ftof.C
, QAmacro_sim_G3.C
, QAmacro_sim_G4.C
- directory
: apvClusterReco.C
, apvMakeMappingDefault.C
, apvReadAnalysis.C
, createJuelichHCal.C
, NEW/apvClusterReco.C
, NEW/apvReadAnalysis.C
- Disk1Shape
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- Disk1Vol
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- Disk2Shape
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- Disk2Vol
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- Disk3Shape
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- Disk3Vol
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
- DisplayGeometry()
: BonnTS/HCal/DisplayGeometry.C
, DisplayGeometry.C
- dist_z1
: createROOTEnDrcGeo.C
- dist_z2
: createROOTEnDrcGeo.C
- Divide()
: anaLmdDigi.C
, anaLmdReco.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, anaMvdSim.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, anaMvdRadLength.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, anasim.C
, anaMvdEvent.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, anaMvdGeanePullDist.C
, checkdedx_helixhit.C
, checkhelixhit.C
, dedx_bands.C
, draw_bands.C
, plot_correlation.C
, plot_momentum.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_rk.C
, runPULL1.C
, runPULL2.C
, runPULL.C
, plot_dirc.C
, anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
, anal_point_fwendcap.C
, bump_analys.C
, macro/detectors/emc/dedicated/reco_analys.C
, reco_analys4.C
, ReadMesDecCorrRes.C
, ReadMesDecCorrRes_PiT.C
, anaLmdCluster.C
- Dose
: PndRadMapBoxMesh.h
- dot_product()
: RhoRhoPHOTOSUserTreeAnalysis.C
- DoTracking()
: run_full.C
- Double_t
: SimCompleteLinkDef.h
- dPhi
: RiemannTest.C
- dPhi1
: RiemannTrackFinderTest.C
- dPhi2
: RiemannTrackFinderTest.C
- dPi
: PndSttHoughDefines.h
- dpm_gen_()
: PndDpmDirect.cxx
- dpmGen
: macro/detectors/mvd/Ralf/runsim.C
- dponline()
: softtrigger_kin5.C
, softtrigger_toy12.C
, toy_core.C
, toy_prod_ntp.C
- Draw()
: anal_point_fwendcap.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, draw_bands.C
, anaMvdGeanePullDist.C
, plot_dirc.C
, anaMvdGeanePullDist.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, reco_analys4.C
, hit_analys.C
, createRootFscGeometryFile.C
, plot_dirc.C
, plot_invariantmass.C
, plot_dirc.C
, anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C
, anal_point_fwendcap.C
, bump_analys.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_Str24.4.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
, digi_analys.C
, checkKalmanb.C
, modifyRootFscGeometryFile.C
, macro/detectors/emc/dedicated/reco_analys.C
, reco_analys2.C
, reco_apd.C
, plotMomRes.C
, create_gem_rootgeo.C
, checkKalmanb.C
, ReadMesDecCorrRes_PiT.C
, GammaSpectraAnalysis.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, plot_rk.C
, hist-t7.C
, NHitsPerEvent.C
, TrackPointsVis.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, checkKalman.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, plot_rk.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, plot_rk.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, plot_rk.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, plot_rk.C
, anaMvdGeane.C
, plot_rk.C
, anaMvdGeanePullDist.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, anaMvdGeanePullDist.C
, checkdedx_helixhit.C
, checkgenfit.C
, checkhelixhit.C
, dedx_bands.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, draw_bands.C
, plot_correlation.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, checkKalman.C
, runPULL.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_rk.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, createROOTEnDrcGeo.C
, plot_rk.C
, checkmomentum.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, plot_acceptance_tpc.C
, plot_rk.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, runPULL1.C
, runPULL2.C
, plot_acceptance_stt.C
, ReadMesDecCorrRes.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, checkmomentum.C
, examples/pid/plot_pid.C
, anaMvdPid.C
, plotDiaBnew.C
- Draw2DHisto()
: AnalyseSimFile.C
- draw_qa_track_finding()
: draw_qa_track_finding.C
- draw_track()
: draw_track.C
- DrawCopy()
: outreadMvdDigi.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, anasim.C
, anadigi.C
, piddraw.C
, anadigi.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, anaMvdRadLength.C
, anaLmdSim.C
, anaLmdReco.C
, anaLmdCluster.C
, anaplaneclust.C
, anaLmdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, anaMvdSim.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anaMvdRadLength.C
, anaplaneclust.C
- drawdal()
: drawdal.C
- DrawDigisPerCluster()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawDigisPerClusterStrip()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawEnergyPerHit()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawEnergyRes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawEnergyResStrip()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawEveHisto()
: DrawEveHisto.C
- DrawField()
: plotTrackCands.C
, DrawField.C
- drawGeo()
: outdated/run/drawGeo.C
, detectors/fts/drawGeo.C
- drawhistos()
: drawhistos.C
- drawHistos()
: showvarexample.C
- drawhistosA4()
: PmtTask/drawhistosA4.C
, Poormantracks/drawhistosA4.C
- DrawHistSecondScale()
: style/Tools.C
, tools/Tools.C
- drawhit
: hit_dirc_draw.C
- DrawHitsPerTrack()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawIsochrones()
: runTimestampCheck.C
- DrawLambdaDiskPosition0()
: run_beautiful_ana_result_histograms.C
- DrawLambdaDiskPosition1()
: run_beautiful_ana_result_histograms.C
- DrawLambdaDiskPosition2()
: run_beautiful_ana_result_histograms.C
- DrawLambdaDiskPosition3()
: run_beautiful_ana_result_histograms.C
- drawline
: crosstag.C
- DrawMVD()
: run_beautiful_ana_result_histograms.C
- drawMvdHistos()
: drawMvdHistos.C
- DrawNice2DHisto()
: anaLmdDigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, anasim.C
, anadigi.C
, style/Tools.C
, anaLmdDigi.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anaMvdSim.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
, anadigi.C
, tools/Tools.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anasim.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anasim.C
, anadigi.C
, outreadMvdDigi.C
, anasim.C
, anaMvdDigi.C
- DrawOriginTrackLipse()
: runTripletAna.C
- DrawPointRes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawPointResD()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawPointResM()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawPointResS()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawPointResStrip()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawPRes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawProgressBar()
: online_monitoring_studies.C
, scattered_particles.cxx
, rad_dose_studies.C
, trafo_matrix_fit.C
, time_based_studies.C
, geo/Check_particle_path.C
, sandbox.C
, radiation.cxx
, Promme/Check_particle_path.C
, hit_noise_studies.C
- DrawPtRes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawRiemannFakes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawRiemannRes()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawRiemannTracksPerTrack()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawRiemannTracksPerTrackAdd()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- DrawText()
: tools/Tools.C
, style/Tools.C
- DrawTracks()
: ex2/macro/draw.C
, ex1/macro/draw.C
- drawTracks()
: drawTracksWithoutEve.C
- DrawTracksPerEvent()
: anaMvdEvent.C
- Drc
: sim_hit_emc.C
, run_EvtGenSim.C
, sim_emc_apd.C
, run_DpmSim.C
, QAmacro_sim_G4.C
, sim_emc_evtgen.C
- drcdigi
: hit_dirc.C
- drchit
: llbar/run_digi_stt_evt.C
, macro/outdated/run/dc4/run_digi_sttcombi.C
, tutorials/charmonium/jul10/run_digi_tpccombi.C
, tutorials/charmonium/feb10/run_digi_tpccombi.C
, run_digi_stt_evt.C
, macro/detectors/mvd/TimeOrderedSim/run_digi_sttcombi.C
, hit_dirc_draw.C
, hit_dirc_real.C
, tutorials/charmonium/feb10/run_digi_sttcombi.C
, tutorials/analysis/run_digi_tpccombi.C
, eta_c/run_digi_stt_evt.C
, npipi/run_digi_stt_evt.C
, psi3770/run_digi_stt_evt.C
, run_digi_llbar_evtgen.C
, detectors/mvd/TimeOrderedSim/run_digi_sttcombi_timebased.C
, macro/examples/pid/run_digi_sttcombi.C
, tutorials/feb12/run_digi_sttcombi.C
- dsegShape
: createROOTEnDrcGeo.C
- Dsk
: outdated/endrc/run_sim.C
, run_full.C
, run_DpmSim.C
, run_EvtGenSim.C
- dstarmode
: autocutx.C
, cutfinderx.C
- dthe0
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dthe1
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dthe2
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dthe3
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dTheta
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dtheta
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dTheta0
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dTheta2
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dTheta3
: anaLmdCluster.C
- dummyrot
: create_gem_rootgeo.C
, createJuelichHCal.C
, createDesySetupAli.C
, NEW/createDesySetupAli.C
, createJuelichSetup1.C
, createGeoJuelichSetup1.C
: PndMvdTsEvent.h
- dx
: runLumiSimBox.cxx
, anasim.C
, hist-t7.C
, piddraw.C
, runGeaneTestSimBox.cxx
- dxAbs
: createJuelichHCal.C
- dy
: runGeaneTestSimBox.cxx
, runLumiSimBox.cxx
- dyAbs
: createJuelichHCal.C
- dySci
: createJuelichHCal.C
- dz
: createRootGeoFileFwEnd_fixed.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_FwEndCapGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo26.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd.C
, createRootGeoFileBwEnd_StraightGeo.C
, createRootGeoFileFwEnd_changed.C
- dzAbs
: createJuelichHCal.C
- dzSci
: createJuelichHCal.C
- PndDecayTreeFitter
: PndDecayTreeFitter.h